Lorna in the Kitchen

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Re: Lorna in the Kitchen

Post by AlFike »

Yes, sadly Lorna has passed. She had a good life and made many friends. Jeanne and I knew Lorna for 38 years. We both moved into the same housing complex together. We became fast friends and in time Lorna came into the Divine Love truths and sat in prayer circles with us for many years. Her daughter Kathy, who is a light, also joined us in these prayers. Lorna has always been a practical, grounded and generous soul. She spoke her mind liberally and did not suffer fools easily. If you were in need, she would be there. She was loving and generous with her time. She served on many boards and was always involved in something. She loved her family and was a staunch support for both Kathy and her son Gordon. She is known by many of us as 'Lorna in the kitchen. The following story may illustrate why.

One of my favorite memories of Lorna was back in 2012 when Jeanne and I hosted a DL retreat in our home. For the first time, all segments of the DL community were present. FCDT, FCNB, independents and us. It was a real stew of people and perspectives. A world conference of DL followers as many countries were represented as well. One particular fellow was determined to get his points across to the crowd and hopefully recruit more members to his church. To say that he is talkative would be an understatement. He took up much of the air time whenever we had group discussions. Since he is an elder, we politely tolerated his pontificating for a few days. On the third day we were all getting a little tired of his point of view. It was not that what he was saying was disagreeable or wrong in any way but he would not let others speak even when they rudely interrupted him. He had the floor and he was damn well going to keep it :? . Dear Lorna, who spent most of her time in our kitchen which is adjoined to the area where we were all sitting ( its an open concept home, so no walls separated the living, dining and kitchen areas ) had had enough. Yelling over the crowd she said " -------, would you please sit down and shut up! Other people want to talk :shock: !". He gave her a pained look but indeed sat down and kept quiet. Sometimes it requires directness in order to get things done and you could count on Lorna to call a spade a spade. She hugged ------- later and made amends but her actions in many ways saved the retreat from being a one man show. I love you Lorna for those qualities of forthright honesty coupled with loving actions. My kind of woman :D .

So my dear Lorna, may you find a lovely home in that great realm of spirit. You have earned many rewards because you loved the truth, loved people and always spoke up when you felt that it was necessary. One day I hope that we will meet in the Celestial heavens. I'm sure that you will get there first so please save a place for me there. With much love and deep appreciation to you dear friend. You will be missed. Much love......Al

PS: on Sunday November 13th Jeanne and I will be doing a talk on Divine Love to the congregation of the Kincade Spiritualist church of which Lorna was a very active member. We are dedicating our talk to her and I know that she will be there along with many of her friends on this side of life. We're looking so forward to this event. I hope that you will all pray that it will be a success.
Endless journey,endless Love.
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Re: Lorna in the Kitchen

Post by dmreed2 »

I'm sorry to hear that Lorna has passed. I am placing her family in my prayers. May God keep her especially close while she is reunited with her loved ones on the other side.

Don't Plan, Live, Love, Pray, Pray for God's Love, and let yourself enjoy your spiritual journey
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