9th Annual AGM Year End 2021 in Review

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9th Annual AGM Year End 2021 in Review

Post by jeanne »

Please join us Tuesday, March 15 at 3:00 pm Pacific Time for our 9th Annual Divine Love Sanctuary Foundation AGM. This year's AGM is dedicated to Divine Love Mediums Rev. Jimbeau Walsh and Maureen Cardoso. Contact Jeanne Fike for zoom login.

We are pleased to present an overview of activities during 2021:

9th Annual AGM
Year End Report
2021 in Review

When the world turned upside down 2 years ago with the global pandemic, the unexpected benefit of physical isolation was greater focus on spirituality. Many on the earth plane came together in dedicated prayer to receive the inflowing of God’s Divine Essence – the collective power of which allowed God and the Angels to come ever closer in soulful rapport bringing greater light and healing energies into the world – a Taste of Heaven on earth!

Highlights of the Year:

Our World in Transition – Messages from Jesus

Jesus continued to channel weekly lessons of Truth about the Soul’s Journey to God, the power of prayer to overcome the barriers of the Human Condition and Divine Truths that shatter the errors and illusions of the mind. The first 20 messages were published as Our World in Transition – Messages from Jesus, Volume I in the spring of 2021. https://divinelovesanctuary.com/divine- ... lications/ .
Soon after followed German and French publications. A Spanish translation has been completed and a Romanian translation is well underway! A kindle version is also available on Amazon at https://www.amazon.ca/Our-World-Transit ... B097XD6JSC; an audio book is in the making. Volume I messages are available at www.soultruth.ca, the DLSF website https://divinelovesanctuary.com/the-wor ... rom-jesus/ and Dennis Tormey’s you tube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2K_g4 ... 1dJZINlEbQ.
While these translation and publication efforts were going on, Jesus continued to deliver another 20 lessons about the Truths of God’s Love. Publication of Volume II is expected in 2022.

Direct Voice Development Retreat

When the border between Canada and the U.S. opened temporarily between waves of the pandemic, DLSF hosted its first in person retreat in Gibsons in 2 years! Twelve eager participants, affectionately calling themselves “the D.V. Dozen” came together for an intensive development retreat to pray for the awakening of our souls in preparation for receiving the gift of physical manifestation of Celestial Angels, guides and teachers in broad daylight. On the first day of the retreat Jesus introduced a new guide and spiritual teacher from another planet called “Orion” after the constellation where he resides. Unlike planet Earth, on Orion’s planet, souls are born into conditions of love; there is peace, harmony and abundance for all. Orion was invited by Jesus to work with Celestial Angels to help humanity awaken. Orion established a close rapport with the group and brought through many teaching messages. Orion also brought advanced technologies, equipment and gifts to assist the group in spiritual development and healing.

The DV Dozen prayed together fervently for 3 hours a day for God’s Plan for the Salvation of Humanity, the Healing of Mother Earth and the development of our spiritual gifts, including physical manifestations. What a blessing for the group to be able to “unplug” from the world to be in Holy Communion with the Divine, to receive the inflowing of Divine Love individually and collectively. Between sessions we shared our spiritual and healing gifts, enjoyed walks in nature, delicious meals and conversations.
There are now three Divine Love Direct Voice development Circles on earth, praying for the gift of physical manifestation: The Circle of 7 began in 2017; the Aussie Group, began in 2020 and the DV Dozen began in 2021. What each group has in common is the dedication of our lives in God’s Service, sharing a belief that the gift of physical manifestations of Celestial Angels, bright spirits and our Stellar friends in broad daylight has the potential to change the world. A video replay of our presentation on “Direct Voice” as this phenomenon is often called, is available at https://youtu.be/4woSPFurQk4 .

Divine Love Groups continue to grow!

9 active and semi active groups on What’s App grew and strengthened during 2021. All groups except the DV Development groups are open to new members.
These groups provide an opportunity for instant connection with other Divine Love followers around the world in brief chats, each group with a different purpose.

• LightBringers: initiated by Bill Frase in 2018, LightBringers has 114 active members posting prayer requests and audio recordings of Celestial messages every day.
• Divine Love Conversations: this active group was formed as a companion group for LightBringers because many followers wanted an opportunity to express their thoughts, feelings, questions, visions, and insights that were not permitted in LightBringers. There are 94 members.
• Direct Voice Development: Initiated by the DV Dozen in the Fall of 2021, this is a closed group of 14 people earnestly praying for the gift of physical manifestations.
• Water Carriers: initiated in Dec 17 by the Circle of 7, this is a closed group of 7 people earnestly praying for the gift of physical manifestations.
• Alliance of Light: initiated by Elizabeth Mack, Terry Adler, Yvonne Riley and Elizabeth Trask, this group began in Dec, 2021 and focusses on the benefits of the Crystal Gift. There are 54 members.
• One Nation: initiated by Elizabeth Mack and Kevin O’Neil in 2021, the original focus of this group was to meet the needs of African nations in Online Circles of Light meeting twice a week. The group quickly expanded to include members from other places around the world! There are 19 members.
• Addictions and Trauma Recovery Group: Initiated by a few people deeply involved in their own recovery issues or helpers now working with others. This group began in March, 2018 and now has 14 participants whose main focus is on sharing resources.
• For the Love of Children: This group was initiated by Susan Kubicek in Dec, 2020 as a forum for parents and grandparents to share ideas, books and activities to introduce Divine Love to children. There are 12 members.
• Managing Messages: there are 9 members in this core team administration group involved in posting audio recordings of messages, assigning transcribers, providing research and mutual support for publications and other tasks. This group is open to active volunteers.

Online Circles of Light

During 2021 in consultation with Kevin O’Neill it was decided to combine two mailchimp communications per week into one mailchimp per week by combining the subscribers in each group into one master list of subscribers. The goal was to streamline communications that go out to almost 500 subscribers.

Besides the One Nation Circles developed in 2021, Karanne Lambton initiated a new Take 30 Online Circle of Light for early risers on the west coast that is convenient for Eastern time zones as well. A shorter prayer circle has its benefits for those who have little time during the work week.

In July, 2021 we met a dynamic new friend who lives in Kampala, Uganda! Lorika Kodet, who discovered the Padgett messages and the Truths of God’s Love made contact with us online. Always interested in different religions of the world, Lorika began introducing the Truths of Divine Love to a Christian Bible Study group she was hosting. How delighted we were to introduce Lorika to Llwanga Musisi, a newly FCDT ordained minister who is also a resident of Kampala. Lorika and Llwanga are working together now in Uganda, co-hosting an enthusiastic Divine Love Circle who are now studying the Padgett messages.

2021 Programs and Events:

* Annual World Prayer for Divine Love was hosted on New Year’s Day.
• Leadership Development Program for hosting Circles of Light
• Interviews with Michael Nedbal, Eva Peck and Artto Aunap
• Explorations in Prayer with Judy Dunbar
• Padgett Study Group with Cliff de Dora, Raphael LeGros, Jimbeau Walsh & Dorothy Clausen
• First Nations Drumming and Story Telling with Elder Terry Aleck Coyote and Christine Turenne
• Panel discussion on the Crystal Gift with Elizabeth Trask, Yvonne Riley and Al Fike

DLSF involvement with the First United Spiritualist Church in Burnaby, B.C. continued with Al serving as President for the third year. FUSC Services continued on zoom throughout the year; we delivered presentations on The Three Minds, The Importance of Unity, Sharing Our Healing Gifs, The Soul, The Challenges of Living a Spiritual Life, Inter-planetary Communication and The Crystal Gift.
Raphael Legros (Vice-President of FUSC), with Rickie Avitan and Maureen Cardoso volunteering their gifts as Divine Love Mediums, hosted 2 Divine Love Circles a month. Darlene Gaunt, Jane Gartshore, Debra Love and Raphael Legros also made presentations at Church Services. Debra Love and Jimbeau Walsh co-hosted a candle light service on Christmas Eve as well as a New Year’s Eve sacred circle.
Partnerships through various world wide Divine Love networks continued to flourish; in particular, Living Waters Spiritual Healing; FUSC Divine Love Healers; LightBringers, Wake up Call for the Soul and Divine Truth Sharing offered seamless cross referrals within the broader Divine Love community.


* Kevin O’Neill sent out a Celestial message, announcements and calendar every week to almost 500 subscribers.
• Beth Mazur posted 140 audio messages from Celestial Angels to the DLSF podcast. There were just over 4000 downloads of these messages from
listeners in 50 countries. https://divinelovesanctuary.podbean.com/.
• The DLSF closed Facebook group hosted 173 members, 250 posts, and just under 1000 comments in 2021.
• Geoff Cutler reported there are 153 subscribers receiving daily messages from the Soul Truth website including 150--200 messages channelled
through Jimbeau Walsh.
• Yvonne Riley reports there were 460 current followers on Twitter with 635 tweets during 2021 and 10,300 profile visits.
• Currently there are a total of 472 members in the DLSF website forum, with an accumulative 13,621 posts in 1507 topic areas.

We wish to acknowledge the exceptional leadership of Geoff Cutler, Brooke Folk of Divine Love Radio, Maureen Cardoso of Living Waters Spiritual Healing, Bill Frase of Wake Up Call for the Soul, Jimbeau Walsh, Judy Dunbar, Terry Adler, Kevin O’Neill, Karen Lyons, Beth Mazur, Yvonne Riley, Raphael Legros, Darlene Gaunt, Ellen Hovan, Karanne Lambton, Elizabeth Mack, Mary Ann Kalonick and Allan Forest for their ongoing efforts in bringing the Truths of God’s Love to the world.

We give thanks to Karen Lyons for transcribing the lion’s share of messages received during the past 4 years and to Kevin O’Neill who also works tirelessly behind the scenes.

We are grateful to 7 regular monthly donors who help us meet our overhead costs each month.


This year’s AGM is dedicated to our beloved friends, Divine Love Mediums Jimbeau Walsh and Maureen Cardoso. We give thanks to Jimbeau and Maureen for dedicating their lives in God’s Service and for sharing their beautiful gifts with the world.
Maureen and Jimbeau continue to make a unique and significant impact in our lives – Jimbeau’s gifts for story telling and song writing light up the world. Maureen’s extraordinary healing and teaching gifts continue to mentor others and reverberate throughout the world. We are richly blessed by our associations with you both.
May 2022 bring ever greater light, Truth and Harmony in the world; may the Lattice of Light that connects us all continue to grow and may God’s Greatest Gift of all fill our souls, individually and collectively.
Thank you, all, for a blessed year.
Jeanne and Al Fike
Divine Love Sanctuary Foundation
March 15, 2022
Stay centered in Divine Love and expect miracles to happen!
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