Pre-Retreat Reflection or What Can I Do to Help?

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Pre-Retreat Reflection or What Can I Do to Help?

Post by Eva »

In registering for one of retreats, one of our sisters asked the organizer: “What can I do to help?” This question inspired the following thoughts.

Some people are especially gifted to see needs and to fill them. I’ll mention a few examples from past retreats without mentioning names to avoid embarrassment or bad feelings that their name was not mentioned.

At one retreat, a certain person was always cleaning up after meals. If you were looking for her, a good place to start would have been at the kitchen sink. Another person would always respond to a need of the time. Someone needed to be picked up from the train station or from their accommodation, and off he went to assist. Another person was good at comforting others and calming troubled waters. I could go and on, but you get the point.

Even if you don’t feel especially gifted or inclined to serve in a group setting or in the above ways, here are things that each of us can do to contribute to a pleasant, harmonious and spiritually rejuvenating retreat for themselves and everyone else.

Take Time to Pray at the Start of Each Day
Before attending the group prayer session or even socializing with others in your accommodation, take out time to draw close to the Father. Ask for the Love and for help to be in tune with the high energy nudges of the angels, and to in all things honor God by following the way of love and kindness.

Be Tolerant and Understanding
Brothers and sisters will be coming to the retreats from various places – some from afar. Some will experience jet lag and feel tired at the wrong time, which can lead to saying the wrong things. Consciously choose to forbear and forgive, rather than getting your feelings hurt and responding in kind. Say a quick silent prayer for the person instead – and for yourself to remain in the Love. If the other person is obviously stressed or upset, give them a hug – that will go a long way to diffuse a potentially explosive situation. If a person continues to upset you, and you feel bad, address the grievance between just the two of you privately, rather than letting bad feelings fester. Communication can do wonders in resolving misunderstandings and bringing about reconciliation.

Practice Mindfulness and Compassion
Consider how what we say and do affects others and avoid doing anything that will cause others to be hurt. Consciously practice love and kindness to all present, transcending tendencies and temptations to react in irritation or anger. Accept that not everyone thinks the way you do – that is a normal part of life. All of us are working through various issues that our life’s circumstances have imposed on us, and we all need compassion from our Father, the angels and especially each other.

Resolve to Build Up Rather Than Tear Down
In talking with each other, it is easy to get into “juicy” stories about people. If sharing what someone did, let’s keep it positive. Negative talk (aka gossip) about what so-and-so did some years ago is not loving for several reasons. So-and-so may have long since changed and may still feel bad about the situation that may have happened in their moment of weakness. Those of us who are newer to the Divine Love community really don’t need to know this. Whether or not we know the person, such information will prejudice our minds and affect our perspective toward the individual in a negative way. Before sharing a story about someone, a good practice is to THINK first, by asking the following five questions: Is what you are about to say True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary and Kind? If one of the five answers is No, it might be best not to say it.

As Jeanne suggested in her post under the Retreats Prayer, let’s all pray for the retreats ahead of time and during the times themselves. May this year’s retreats be the best ever spiritually with the Divine Love abundantly flowing from the Father into our souls and hearts and then out to one another. Remember that we are all connected and influencing each other – and others far beyond our immediate group. It has been proven that group prayers and meditation have especially powerful influence. So let this influence –- the vibes we are consciously or unconsciously sending out from our hearts -- be nothing but love -– Divine Love.

Looking forward to seeing some of you in just a few weeks.
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