Earth Changes

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Earth Changes

Post by Geoff »

This thread was split off from another which started out as an uncomfortable phone call.
TimJ wrote: A true friend will be just as tolerant of your views as you are of theirs. If not, people can, and do, change, usually for the better, so perhaps time and patience is the best course.

Hope this helps,
Dear Tim,

That is very true. However I am finding myself needing to "reach out", because I feel compelled to find folks in my suburb so we can start a Circle of Light. I have had quite some success in talking about Earth Changes. You very quickly discover if people are on "that" page, and while it does not mean they are seekers, its sorts out those who are not going to be open at all. Having just changed my sports coupe for a 4 wheel drive, this has been the conversation point with folks I have known some time, yet never raised any spiritual topics. But with some I just tell them its going to be more useful. But twice I have been rewarded for saying I believe very serious Earth Changes are upon us, and while I really don't know if it will affect Sydney, I am prepared. I also have a trailer now fully packed with enough to probably survive at least a week. If I lay in more food I could of course go much longer, but I am conscious of having to watch the "use by" dates even on cans. And I am not looking forward to having to "use up" canned stuff, which I hardly use normally.

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Re: an uncomfortable phone call

Post by Pamela »

What kind of earth changes are going to take place?
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Re: an uncomfortable phone call

Post by Geoff »

Dear Pamela,

Nature will use all the tools it has at its disposal:

Fire, flood, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes and so on. This is not climate change, this is a whole new ball game. See this message from Jesus.

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Re: an uncomfortable phone call

Post by Vee »

Dear Pamela,

.... content in "uncomfortable phone call...

And Geoff, being in “earthquake city”, we already have filled backpacks ready(that preparedness is being mentioned here often), a car may not be so useful in such situations, going by the long queues trying to get out of the city at that time, as we observed. The food and water thing ( water sterilisation pills)is really a nuisance, and you really need to have something to be able to cook food, and preferably some small shelter( tent)It would also be useful to know something about edible foods in the wild. We have dwelt on that thing a lot, because of what happened here.

I would think that if something is going to happen, we are in a prime spot for that, and always waiting for the big one on the main fault line. And so are the folks in Vancouver, I would think.

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Re: an uncomfortable phone call

Post by Geoff »

Dear Vee,

Yeah I am assuming tsunami, not earthquakes here. And as I am already on the outskirts of the city, I just need to get up the road a bit. But if there is a tsunami, I won't be able to get back. I am also fortunate I have another property 2 hours away, and would hope to be able to get there. If we have a massive earthquake? Then I don't know. This building is probably pretty strong, and I can walk outside. But if my trailer is trapped in the garage, there goes my prep.

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Re: an uncomfortable phone call

Post by AlFike »

We were also told that we need not worry about our fate so I don't easily concern myself with these things. Not that it is a waste of time but it can also be a big distraction from our spiritual pursuits. Always balance eh ? Lets hope that the angels will prompt us when the time comes, if it comes. I'm living one day at a time these days. No promptings yet other than storm clouds are on the horizon. My main concern these days is keeping our savings intact so that I can pay the bills. The stock market here has not been kind lately but these are all material concerns which are not so important here. My fate is in God's Hands. I'm listening for instructions though. Much love......Al

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Re: an uncomfortable phone call

Post by Geoff »

AlFike wrote:We were also told that we need not worry about our fate so I don't easily concern myself with these things.
Dear Al,

While I cant absolutely say what I am doing is "soul perceptions" I think when you use the word "we" you should probably make sure you are not proscribing what each of us should do. I am happy if you feel you should do nothing. Its not what i feel. And so far I don't think I have spent more than 8 hours all up. Hardly a major distraction. I do know I will kick myself if looking back at some time I see lots I could have done, and had been prompted to do but did not do. Have you loaded up on mattresses yet?
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Re: an uncomfortable phone call

Post by Vee »

I do tend a feel a bit like you do, Al, about this matter. I really cannot be bothered about really detailed preparation. If it is your time, it is your time.
But I have a little trouble with the concept “soon” or "very soon” in the messages. Have read that line or similar quite often. The concept of time isn’t the same perhaps.
We have just the basics ready, but that is because of our recent experiences and we know exactly how to polish off such preparations if we choose to. It is just wise to keep certain essentials accessible in a spot, that you can always get to, and have a key to those supplies that is accessible in any situation, as well. It is just common sense here.

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Re: an uncomfortable phone call

Post by AlFike »

Yes, I agree with you both. Basic preparation is always a good thing. I was referring to we from the message received. We are not to worry etc. but I know you Geoff and you are not one to wait but to act decisively so your actions are right on queue. To each his own. Spirit time is definitely different to ours. We may be very old before these predictions are upon us but they have been saying these things for a few decades at least and there have been major disasters like Wellington. Lots survived that one though. I believe that the earthquakes etc. will get worse and more frequent but it would be very unlikely to hit everywhere all at once. Now a shift of the earth's axis is something altogether different. That would be catastrophic. I'm not sure how we would survive such a thing or even if you would want to. Tsunamis thousands of feet high would wipe most of us out. Maybe God is looking for a reboot of the planet ? Its all too much to speculate on so I calm down and live a day at a time so as not to disturb my Wa. Much love.......Al
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Re: an uncomfortable phone call

Post by brian_holmes »

Pamela's poor thread has gone off on quite a tangent and the tangent should probably be its own thread, but since it is here I will address it here.

I have discussed this Earth Changes stuff with a couple of people who are part of this group and were at the retreat in Gibsons. The issue keeps coming up so I think it should be discussed from both sides of the issue and not just one - that its a forgone conclusion. The discussion of the coming catastrophes disturbs me. (Earth Changes is really a euphemism for widespread catastrophes.) The discussion disturbs me not because I am frightened of it, but because I don't want to be associated with a group that could be viewed as a doomsday cult. Right or wrong this is not what you want Divine Love and the messages to be about or associated with. If "Earth Changes" are what attracts people to a Circle of Light then you can gather a whole world full of Climate Change cultists into the fold but it isn't a circle of Light then but a circle of doom. Count me out of that circle.

Let's do some sober thinking before we start equating the Divine Love movement with end times prophecies. I think we can see how successful that was for other spiritual groups down through recent history.

Jesus' message referenced above by Geoff implies that humans are a cancer and the organism that is the Earth will try to react as an organism would to a virus or a cancer. It is basically a doomsday message (not to mention very anti-human). There are a few other messages that reference this coming cleansing.

One of the questions we might ask is, does the medium have any impact on the message that is conveyed by spirit? We must question some of the information that is channeled today just as James Padgett questioned himself in his day. His writings were filtered through him as any medium will be a filter for the information flowing through them. This is a clear statement from the angels said in multiple places in the Padgett Messages, Judas Messages, and Richard Messages. There is a plethora of negative information in the media that forms and is part of all of our consciouses. Does this have an impact on the medium?

Another question we might ask is, what happened to the idea that the future cannot be foretold? Even Jesus in the Padgett Messages admitted to that. Yes, they have more information to make better educated guesses than we do but according to the Padgett Messages no one knows the future. Jesus did not know when the world was going to end. John or someone else said the world would continue to thrive and grow its crops year after year. So either the angels are getting it wrong or the medium is coloring the message with his own knowledge and feelings or the information we have about predicting the future is wrong. I remember a particular occasion where Padgett's wife was incorrect about the fact that their daughter would recover from her illness and instead she died. Further, the celestial angels did not know beyond a shadow of a doubt who would win World War 1 and the other "lower" spirits argued back and forth that their side would win.

Everyone can see that right now the world is going to Hell in a handbasket, you don't need to be a prophet or an angel to notice this. So, there is the possibility that this time the prophecies are correct, but considering the track record of previous prognostications one should at least question them.

Do we want the focus of people who are praying for Divine Love, or going to Divine Love prayer circles and retreats to be Earth Changes, end times, and catastrophes, or Love? The direction we are supposed to go is towards Love. The Circles of Light are circles of Love.

Al has the right attitude towards this, I can see he is trying to downplay the focus from this issue. As has been said through the same recent messages, If you stay in the Light, if you stay in God's grace, if you continuously pray for Divine Love, He and His angels will protect you from harm.

I will always continue to pray for the Divine Love and I hope it will be with all of the wonderful people I met at Gibsons and through this board and the people I have yet to meet. But I am definitely going to be praying with people who are focused on receiving the Divine Love and sharing that Love and sharing those Truths with others. We don't know the future and it is debatable how much of the future spirits and angels know and whether what they know is colored by the instrument they use to convey their message.

This subject needs to be talked about before it becomes a distraction. It's already become that in my opinion.

Love and Blessings,

Brian H
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