How to Develop Spiritual Power - Updated April 25, 2015

WELCOME to our forum! We are Al and Jeanne Fike and together we have been richly blessed on a spiritual journey for the past 4 decades....we welcome those who are interested in sharing their faith, their stories and their spiritual quests to this Message Board! continued inside....
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How to Develop Spiritual Power - Updated April 25, 2015

Post by Geoff »

Divine Love Prayer Circles

The prayer culture of your DLSF hosts is firmly rooted in the Truths conveyed in the Padgett messages. Over our 40 plus years of weekly group prayer, we have developed some important practises. During the August Retreat, indeed, as preparation for it, we ask that you treat these practises as guidelines for creating the highest possible spiritual conditions for our individual and group progress.

• First and foremost is our intention to pray to receive into our souls the Essence of God, His Divine Love. By praying together with this singleness of purpose, we contribute to a powerful condition of Love that has transformative healing effects on ourselves, others and the world.

• We each take responsibility for the spiritual condition we bring to group prayer. If negative thoughts, feelings or judgments of self or others arise, we immediately stop and send the person love, asking for God’s blessings and help in dissolving any negativity. We prepare ourselves by keeping our thoughts positive and praying for each person participating in the group. We pray that God will place the Cloak of Protection around each one of us so we are free from all spirits and influences that are not Celestial. We ask that only Celestials serve as Guides and Teachers for the group and Gatekeepers for any medium being used.

• We prepare for group prayer through our own daily prayer practice, meditation and dedication to stay attuned to the Loving Presence of our Creator. Though each person’s prayer rituals are unique, we all share the goal of growing in God’s Divine Love. The more effort we each make in our private prayer life prior to the Retreat, the more we can contribute to the quality of group prayer and the greater the benefits to all.

• We believe as the Padgett Messages teach that there are two distinct pathways to spiritual progression, the Divine Path and the Natural Path. The natural love is what we are born with and the refinement and development of this human love is defined as the natural pathway. The Divine Pathway focuses on one’s relationship with God and receiving the Divine Love into one’s soul. As the Love cleanses and transforms our souls, eventually we will become at one with our Creator. This Love is not a birthright but must be asked for of our own free will; otherwise we do not receive it. It exists outside of ourselves and is a blessing of God Who is a Being that has an Existence outside of our being. A purified soul in the natural sense will bring one close to God but a soul filled with enough Divine Love becomes a Divine Angel in at-onement with God. Two different loves, two different paths, complementary to one another.

• Ours is not a spiritualist circle. Although we receive messages and some of us may be blessed with the ability to see and hear spirit, this is not our primary reason to be together and can be a distraction from our real purpose. We are united in our goal to long for and receive God’s Divine Love so that we may grow as channels of His Love. We desire to progress spiritually on the Divine Path, rather than to open ourselves up on a psychic level. We pray together to reach for God as God is reaching for us. In our prayers, we invite Celestials to guide and protect us, and pray for the many spirits yearning for the Love who come for help and teachings. We know that as we grow in Divine Love, our gifts, psychic and otherwise, will develop.

• When all group members are of one mind in their intentionality to pray for Divine Love, those in the group gifted as mediums will be protected from the presence of spirits that are not Celestials. Singleness of purpose protects everyone in the group from negativity.

• This is not a church. We come together to establish bonds as a spiritual family and support one another as we progress in God’s Love. We each benefit greatly from membership in such a family and realize that with benefits come responsibilities for contributing to and sustaining our soul bonds. When we sit in Divine Love circles, our chemicals and spiritual essence are shared for mutual healing. We become connected in profound ways. Although we may lead varied and complex lives apart from one another, we are closely knit in a soul bond of love. We carry a part of each other with us wherever we go. These special connections will never be lost. Though we may be apart for a while, we will always have soul awareness and recognition of these bonds.

• We honor all people and all religions. We believe that as we progress in receiving Divine Love we receive the Truths within us. As our souls come ever closer to the Fountainhead of Love, false beliefs will fall away. There is no requirement to believe in a prescribed set of tenets or to have a particular belief structure other than to have faith that God’s Love is real and with its possession in abundance, Truth will come at the right time, in the right way and error will fall away as a natural consequence of being close to the Source of all Truth.

• Although we may be at different stages on our spiritual journey, God loves all of us equally. There is no hierarchy within the group. We love and respect each other as equals.

We are open to anyone who wishes to join us in prayer for Divine Love. When we are gathered together all that is required is a sincere desire to experience this sacred healing blessing, to put aside all other intentions and to pray as one for the Divine Love.


DLSF Board

April 25, 2015
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