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“my story, my truth”….by william

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 6:01 pm
by elamordivinodedios
“my story, my truth”….by william

ever since i can remember as a young child there was always something there that didn't make sense in my heart about the doctrines and practices of my religion...and when i would ask, but why this and why that, i was always told “those are the mysteries of our faith”....still my heart was not convinced nor satisfied.
my heart hungered for truths but growing up in the catholic religion and traditions seemed like there was nothing else for me to explore…
i was raised by a single parent (my mother) who was very physically abusive towards me until the age of twelve….it was four of us siblings and my mother didn't know how to deal with the pressures being a single parent.
in other words... i was truly searching for of a father that i never had….someone i could call “dad”...someone who could protect me..pick me up and guide me in the right direction….
unfortunately, growing up without this love and support of a Father, made me believe that a father figure was not necessary for a child to do well in life which let me to neglect my first two children with my first girlfriend.
as i grew older and had more freedom to search, i explored many other different religions and doctrines but none of them satisfied my hunger for truths and closeness to God….
until one day i finally gave up searching and i decided not to believe in God as an entity but as a substance in all creation, and i became a “new age” followers…but even though my mind took over justifying our existence through mere creation, my heart would still feel that there was a “Divine Creator” true Divine Father.
one day as i was watching a youtube teaching by one of my new age spiritual teachers, she was asked if she new of a man who called himself jesus, aj miller, and if she felt he was the real deal...her reply was yes, this man is christ consciousness…
i immediately searched for this aj miller aka “jesus” and was immediately amazed to hear some truths that resonated so powerfully with my soul perception at that time….just in a few days of devouring theses truths, my heart and mind made a 180 degree turn towards God again…
i felt so blessed that i had finally found what my heart hungered for all my life.
however, after a few months of constantly watching aj miller, i felt i was not progressing spiritually nor getting closer to people nor God...i was becoming judgemental and felt i was justified in pointing out the flaws of everyone around me...just like aj miller was treating his audience.
i was not liking myself nor aj miller anymore, so i decided to stop following him.
but one day, i decided to follow up on one of his powerful messages and he mentioned the padgett's messages so i immediately searched for these volumes and obtained them from the fcnb…...these messages revealed the secret to me, to pray to my Heavenly Father to open my soul for the inflowing of His Divine Love...and for the rebirth of my soul…

i felt once again so blessed to have these most powerful truths at my fingertips….
as i was reading these truths i also felt the need for some spiritual guidance and one day when i got on my computer, eva peck’s website was on my screen, truly by divine intervention.
my loving sister and angel in the flesh eva introduced me to beautiful people in the divine love community and i later joined the Divine Love prayer circles…..
immediately after praying for this Divine Love in these prayer circles i began to feel a powerful bliss and soul transformation….i started seeing things differently in a more loving way….i suddenly became very emotional, wanting to cry out all my pain accumulated in my heart from a lifetime, i felt such a wonderful relief.
i felt i was walking on water for a long time feeling the love of God doing wonderful things in me and in my present wife and two new daughters...
but one day, my wife pushed the wrong button or should i say the perfect button (the next emotional error needing to be released) on me, and made me go off on her in an unloving manner. after that, i started feeling very troubled and disharmonious by a lot of issues, emotions and feelings that started popping out in my life and made me doubt the celestial truths and Divine Love of God....
i was so devastated and disappointed with myself and God again because i thought that this divine love had already healed me completely….my sisters in christ eva and jan, and brothers thomas, and mira kept on praying for me and my family, never giving up on me….
i cried and cried and asked God to tell me what had happened to me. where did i go wrong.

God then answered my prayer and i was lead to learn about "the emotion code" which is a natural way of clearing and releasing emotional injuries and made sense to me but it was not a divine process so i was guided to consult with eva about it and she sent me a couple of celestial messages relating to this, channeled by my brother in christ, al fike...these messages explained exactly what i was going through, the expiation and purification process of my soul that is necessary for the rebirth of my soul for God to be able to use me.

it is at present, my own soul perception, understanding and experience that this beautiful Divine Love from the Soul of Our Heavenly Father is actually flowing into my soul more than ever and it's doing what it's suppose to do in my soul during its purification and transformation.
dissolving and burning to ashes some of the emotional errors (which brings immediate bliss/the honeymoon effect) but the more subtle ones need to be expiated, released, and pushed out by God's Divine Love, to be completely healed.
Unfortunately, as these emotional toxins are released, they cause emotional, psychological and physical turmoil in us and our bodies...and it must be our desire to acknowledge and release with love and without judgement, these hurtful emotional errors manifesting themselves as unloving people, unloving circumstances, illnesses, diseases, and inharmonies in our physical bodies, discouragement, unloving thoughts, loss of faith, temptations, judgment and so much more.

i am now in a better soul condition than ever…enjoying everything and everyone around wife, my two grown kids and my two little ones...and most of all, my relationship with my Heavenly Father….

this is so far, my story, my truth
in search of love, in search of truth…..

to be continued…..


Re: “my story, my truth”….by william

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2017 7:46 pm
by Geoff
Dear William,

Welcome, and thanks for that story.


Re: “my story, my truth”….by william

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:39 am
by jeanne
Dear William, How wonderful to see your story here in the forum!! :P THANK YOU for posting it! Your journey is an inspiration and I am sure Eva is only one of many who is very happy to have had the opportunity to meet you and support you! You are in good hands! Al and I are looking forward to a skype call with you sometime soon and look forward to getting to know you .....and more about all the projects you are working on! Have you noticed the other thread here in this forum, also inspired by Eva, about many Divine Love Projects? I am sure you will have a contribution to make there too!

Your story also inspired our webmaster, Allan Forest, who has suggested that we invite others to write their testimonies about the impact that Divine Love has made in their lives to be published on this website. Al and I think this is a great idea! We would be very open to receive and post testimonies from anyone who might be interested?

I hope you will come back and visit us often and that you will find mutual support and inspiration from others in this blessed community!

Love and God Bless! Jeanne :P

Re: “my story, my truth”….by william

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:23 pm
by Eva
Hello William and welcome to this forum.

You'll find some inspiring insights here as well as a supportive and praying community. So feel free to post any prayer requests that you may have for yourself and/or others, or to share any insights, or to ask questions.

And as Jeanne mentioned, also feel free to list any Divine Love projects that you may be working on in the appropriate thread. (The idea to list everyone's projects to avoid duplication was inspired and implemented by Geoff, I was just a part of the preliminary discussion.)

So welcome again and lots of love and blessings on your journey,