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How do I feel my judgement?

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2021 2:21 pm
by Victor
Hi, I'm Victor, a very new guest to this forum. I felt a little too nervous to give a whole introduction. I just wanted to know how others have felt their way through feelings of judgement.

I should mention that this is all very new to me. I only discovered the Divine Truth channel 2 years ago, the first year spent sniffing around for the odd lie and slip ups in Jesus's sessions, then, finding none, spending another year gambling whether or not I wanted to see where this truly goes.

I can't begin to describe how suprised I am by this whole process. My last 3 months were spent diaphragmatically breathing every now and then, like Jesus suggested, feeling the pain in my chest as i did. At first no change seemed to occur, and for a while I thought I was doing it wrong. Then a change did occur. I noticed I was feeling more. I was feeling everything to greater depths. My anger rises much quicker and with less restraint. Songs that used to excite me now wash over me in waves of goosebumps that almost make me tear up. As someone who was previously shut down, I feel out of control. I expected results, but I'm almost upset that I got them. I didn't expect them to come so quickly and so dramatically. This all feels irreversible.

And it's terrifying. And the problem is I don't know how to feel that terror. How do you feel your fear of feeling? Even the thought of talking to God gets me teary, and then i quickly shut the tears down. I know I should attempt to feel why I do this, but this shut-down occurs in such a quick flash that I don't know how to sit in it and feel it.

All I'm requesting currently is an experiment that I can test out to feel my judgement or get underneath it. The diaphragmatic breathing was physical and I could feel the pain in my body, but this judgement feels so intellectual and so quick that I honestly don't know what to do with it.

I want to continue this process. I'm terrified, of course, but my faith in this has increased. I can't imagine how much happier I would be after a release of even one causal emotion. If this is what my own happiness is like, how much greater is divine love? It's all daunting, but I'm excited, and I'd like to get my judgement of my own tears out of the way so I can prob away at this process for more jewels. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Re: How do I feel my judgement?

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 9:16 pm
by Geoff
Dear Victor,

You are most welcome to post here, but I suspect you have been watching the videos of A.J Miller? While we have common ground in many areas, we do not agree in all. So we need to establish if you are looking for support for AJ's methods here, because we are not always supportive of his teachings, and have received our own in-depth material direct from spirit. In some cases we disagree quite strongly with his views. AJ does base much of his teachings on that which James Padgett received from 1914 to 1923, and that is the basis of our spiritual teachings as well, although just in the last ten years we have received some more advanced teachings, nearly equal to the volume that Padgett received initially.

In particular we generally do not make a big deal about seeking out your personal limitations to beginners. It's not that we avoid this, because it's unavoidable at some stage that you deal with the bad habits life has taught you. But I would be surprised if that would be something we would expect to work on inside 4 or 5 years of just plain focusing on receiving the love. I think we have a message on feelings and emotions, and i will try and find it anyway. One of the points made by spirit is not to obsess over things. As you open your soul to the love, and become sensitive, things will show themselves. That is the time to deal with it, rather than trying to preempt it, in my view.

Here is a page entirely on the matter of soul transformation:

Soul Transformation

And a sample of the messages there that may help.

Release of Soul Wounds

Dealing with Cellular memories

Then from another angle, this on Judgement:


and one that is compassion and forgiveness which is directly related to self-judgement

Compassion and Forgiveness

I hope that helps,

Re: How do I feel my judgement?

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 10:37 am
by Victor
thank you so much Geoff! i know this will help a great deal

Re: How do I feel my judgement?

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 1:22 pm
by Geoff
You are most welcome. The journey is long, and the hardest is identifying and repairing bad habits. But most of all, pray for the Love, as it will help in every aspect.
