Greetings from Charles

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Greetings from Charles


I have received a warm welcome on the forum which surprised me and reflected on the nature of those with an ingredient of Divine Love.
I must give a lot of thanks to Geoff to whom i simply " tried" to see if i could connect with any one on earth with convictions like mine.
I am an African from Uganda and residing in Uganda with my family. I am male aged 56 years.
I have had an opportunity to be a business man who has travelled to Kenya,Tanzania,United Arab Emirates (Dubai) China,Hong Kong and South Africa on business trips.
As a young child my father wanted me to be a cathollic priest. I spent the good years of 12 to 18 studing general education in the seminary.I got the highest grades in christian religion which not every one did. I had alredy detrrmined never to become s priest when i was 15. The biggest reason was that i could not stand BLIND OBEDIENCE and DOGMA. I fellout.On Strange reasons i admired Abraham Lincoln so much that i determined to be lawyer like him. I took Bible Studies at High School before joining College to graduate in Marketing.
In my holidays i had picked up interest in the phenomonon of spirits. I curiously visited "witch doctors "and medicinemen" to study what was happening as reality.This was against my strong catholic background but my father would surprisingly not oppose.I witnessed spirits talking and also saw them perrform un natural things like a man possessed eating live burning wood and smashind heaps of burning wood and eating abnormal volumes of food in seancesand those poeple having no effect there after..
When i started working at the age of 26 i gave up all religion and focused on wealth creation and accumulation. For three decades i hated matters of religion and got annoyed with a nalme Jesus ,especially if it was voiced from those "born agains" . I belived God created the World ,set it up with laws and matter and abandoned it. On an occassion he would favour some few individuals and perform wonders. through them,those lucky ones.
Then came the financial recess that hit the world in 2010. That depression hit thedeveloping nations harder than the developed. My businesses did not survive the blows.In 2013 i hit the bottom. I resorted to studing financial literacy to refine my skills. I studied Harv Eker, Napoleon Hill,,Brian Tracy,Robrt Kiyosaki,Keith Cameron and fanatics like Rhonda Byrne. And many more.......
In 2014,Now my eldest daughter of 19 years took it to be devil's work that had hit my career in business. She ingenously designred a plan to take me for prayers. She lold me how she had been possessed by evil spirit something and a certain "Prophet " had informed her that it was me ,as her father and not any one else, that he needed to save the situation.. The plan was to drug me into church to receive prayer from those charismatic pentecostals. Despite the fact that i told her to go there and detect how fake they were, and guide her if necessary out of scam, the plan did work for her. That was the turning point. I had a spirtuall revival.
God has plans. I never turned back. She left the church. I stayed there.
They told me i was a pastor. They invited me to preach after some few Sundays of service.
I did it with considerable insipiration. But after five months i had to make a decision to leave the church. Reason? Doctrine. Jesus taught his doctrine and i could not torelate any one preach matter contrally to his teaching. Love even towards enermies.. These mashrooming USA originated Churches do not have any organised doctrine. when they arrive in Africa.They only register as pentecostal,Or born again churches and have nothing in common..They become personal churches .They are the spiritualiistic movement ventures of the 1850s to the1930s which Houdin attacked for fraud. In the americas and Europe.
In my two years i have collected over 350 books and paphlets on spiritual matters. I have read over 250 of them. I have re read over 50 of them for serios study . They have topics ranging from annointing,mediumship.ministry,The Holy Spirt, Spirtualim,,demonlogy, miracles,hearing the voice of God and the many books on Kenneth Haggin.
I studied and watched international televangelists like, Joice Mayre, Joseph prince, TD Jakes, Moldernaldo, and he that wrote "Good morning Holy Spirit"
The event came when Sid Roth on Day Star televison hosted a famous minister whom i dont recall who said he had writtern a book based on what Jesus hsd revealed to him. I said ,Wow" Jesus can not keep qiute .He must be communicating at least once in a millenium. Why,when as a young man i had witnessed spirits talking.
Then i looked from any source that could contain any revelations of Jesus. I discorved the The true gospel revealed anew by Jesus.
I have never turned back.
I joined another church having a high level of spiritual phenomenononal demonstration.. I went there after leaving the other church quitely and joined a new one to pray for financial sucess. I introduced my self to the "aposle" heading the church as an individual that needed spiritual intervention to recorver from financial loss. I needed some re capitalization of some USA $ 10000. This is what i needed from him and that is all.
When i went there for the second time to pray ,something strange happened. He announced at s specific time within the service that there was one and only one individua in the congregation whom Jesus loved so much. The entire church and i in particular, iwaited to see who that one was. I had watched peolpe run ,jump,fall,or even run before. Not long i felt a supernatural power envelop me, which i resisted and to my dismay , it over powered me,lifted me off the chair, took me involuntarily to the corridor. An energy made me run so fast ,at high speef and in a minute i was at this pupit.
So much happened to me in his servises that it only happens to annointed men according to their church that for the second time i was named among pastors again. I dont preach, and i have not formed any church..I still go to this church once in a while, but the preaching and the doctrines which point to the many answeres i received studing the massages through Padget are missing.,
In the Padgett massages St John explained about people who search for the truth and how they fail to settle in churches untill they receive the truth as provided through Padgett.
I am sorry for telling such a long story and soorry for occupying so much space. But may our loving God bless he that can get a lesson therein. And may be advise on the way i handle my own life.
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Re: Greetings from Vee

Post by jeanne »

Dear Charles,
Thank you so much for introducing yourself here! I am attempting to respond from a McDonald's restaurant that has free wi-fi in the small city of Yakima, in the state of Washington, U.S.A.

I have limited access to the internet and only a little time to welcome you! Also I don't know how to move your post so that it stands on its own, rather than here, in Vee's post! I'm sure that Geoff will move it the first chance he gets! Geoff lives in Sydney Australia and Vee lives in New Zealand, so you can see already how wonderful it is to have friends on this forum from all over the world!

I am fascinated by your story and can't wait to share it with my husband Al (from Gibsons, Canada; Helge Mercker (from Namibia) and Keven O'Neill (from New Jersey) who are all waiting for me at Helge's farm.

I have so many questions to ask you! So much to discuss!! It would be wonderful to meet you in person! By any chance have you considered attending the Divine Love prayer retreat in Frankfurt, Germany from August 31-September 4? It is so powerful to pray together! I hope you can come! As soon as I can get more access to the internet, I will email you again and provide you with more information!

Thank you again for introducing yourself; thank you also for your personal emails. I look forward to some rich discussions with you in this forum! In the meantime, I'm sure others will also want to welcome you! For now, I am sending you a hearty welcome, with our love and blessings from our adventures in the U.S. God Bless you, Charles! Jeanne, Al, Helge and Kevin :P
Stay centered in Divine Love and expect miracles to happen!
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Re: Greetings from Charles

Post by Geoff »

Dear Charles.

Wonderful to hear from you again, and yes I am really sorry we could not, across all our sources find someone closer to home for you. There have been, but not all folks who find this path stick to it with the same sort of determination that it seems you have, because of your intense desire to find Truth. What a great story by the way!

Really and truly we need to catch up face to face, so I would also ask if there is any way you can make Frankfurt? I realise this may be a financial impossibility as I gather you are still looking to get your self back on your feet after 2010. Funny enough a very tough year of business in 1999 (lead up to 2000 and the anticipated year 2000 bug) caused me to cry out to Father for help. I was lucky, He saved my business and only then when I realised He had, did I ask Him to find Truth for me. Anyway, you are so widely read its possible you have already read my story on my web site?

I have a feeling with all those resources - and obviously you have some significant charisma or folks would not be begging you to preach - you will be doing something soon? This is a critical time for the world, and also for our movement. Thanks to Al and Jeanne we have some momentum going, something that it has lacked for some time. We still do not know how things will play out, but there are moves afoot. Again welcome.

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Re: Greetings from Charles

Post by Eva »

Hello Charles,
Welcome again! Wonderful to have learned more about you from your post here. You have certainly had a rich and eventful life and I am sure can make a valuable contribution to the Divine Love community. You can enrich others' perspectives as well as receive valuable insights from others for your own life. It is all a give and take situation -- mutual sharing in love as I had mentioned to you before. So feel free to contribute to existing posts or start new ones as you feel inspired.
Love and blessings to you on your spiritual journey.
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Re: Greetings from Charles

Post by michael »

Greetings Charles,
What a wonderful story! Thank you so much for sharing the most intimate parts of your life. You certainly have an interesting story to tell regarding your spiritual journey. It appears that God has plans for you and that you have been led to the truths of God's Divine Love in the Padgett messages and to connect with members in the Divine Love community. There is much work to do before us in our work for the Father and His Celestial Kingdom. We can accomplish much while we are mortals living on this planet earth. It begins with a commitment to ourselves in praying for God's Divine Love and asking for help from the angels in maintaining a state of grace. When we can walk, talk, and speak in the Love and have our souls ablaze with the Father's Divine Love to be true examples of His redeemed children here on earth, we go a long way in demonstrating to other mortals and spirits the Truth and significance of the availability of God's Divine Love to all of mankind. This is an exciting time. I add my welcome to Jeanne's, Geoff's and Eva's - welcome dear brother to the community. I look forward to working with you and walking along side of you on the path to the Kingdom.
With love and blessings,
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Re: Greetings from Charles

Post by dmreed2 »

Hi Charles,

I’m so glad you introduced yourself here and shared with us your story and discover of the Padgett messages. You have been through a lot but in the process discovered yourself and your true relationship with our creator. Seek and ye shall find knock and the door will be opened. Your seeking lead you along the journey you took with all its ups and downs and eventually lead you to the true message of God’s Great gift of Divine Love. He was knocking at your heart and though at times you resisted His persistence won over and now your heart is opening more and more to His Love and the truth and wisdom that comes with it. The difficulties you experienced along your spiritual journey are uniquely yours but also similar in some ways to others. Sharing yourself as you have will help your other brothers and sisters who are experiencing similar strife and problems of reconciling their soul’s desires with their minds insistent need to be in control and wanting the earthly pleasures over spiritual ones. A flower that grows in a glass box that is sheltered from the harsh elements around it, will wither and succumb to them when that glass box is removed. A flower that grows exposed to those harsh elements will have the strength to endure them when the winds and elements come blowing again. You’re much stronger than most and with Gods Love transforming your soul your strength and inner peace will continue to grow. I found that reading Padgett messages and contemporary messages such as those on this website and others like, where invaluable in helping me stay focused on my spiritual journey to the fountain head of God’s Love. Thank you so much for joining us here, I'm sure you were guided by your spiritual guides to share with us and to join with us as we travel together along this path of Divine Light. I would like to finish with a message from our Father in Heaven received by Child of God and from the website. I hope you enjoy God's message.

With much Love,

"Let My Love be your foundation"

September 3rd, 2013
Received by Child of God.

Build your life on My Love. Let My Love be your foundation. When you can fully trust and feel that My Love is here for always, you will never again feel alone. My Love will ease your burdens. The pain will subside. In your heart and soul peace will find you.

You may feel you must give up everything to let My Love embrace you fully. You must let go of everything that is not love. You must let it all go to set your soul free and let your spirit fly. Going through such a transformation is painful. You may feel you lose everything.

This is your time of trust. This is the time to hold your hope up high. Honor yourself for your courage and honesty. Don’t let your pain come between us. I feel your resistance. Let it go. Let My Love fill every chamber of your heart. Let My Love carry your every wound to The Heavens. Let your soul rest in the stillness of My Love. Let My Love comfort you. I am here. As always.

Your heavenly Father
Don't Plan, Live, Love, Pray, Pray for God's Love, and let yourself enjoy your spiritual journey
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Re: Greetings from Charles

Post by DennisT »

Hello Charles, and welcome to our forum.

I read with much pleasure your story, and I could sense your frustration in looking for the truth! I too am a lawyer, recovering Roman Catholic, having just found the Truth of the Father's Divine Love in the fall of 2012.

You will find very friendly, like-minded people here. I hope you will add more of your stories in the posts and threads here, as you sound like a person with a rich story to tell indeed!

May the Love of the Father bless and keep you,

Southern California. :D
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Re: Greetings from Charles

Post by Vee »

Dear Charles,

Welcome to the forum. What an extraordinary story you are writing there. You’ve seen it all, clearly. It is one thing to just observe a variety of beliefs from the sideline, and and another thing altogether to get drawn in, like you were, and then having to withdraw again.
I’m sure everybody will be looking forwards to any contributions from you on this forum.

With love and blessings,
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Re: Greetings from Charles

Post by KevinO »

Welcome Lwanga!(Charles)
I'm so sorry I'm so tardy to your welcoming party. Jeanne mentioned you had made contact when we were in Yakima, Wash., but I'd not seen your post until now. What an interesting life you've had and it's sure to get ever more so from here to eternity! With your gifts of ministering and oration, your presence on the forum and in our loving community will certainly be a great blessing for us all. It would be wonderful if you could join us for group prayer at the coming retreats, and I'm anxious to hear your glorious oratory and uplifting African songs. Hoping to meet you soon.
With love, KevinO
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