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A very unusual prayer request

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 11:20 am
by JAB
Hi friends and prayer "warriors" ...

BACKGROUND: My niece (brother's daughter) is in the midst of the last stage of moving "things and stuff" from two homes side-by-side that have been part of her family for over 200 years. Her family on her mom's side were the owners of this property (and my brother married into this historic family).

Her mom's side of the family were "spiritualists" in years gone by. Whether it is this spiritualist background, or just the fact that they lived in very old established homes in a small town near Cleveland, Ohio ... but Jane, my niece, is now experiencing the presence of spirits acting in a way that leads me to believe that these spirits in the home are "nervous" about the fact of the two homes being vacated. Jane lived in one particular home since childhood, and she is now nearing 60. She said, never in all her years living there had she ever once had any indication of problems. Now, however, she will not be in the home alone, day or night. No time here to tell you all that she is experiencing.

When Jane and I talked this morning by phone ... I felt that the spirits are quite nervous and afraid to be left alone with no contact with living humans. Their nervousness is shown in mischievous acts ... which I think is their way of attracting attention. It is almost like they are saying: "It's easy for you to move away from here, but we are stuck and don't know what to do. Please help us."

Is anyone reading this up to joining with me in prayer about this situation? Do you feel we can gather at one set time and pray together? In our prayers, can we help guide these lost spirits to a safe home in a safe place for them in the spirit-world? Has anyone reading this done anything like this before?

Guidance from anyone reading this? Suggestions?

Specific information about location:

54 Church Street
Chagrin Falls, Ohio U.S.A.

Thank you ...

Re: A very unusual prayer request

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 9:05 am
by AlFike
Thanks Joseph for explaining this situation and offering a solution. I have had a somewhat similar experience in my own home. We bought this home about 12 years ago for the intention of retiring here as we successfully did. But between the time of retirement and the time of purchase, we rented out the upstairs floor in order to help pay the mortgage. We occupied a home in the city as well so expenses were onerous but manageable with this arrangement. We also cobbled out a downstairs basement suite for our own enjoyment which we took advantage of quite regularly.

The tenants were a mixed bunch, none staying more than 2 years at a stretch. Our last tenants were difficult and the wife extremely hostile towards us. During their tenure we managed to pay off the mortgage and gave them notice. They were furious and threatened to sue if we were not personally taking possession of the upstairs which we were. They trashed our lovely home and we parted under poor terms as you can imagine. Then we saw signs of weird thing going on. We had an eviscerated rat laid out quite neatly across the threshold of our front door. We also suspected that these tenants were coming into our home uninvited since we naively did not change the locks. I believe that the previous tenant was doing some sort of curse on our home. You could feel the negativity and a bit of a creepy feeling when we would come over for our regular weekend visits. Sometimes I would be on my own as Jeanne would have engagements or obligations to do with her work so I would carry on with renoes to the home during those times of being apart. I felt uneasy being there alone. This was my home but it did not feel altogether comfortable. During this time the original owner of the house passed over. I distinctly felt his presence in the home and he was not happy with my changing it to our tastes. I often had trouble getting to sleep and would sometimes wake up to odd noises and hair on the back of your neck fright while sleeping there alone. My mind would discount it all and I would fall back to sleep soon enough after praying intensely for the cloak of protection. Then a dear friend asked if she could stay overnight at our home which she did alone one night sleeping on our living room couch in order to gaze out at the moonlit view . She was awoken at about 3 AM with the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs from the bottom floor to the living area. Obviously she was extremely frightened. She then heard the footfalls come over to where she was sleeping and stop. In her panic she could not open her eyes but she certainly felt the presence of someone looking down on her. That person then turned around, went down the stairs and that was the end of it. When our friend relayed the story, I knew immediately that it was the old owner in spirit checking the place out and probably curious as to who was sleeping on the couch.

I had had enough of these shenanigans so I asked my guides what I should do about it. They first said that Jeanne and I did not feel that we truly owned the house. It was quite a leap up from our modest townhome which we lived in for 30 years and there were feelings of unworthiness. We were allowing negativity to intrude and interfere with the light which was also there because of our sense of unworthiness. They suggested that we begin to love our home and permeate it with that love and command ownership. During this conversation I was lying in bed, again on my own and I began to do just as I was instructed. I thought of every room, their details right to the very corners and nooks and crannies. I poured love ( I'm sure that spirit was helping me to do this) into all those places. My inner feelings of unease began to melt away and I also felt that the old man was gone for good. This house became our beloved home from this point on. No more weird or negative vibes were detected and that was about 6 years ago.

So material things can be contaminated with negativity and healed from it with the right approach. It was a good lesson and one which may be relevant to your queries Joseph. I would be happy to pray with you to help your niece. These things happen and it is unfortunate that people seem to live with it out of ignorance of how to deal with it. Maybe you can relay this story to your niece as well as us all adding our prayers. I'm happy to help in any way that I can. Much love.........Al

Re: A very unusual prayer request

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 10:19 am
by Karen
WOW, I've heard a bit of this story but not to the full extend. How brave of you and what a beautiful lesson and example of the celestial spirits responding, protecting and impacting us in such a real manner on our earthly plane. You and Jeanne have made your home a place of absolute pure divine love, that now dwells in all those nooks and crannies you talk about. Each and every time I am there (AND I'm THERE A LOT - LOL) I feel, safe, free of all worries and INSPIRED! Love, love, love (and yes I will be happy to also participate in helping with 'the unusual prayer request' however way I can) Karen
PS- I'm sorry I haven't been on the forum much- still trying to figure it out :( I thank everyone for their loving comments on the welcome Karen posts. Thank you thank you)

Re: A very unusual prayer request

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 12:29 pm
by Terry Adler
wow again!
Thanks for the prayer request Joseph, that brought such a powerful experience up for Al. Thanks for sharing this story Al, as it is a great teaching.
What I get from this experience of yours Al, and how you and the Angels handled it, is the lesson of the power of Love! How we can bring Love into any situation, however big and seemingly overwhelming, however minor. That bringing Love into every situation is exactly what we are here to do!
I am grateful for this story, as it is exactly the right moment for me to hear it. It reinforces understandings I am having, it gives me another lens through which to view my choices and those of others, it validates what I am already trying to practice daily.

This is a wonderful opportunity for you, Joseph, to share in a deep way your faith in the power of the Love. I can see you initiating a prayer effort with your relatives, to which we will add our prayerful support. And I see all of you succeeding in helping those housebound spirits to move toward the Light!

With love,

Re: A very unusual prayer request

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 12:38 pm
by JAB
Hi Al ... and Karen,

Wow, that was a surprise story from you, Al. Thank you for sharing it. Nothing like a conversation with our Celestial friends to know what to do. And what works! And for you and Jeanne (and future guests) ... the suggestion from Celestials worked. Important lesson learned.

Before proceeding with my request for prayer and coordinating with you and others ... I felt the prompt to ask my niece a few pointed questions. I received an immediate response and her answer was a surprise.

My primary question was this: Do you want us to help you? What is your intention?

Jane's answer was something like this: "It's really the new owner's problem ... as long as the spirits do not bother me while I am finishing my work cleaning the place."

So, my plan is to wait and see. I am putting my request on hold. Until Jane calls and asks for help, I'll leave it rest.

Your thought, Al?

Re: A very unusual prayer request

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 12:44 pm
by JAB
Hi Terry,

You and I were writing at the same time! I really like your reply ... I have new food for thought. I will not completely put my request on hold. I will pray "in the background." Anyone can join with me in this. Yes, I feel the spirits need to receive directions to go to the light and love. Love is always the answer we seek.

Love to all,

Re: A very unusual prayer request

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 7:19 pm
by AlFike
Thanks everyone for your enthusiastic response to my post. Life certainly throws us some zingers and I always appreciate the help given by the angels when called upon. It seems like your niece has things well in hand so I wouldn't go to any great lengths to help her Joseph. Just keep her in your prayers as I'm sure you do. God bless....Al