Earth Changes

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Re: Earth Changes

Post by brian_holmes »

Hi Brother Dave. Thank you for your well-stated exposition of Divine Truths here. I appreciate input from the people with more exposure and deeper knowledge than I of these truths expressing their wisdom here. This thread and many other have been a rich source of ideas relating to Divine Love. This forum is a sometimes an introductory course and sometimes a senior level seminar but always a benefit.
brother dave k. wrote:coming to a spiritual understanding of the contents of the messages is the same as the Law of Rapport and Communication for receiving a message
This is a subtle truth and one worth remembering. We do come to understand these truths on a deeper level as we become more spiritual or as we show more soul progression. John's message definitely provides foundation for this idea.
brother dave k. wrote:Also, the part about James P's daughter being alright. Many interpret messages from the spirits about material things first because we live in a material world. So the interpretation of his daughter being alright, and then passing over as the result of some material condition, causes or caused for Padgett some doubt (which he obviously was prone to in his thinking). The truth of the matter is that in a spiritual or eternal sense, she was "alright".
As far as Nita's health was concerned you are correct that from the spiritual or eternal sense she was all right, but James was concerned about her from the material sense and I think that was my feeling (and Mr. Padgett's) about where Helen may have erred, because he was concerned with her mortal health. But Helen may have been thinking longer term, perhaps only she knows.
brother dave k. wrote:the continued Prayer for Divine Love, and the effort to have this love channeled through us in the very best way that it may be, at every given moment.
I agree, this is what we should all be aiming for but as you say, it is not easy.

Heaven does indeed await and I am glad to be on the Path with you and our many brothers and sisters.

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Re: Earth Changes

Post by DennisT »

I love the discourse, as always! :lol:
Just a quick comment while I'm on my lunch break. Yes, Padgett was full of doubt, and the circumstances surrounding Helenita's death did not help. However, I'm going to respectfully disagree in the sense that I believe Helen and the other spirits did believe "Nita" would survive and be "alright" physically. There is an unpublished message from White Eagle, Padgett's Indian spirit Gide, where White Eagle assures Padgett that Nita is going to be fine. He tells Padgett that he and other spirits are working on Nita, and he ends the message with everything is going to be fine, and Padgett must "believe."

This confirms what we've been told that spirits are not fortune tellers and cannot see into the future. They can see facts that currently exist and make predictions based on current facts that we cannot see, but man's free will often times gets in the way, and very often the spirits prediction falls short.

Nita passed from an intestinal obstruction, which by today's standards is reasonably easier to treat. It's possible that Helen, White Eagle and other spirits thought they could heal this common malady of the times, but they could not.

But most importantly, Padgett was able to rebound from this terrible and unexpected loss, ands he was able to give important messages on the Truths for a few more years, although they declined considerably in number in his later years.

Love and hugs to all,

brother dave k.
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Re: Earth Changes

Post by brother dave k. »

Thank you for that Dennis.
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Re: Earth Changes

Post by AlFike »

Now its my turn to beg to differ. Many people including myself have had prophetic visions and dreams. Some of them mundane and often involving emotionally charged situations or important events in my life. I have also had visions of future events that I think are relevant to all of us but have kept my mouth shut because of the very conversations that are going on here and because I'm partly in your camp guys. With a dream or a vision, the mind plays a big role in interpreting whatever is going on so it is difficult to discern between what is made up, filtered or real. I think that I have a bit of a reputation to uphold here so I'm apt to be conservative about what I see and experience. So I'll tread lightly on this subject and hope that I might change your minds a bit.
I've experienced deja vu many times in my life, knowing a full minute before an interaction or event what will be said and what will happen. Psychologists say that this is a hiccup in the brain trying to process information. I say that it is real and I often can remember the dream I had that depicted the scene . Its a very weird feeling which is saying something from this old weirdo. I've also had warnings dreams in great detail and Technicolor. And sure enough within a day or two that very scenario plays out in reality. The dream usually helps me to deal with whatever is happening. So there is a practical side to this guys.

My most powerful prophetic vision happened when Jesus gave me my calling forty years ago. When he came to me he left me with a clear as day vision of me talking to several hundred people in an old church. I saw myself exactly as I look today. I remember being shocked to see my mature self , bald and pot bellied standing in a pulpit talking about earth changes which were occurring and scaring people. I still remember in detail the look of the church which was very plain and felt to be in a Latin country in either Central or South America. I remember feeling awkward about being high up in this pulpit and I didn't like the position of being above the crowd and I remember what happened as I spoke. Jesus appeared above my head in plain view of everyone with his right had raised level with his shoulder and in a fist. He opened his hand and a light flashed over the crowd who gasped in shock and amazement. He was above me and I did not see his figure but saw the flash and looked up. He disappeared as I did so and the vision melted too. Now what 20 year old knows in detail what they will look like in middle age? Unfortunately I've had the relentless witnessing of this physical prophesy become a reality. Imagination, maybe but wow what an imagination I've got. If I could bottle that sort of imagination, I would be rich especially if you could control it so that I would be a slim handsome and confident individual standing up there 8-) . But the vision was both thrilling and disturbing although the entire experience has been one of the very few premier highlights of my life. It was my calling after all and it was more real than waking real. Has the vision played out yet. No, I'm still eager to see it do so and I've never doubted that it will.

Do I believe in prophesy....absolutely! Do I think that every prophesy is real or will come true as! Free will will undo things but we have a destiny as well. Its a tricky subject influenced by God's Will, our will and the unfolding of the flow of time. I think that God knows the future as He sees beyond the flow of time and just knows. Maybe Divine intervention is necessary to influence things in the right direction. Would I be writing here today if I did not receive that calling decades ago? Maybe, maybe not. But in my most spiritually challenging times when my soul is doing back flips in the unfolding of my cleansing and testing, that vision helped me to stay focused. A powerful gift like that is never forgotten. Even if this vision is merely a trope of what is to or may come, its power and influence remains with me. So to dismiss visions of the future as a chimera or an illusion is to dismiss a gift from God. To buy in to every hint of a feeling of something that is coming is to grasp onto straws and faint thoughts. I would not recommend it. When you are receiving a gift of prophesy, you know it to your very soul. It has a quality and a feeling that is unmistakable. IT MEANS SOMETHING. How you interpret what it means is personal and should be kept so unless otherwise guided. Soul perceptions will undoubtedly give one such glimpses. I do not think that they should be dismissed or taken too seriously either. Its spiritual information to be used in context to what is happening.

We possess many abilities which when ignited by God's Love will astound us as we have no clue as to our true potentials. Just because Padgett got a message that such a gift is not possible does not make it true. He filtered things too as we all do. Relying on prophesy to guide your life is a fools game but there are times when it comes in handy. I get visions and this adds another dimension to my reality. I don't dismiss them or hang onto them either with the exception of the one given to me by Jesus. I use them to assist me in life but I don't doubt myself every time they seem not to have relevance. I'm too young in my soul growth to be altogether wise about these things. I'm just happy that my life contains these sorts of deep experiences. Never a dull moment. If, however I were to reveal all that goes on in my crazy old noggin, I wonder how much credibility I would still have? Tip of the iceberg folks. That's all that any of us see at this stage of our soul growth and at those times when I may get a deeper glimpse, it can get confusing and complicated. Sometimes trying to navigate the inner world makes driving in a foreign city look easy so I don't reveal anything that has not been confirmed at least twice.

The world is changing and only a fool would deny that since the world is always changing. The impact that humanity has upon the natural cycles of the earth has been measured to some degree by scientists. We are having an impact and I believe that it will bring negative consequences to all of us. What that will be may be seen by spirit but they will not scare us with details. Their guidance is always more prayer. Fear never accomplishes much other than to bring more darkness as does ignorance. We need to be brave and not to hide away in our comfortable illusions . Being in the truth means being in all truth as best you can. Being rigid in the truth leads to declaring things without really understanding them. We all experience the truth in our own way so it is understandable that there are blind spots here and gaps there. That is why we can learn from one another. I declare that prophesy is true because I have experienced it in my own way. My interpretation of this proclaimed truth may be off and with time and experience, what I believe now may not altogether be a truth but a mental construct or interpretation of a truth. That is how it goes in this game. Truth gets refined and seen from a clearer perspective as our souls grow. Open mindedness is key here folks. May we all continue to keep ourselves open to truth. With love........Al
Endless journey,endless Love.
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Re: Earth Changes

Post by Vee »

Thank you very much, All, for writing this. It was a most wonderful description of a very special moment, that one never forgets and that shocks to the core. You are writing so well balanced too, I’ve been tempted to respond to other articles you wrote somewhat further in the past.

It is very good that you have brought this up. This kind of thing tends to remain hidden in the deepest part of human beings. To admit to it openly is very difficult in this world. I believe that a lot of people carry this kind of secret with them. They cannot explain it, but don’t want to rubbish it at the same time. Just not discuss it openly. Some I spoke to, have hinted at weird experiences, without going into detail. Such a taboo rests on such experiences.
I understand you wanting to be conservative in what you choose to relate, and "tread lightly”.

My mother( Bless her soul) had a prophetic dream and it was a nightmare that became truth.She did talk about it to people, close to her. It was the loss of her 3 yr old daughter( my younger sister before my time). A short time before she had walked behind a child’s coffin in a nightmare, and when it happened in reality, she remembered the dream. I had one weird experience myself as accompanist, that avoided possible disaster, because I was warned by “somebody". That was quite a shock when it happened, and I have never forgotten that either.( about 15 yrs ago) It was quite different from “normal” near disasters.
These kind of events stand out," they mean something", as you say.

Love and blessings,

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Re: Earth Changes

Post by AlFike »

Thank you Vee for your kind words. Nice to hear from you again and I always appreciate your balanced perspective. As for declaring the experience I had with Jesus, Its out there and it is on a few web sites and a book. I'm not shy to declare these things because it is in keeping it all secret that our spiritual sides remain in the closet. Of course coming out means reactions from others. Poor Jesus did not have a favorable reaction in his home town or from his family when he declared himself the Messiah. Yet he was true to his calling and followed it despite the initial ridicule he received. My prayer life and my spiritual work is so much a part of my life now that I think that old friends now avoid me because of it. There is always a price to pay . Keeping things secret has its advantages, it makes life easier but to deny ones true self or to put on a mask is not being authentic.

Our materialistic world needs the balance of spirituality. If that is to happen then we have to demonstrate what that is in our lives. It may cause some to fall away or family to worry or ridicule but real change comes with living it and expressing it in powerful ways. This is why I allow my name to be added to the messages I have received. It opens the door to some veiled comments or outright judgments but this is tolerable because I know that I am doing the right thing. Padgett kept his work mostly secret in order to protect his reputation and I suppose if I were in his shoes, I would do the same. Yet the result of his reluctance to step forward is even to this day the virtual anonymity to this magnificent work. So much depends on our choices and how we present ourselves to the world. Many would call us crackpots or delusional but some will admire and be drawn to us because of what we emanate and what we stand for. I'm presently writing a book called ' The Quiet Revolution of the Soul' . I think that this describes the process pretty well. God's Love is quietly changing us as we go about our lives. But that does not mean that we too must be quiet about the truth as we understand it. How we express it and to whom is the question. We don't want to waste our energy on deaf ears but we absolutely must be a channel of Love to all we meet. It takes discernment to know what we are meant to do. God will guide us and although this crazy old gardener/potter has little reputation to lose, at least I'm declaring myself a beloved child of God who experiences the odd drop of prophesy now and then. I would rather be true to myself and be seen as a fool than to play the fools game of complying to those social norms which hamper our lives rather than enhance them. Its all a matter of choice Vee and wise decisions. Being reckless never did one much good either. May you stand up and be counted my friend in all that you do and may your gifts continue to bless many people. Much love.......Al
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Re: Earth Changes

Post by DennisT »

Hi Al,

I love your most recent posts, and I too am in your camp, as you say. I think there may be some distiinguishing between the two points, or at least we may agree that there is a spectrum where these types of messages fall. My point is that I believe in prophecy, but I think it's on a different end of the spectrum from the fortune telling comment that I made earlier. I believe that spirits do have knowledge of facts and circumstances that exist currently, and spirits can give messages on how something might occur based on their present knowledge, as in the passing of Nita. On the other end of the spectrum I believe is full-on prophecy, where spirit is giving prophetic messages, far in advance of any existing knowledge. This is where I would place your vision of what you saw when you were a 20-something young man.

More food for thought on this spiritual journey. :D

Love and hugs,

Terry Adler
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Re: Earth Changes

Post by Terry Adler »

Dear Brian,

Thank you for initiating a very thoughtful conversation. Rather than comment on the issues discussed here, I want to express my deep appreciation for both the way you think and how you convey your point of view. Most of all, I value your unwavering clarity that our focus must be on growing our souls in the Divine Love, that our primary motivation must be our love for God and desire to be God's Love in this world.

You are a welcome voice on this forum. I admire your thinking and the respectful, balanced way in which you convey it. Your thoughts became the catalyst for others to examine and present their own points of view in more nuanced ways, much to the benefit of we "readers".

Thanks and appreciation to you and everyone who has participated in this thread so far!

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