Hello from So Cal

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Hello from So Cal

Post by DennisT »

Hello everyone,

I'm new here, and I'm posting from Sunny Southern California. I fell so terrible for all our friends and loved ones suffering under the storms on our East Coast, and I pray that they all receive the relief that each one needs at this time.

I'm so very new to the Divine Love path, having been only saying the prayer for a few weeks now. I found this forum via the New-Birth.net website, which I have spent many hours in reading the messages from Padgett and others. Born and raised Catholic, I didn't start yearning for something new until about 10 months ago, last November actually. I was invited to attend a Spirit Circle with 10 other people. The hostess was a very good friend of mine, so I attended. I was the last of the group to receive a message, and it was the most loving (and detailed) message from my grandmother. I was so moved and filled with such emotions. I couldn't believe that in this electronic, iPhone, iPad world someone was sitting within a few feet of me speaking with the spirit world!

This began my journey, which lead me to read the Anthony Borgia books about Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson, and that led me to the Padgett Messages, and ultimately here. I am so happy to have this forum to learn and participate with questions and answers. I look forward to all the discussions to come about the gift of Divine Love, and I hope that those of you with many years of Divine Love experience is patient with the questions of a newbie such as me.

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Re: Hello from So Cal

Post by Geoff »

Dear Dennis,

Welcome! It's always great to hear of another who has found their feet so to speak. It's a whole new world when you start this path, a world of wonder and love. It's so fulfilling and comforting too.

Hopefully I will reach LA today, on my journey back home to Sydney. I was very lucky to leave New York on Friday, and I have pictures of the wonderful blooms in Central Park. In fact it was a gardener there who first alerted us to the approaching hurricane, as we had not bothered with the news the last four weeks. I hope Central Park is not as devastated as I fear it will be. Of course the loss of lives and homes is the more serious. I also suspect that Niagara-on-the-lake has also lost their magnificent street flowers.

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Re: Hello from So Cal

Post by Joseph »

Hi Dennis!

Welcome ... I am so happy to see you here and to read your account of how you came to the Padgett messages and the truths from the spirit world about the Divine Love.

I am also a newbie to some degree, at least compared to some people who post here. Like you, I began to read the messages from the spirit world at new-birth.net -- a good place to begin! :) That was 6 short years ago.

Ask your questions, and keep asking; that's one way that we learn and progress. You started on solid ground in that you say that you are already praying and open to the Divine Love.

I look forward to seeing you around this place.

With love,

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Re: Hello from So Cal

Post by Zara B »

Hi Dennis,

Welcome and it is nice to see you posting here on the Sanctuary and perhaps also on the new-birth site. There is a lot of information and many people with experiences to share and lots of questions and many answers ... like the Love itself, being aware and open and asking and allowing ourselves to receive is wonderful!

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Re: Hello from So Cal

Post by DennisT »

Thank you, everyone, for the warm welcome.

I look forward to participating, discussing, and learning from you all. Most of all, I look forward to using my new found "feet" and traverse the pathway of Divine Love. I already feel so blessed to have found this information, and now I feel a double blessing having found all of you who are so willing to share, tutor and guide people such as I, who literally just learned of this Great Gift.

I'm sure I'll have a scores of questions, but for now, thanks again for welcoming me to your forum.

Love to all,
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Re: Hello from So Cal

Post by jeanne »

Hi Dennis.... and friends,

Well Geoff is on the last leg of his flight back to Sydney as I write this! What a trip! He just missed Sandy in New York and went to visit our Canadian polar bears in Churchill with his friend Janet! Geoff's been to Canada 3 times this year! Welcome home to Sydney, Geoff!

It's been wonderful for Al and I to meet new friends through this site since Geoff set it up for us a few months ago following the Divine Love Retreat.

Dennis, there is such warmth and openness in your posts - thanks again for being here. I hope you will visit us often.

Al and I have travelled to Southern California several times and our Vancouver International airport is only 20 minutes away from where we live and work in Vancouver. We hope to take our 8 year old grandaughter to Disneyland in the next year or so, so perhaps an opportunity to meet in person will present itself in the not too distant future.

Perhaps you've had a chance to see the photos and messages received last July at our Divine Love retreat posted on this site? 43 people came for 5 days -- an indication of how very much Al and I love to welcome visitors! We live in a neighbourhood called Grantham's Landing (about 100 families share a well, a community hall and a 101 year old swimming dock!). It is a wonderful neighbourhood near the scenic village of Gibsons. We feel deeply grateful to have our "Divine Love Sanctuary" here which seems to be quickly growing as a humble (never commercial!) spiritual retreat centre. We are blessed with many neighbours who are also dear friends and seekers on the Divine Path. Al and I host Divine Love Prayer Circles every second Saturday evening with up to 20 friends joining us in spiritual and pot luck feasts! Amongst the core group are teachers, social workers, a Naturopathic physician, psychologist, business men, Aboriginal drum makers and story-tellers!

Geoff also posted "Divine Love Prayer Circles - How to Develop Spiritual Power" on this site and if you get a chance, I would encourage you to read it. Al and I wrote it earlier this year in response to people's questions about our Saturday evening "drop in" gatherings! Several new people came to our groups with the intention of developing a spiritualist church - so we wrote the "How to Develop Spiritual Power" document in response -- and in so doing, more clearly identified our purpose and practice. It's interesting to note that once Al and I became clear about our intentions that some folks came to realize that what we had to offer was not for them and they stopped coming.

Al and I met almost 4 decades ago in a prayer circle and have been fortunate to "sit" with this small dedicated group in Vancouver ever since. We come together on Monday nights and if you are interested in praying simultaneously with us on Saturdays and Mondays I can let you know the dates and times for you to join in! Divine Love followers from around the world are praying with us on a regular basis and our guides have told us that the spiritual power generated in this way truly does make a difference to the planet. Sometimes Al sees other Divine love followers in their spirit bodies who astral travel to join us. Others report that even though they can't be with us in person that they really feel the intensity of what happens when we all pray together in singleness of purpose. Since we live in the same time zone, let us know if you want to give it a try. There are 2 women in Southern California who came to the Retreat last July who join us in prayer from Southern California on a regular basis: they are Joan and Holly...who live in and near Valencia. We visited them in So Cal last New Year's Eve and had a prayer circle at Joan's. We were blessed to have James Padgett, Jesus, Confucius, James and other Celestial guides with us to welcome in the New Year! It was Joan and Holly who inspired the Divine Love Retreat in July. Joan (who works for an attorney), has recently published a book called "Divine Love for the Soul"....it's a collection of personal stories that may be of interest to you. (Al and I are hosting a Divine Love Prayer Circle on the Sunshine Coast this New Year's....more about that to come!)

Our Monday night group is a motley crew! "Barb" is now 81 years old and what a character she is! She has been such a Gift to us all - a humble, genuine Medicine Woman, healer and transe medium. Her gifts are amazing! "Terry" (Margaret Terry) is an art therapist, a social worker, educator and Barb's primary caretaker since Barb is now in need of continuous personal care. Bert and Shirley and my sister Judy hardly ever miss coming together in our prayer circles -- and we are always enriched when Katherine, Lorna and others are in town and can join us.

The Monday night group has been purposely a closed group for the past 4 decades. Little did we realize that our Celestial Guides and teachers were preparing us for our True Purpose - which is beginning to open up now! It wasn't until this past year and a half that we were guided to connect with other Divine Love seekers around the world. Al googled "Divine Love" and through the wonders of social media we were instantly linked to others from far away places! Our Celestial friends told us decades ago that the time would come one day when we would be connected to other seekers around the world -- and it's obvious to us that now the time has come!

If you are interested in reading some supplemental contemporary messages to the Padgett Messages, (thanks to my sister Judy) they are now being posted on this site. During the Divine Love Retreat last July we received several messages each day; then in September (thanks to Geoff), we hosted a 10 day work party to preserve 5,000 pages of the original Padgett messages! During that workparty we received messages from James and Helen Padgett and a host of Celestial guides who brought us together to do this sacred work! The messages received during the Padgett Messages Preservation work party are also posted on this site. Our guides and teachers tell us they have much more guidance for us to share....Al and I are committed to posting the messages as we receive them on this site in order to make them available for anyone who is interested.

Al and i invite you to share your feedback about what you see here. What appeals to you? What doesn't appeal to you? We are still getting familiar with the wonders of social media and appreciate any suggestions on how to encourage discussion on this site and how we might be more responsive to our visitors. Our purpose here is to share our guidance, connect with other seekers around the world, to encourage and provide support for mutual spiritual growth and well being so that collectively, we can all be used as channels to increase the spiritual conditions of the world.

So once again - WELCOME DENNIS! We look forward to spiritual conversations with you and invite you to share more about yourself with us.

Love Jeanne
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Re: Hello from So Cal

Post by DennisT »


Thank you for your detailed response and comments. I did go through the forum and found Geoff's post for "How to Develop Spiritual Power", and it's a wonderfully organized and meaningful expression of the intent and purpose of the prayer circles. Also, I would love participate in your simultaneous prayer meetings, so please let me know the dates and times.

Vancouver is such a beautiful city, and I have had the pleasure to travel there twice. My brother currently travels there frequently on business as his company's headquarters is located there. Some day I would love to visit and participate in person; I can only imagine the impact it would have on my spiritual growth.

Likewise, if any of you find yourselves in Southern California, please look me up. I'm about 1 1/2 hours south of Los Angeles, and about 1 hour north of San Diego. I'm near Temecula, CA, where we have over 100 wineries. Not anything like Napa, but there are some beautiful properties there, and of course good wines if you are so inclined.

Me, I'm an attorney, and that's what really makes Padgett's story so enthralling to me. I could relate to much of his early doubts. However, the more and more that I read, I discovered so many of the Truths that obliterated most of the Catholic dogma that I grew up with. On the one hand, I'm so excited, glad, joyous at my discovery of the True meaning of Jesus' mission on earth and his message of the availability of Divine Love. On the other, there's some loss in letting go of some 50+ years of empty dogma, doctrine and ritual.

I can here your collective comments already, :D , pray, pray and pray some more for the Divine Love. That much I have gathered from all of my reading, and that's why I'm here. But I need to learn to pray the correct way, with a "longing in my soul", and "earnest aspiration." When I first found "the Prayer" back in August (which must bring a giggle to those who have known this for some four decades) I prayed like a good Catholic - reciting the prayer like I was reading my prayer's from a well-worn catechism book. Only more recently have I tried to really pray, with a longing soul. Hopefully, you all can help me in this regard. What do you all think "longing of soul" means?

Now I realize why some of my prayers of long ago might not have been answered. There's a passage in one of the Borgia books from Monsignor Benson, who visited a church on earth in spirit. While there, the Monsignor describes how the prayers of the people were really not going anywhere, including the prayers of the preacher. He commented that they were not praying properly.

So I'm excited, I need to learn to pray properly, with longing of soul and earnest aspiration. By the way, is it redundant to pray to learn how to pray? :lol:

I look forward to any replies.

Love to all,
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Re: Hello from So Cal

Post by Zara B »

Hi Dennis,

It is a pleasure to be writing to you and equally to read of your experience with the Divine Love so far. Prayer is a personal experience though I may be able to offer some insight.

I have seen people find the Divine Love then move into the 'longing' and 'want' of the Love. It is a given that the need of your soul and its longing to know the truth - being the Love - is a fact for you, for you resonate in your heart and mind with the truths contained within the Padgett messages. The transition that we all have been through in one way or another from reading the Padgett material is the transition from no longer requiring to Find The Truth but rather learning how we relate and live with the Love. We are all in this experience irrespective of the years that we have been involved with the Love and the material.

The longing can turn into one being emotionally driven and this can negate the feelings of feeling and being Loved. The Divine Love comes from the Source - being The Soul God - so therefore our heart needs to only and sincerely request to this Soul with respect and ask to receive the Love. This is called being with the Father.

You are now aware of the Love and its existence and the truth of the Love has in its way, spoken to you and you resonate with it therefore any further time that you are learning about your experience is only going to increase your awareness of your experience and that is your unique contribution just like all of us. We are all aware of the Love and we have all formed our unique expression in our time being with the Father, which is being in the Love.

If prayer is your true voice in your acceptance of the Love, then connect with an attribute in your prayer (such as faith) and ask and learn not about the past Catholic faith but how this attribute (like faith) is an individual faith that you are accepting responsibility for as it will be new to you as it reveals its living nature as your soul is slowly conditioned by the receipt of the Love.

Just a note to add - when one reads the Padgett messages in their chronological order, then the prayer that Jesus gave to James has a context ... that being to help James steel his focus when helping spirits in poor condition. In another message Jesus teaches that one need not have any formalised words for if the heart is sincere to the Source of the Love, then, the correct Spirit Law responds and the Holy Spirit brings and conveys the Divine Love into the soul of that individual.

As I said before, our progress very much hinges on how we learn and become aware in this nature of Divine Love.

Yours sincerely and I hope this is of benefit for you
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Re: Hello from So Cal

Post by AlFike »

Beautifuly written Zara. Yes we are all in the process of relating to and understanding this love and in many respects are all beginners as this process of accumulation and transformation is eternal. Dennis, you are just about to step onto the path where we have taken maybe a few steps further. We are not the old sages here but have found through experience and prayer that this Love is a real and an active part of our lives and being.
Your soul longs for this love because every soul is meant to have this blessing and like a fish to water will gravitate to the source, our beloved Father. It is a matter of letting go of old expectations and dogma that can mask and blurr your experience of being with this Love and presence of God while in prayer. As a child, we enter into communion with God, open and eager to be shown. Innocent and without fear. Our minds want our inner experiences to be in a structured, logical format so the data can be processed and therefore accepted. Our souls operate differently and embrace the experience wholisticly rather than in bits . When in prayer, it is like shedding the skin of the five senses and going to a place of wieghtless, joyous light and being in the love, whole and wholey enveloped in soothing waves of healing love. That is my goal whith each prayer session but of course this is not consistantly reached as we are earth bound creatures and subject to many internal and external distractions.But when you get there, you will know that all this questioning and praying and struggling was worth it. You will want more and God in His mercy will pour His Love over you and into you so abundantly that you will cry out in joy. You will have found your way and answered your soul's longing. I'll pray that you will know that day soon dear brother. May your path be lit and straight and beautiful. God bless........................Al
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Re: Hello from So Cal

Post by DennisT »

Zara and Al,

Thank you both for your comments, which are so deep and profound that I am (if I may borrow my one of my son's sayings) blown away by the depth of your words and the genuineness and sincerity in which they are freely given. I feel like I've been connected to my own personal spiritual counselors, which I did not expect but are nonetheless ever so thankful. I have a feeling I'll be saying "thank you" quite a lot among the pages here.

Zara, you said "It is a given that the need of your soul and its longing to know the truth - being the Love - is a fact for you, for you resonate in your heart and mind with the truths contained within the Padgett messages." This is so very true, and I was a bit surprised that I came to accept the Truths as expressed in the Padgett messages and elsewhere so easily. As I mentioned earlier in the thread, my journey began almost exactly one year ago when I attended a spirit circle reading with a local medium. There I received the most beautiful message from my grandmother, and the details given were so exact that I commented to the medium something to the effect that, "you don't know how 100% you are on point!" To this he replied, "of course I do", but it was not in a curt or pretentious manner. It was a matter-of-fact expression that he just happened to be communicating with my deceased grandmother.

Leaving this meeting was like a giant light bulb going off in my head, and I soon realized that if this person was given the gift of mediumship, there must be others who had or have this gift, and what messages have they received, I pondered. This ultimately led me to the Padgett messages, and having experienced receiving a very detailed message from the spirit world, I found it very easy to believe how they were delivered. Moreover, I found the content of the messages directly affecting my soul as they answered long forgotten questions I had that were unresolved with my present day church, and to me, they just made tremendous sense! It was a natural, logical progression for me, and I'm so happy that I stumbled across this information (which I'm now realizing was probably not so much stumbling but more of spiritually guided direction).

As you said, I feel no longer required to Find the Truth as I have found it, and now I need to transition into learning to live the Love. Yes, I am reading the messages in chronological order and, although I'm not finished, I was aware that the prayer was not necessary. I wonder, though, if my own words were sincere enough, longing of soul, to reach the Father. For example, I commute for one hour to and from work each day, and rather than tuning in the radio, I try to tune into prayer. Do you think such prayer is as soulful?

Al, thank you for your email and your post. When you said "Our minds want our inner experiences to be in a structured, logical format so the data can be processed and therefore accepted," had to chuckle to myself because that sounds like my legal mind, and I think Padgett might have suffered some of the same thoughts from his own testimony. I am learning how to jump in with the whole soul experience. It's all new to me, but I appreciate all of the help and guidance that you have selflessly given.

And so, let the journey continue. I thank you all for the thoughts and prayers, and may God bless you all.

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