"They are welcoming us in"

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"They are welcoming us in"

Post by lizaduff »

Hello dear friends,

I spent an hour on Skype with a friend last Tuesday and when we hung up, I wrote a piece that just came from my heart. It also came together on the tail of a correspondence I'd had with a gentleman who written to us (FCNB) for the first time, and that also really struck me.

I sense that this is coming out of my inner preparation for the Divine Love retreat that FCNB will sponsor in Sept 2014 in Washington DC. Even though it feels a little 'intellectual,' I will risk sharing it with you. Just ignore it if it doesn't speak to you.

Here it is:

They Are Welcoming Us In

We in the Divine Love community know about the Divine Love by name. Most of us are aware of the Padgett messages, and even within this community, some are not—yet.

I’ve met many who have been praying for the Love for decades. Sometimes new people have joined their prayer circles, and have begun to pray, have begun to receive the Love even before knowing some of the details of the world of spirit, the details that fill the Padgett messages. Those details are important, but they are not The Divine Love.

And there are so many around us who have not yet joined our prayer circles, have not met any of us in person, who still attend their own churches, synagogues, mosques, but their souls are yearning, and their souls are beginning to receive the Divine Love. They may still express many erroneous beliefs—beliefs that they have learned in their families and communities. Those beliefs can be a deterrent, but they cannot stop the yearning heart. Regardless of the words used, when the heart yearns, the Love comes.

And there are so many who have been disillusioned by the religions and who have left them behind. Many feel betrayed; I did, for ten years, between the ages of 25 and 35. I blamed God for the mistakes of His so-called representatives, the priests, the ministers, anyone who considered themselves a ‘cleric’ or a religious person. Of these disillusioned folks—who resist ‘religion’ and who resist a belief in God—many cringe at the words used by the religious; they shrink away and they comfort themselves with more secular terms like love, brothership, caring. And yet, many of them also have yearning souls, and are receiving our Father’s Divine Love—or at least, it seems so to me.

Today a man wrote to us at FCNB, worrying that God is not “there” in his church, because he knows they do not know of the divine truths. He’s torn. He added that there seems to be so much healing going on, so much joy, so much rapture, and when people say “God is here,” he worries that they are wrong, because they hold some beliefs that are erroneous, according to the Padgett messages. When I read his letter, I remembered the preacher that Jesus wrote about to Mr. Padgett, telling him that the preacher did teach erroneous beliefs, and yet, the minister’s soul was actually yearning for Divine Love and receiving it.

I am looking around me. Who are my brothers? Who are my sisters? Do they need to agree with my beliefs? Do they need to read the books I’ve read? Do we need the same vocabulary for talking about what matters to us the most? Do they, do we, need language at all to express our souls’ yearnings for That which takes us all beyond our limited selves?

Today I spoke on Skype to a woman in Kyoto, Japan. She is my friend. She has never read the Padgett messages. She considers herself a Catholic. Perhaps she believes all of the beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church. Perhaps she believes in only some of them. We did not discuss that, and I don’t know.

What I do know is that while we talked in a very heartfelt way for an hour, we both witnessed—in silence—the presence of Divine Love. We did not ‘pray’ in the traditional sense. And yet, at the end of the conversation, we agreed that it seemed that we were “on a continuum” of increasing awareness, as though we were moving from being an “image” to becoming “that” which the image depicts. We had a heightened awareness of: “I am” and of what the “other is”, and then we became aware of “that” which is beyond us.

We came to a place of utter stillness and tranquility. We chose not to give it words. I began to feel a vague sense that there were angelic beings somewhere near. I said simply, “They are welcoming us in.” She smiled and nodded. And we both knew this was so.

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Re: "They are welcoming us in"

Post by Geoff »

Dear Elizabeth,

Yes that is quite true and very lovely. Well said.

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Re: "They are welcoming us in"

Post by brother dave k. »

Thank you Elizabeth.
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Re: "They are welcoming us in"

Post by Kathryn »

Hi Elizabeth - this is so well said and thank you so much for sharing this very important topic. I would like to discuss this further and I will - tonight when I return to the computer. Lots of Love, Kathy
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Re: "They are welcoming us in"

Post by Kathryn »

I just wanted to touch on this subject as my youngest son is a devout Christian. He is almost 21 and is a wonderful and very humble young man.

My son seeks time out for God/Jesus every day and often will go to the beach with his bible for what he says is "Jesus" time. This time is a very big priority in his life.

Our biggest debates have been around Jesus in that what Jesus means to him and what Jesus means to me. We both have a great love for Jesus but he worships Jesus as God and I do not. I pray that one day my son will be more open to the truths but now is not the time but I do make a habit of sprinkling things in. I am not too worried though as I have been given a lot of guidance that I will help him here and on the other side.

I know that my son does possess God's Divine Love in his soul as there is something special about him and a lot of people pick up on this and they tell me "your son, he is so loving and kind" "your son, he would do anything to help someone in need" and it goes on and Geoff if you are reading this you will see for yourself when you meet him in Australia. My son is often a giver to the homeless people. When we are out he will stop and talk to them, give them some money and then he will ask them if he can pray for them, and 9 times out of 10 they are open to this. He knows many by name.

But yet I know that the messages that he is receiving from the bible are confusing to him. Here is a snippet of something that he is preparing as a youth leader for his group tomorrow night. He asked me to read it.

My son also has OCD.

Have you ever messed up before? I sure have.. too many times to count! Sometimes I struggle with anxiety and “Thinking”way too much to the point where I kind of freak out. The other day was a good example.. Having a great simple day and all of a sudden I get these thoughts that rush through my mind and don’t seem to leave for a while and I just don’t know how to get rid of them.. I thought of a couple things I could do.. Try not thinking about it, pretending it’s not really there or ignore it. I realized that everything I was doing to try finding “Peace” in my mind was all through MY Strength and what “I” Could do to fix it. Then a thought came to my mind “Give it to Jesus”..or “Give it to me!” and simply because I Didn’t feel like praying and seeking God at that very moment I shrugged it off..it really was the “Thing” that I needed the most.


James 4:8- “Come close to God and God will come close to you” NLT
“Draw near to God and he will draw near to you” NKJV

PSALMS 27:8 “ My heart has heard you say “Come and talk with me” and my Heart replies “Lord, I am coming!”

When we FIX our EYES on JESUS! and our focus becomes about HIM and NOT about US! I think the more our minds and our souls are tuned in with him! And we start to live by and THROUGH his Strength and not OURS!!

God wants to do something amazing. It starts with our hearts, Draw near to me and Ill draw near to you.
I went up to my bedroom closed the door and started to just pray to Jesus.. asking for his forgivness, For his grace and that he died for what I did. Asking to be cleansed and that he would take my fear and worry and put it on the cross.. and that I would simply SEEK Jesus. And that I needed the Strength and Peace that comes from Jesus himself.. I started to realize that when I do things only using MY strength.. Nothing really works out!

You can clearly see some mixed messages here but still there is a lot of light.

I love the bible quotes my son chose here to help him through his anxiety and I love how he recognizes that he needs to reach out to God for help and not try and do it all himself and then he says “God wants to do something amazing – it starts with our hearts” I also like what he says here: "And we start to live by and THROUGH his Strength and not OURS!!"

When I read what Elizabeth stated below, I though of my son. Thank you again dear Elizabeth for this.

And there are so many around us who have not yet joined our prayer circles, have not met any of us in person, who still attend their own churches, synagogues, mosques, but their souls are yearning, and their souls are beginning to receive the Divine Love. They may still express many erroneous beliefs—beliefs that they have learned in their families and communities. Those beliefs can be a deterrent, but they cannot stop the yearning heart. Regardless of the words used, when the heart yearns, the Love comes.

Love & Blessings, Kathy
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Re: "They are welcoming us in"

Post by lizaduff »

Dear Kathy,

Your letter means so much to me to read, for so many reasons. Thank you so much for sharing one very important way that this issue touches on your life. I know that it's my daughters that matter most to me, and wishing to see the Divine Love come into their souls, wanting to see that what I've discovered can bless them as well. So I am hearing what you've written from your mother's heart deeply. This is where is matters most. When I think of my daughters and when I speak with them, and when I pray for them, the reverberations are so much deeper than with anyone else.

What you've described about your son (who sounds like an amazingly loving man) feels to me like a true example of what I am seeking to understand...that beliefs can be erroneous, but they cannot block the truly yearning heart and that the LOVE comes when the yearning heart reaches out. This seems so clear in the case of the preacher that Mr. Padgett saw in a church; here is a preacher spreading false truths (erroneous beliefs) while at the same time his soul is yearning and he's receiving our Father's Divine Love! What a lesson in that. I am so grateful that the messages mentioned that. It helped me to see the possibility and to not worry so much about the beliefs that someone expresses.

I heard a thread going through your son's writings that I can identify with so much. I also try to solve my own problems, even when I think I'm asking for our Father's guidance. Sometimes I get a glimmer that what I'm really trying to do is to get His 'imprimatur' on my decisions, and that I just want Him to 'wave His magic wand' to materialize what I want.
It's so embedded in us as humans, and it seems like that's what our first parents' mistake was too.

Here are some things your son wrote that really touch me:

"I realized that everything I was doing to try finding “Peace” in my mind was all through MY Strength and what “I” Could do to fix it. Then a thought came to my mind “Give it to Jesus”..or “Give it to me!”......I think the more our minds and our souls are tuned in with him! And we start to live by and THROUGH his Strength and not OURS!!.....I started to realize that when I do things only using MY strength.. Nothing really works out!....God wants to do something amazing. It starts with our hearts, Draw near to me and Ill draw near to you........I went up to my bedroom closed the door and started to just pray"

I'm hearing a young man who is addressing "Jesus" and who believes he is addressing "God", and I believe that that his soul IS addressing God....because when the soul yearns, we know what happens: Those beliefs can be a deterrent, but they cannot stop the yearning heart. Regardless of the words used, when the heart yearns, the Love comes.

His words are so inspiring to me, showing me what it means to really give up our personal efforts completely, to truly turn to our Father and rely on Him, to let go of what we want and to sit with what I call the "not-knowing" of what will unfold when I really turn to our Father....and that it 'starts with our hearts' not with our mortal minds... that I must 'draw near' to Him (soul yearning) and then He will 'draw near' to me...

For me, I feel I'm beginning (I hope) to relax about differences in what people believe....I have a long way to go, of course...but I feel some relief now about all this, especially about my own daughters...as well as everyone I meet...and your letter helps me to feel more relief about it...thank you....

Kathy, may our Father bless you and your family abundantly,

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Re: "They are welcoming us in"

Post by Joseph »

Thank you Elizabeth ... a valuable contribution to the discussion of the awareness and experience of the Divine Love.

And Kathryn, also thank you.

With love,


PS In two hours I hope to be on the road beginning my 2-day drive to meet with new friends at a Divine Love Retreat in Windsor, CA.
The time to begin our soul transformation is now
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Re: "They are welcoming us in"

Post by lizaduff »

Hi Joseph,

I hope that you have a wonderful time at the retreat and that our Father's Love will be with you all in Great Abundance! :)
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Re: "They are welcoming us in"

Post by AlFike »

This is such a wonderful discussion. As usual Elizabeth, you have brought a profound insight to us all with grace and humility. And Kathryn I know the love you have for your son , I've heard it in your voice as you speak about him and I've also heard a mother's concern for her child. You want the very best for him and you want to spare him any pain he may create for himself along life's road. We all have our journeys and his is well started and I have no doubt that when he finishes that road sometime in the distant future, he will know from his heart the truth. Just look at Joseph and all the twists and turns on his road and through all that he is a wise and truth filled soul. Yes we cannot judge another's path to God. Underneath all of the mental chatter is a soul longing to be close to it's Creator. We all long for the same things, it is just that the roads we choose to follow to get there are as varied as we are. That's how life is and probably always will be.

Many of you know that I have a son in prison. This breaks both mine and Jeanne's hearts to see the long and painful road he has travelled in the short time he has been on this earth. I feel a burden of blame and shame for this. This is certainly not what we want for our beloved son. Yet through all of this family pain I have seen him grow and become a man of integrity and goodness. He is now praying and praying for the Love. In that dark and loveless place, he has found strength and personal insight and a clear spiritual path. Of course all of yours and our prayers for him have helped to facilitate this awakening in him as well and he has struggled with his own demons in order to come to a place of self honesty and sincerity. Our spiritual family and many that we don't know about have all contributed to his healing journey and there is much more to come as he grows into the man that God created him to be but I truly believe he has turned a very big corner . And that is the best fathers day gift I could ever want. To see our clear eyed and present young man looking to the future with a positive and constructive view fills us with joy and gratitude for God's healing ways.

People change and there is no telling where they will end up. We want to guide them to our truth but the only real power we have to do so is to be examples of that truth. Our words will fall on deaf ears otherwise. Elizabeth describes a love filled connection with her friend. I believe that conversation and connection conveyed more truth than reading volumes of Padgett messages. Real love was felt and unconditional acceptance. That is what we must be to everybody and I believe that is what is meant by being a clear channel of God's Love. With that, the barriers will fall and others will be drawn because they feel the Love emanating from you. Life is obviously more complex than that but this demeanor is a good start to a road that we have been asked to go down. If we can love without judgment and give without thought of what we will receive in return and convey our simple truths in simple ways then we will know a wonderful fulfillment in our lives and our individual purpose . All those worries about what is in the minds of others will evaporate in a flow of beautiful loving acts of living and giving. Kathy's son also shows us this in his simple care for others. Who's to say that he isn't closer to being a channel of God's Love than any of us ? Despite some erroneous beliefs, he is able and willing to give whole heartedly to others who are in deep need.

As we get closer to God, I believe that our need to be right or righteous, is transformed into compassion for all the lost souls out there. We all just need love. Words, we have plenty but love is far more valuable and scarce in the world. Be a channel of Love and care for all the needy and love starved souls out there. We cannot know what affect we may have on another through a simple act of kindness or a prayer for their healing. As long as we are in that flow of God's Love, we will do what is in accordance with God's will. That's all that matters in the end and many will welcome us in. God bless....Al
Endless journey,endless Love.
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Re: "They are welcoming us in"

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