A Man Who Appeared

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A Man Who Appeared

Post by JamesKeller008 »

Before I had this experience, I vividly saw a grey van moving near the side of a mountain, and then I felt various knocking noises in the back of my mind. It felt very terrifying for me to sleep well enough as this was my first time experiencing unusual activity.

Then I saw a man with long silvery grey hair wearing a red robe, and there was mist surrounding him near my bedside. Surprisingly enough, I was clearly aware my room had a warm reddish tone. He was shaking me awake moving my head with his hand, but his smile being very kind.

"Where are my guides?" I asked him. The experience of asking him was more of a form of telepathy.

"They are on the other side of the hill," he telepathed. The words may have been interpreted upon my own thought encoding. That may be the correct wording, but I do not quite understand what he meant by this thoughtform. Have any of you felt any experiences with spirit? I find this dream beyond usual, for it felt too real to be lucid or confusing.

Note: Edited at 5:44 AM for reorganization.
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Re: A Man Who Appeared

Post by dmreed2 »

Yes, and many along this path of Divine Love have as well. As we pray for this gift of Love and put our focus more and more on God and receiving this Love these spiritual experiences become more frequent. I don't believe they are necessarily the same for each person but unique. Here is a good message from the apostle John on The Law of Communication and Rapport with our spiritual guides.

Love and hugs,

Law of Communication and Rapport

Spirit: John
January 4th, 1918
Medium: James Padgett

I am here, John.

I desire to write for a short time tonight upon a subject that I consider important, and you may consider interesting.

As you may know, it has been sometime since I wrote anything of a formal character. I regret very much, that so much time has gone by without my being able to communicate some of the Spiritual Truths. Also, regret that your condition has been such, that I was unable to make the rapport with you that is necessary in order that I may deliver to you these Messages of the nature mentioned.

I have explained to you, in a former recent letter, in a brief way, the Law of Communication and Rapport. That Law, if you will try to understand it, will enable you to comprehend the reason why we have not been able to communicate these Higher Truths.

It may seem to you that if we control your brain, and not use, or transmit, your thoughts, but only the thoughts, which come from our minds, it would be immaterial what the Nature of our thoughts might be. That, as your brain is used by us as a mere instrument, we having possession of your brain, would have the power to write anything we might desire. Upon a mere superficial glance at the assertion, it could be reasonably supposed to be True.

As we have told you before, Rapport, and our ability to use your brain, are governed by Laws. One of these Laws is; that a High Thought cannot be transmitted through a human brain, which is not in the condition that qualifies it to receive the thought. Just as the brain, in matter pertaining to mere material knowledge, cannot receive a conception, or comprehension, of some intellectual Truth, with which it has not had acquaintance, and transmit it. A brain cannot be used by the mind of the human to make known, or present, a problem in geometry, when that brain has never been used by the mind to acquire an acquaintance with, or knowledge of, the Principles of geometry. This is an incomplete analogy, but it may serve to illustrate what I mean.

In the conception by the human mind of a Truth, material, or Spiritual, the brain must be used in order to manifest, or make known, that conception. This is absolutely True where the idea, or thought, originates in the mind of the human who is using their own brain to formulate, or manifest, that idea, or thought. The mind may have the thought, or knowledge, of some branch of learning. Yet, when it has never used the brain to put that thought, or knowledge, into concrete form, the brain cannot manifest, or transmit it. This Law applies specifically to the capabilities of the brain, where it is attempted to be used, or controlled, by the mind of the human who owns the brain. From this, you will see that it is possible for the human mind to have thought, and knowledge, of things, which it cannot use the brain to express.

In many of your material things of Life, such as great invention, the knowledge of these inventions is in the mind, it may be, for a long time, before it is formulated, and expressed, by the brain. Sometimes it never gets through the brain at all. The mind, and the brain, are not one and equivalent things. The one is the operator. The other is the thing used to operate with. So that the possessions of the operator may become manifested to others.

This Law, applying to, and controlling, the relationship of the mind and brain possessed by the same human, does not so absolutely apply to, and control, the relationship of mind and brain, where the mind is that of a spirit, and the brain that of a mortal. In such case, the mind may take such complete control of the brain, that the former's manifestations are not governed, or limited, by the special experiences, or want of experiences, which the brain may have had, in its use by the mind of the mortal, along specific lines of expression, or manifestation. Thus, as you may know, and as it has been demonstrated, by the work and experience of many human mediums, the minds of spirits have controlled the brains of these mediums, so that such brains have transmitted from these spirits expressions of various kinds of languages, and mathematical Truths, with which such brains never have had any acquaintance, or become exercised in expressing.

In these instances, the brain is used merely in the sphere of intellect. The spirit, who takes possession of that brain and uses it to express, and make known, the knowledge of the spirit's mind, is doing no different thing, in essentials, to what the human mind controlling its own brain could have done, had the brain been exercised in those directions. The capacity of the brain, whether exercised, or not, by the human mind controlling its own brain, limits the power of the spirit to control, in the manner, and for the purpose, mentioned.

This Law has a further phase. That is, the greater the general experience of the brain in its exercise by the human mind, the more perfectly can the spirit mind control it. All this is dependent upon facts, which I cannot linger here to explain, such as the mediumistic qualities and susceptibilities of the human, whose brain is attempted to be controlled by the spirit.

The same Laws apply to the disclosure of Truth, and Principles along the Moral planes. A spirit cannot possibly use the brain of a mortal to convey, or transmit, through it, Moral Precepts, or Truths, that that brain is not capable of receiving. I do not mean by this, that the brain must have had any acquaintance with any, or many, particular Moral Truths, or must have been used by the human for the purpose of receiving, or imparting, these Moral Precepts. It must be, in its essential capacity, potentially able to transmit and receive these Truths. So, the capacity of the brain to receive and transmit these Moral Truths, limits the control of the spirit over the brain to express through it, these Moral Truths.

The rapport of the spirit with the human is determined by the development of the brain, and the Moral Qualities of the human, at the time, the rapport is attempted to be made. This means, the actual development of these conditions, not what they may appear to be to other humans, or even to the individual them self. This development, determines to a large extent, the power of the spirit to use the brain to disclose the Truths, either intellectual, or Moral.

A medium can receive only such Truths as their condition, according to the Nature of the Truths, is susceptible to the forming of a rapport by the spirit. The possibility of rapport and the kind thereof, lie at the foundation of mediumship. Determines, and limits, the power of the spirit to convey its thoughts, and the capacity of the mortal to receive them.

When the medium is in a certain condition of development, the spirit writing can form the rapport, according as that condition Harmonizes with the condition of the spirit. It is impossible, unless the Harmony exists, for the spirit to write these things, which require a greater degree of development, than the medium, at the time, possesses. Hence, you will, in a way, understand why so few of the Higher Spiritual Truths have ever been delivered to the World through the mediumship of any mortal, who has been possessed of gifts of either automatic writing, as it is called, clairvoyance, or inspirational powers.

As to those Truths, which did not require a Higher Degree of Development than was possessed by the medium, there arose no difficulty in transmitting the same. Many mediums have been very successful in receiving the Truth, suited to their condition. This fact, and Law, also, will explain to you why the same spirit may communicate through several mediums, yet the communications be of a dissimilar character. That is, the communications through one medium contain higher or lower character of Truth, than those transmitted through some other medium. With the result, that those mortals who have heard, or read, these different communications, especially when critical, have been prone to believe that the same spirit was not making both communications. This is not a just conclusion. For while the spirit was in the same condition, possessing the same knowledge, at the time, of both communications, yet the mediums, because of their difference in development, were unable to receive the same character of messages.

You may search the whole History of Spirit Communications and of Mediumship. You will not find any messages, of the character of those that have been transmitted through you. For the reasons that I have stated.

Swedenborg was the last, and nearer perfect instrument, for receiving these Higher Truths. Yet he, because of his want of Soul Development, and his being bound to a more or less extent by his orthodox beliefs, and scientific knowledge, that caused him to coordinate, and fit in, these Truths, with his ideas of correspondence, and such like conceptions, was a failure. Could not be successfully used to transmit these Higher Truths, which we have been communicating through you. After him, other gifted, and in some respects, successful mediums, were used by spirits of the Higher Knowledge and Progression to convey Truths. But their conditions were such, that under the workings of the Laws governing Rapport, these mediums could receive only those Truths, which their conditions of development permitted them to receive. The workings of this limitation was not dependent upon the condition and ability of the spirits to impart these Higher Truths, but upon the capacity of the mediums to receive them.

You, yourself, have had experience as to how this Law works, and controls communication and rapport. As you know, it has been a long time since you were able to receive any spirit Messages of these Higher Truths. Although, the spirits have been present with you many times, ready and anxious to make the rapport, and deliver their messages. You have been willing, intellectually, to receive them. But because of your condition, or want of condition, the spirits could not deliver them. Were compelled to wait, until you get into the necessary condition. From all this, you will comprehend why so very few messages containing High Spiritual Truths, or even Moral Truths, come through mediums. The mediums, mostly, are so developed, that they can receive only messages dealing with the material affairs of Life. Which kinds of messages, I am compelled to, and can truthfully, say, are those that are largely desired by the mortals seeking information from the Spirit World.

Again, in your reading of Spiritual Literature, you may have observed the great diversity of opinions of spirits, upon the same subject, sometimes, contradictory opinions. Thus causing doubt on the part of mortals, as to what are the facts, existing in the Spirit World, as to the subject of inquiry. Well this is due very largely to the condition of the mediums. Also, to the knowledge of the spirits who attempt to communicate. For the knowledge of spirits is limited by the extent of their progress, and development.

Many spirits believe that what they have learned is True. So give authoritative expression to the facts of their knowledge. Often believe what they know, is all that may be known, of the subject on which they communicate. These are mostly honest in their beliefs, and truthful, as they think, in their messages. Thus, it is well for mortals to understand that everything written, or spoken, by spirits, at all times, is not to be accepted as the "finality of Truth". On the other hand, apparently contradictory statements should not be taken as fraudulent, merely because they are contradictory. A spirit, with greater knowledge, using a medium in Harmony with itself, can convey to humans the more exact and greater extent of Truth, than can a spirit with less knowledge and development, using a medium in Harmony with itself.

Now, from what I have written, it is apparent that in order to get the Greater Truth, and more extended knowledge of the Spirit World, mediums should make the effort to obtain larger, and more intensive development of their Spiritual Natures, as well as of their intellectual capacities. This acquirement is absolutely necessary to the reception of the Higher Truths, which are so Vital to Humankind.

So, you see, communication and rapport depend upon the condition of both spirits, and mortals, working in Unison. Though more, I may say, upon the condition of the mortal. For if, the medium is in the proper state of development, there being always many spirits present with that medium, in condition and readiness, a rapport can be made.

The Master is here tonight, and has heard my communication. Unites with me in saying, have Faith. Seek, with all your soul for this Divine Love.

Believe that I am your special Angel friend.

Your brother in Christ, John.

Don't Plan, Live, Love, Pray, Pray for God's Love, and let yourself enjoy your spiritual journey
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