2018 Annual Report

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2018 Annual Report

Post by jeanne »

January 6, 2019

President’s Report

Almost 40 years ago Al and I inherited boxes of old, faded, tattered manuscripts – a treasure trove of messages that had been channelled through various mediums in the Vancouver area in the 1950’s and 1960’s. This extraordinary collection, along with a history of the Divine Love movement in western Canada, is now posted as “Messages of Love – 1958 – 1970” on our website at: https://divinelovesanctuary.com/celesti ... llections/ . Little did we realize when we opened those boxes all those years ago what a sacred trust and legacy we were given! Indeed, the contents of those boxes has inspired our life’s purpose. Fast forward 50 years: these messages are as relevant today as they were then and greatly informed the work of DLSF in 2018.

Our Celestial guides and teachers strengthened their presence with us in extraordinary ways during 2018. We were called to pray! Pray! And Pray some more! To pray as intensely and as often as we could…..in our individual Holy Communion with God; in our daily and weekly Circles of Light, and in prayerful gatherings with others at home and at broad. Our simultaneous prayers with other Divine Love followers around the world increased dramatically using online platforms such as Zoom, Skype, Facebook and What’s App.

In excerpts from a message received in December about coming earth changes from our Teacher, Seretta Kem, we were told, “you must be close to God, you must follow your guidance and prepare yourselves for the coming earth changes. In time the earth will right itself. There will be harmony, but the time for transition is now. We have asked you to awaken…to awaken in your soul, to be in alignment with God, to receive ever greater quantities of the great gift of His Love. We will be close to you, my beloved friends, very close. For we have promised our help, assistance, protection and guidance in the coming times. Much guidance will be given to relay to those who are willing to listen. There will be surprising manifestations. Be fervent in your prayers. Though these times may be difficult, you will emerge from the other side of the tumult with joy and a clear understanding of what must be so that future generations may experience a life that is fulfilling, both materially and spiritually. Humanity must awaken to recalibrate their values and their desires so that the wisdom of their souls may emerge. God will infill you with this knowing and strengthen you with His Love so that you may walk in the world, not with fear, but with compassion and deep insight into truth.”

Brooke Folk, the Founder and Host of Divine Love Radio, supported these efforts by co-hosting Online Circles of Light, making it possible for Divine Love followers in Europe, North America and Australia to join a growing community of Divine Love followers in simultaneous, prayerful support. These efforts for global connection are richly supported by LightBringers whose purpose is to create a Lattice of Light for the world. The LightBringers ministry, initiated by Bill Frase and Raphael Legros, is making it possible for Divine Love followers on earth and in spirit to continue building and sustaining a global Lattice of Light.

In the spring of 2018 Al completed renovations on a fully self-contained Garden Guest House on our property. Our modest Divine Love Retreat Centre hosted an astonishing 243 sleepovers from May to December! Spiritual seekers from Peru, Australia, Namibia, Southern California, Florida, New York, Virginia, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Switzerland – plus 5 locations in 2 Canadian provinces-- joined with local Divine Love followers in Gibsons and the Vancouver area in fervent prayer for Divine Love so that we may be used as channels of Love, Peace and Healing for our planet and troubled world.

DLSF hosted almost continuous personal and small group retreats (3-5 days); as well as two First United Spiritualist Church retreats, a 10 day and a month long retreat with 2 – 3 hours of daily prayer and meditation during the past 6 months!

The most popular retreat in 2018 was a Divine Love Mediumship Retreat held at the end of August. Each of the 12 participants (including 4 mediums) was guided to attend.

In the words of our beloved Teacher Augustine, “Our greatest ambition is that others will come to know us and forge a bond and avenue of communication. This is the primary goal ….to encourage the souls of your brothers and sisters to open to the blessing of God’s Love. And to be open to the possibility of receiving guidance and communication with us in the Celestial Realms.”

Seretta Kem explained, “You will come to know us. Some of you will come to see us as if we are in the flesh and there will be a great co-operation and collaboration between us to help bring the world back from the brink. May your souls be eager for Love, eager and open so that God may indeed be close and you may walk in Light.”

In daily sessions we explored such topics as:
• “What is a Divine Love Medium”? How is a Divine Love Medium different from an “evidential medium” a “material medium” or “platform medium”?
• Developing a firm foundation; sensitizing ourselves to thought energies, spirits and Soul knowings.
• Harmonizing the Mind and Soul.
• The Laws of Rapport and Communication: How do you know you are connecting with a Celestial Angel? How can you discern the difference ?
• What are your gifts? Your desires? Your intentions?

Exceptional messages received during this Retreat will be included in the next edition of Al’s book on Divine Love Mediumship (coming soon); as well, these messages will be posted at https://divinelovesanctuary.com/celesti ... llections/ early in the new year.

Messages of higher truths are channelled so frequently during our travels and prayers with other Divine Love followers that we haven’t been able to keep up transcribing them! True to their promise, our Celestial Teachers are eager to develop a rapport with everyone open to receive the blessing of God’s Divine Love….an Angel is assigned to overshadow and pray with each participant, to help each one of us rise above the earth conditions and to help us in our progression on the Divine Path. True to their promise, Celestial Angels stayed as close to participants as they possibly could during our Circles of Light in New York, Pennsylvania, Florida, Hawaii and Australia! So many blessings were bestowed that we are still trying to complete the transcriptions received during our travels for publication on our website.

Our goal is to transcribe messages for retreat participants as quickly as possible while their experience communing with the Angels receiving Divine Love is still fresh. We are always looking for new volunteers who are skilled in Word to help us keep up. As soon as a series of messages is available from a retreat, a collection is posted at https://divinelovesanctuary.com/celesti ... llections/ . As 2018 draws to a close, we are still scrambling to complete collections from the spring and Fall of 2018.
We are grateful to our co-hosts who opened their hearts and their homes to us in 2018: Ruth Duvall for hosting a week long retreat in Homosassa Springs, Florida; to Hal Eisenburg who hosted for us 3 days in New York; for Bill Frase for hosting us in Monroeville, Pennsylvania and to Jimbeau Walsh who hosted us in Hawaii last spring. There were about 75 participants in those Circles of Light and we were delighted to meet new people who were eager to embrace the experience of communing with Celestial Angels and learn more about the great gift of receiving Divine Love! Al and I were thrilled to meet Brooke Folk in Pennsylvania which led to the interviews on Divine Love Radio and the establishment of Online Circles of Light! What a joy to stay connected with many new friends in simultaneous prayer during this past year! We have now confirmed plans to return to Florida, New York and Pennsylvania in March, 2019 – launching our time there with a Divine Love Caribbean Cruise out of Tampa on February 15, five days in Florida, three days in Meyersdale, 3 days in Monroeville and 3 days in St. Louis! If you are interested in meeting up with us somewhere along this trip, more information is available on our website calendar, via the home page at: https://divinelovesanctuary.com/ .

Another joyful highlight of 2018 was Al’s trip with “The Three Amigos” to Australia in November / December. I elected to stay home for a more gentle and blessed personal retreat with God! Geoff Cutler hosted Al and Jimbeau in Sydney with 2 or 3 prayers a day, visits with Geoff’s friends (including George Barnard, the Founder / Medium of the 11:11 movement) and sight-seeing. At the invitation of Susan and Michael Lytton-Hitchins, the Three Amigos co-hosted a Soul Awakening workshop at their home, attended by 26 people new to Divine Love. Susan is a Gourmet Vegetarian Chef who completely indulged the men for 4 days! It was wonderful for me to stay close to Al in prayer, no matter what time during the day or night, praying simultaneously. Truly there is no distance spiritually in times of prayer.

In August a small network of Divine Love followers from western Canada attended a wonderful retreat in Phoenix, Arizona hosted by Patricia Doyle, Joan Warden, Eva Peck and Holly Bianco. It was an amazing opportunity to bask in the loving and healing energies of the broader Divine Love community.

Gibsons, West Vancouver and First United Spiritualist Church Circles of Light continued throughout 2018, drawing in new participants every month.

For the third year in a row, DLSF was scheduled to provide monthly talks on Divine Love at FUSC Sunday Services. In 2018 Terry Adler, Darlene Gaunt, Raphael Legros and Maureen Cardoso facilitated Sunday Services, workshops and Healing Circles at the church which were joyfully received. In October DLSF co-hosted an amazing work party at the church, cleaning, re-organizing, repairing, decorating and maintaining the beautiful sanctuary, its gardens, kitchen and offices! A truly inspired labour of love!

DLSF’s presence in social media increased significantly in 2018 using Facebook Live, Zoom and What’s App Platforms; more and more audio and video recordings are being posted on our website, along with transcribed messages. There were 12,984 posts on 1,342 different topics by 338 members in our website forum!

More than 300 people subscribe to receive our weekly mailchimp message.

A host of Celestial Guides and Teachers channelled more than 200 Divine Love messages during Circles of Light! A message from Yogananda entitled “Pathways of Consciousness” garnered the most attention, reaching 3,131 people on the DLSF Facebook page that was shared 39 times! Divine Love Mediumship, in both Facebook and in our website forum was the peak topic.

We participated in more than a dozen Divine Love Radio episodes with Brooke Folk, co-hosting and interviewing many wonderful and unique Divine Love followers on a broad range of topics. One of the most popular interviews was with Allan Forest whose amazing story about his wife Vicky’s passing into the spirit world captured the hearts of his listeners. Thanks to Brooke for his many years as a professional broadcaster, all of his engaging episodes have been posted on our website.

We welcomed several new and eager volunteers to our international team who have spent countless hours transcribing, editing and sharing Messages of Divine Love with the world….who co-host Circles of Light in their homes, in their communities and online…..who assist us in preparing publications…..who facilitate workshops, healing and yoga at Divine Love retreats…..who clean, cook and serve delicious and healthy meals at our Retreat Centre! Thank you! What a joy!

Goals for 2019:

• To uphold the Mission of DLSF: “To awaken humankind to the wonders of Divine Love and to be channels of love, peace and healing for our planet.”
• To increase Online Circles of Light and strengthen a growing, global Lattice of Light by hosting opportunities for simultaneous prayers world wide.
• To discover and support more Divine Love Centres of Light, their creation and maintenance of their Portals of Light for an infusion of God’s Love in the world.
• To support the First United Spiritualist Church as a Centre of Light, its Divine Love portal and community.
• To host additional Divine Love Mediumship Retreats, Circles of Light, retreats and workshops at home & abroad.
• To update & publish a second edition of Al’s book on Divine Love Mediumship; to publish a new book on Awakening The Soul.
• To recruit skilled volunteers to join our team and meet the escalating demands of our work.
• To fundraise to cover overhead costs & administrative expenses for DLSF; while continuing to fundraise for Aids-orphaned children in Namibia.

Our promise for 2019 is to strive every day to live our lives in harmony with God’s Will …. To embrace Augustine’s invitation to: “ keep yourselves in the highest condition of harmony. If you feel a sense of frustration, go to God… Do not allow negative forces to influence you – you have the power to choose. Prayer is your friend and comforter as God continues to bless you. Choose Light always, beloveds…. Choose Love, be compassionate….be at Peace. We are with you, beloveds, to help you….as long as you are receptive, then we are here to reinforce the light around you and within you. We are dedicated to assisting you all!”

With our love and gratitude,
Jeanne & Al Fike
Divine Love Sanctuary Foundation
Gibsons, B.C. Canada
Stay centered in Divine Love and expect miracles to happen!
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