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Celebration of Life for Lorna in the Kitchen!

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 10:54 am
by jeanne
Al, Lorna's daughter Kathy and I are thrilled to make a presentation and lead a prayer and meditation for Divine Love at the First United Spiritualist Church in Burnaby, B.C. tomorrow! Lorna made arrangements for us to come several months ago and little did we know at the time that tomorrow's event would morph into a Celebration of Life for our beloved Lorna! Many of us in the Vancouver area who prayed with Lorna and Kathy over the past 4 decades will be joining with us in loving remembrance of our dear friend!

We are very excited (and dealing with butterflies)....please pray for us! Lorna was the Treasurer at the FUSC and beloved by everyone there! Lorna always wanted to bring her "Divine Love family" and her "spiritualist family" together and now it's happening! We are delighted that Kathy is bringing 3 caregivers from the hospice where Lorna spent her last days and that some of our old neighbours -- Lorna's dear friends from the Housing Co-op in Vancouver where Al and I used to be Lorna's neighbours are coming too! Truly, it will be a joyous celebration! Lorna has visited us in spirit several times since she passed into the third sphere and is overjoyed with happiness!

May this Celebration tomorrow be the beginning of an ongoing Circle of Light at FUSC! Kudos to Raphael who has already booked a workshop / prayer circle at the church next week! While Al and I are in Hawaii, as many from our prayer circles here as possible are going to attend!

Goldie keeps saying: "Surprises Coming! Surprises Coming!" Never a dull moment in the Mighty River of God's Love!

Love Jeanne