Why I believe this summers spiritual retreats are important

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Re: Why I believe this summers spiritual retreats are import

Post by arie2012 »

That's right, Gilda. The only thing we really can do about the misery in the world is to pray. Sometimes it's hard to deal with everything that comes to us through modern media, but we can feel compassion and turn our compassion into the power of prayer. And that works, I'm sure!

Moreover, I think it is important to protect oneself against too much negative energy that may influence us from everything we hear and read. One thing that needs to be realised is that what we learn from the news is only a small part of reality. Most of the people on this earth are peaceful and trying their best to lead a loving life. But you don't hear about that!

I've read several messages from angels where they advise us not to dive too much into the daily news. It's much better to take care of your own well-being, for instance by enjoying nature, listening to beautiful music, reading something uplifting and inspiring and thereby nourishing and taking care of your own soul, your self-love. That way, you'll be much more capable of being loving and inspiring for the people around you and that really benefits the whole world :) !

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Re: Why I believe this summers spiritual retreats are import

Post by Eva »

Arie wrote:
I've read several messages from angels where they advise us not to dive too much into the daily news. It's much better to take care of your own well-being, for instance by enjoying nature, listening to beautiful music, reading something uplifting and inspiring and thereby nourishing and taking care of your own soul, your self-love. That way, you'll be much more capable of being loving and inspiring for the people around you and that really benefits the whole world :) !
I think there is much truth in this. I am reminded of the Bible passage in Philippians 4:8 -- Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Much love,
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Re: Why I believe this summers spiritual retreats are import

Post by Marga M. »

Confirmation That This Summers Spirit Retreats Were Important

Dear Divine Love Family,

After reading a channeled message from Jesus via Al dated Aug. 17, 2015, and seeing how Joan, Holy, Ruth and Judy had worked so hard at organizing and planning such a diverse Divine Love Retreat that embraced what was written in that message. A strong desire to write how this message became a reality at the Oceanside Divine Love Retreat started burning inside of me. Then while checking DLSF’s website for other Spiritual Retreats postings or threads, I came across this thread that David Reed had written back on June 4, entitled: “Why I believe this Summers Spiritual Retreats are Important”, I knew his message was more prophetic to what was to come as I read this thread as well.

Again, looks like we have to give credit to our heavenly Father, our elder Brother and the Celestial Angels who were orchestrating these retreats with the right thoughts, picking the locations and dates, inviting all those to come. Seeing how ways were made out of no way for many of us to even get there to participate. Some were even blessed to attend both retreats (Hallelujah!).

With that said, David Reed, it was truly a blessing and delight to meet you in person for the Oceanside Divine Love Retreat. It was nice to be able to spend some quality time getting to know you, Kristin and Michael Bailey as we drove from LAX to Oceanside, etc. Plus, with you all coming from the Divine Love Retreat in Vancouver, you all were so full of Divine Love and joy, it made our nearly two-hour drive fly by. Also was very happy to finally meet and spend quality time with Eva Peck; as well as, see Judy Dunbar, Helge, Suzie and Dennis and Joseph again Plus, our wonderful earth angels organizers: Joan, Holly, Ruth and Judy and other wonderfully gifted David L., Carolyn and Michael, Jimbeau, Tim and all the beautiful newcomers, Gilda, Gina, and Renee that brought so much Divine Love and gifts to this event.

With that said, I’d like to do something that has not been done before on this forum and that is to zero in on this one particular message from Jesus and break it up into sections that speak to what I saw and/or experienced at the Oceanside Retreat, then ask David Reed, Eva, Joseph or anyone else who may feel so inspired to take another portion of that message (or any of the other channeled messages that were channeled in Vancouver during that retreat) and give your testimony or comments on how this message impacted you at this time and/or place in the various Divine Love Retreats you have attended or even on your life’s path.

Part 1: Using our Gifts to Work Together

Jesus said:
And you ask about your future steps. You all know that each of you have unique gifts and you have been told this many times. And you were brought together in this place to share your gifts, to pool your gifts, so that you may do the task that has been asked of you. To further spread the Truth of Divine Love in the world. This is what we have asked of you. And we ask you to take time to formulate a plan in order for this to take place and unfold.

This requires some sacrifice and commitment on all of your parts and many of you have indeed invested time and effort in this great work to spread the Truths of Divine Love in the world. You have gathered souls together and have spoken this Truth, you have put this Truth upon the wires, and you have walked in the world asking to be a channel of Love wherever you go, you have taught the children, you have been an example, and you have done much.

But now you must coalesce [unite or band together] into a body which is committed to work together and present ideas as to how you may further this Truth to inspire others, to bring into the world the knowledge that they, all the souls of this world, have a choice to receive this Love. And indeed, each of you will be guided and it is important for you to share you guidance, to share your ideas, to share your inspiration with all who are present.

It requires your trust and commitment with one another; it requires an appreciation of what each has to give. It requires work, expending energy, time and effort. And each of you can express your gifts, focused on this plan that you devise together. For it requires you to exert your free will to say ‘I am willing to work with you’, ‘I am willing to reveal my thoughts, my inspiration, feelings that I have from my soul’, and to add this to the collective effort.

When you are able to freely allow this to be so and to put aside your own personal needs and your own personal concepts that are more designed to gratify your egos and less in line with God’s Love and the Laws that pertain to His Love, when you think of the depravation of this world, when you think of what is clearly required to bring more love into this world, when you pray that God will inspire within you the answers to how and when and where and why, the work shall truly begin. (Page 2)

This message -- Believe it or not -- And part of what was said here was what we experienced at Oceanside. Including being filled the more of Divine Love!!

There were situations when one of our dear brothers, Joseph, had been driving to get to the retreat for over 7 hours, and he was very exhausted by the time he stopped by one evening. What was beautiful to see was a new person to Divine Love was encouraged to go over and talk to him. That was Renee. I believe (if I’m not mistaken) that Jimbeau had encouraged her to help him with her “loving energy healing” gift. She was able to have him sit down as she worked on massaging his upper shoulders and neck area where she detected a lot of tension was.

Then there were others that may have had a bad day, long flight or misconnections or someone had said or done something to them that had them down or was not at ease as some of the others were. I witnessed both David L. and Joseph on two different occasions going up to a person and asking them, “Are you alright?”, "Are you okay?" And then would commence to speak or minister to that person until they were in better spirits. Little acts of kindness that went a long way.

We had a couple of situations that started innocently enough with some lost keys and missed directions where people’s tempers got a bit heated and words where said in anger. Yet, miraculously there were people that stepped in an immediately took action to diffused the negativity and restored calm and unity. And these miracle workers were not there at the initial blow up, but didn’t hesitate to take it upon themselves to bring about harmony and love back in to the picture.

Sadly, I was one of those people one afternoon where someone that I didn’t know came to my aid. It was a beautiful, strong loving person by the name of Gilda who I didn’t want her to have accept my negative energy, but she welcomed me with open arms and said, “Come here!” As she embraced me, she asked me to breathe in and then let it out slowly and repeated this until I was able to release the negative energy of anger that I was feeling. The Divine Love inside of her helped remove the negative energy inside of me. She may have been a stranger to me, but she was a loving child of God!!!

Then I noticed that the other person who I’d been upset with had walked away from the group, and saw that Carolyn took it upon herself to go find him (she must have had guidance because he was not insight prior to her bringing him back across the road from where we were seated). Then she talked to him, asked him to sit down at a picnic table and removed his backpack. She patiently began to massage his back and talk to him. Then standing up helped him shake it off until he too could compose himself and eventually come over and join the rest of the people who were picnicking at the park prior to going to a Mission.

Major Gifts of Healing:

During one the prayer circle events we were asked to go up to a table and get a candle. However, one of our beloved sisters, Ruth, had to be helped by two men to get up and move to the table. She had been standing for a long period of time in the kitchen while preparing food for the quests. And this action had aggravated an old car accident injury to her hip (If I’m not mistaken). Nevertheless, it was very difficult for her to get up out of her chair and walk.

So, I said we would pray for her. But I didn’t want to disrupt the flow of what was going on – Therefore, I had to ask the Father IF it would be okay to ask Renee (a new Divine Love recruit), to assist me. As I waited for the confirmation, wasn't aware that Holly would also be an additional participate in the prayer because she was Ruth's roommate. Moreover, Holly is a licensed nurse who works in a hospital. Well got the confirmation, and it took Renee, Holly and me to assist Ruth into the room and unto the bed away from the large group at the end of the prayer circle, and as people were leaving.

Even though I’m use to praying for people when guided. In most cases, I don’t actually know what the medical condition of that person is and despite the fact that I can feel the power of the healing energy flow sometimes, I don’t actually “see” the healing that takes place. That was why I felt that it was important to be able to have others with a different type of healing abilities to assist this time.

As the prayer commenced, I would be guided to lay hands on parts of Ruth’s body, but also alternate and lay hands on the ones assisting me. Why? We were not using our natural healing powers during this prayer session; we were only the conduits that power from above flowed through. While we may have been three physical bodies praying for our sister, there were Angels and/or healers there that we couldn’t see.

Afterwards, I asked both Holly and Renee did they feel anything. Renee said, she was in “the zone” and saw white light. To this I asked what was your prognosis, and she commenced to give her impressions. Holly said she definitely felt something as we prayed. And let me know the next day that Ruth had felt the healing power too because she was able to walk without assistance as we all went on outings the next day, and she looked radiant in her beautiful blue top and bedazzled matching blue hat at the Self Realisation Center.

What was unique and wonderful about how these situations and prayers went down goes back to what Jesus also said:

“You all know that each of you have unique gifts and you have been told this many times. And you were brought together in this place to share your gifts, to pool your gifts, so that you may do the task that has been asked of you.”
In each of these situations, no one didn’t even think to NOT to do this. Just seemed natural that God’s gifted children stepped in and stepped up to the task that was needed at that time. We didn’t know and didn’t care about our differences, it was a person in need of a loving touch or assistance in letting go of negativity or getting relief from pain OR it was a person we cared about that was in tears and needed someone to console them.

Nevertheless, that overall Divine Love Retreat in Oceanside was especially good and felt so special because the new people brought their gifts with them and we had the opportunity to actually see how each one added value and substance to the whole group. Lots of spontaneous singing, Angels, lots of Divine Love flowing into our souls, and there were like spirits attaching themselves to other like spirits to bring out the best in the other.

In Closing Jesus Confirms:

God bless you my beloveds. I hope that now you are at peace. I hope that now you understand why you were brought together. I hope you can work together in loving harmony. And each will play their role; each will contribute their true selves, their true soul’s gifts into this great effort to heal this world.

I am Jesus, and I am your friend and your brother and I am with you in all that you do, in every effort that you make. For it is truly of your souls’ origin and every effort you make in this way will be truly blessed. Walk with me and I will light the way.

So thank you heavenly Father, Jesus of Nazareth, and the host of Heaven that truly made the summer Divine Love Retreats special as you showed us what or how you want us to continue going forward -- As we release our inner hang ups and anything that holds us back from being able to move into more light as we work harder at becoming At-Onement with our Creator.

With much love and respect,

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Re: Why I believe this summers spiritual retreats are import

Post by AlFike »

Thank you Marga for weaving Jesus's message with the events at Oceanside. Truly inspiring . Yes, if we think of other's needs before ourselves we do our Father's bidding. Everything done in love will be blessed and the giver is blessed as well as the receiver. I think that it is time to put away our differences and truly work together as a family of God's Love. Holding back in judgment or fear is aligning oneself with the human condition and in some ways negative forces which conspire to keep us separate. Together we WILL change the world. Divided the flow of God's Love is too diffused and will help some but will never have the impact required to draw in many others. These retreats serve as a barometer of our collective soul progression and how well we are able to work together. All of you at Oceanside, despite some difficulties came together in a loving way. I'm sure that the angels are pleased with this. Our much larger retreat in Gibsons invariably had some tensions but I was too busy to really notice much. We're all human so there inevitably will be a few conflicts. On the whole however, this retreat was a resounding success. I believe that we were all changed by it. I also believe that we were given gifts and blessings which will help us in this mission. We also had a preretreat planning session which was very powerful and spiritually motivated. Smaller groups tend to contain the power better and I for one feel more as a result and I believe that others do too. Now, in the large circle of 50 or more, the experience is bound to be mixed. Some felt intensely the Love where a few felt out in left field but I believe that all were blessed in abundance. The presence of the angels was palpable and everyone was assigned an angel which was with them the whole time. The angels certainly did not let us down, in fact I have rarely experienced such a powerful presence and light in the room. We were all somewhat spoiled in this gathering. You didn't have to make a huge effort to feel their presence. Of course God poured His Love and healing over us all. It was well worth all the efforts that were made by the attendees. If some were skeptical that God was calling them to the light and to service, I believe that they left knowing that they are a part of His Plan for mankind. The entire experience certainly confirmed a great deal in my understanding and impressions of what is to come. Its hang on to your hats time folks and expect surprises and unanticipated experiences.

Thanks Again Marga for opening up this conversation. I'm sure you will be sharing more in your unique way of integrating messages with our experience. God bless you for that. Much love.......Al
Endless journey,endless Love.
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Marga M.
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Re: Why I believe this summers spiritual retreats are import

Post by Marga M. »

Dear Al,

You are so welcome. Thank you for sharing your impressions of having a much larger group with some mixed results. However what you said here is the true icing on the cake:
"...Some felt intensely the Love where a few felt out in left field but I believe that all were blessed in abundance. The presence of the angels was palpable and everyone was assigned an angel which was with them the whole time. The angels certainly did not let us down, in fact I have rarely experienced such a powerful presence and light in the room.

We were all somewhat spoiled in this gathering. You didn't have to make a huge effort to feel their presence. Of course God poured His Love and healing over us all. It was well worth all the efforts that were made by the attendees.

If some were skeptical that God was calling them to the light and to service, I believe that they left knowing that they are a part of His Plan for mankind. The entire experience certainly confirmed a great deal in my understanding and impressions of what is to come. Its hang on to your hats time folks and expect surprises and unanticipated experiences."
May I say that those that came from your Vancouver Divine Love Retreat were absolutely beaming. The love was so strong within them. I still can't even get over your Sister-in-law, Judy D., and how loving and supportive she was to me and so many others. We just loved her bubbly personality and her generousity. As well, as Helge, encourging me to get with Eva and possibly doing a U-Tube presentation together, etc. Wow!

And when Dennis and Suzie walked in the door, I couldn't believe how slim and radient he looked. That retreat definitely did him some good. He looked like he'd been on vacation for a month! :P Sorry, too because I totally, over looked my beloved Suzie. And she is too precious for me to have treated like that because I love her too. Kristin and Michael Bailey were such a major blessing on so many levels too and their chemistry was fantastic. Their gifts work in concert with each other and her singing skills were off the chart. Think I was talking about that in my PM to Geoff. She truly grounds him and he looks so happy and at peace with her. We really enjoyed their first Prayer Circle with us with the music and again their shared gifts. Even Michael B. was fine with me when I'd shut up long enough for him to allow him complete a whole sentence. We kept apologizing to each other and then hugging it out. :lol:

Nevetheless, I believe that what the Angels, etc. had orchestrated with these retreats, is that they do want us to begin with who we have with us now and relax and enjoy the new people because they have been sent here for a reason and purpose. IMHO: Believe that this is because WE ALL have parts to play in what is to come, and we will definitely need all the gifts and help we can get. Why? because the true title of that Message that Jesus gave was "The World is Fast Approaching a Time of Chaos." So I totally agree with what you said: "Its hang on to your hats time folks, and expect surprises and unanticipated experiences."

BTW: Please forgive me for not mentioning Patricia Dole in my last post. We had an instant connection when we met. Plus, she started singing in the kitchen one night while washing the dishes (very nice voice). And a few of us were in there helping her clean up. And when one song was done, Kristin started another one. Well Gilda and I joined into these old gospel songs, and these women's voices were like voices of angels and on a professional level. No exaggerations here! I was so overjoyed to be able to sing again in the little group because that is what I truly miss about not being in a church choir. These women took that cleaning the kitchen session to another level. Kristin can do runs in the middle of a line and not miss a beat and that just adds swag to it. Gilda use to sing in a "rock" band and she's also very good. We called ourselves, "The Sapranos!" ;) :D ;)

Much love and respect to you,

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Re: Why I believe this summers spiritual retreats are import

Post by Eva »

Hello Marga,

What a wonderful idea to take the message received in Gibsons and tie it into events at Oceanside! And the way you described so well and in colorful details the times that ruffled feathers were smoothed by the loving actions of others so that before too long, harmony was restored. I had heard of those incidents, but not all the details, so I think what you did in this post-retreat write-up is truly inspiring and edifying and shows the power and effectiveness of God's Love at work. I believe there is nothing unusual for a few toes to get inadvertently stood on in a group and event of this nature as we are still all human and don't see eye to eye on everything. What was special here however is that these minor offences didn't last -- they were able to be quickly and lovingly resolved rather than festering into major hurts and resentments as sometimes happens.

Another incident that some of us early morning beach walkers witnessed as we were waiting for each other at the tunnel under the railway line was the appearance of a distraught, disheveled woman by the name of Jeanie who had slept on the beach and had obvious signs of abuse on her body. Clearly disoriented, she at first said that she had lost her husband and asked to be taken to a certain bus stop. As the group deliberated what to best do, Judy D. lovingly put her arm around Jeanie and calmed her down like she would a little child. Little by little, Jeanie opened up and shared a heartrending story. Michael and Carolyn offered her food and drink, David phoned for help, and Michael later said a beautiful prayer for her as we all gathered around. A policeman arrived soon thereafter and took care of Jeanie. As we belatedly began our morning walk, we couldn't help but reflect on our experience. As one person noted, this was a test as to whether our love would reach beyond the boundaries of our special group -- and I believe that we had passed. I know that some of us were thinking of Jeanie from time to time during that day and sending up prayers for her well-being.

Thank you, Al for your reflections as well. I think the same principles applied in Gibsons as in Oceanside -- minor irritations that may have inevitably arisen were smoothed over by the loving concern by the loving concerns of others.

I think these reflections are important in reinforcing to each one of us the wonderful power for good that we have in influencing others and perhaps inspiring them to wonder what it is that makes us different and ultimately seek for the Divine Love and salvation. The world is in dire straits and is likely to get worse before getting better as the message that Marga referred to indicates. It is the power of love, and even more so Divine Love, that will make a difference.

May we all grow in and be transformed by the Love as we continue walking with God and seeking divine guidance.
Terry Adler
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Re: Why I believe this summers spiritual retreats are import

Post by Terry Adler »

I am truly moved by these posts and thank you Marga, for picking up on David's thread in such an insightful, thoughtful way! Your post and Eva's brought me right into your experiences at Oceanside! I so appreciate your ability to link Jesus' message with the actions of people at the retreat that embody and channel the Love! This is what we all aspire to, what we all are praying to be able to do at all times, together, as a family united in the Oneness of God's Love.

You have so many gifts, Marga, that come from your soul growth. I can see how you look at the world, at yourself and others, through your soul perceptions. What a wonderful perspective!

I give you and Eva my thanks for sharing these stories of the retreat; they help me feel connected to the dear souls who were present there. They give me hope that as we live the Love, we will indeed help change the world!

Much love to you, Marga, and to you Eva,
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Marga M.
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Re: Why I believe this summers spiritual retreats are import

Post by Marga M. »

Dear Eva and Terry,

Thank you so much for your kind and wise words. Eva, I truly appreciated your recalling an encounter when the early morning beach walkers met a stranger on the beach, and how some of you took it upon themselves to extend love and acceptance to the distraught, disheveled woman by the name of Jeanie who had slept on the beach and had obvious signs of abuse on her body.

And the fact that several of you had taken part in trying to help her feel at ease, offering food and drink while making her feel comfortable, etc. until she was escorted away by the police officer who could get her taken care of. To being able to show forth the Love of God to one of his children that was outside of our circle was beautiful.

Which reminded me of these verses:
“Let mutual love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing this some have entertained angels without knowing it. ” Heb. 13:1-2 (NRSV)
Thankfully, you all passed your test by showing forth loving kindness, and even sent up prayers for Jeanie later in the day as she crossed your minds. That's Divine Love in action!

Dear Terry,

Thank you so much for your gracious comments because I didn’t even realize this idea to compare Jesus’ message to what transpired at Oceanside was seeing it from a soul perspective. Yet, you caught that which I hadn't -- it's just that particular message resonated in me and I had to bring it to the forefront for others to see. And your being able to pick up on that is a testament to your own soul development my dear sister in Christ.

Hopefully, those that were at Gibson’s may also feel so inspired by one or more messages that was delivered at their retreat which may have also deeply affected how they felt changed or inspired once they were back home and can relate to a particular message now that they can read it slowly and drink in the essence of what was said that may have resonated in their own soul.

It’s one thing to hear a message in person, and in a small or large group setting. However, everyone may not have had the best vantage point to clearly hear the whole message given though the soft spoken Al Fike. Plus, it’s easy to be so caught up in the moment, atmosphere and/or beauty of receiving the Divine Love that you don’t remember what was said. However, once the messages are transcribed and sent out, one can read the words in private. Hopefully, in stillness where you can slowly and thoughtfully go over them while savoring its true meaning as to what you feel that message is saying to you, confirming for you or asking you to do. Because Jesus pointed out that each one of us has a part to play -- plus, as you so graciously pointed out Terry:
“This is what we all aspire to, what we all are praying to be able to do at all times, together, as a family united in the Oneness of God's Love.”
Again, thank you both for your gracious and kind remarks.

Much love and respect to you both,

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Re: Why I believe this summers spiritual retreats are import

Post by Eva »

Thank you Terry and Marga for as always your insightful and edifying comments. I am so glad that I have now met you both and had a chance to spend time with you one-on-one. That makes this sharing so much more meaningful.

You are right, Marga, about the messages -- they can have a much more universal application than the context in which they were given. And you did a masterful and no doubt inspired job in applying that one message to the context of the Oceanside retreat.

And Terry, you are so right about our highest aspiration being to be united in the Divine Love. And I believe that was so evident at both retreats. As Marga pointed out, despite a few ruffled feathers, the mutual love was obvious and would soon restore balance and harmony.

Much love to you both.
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