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Re: Namibia Retreat 2017

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 1:31 am
by arie2012
Thanks, Terry and Helge, for your wonderful, heartfelt reports on our amazing trip.

Marion and I had to dive into daily life immediately after our return and we're both having a hard time with that. So much we have seen and heard and felt and perceived in many different ways during our time in Namibia..

Yes, it was a blessed time with all so many occasions to connect in love with so many people.. We're both ever so grateful for having had this opportunity, to share in Helge's life and her amazing work for the children of Drimiopsis. She has impressed us immensely with her power and love and her God-guided way of dealing with all aspects of the task that she has taken upon herself. We are determined to do whatever we can to keep supporting Helge!

It has been such an inspiring experience to pray with so many different people. The power of joined prayer, simply getting together, holding hands, praying, singing and dancing has amazed me once again. And there was so much joy! At first I was a little anxious, not knowing how I would respond to the extreme poverty at Drimiopsis. But the exuberant joy in those children and the love-filled ambition of all the people involved in trying to provide a future for this community has deeple inspired and touched me. There is a very, very strong Spirit of Life present there and with God's help a LOT can be done in the near future.

We are very grateful to be part of this process and part of this beautiful, colourful Family of Man in that far away country.

Thank you Father, for entrusting us with this wonderful task and for enabling us to spread the Word of Your Love.

And many, many thanks to DLSF and Geoff for supporting this Soul Safari. It has been more than worthwhile!!

Much Love to all

Re: Namibia Retreat 2017

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 2:29 am
by Eva
All of Terry's pictures with comments of the Namibia Retreat can be seen on her timeline as well as in (Divine Love Reunions 2015 and Beyond).

May the seeds planted during the Soul Safari germinate, grow and bring abundant fruit.

Re: Namibia Retreat 2017

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2017 1:05 pm
by michael
Wow, what a wonderful write-up and event! It seems to have been a very blessed retreat. I got tingles reading the part about Easter Monday morning. Talk about "Love in Action!" What a beautiful example of God's angel on earth you are Helge. You inspire so many of us with your story and continued commitment to God and His children. I could feel the "holiness" and Love of the prayer activities through Terry's words. I don't frequent on-line forums but I felt inspired to reach out and say thank you. Thank you for all that you do for the Kingdom.
With love,

Re: Namibia Retreat 2017

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 12:11 am
by Helge Mercker
My dear friends.

It is with feelings of deep joy and gratitude that i read your comments of support and love. It is such an unbelievable joy to be in this magnificent flow of God's Love as it takes us to new levels of understandings and expansions of awareness. How wonderful to be able to share in experiences that opens the doors to these explorations of soul. I will be forever grateful to my travel companions upon our safari of soul. I strongly wish to recommend such undertakings (like a soul safari), to travel in a small band and bring the good news of God's Love and Prayer. To live and demonstrate this 'Good News' to others. The benefits are incredible on so many levels.
The number of 5 participants is perfect. There exists great flexibility and individuality in as much that individual needs in the physical and spiritual sense can be easily assisted with. Also, we agreed from the start, that we own our emotions fully when triggered. Many opportunities of healings were granted and past pains and hurts were dissolved so easily it seemed. A great openness existed amongst participants and honest and real soul-sharing was lived. Each one was deeply valued and honoured in bringing their Light and Love within their soul to many places and peoples. Not much else was asked, but to "show up and let God do the work." It is so simple and so rewarding.

Thank you Michael, for your kind words. I must say, that it touched me when you wrote of the 'holiness' that you sensed as it was exactly that, which i experienced during the prayer on Easter Monday. Father made me aware of the 'holiness' of the Divine Love, the Gift from our Heavenly Father who is all holy ...... and loving and merciful. It was an experience still difficult to translate into words and i am reluctant to share further here on the forum (to avoid miss-understandings and miss-directed projections).

I am not certain of another soul-safari in Namibia in the near future as my plate is more than full (2 German books coming out shortly, orphange building, aging parents etc etc) but i gladly share ideas with those who wish to do something similar in their homeland or amongst their peoples.

Sending blessings and love with a heart filled with immense joy and peace,

Re: Namibia Retreat 2017

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 8:58 am
by AlFike
Thank you Helge and others for sharing your experiences. Jeanne and I would love to join you in Namibia when the time is right. Whatever you need dear sister, we're there to help. All in the flow of His Love. God bless......Al