Accepting the Way Divine Love Comes to Me

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Re: Accepting the Way Divine Love Comes to Me

Post by AlFike »

Elizabeth, I am humbled by your beautiful writings and openess as you revealed to us your inner struggles and spiritual insights. There is such wisdom in it and humility. You are such a beautiful soul and a person I admire because of your depth of insight and strength of commitment. I am truely grateful to know you and have you as a part of my spiritual family. A true sister on this path of spiritual awakening. God bless you for your strength and integrity. You are an example to us all.

Yes, we all have different gifts and paths to God and we are all unique flowers in God's garden . I think God, the ultimate gardener, must revel in observing and nurturing each beautiful seed in anticipation of what will be it's ultimate beautiful , perfect flowering. Again, your insight in this is full of wisdom and beauty.

I also appreciate all of the responses from others as you have triggered Elizabeth, a wave of positive and truely spiritual responses to you post. Thank you for taking that step and overcoming your reluctance to do so. I know that feeling of fear as you and others have probably observed in the past few days and very different response from some towards what I have said on the subject of protection. Suffice to say that I have learned some lessons here on positive communications. Where you were cautious, I was a little reckless with my words and suffered the consequences. Communication here can be a double edged sword and it does take some mindfullness to do it well. You are an example dear sister of doing it supurbly.

I don't know if I'm one of the souls you refer to with a bit of envy but I do want to say that I suffered some very dry periods on my journey to God. Life, resistance to letting go of negative obstructions from within and fear can all put barriers towards our communion with God. It is a process that has many stages and phases. I think we determine the tests in accordance to the lessons and purification required to step on the path as a clear channel of Love and a powerful communion with God. I've been at this a long time and there have been many trials and tribulations. That's how we grow and get stronger. I believe that your inner struggle at this time indicates a big shift to something closer to these yearned for expectations. You are almost there Elizabeth and as you approach that place of exstatic communion, we are all there with you in our prayers and joy that you have reached your soul's desire. It will happen because it must happen for all of us in time. It is the prize that we all seek, to be close in a concious way to our beloved Creator. Those soul faculties that allow us to do so must open as the Love floods into our beings. Don't give up the hope that it will happen. Turn that desire into faith that it will be so and let the process of getting there unfold in the harmonious way that God has orchestrated for you alone. His care is perfect and Loving in every way. I know you know that. God bless you dear sister on the path to atonement with our beautiful Creator. You are in my thoughts often and my prayers. I am so happy to hear your words and to know that these struggles are bringing you closer to God. I love you . God bless........Al
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Re: Accepting the Way Divine Love Comes to Me

Post by Doles »

Al wrote,
I know that feeling of fear as you and others have probably observed in the past few days and very different response from some towards what I have said on the subject of protection. Suffice to say that I have learned some lessons here on positive communications. Where you were cautious, I was a little reckless with my words and suffered the consequences.

Al, I must concur that Elizabeth started this conversation with such a beautiful post. I, however, don't quite understand your characterization of your previous posts. Reckless? I followed the exchanges from beginning to last post written. Don't mean to revisit them, but I actually think it's a beautiful thing when we disagree and still hug each other at the end. That's why one has to caution that disagreements be expressed in the most respectful ways. We all understand that we'll see better when we're able to grasp the big picture, which might be a ways away. But could prodding your brothers and sisters really be reckless even if done in the firmest of ways? I would dare to respond that not when done with love as the sole motivator. That same love empowers us (as was your case) to understand, if not accept when others might see some things differently. Ha, come to think of it, I think reckless was a ridiculous characterization. If anything, I think these disagreements should be kept to document our growing along this beautiful path. IMHO you, my dear brother, are not reckless!
With Blessings!
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Re: Accepting the Way Divine Love Comes to Me

Post by AlFike »

Hi Doles. I don't want to side track Elizabeth's beautiful post so will say that I believe I should have worded my posts a little differently so as to respect other's perspectives. I have no regrets in terms of the content. I certainly stand by my words in that regard. I am very busy at work these days and was a little reactive to some comments. With a less tired and ctearer mind, I'm sure I could have done better. I am so appreciative of Elizabeth because I see that she has elicited a positive response from all. Controversy is important, as are discussions but where I lacked finess, Elizabeth gifted us with a positive and insightful commentary. Obviously her subject is very different and has no contentious issues so it is much easier to convey.Yet we all walk the road of vulnerability and the possibility that our words will not be acceptable to some.
I would agree with you that reckless may have been a little hash but I think some would agree that it is the right word. Ah the challenges of trying to communicate in a way that pleases all :? . I don't think I will ever get there. With much love to you brother and appreciation.........Al

PS: we deleted that thread because it was becoming much too contentious and not going anywhere positive. When the content becomes too reactive, I think it is best to let it go. Sometime soon I will try to express these thoughts in a less controversial manner. I think this subject warrents more dialogue but we will see when the time is ripe and I am more on the ball. I hope Gemma is not confused or hurt by this as it was a very appropriate and innocent question. We never know where these things may go. It's always an adventure on social media.
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Re: Accepting the Way Divine Love Comes to Me

Post by Helge Mercker »

Dearest Elizabeth, I wish to express my deepest gratitude for sharing your beautiful writings, for sharing your experiences, the felt soul shifts. There is so much wisdom in what you write, also in your responses and I deeply appreciate the gentle kindness and humble greatness that shines through. I like the expression of each one having their own garden and the following tune of sorts goes through my heart: Oh Father, let you Love rain down on me, to be a seed becoming a tree..... ( I am trying to accompany a melody on my Hang- instrument).
Thank you again beautiful soul sister, in sharing your love and insights and wisdom in this space, our sanctuary. Helge.
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Re: Accepting the Way Divine Love Comes to Me

Post by lizaduff »

Dear Dave,

What you have written is most interesting to me...
It has been my experience in the recovery fellowships that it is in the sharing so authentically what we were like, what happened and what we are like now (as the result of the application and practice of spiritual principles), that we are most able to connect with others and hold out a candle in the darness to others who are just entering on to the path of spiritual progression, or to those that are a step or two behind

I can see this in action, that I am most able to connect with others when I share what I 'was like,' 'what happened,' and 'what I am now like'....this is very telling to me, both in relation to this piece I wrote and how it's allowed me to connect with our fellow members of this site, and also the larger issue of 'memoir' which has been important in my life for a number of years....I feel I have a new understanding of why people want to write about their lives, in order to 'connect' and to 'see' what has happened in their own life after a spiritual princlple has had its effect in their lives....also meaningful to me because I've recently moved back to my home town after 42 years of living elsewhere, and coming back a different person....
thank you, Dave
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Re: Accepting the Way Divine Love Comes to Me

Post by lizaduff »

Dear Al,

Thank you so much for your heartfelt and loving response to what I wrote and also to the issues about the responses to it that touched you.

You wrote: let the process of getting there unfold in the harmonious way that God has orchestrated for you alone.

That suggestion really does capture and articulate what I am trying to express. "Letting it unfold.." letting what IS coming to me already be recognized for what it is--the many frequent signs of our Father's Love for me, His response to my prayers, that come many times a day.

And that He has orchestrated my path (if I yearn for it and consent to it) And He's orchestrated it "for me alone" just as He's orchestrated the paths of those dear friends whose descriptions of their experience of Divine Love gave me the opportunity to meet the hidden-but-not-yet-healed-sibling-rivalry in me.

And now that I say that, I do sense inside that the 'sibling rivalry' is only part of that now-revealed-hurt. It was more about the 'something-must-be-wrong-with-me' and the 'God-really-doesn't-listen-to-me' feeling that also can be caught lurking in the shadows of my being.

This experience is a lesson to me about 'lurking-places' inside me. I will say 'hello' to them when they come up, and ask our Father to help me to sit with them, to invite His great Love to embrace them and 'make them all better.' He's done it many times before, and just this week with the experience I wrote about, and I know that if and when more troubled feelings come, He will come and "sit with them with me". He will come to my garden and water the seed that is me.

I can see now that each time I read the responses of all of our friends on this site, I am responding with ideas that I may use to revise the piece. Or if not to revise, then for the next piece :)

You are my brother, Al,

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Re: Accepting the Way Divine Love Comes to Me

Post by lizaduff »

Dear Helge,

I am feeling your presence as I hear you sing:

Oh Father, let you Love rain down on me, to be a seed becoming a tree.....

and it's so apropos, as I love the trees, often feel they are conveying angelic Love to me, and I have often asked to be able to be aware of my 'tree nature; :) ....and it did not occur to me that the seed in the garden image was possibly the seed of a TREE :)

thank you, Helge, with love from
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Re: Accepting the Way Divine Love Comes to Me

Post by AlFike »

Yes we are so complex as humans as you well know Elizabeth and the process of recognizing all those layers of hurt and self deprication seem to go on forever. It takes a lifetime, I'm sure, to allow for the healing of our beings through this Love. I suppose we have the choice to do this work here or on the other side. I think doing it here is more powerful as we are altering our thoughts and behaviours with every small healing step within and not creating more to deal with later. And as we grow in the light of Love, we are affecting those around us in positive ways. The garden grows more beautiful with the love.
I personally don't think you should alter your piece as I think it is perfect as is although I think Joseph had a good suggestion. You are a wonderful writer. Much love to you dear sister........Al
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Re: Accepting the Way Divine Love Comes to Me

Post by lizaduff »

Hi Al,

There is something I want to mentioned about our 'dealing with' these layers on this side or the other side....I know the messages emphasize that it's 'easier' to do the work here and more difficult in the world of spirit. Well, something came to me about this. I can see that there's a ripple effect when we do something out of ignorance or 'evil' when we're out of alignment. A ripple effect on many people, people who don't even know us. So when we seek forgiveness and purification in this life, we are also avoiding doing any more harm, not only to people around us, but people who are affected indirectly, perhaps long in the future. Something about seeing this ripple effect is having a big impact on me.

Also, thank you for mentioning that the paper is fine the way it is. I felt a rightness about that. I don't want to tinker with it too much, as it is a simple expression, not meant to be a well constructed essay, and I can let all that has come after it to be in another essay later, if one comes.

with love and appreciation,
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Re: Accepting the Way Divine Love Comes to Me

Post by AlFike »

Thanks Elizabeth for your response. Breaking the chain of error that seems to have gone on for generations is another BIG benefit of pursuing the Love. Thanks for mentioning that and I appreciate what you said about the ripples. We all want to be generators of light with it's amplitudes spreading far and wide. There are so many positive affects both inward and outward that come with healing the soul. I shudder to think what our lives would be like without this powerful force of Love. So many blessings come with such a simple truth. God bless........Al
Endless journey,endless Love.
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