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My views on Covid 19 and how it relates to earth changes

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 10:45 am
by AlFike
I hope to publish this article in the Divine Love Newsletter. My guess is that it might me edited down so I'll publish the full article here for anyone who is interested. Hope you might find some insight in it..........Al

It’s a confusing time. The future is uncertain as the world reels from unpredictable occurrences of disease and death. Few of us have been touched by this threat directly but all of us have such things on our minds and have taken precautions to avoid the threat. Personally, Jeanne and I have not suffered much from past and present threats, but we are worried for the future of humanity. With no children to school nor jobs to fret about, our life in this peaceful town seems almost normal. We are well and there is no overt threat to our health at present. So why are we worried?
For as long as I can remember our Divine Love prayer circles have been warned of great changes and upheavals to come that will transform the world. Being human, we listened with one ear but did not fully believe the story given to us by our Angel friends. Most of us buried this concern and carried on in our usual way. Each year the warnings were repeated, and we were told that the time of change is getting closer. When they said that this time is upon us, still we persisted with our usual routines and patterns of life. Its interesting that human nature tends to wait for the last moment to act in times of crisis. Some of us may go into a state of denial even though the facts are clearly evident. We prefer sleep over being awake, especially when the truth before us is harsh and imminent. Though those of us who are committed to the path of Divine Love have known that we must pursue truth and honesty above all else, our human nature directs us mindfully to distort the truth when convenient. So our flaws and mindful patterns continue to trip us up in our efforts to live the truth. I have come to see how my humanness keeps me humble and often I need to be bludgeoned by the truth before I can accept it. And so it goes with humanity.
Change does not often happen as a result of good logic and hopefully soul wisdom, instead change happens because of necessity. Covid 19 has brought about change. In comparison to the change that I believe is coming, this is merely a warning shot designed to wake us up. That proverbial kick in the pants has indeed done the trick for most, but still there remains those who are stubbornly refusing to see this pandemic for what it is. Conspiracy theories abound and outright refusal to follow precautions have exacerbated the situation. Our younger generations are skeptical and often cynical in their attitudes toward anything that smacks of authority and control. There are deep currents of unease and fear brewing in our countries and societies and one can almost taste the fomenting unrest that is in the air.
I also believe that the collective souls on the planet are sensing that deep change is coming. Hence this feeling of unease that is being projected towards those in authority. Who else is there to blame when life is disrupted and plans seem useless and unreasonable? In our world, anger and rage lurks under the surface always eager to be expressed and the emotions of the mind become a potent force that perpetrates further disharmony. It was ever thus.
There are potent forces brewing all around us, some are the result of our desire to remain asleep while some have woken but have misdirected their understanding towards fear and violence. Polarization is inevitable as each faction chooses their best course of action. Unfortunately, few take what we would call the route of soul wisdom as the vast majority are stuck in mindful projections of half-truths and emotional reactions to a world that is changing quickly. It is a very volatile time for all of us so what is to be done in our small community of Divine Lovers?
Not surprisingly our guides and teachers continue to encourage us to pray. They suggest that this is and will be the only true antidote to coming conflicts and changes. They are saying that what will come of these changes, although difficult to live through, will be a world in greater harmony and peace and if we are to fit into such a world, we too must emanate harmony and peace. It is the continued process of receiving the Divine Love within our souls that is the key. Having faith in the process and allowing its daily transformation, not only of our souls but also of our minds, that the solutions will come. Each of us who is serious about this truth have had seeded within our souls many gifts and potentials. For most, having these potentials realized and be a daily part of our physical and spiritual reality is still somewhat vague. These things are still too subtle and unreliable for us to utilize them as a cornerstone of our daily life’s expression. Some have had more success in this regard than others. Many have trouble reconciling the reality presented by an awakened soul with the consciousness of our minds navigating a material world . Yet, all of us are challenged by this invitation to live a more spiritually awakened life, but we persist.
I believe that what is coming is our time to shine. If our Angel friends are to be believed, then they are intent on preparing us for what is coming in order that we might be used to guide and teach many about the gift of Divine Love as well as the reasons for such unprecedented upheavals. Through what for many of us has been years of dedicated prayer, the culmination of our efforts will come in the form of the opening of gifts in powerful ways and a collaboration between us, our angel friends and our Creator to re-establish order and harmony in the world. Sounds like a tall order don’t you think? I’m sure that none of us feel prepared or capable to be leaders of men but indeed, with such a collaboration taken seriously in extraordinary times, anything may be possible. You will undoubtedly discover gifts and strengths that you never knew you had. Since life will be turned upside down and our old reference points will be nonexistent, who knows what remarkable and astounding things might take its place. If, on the other hand, we might land up in the spirit world, then that might be an easier road to greater life. Either way, we are in for a great adventure rather than a painful and disappointing future. It’s a matter of perspective.
Getting back to practical concerns regarding Covid, my sense has been that the second wave will be far worse than the first one. We have been guided to stockpile food for several months as supply chains will be nonexistent for a period of time. If you are able to avoid the cities during the next wave, then we encourage you to do so. Ample warning signs will come before this is necessary. I’m sure that each of us will be guided and protected if our faith is strong. The Angels need and want us all to survive this transformation, so I have no doubt that they will put in great effort to keep us safe. Keeping our eyes and ears open to guidance and to changing events will ensure a safer passage through the worst of it. Knowing that in the end a world that is in greater harmony will come in place of the madness that we are living in now. It will be a simpler world, one less concerned about materialism and personal gain. Instead we will begin to honor one another as God’s children and seek to support the needs of the whole rather than the wants of the individual.
Although Divine Love will be known, many other perspectives which are in harmony with our natural love, will also flourish. And during the tough times, many of those who are working toward light and spiritual upliftment will work together. God has a plan for the salvation of humanity. If you can see this as a truth in these times, then what is occurring makes sense. It's difficult to wrap our minds around radically different times and realities, but with a soul anchored in Divine Love, our deep knowings and spiritual perspectives will stabilize us and bring equilibrium. No man is an island and all of us reading this must come to realize that by putting aside any mindful differences and truly expressing our soul’s desire to love and connect, we can be a formidable force for God in this plan to build a more harmonious world. I have a great deal of optimism towards the future. We are living in unprecedented times and we CAN play our part in helping to shift global consciousness. May the truth of our souls outshine our limited mindful understanding of things to come. May we continue to forge our love for God and for one another. In this way a new world might emerge from the present darkness. We know that we have been called to serve. May we be strong enough to heed that call and act in harmony with God’s Will and Plan. Blessings and love to you all……..Al Fike

Re: My views on Covid 19 and how it relates to earth changes

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 6:15 am
by Michael7070
Thank you, Al. I found your perspective to be very helpful. I too feel the same things you do. I also can’t shake the feeling that something is brewing around the presidential election coming in the U.S. this November. Tensions are running very high. President Trump is a very divisive personality. Many evangelical Christian’s in America seem to believe Trump is a lightworker sent by Jesus to defeat their perceived evils in America. Many of these “believers” appear to cling very tightly to the teachings of the bible. My gut feeling is that these people are being mislead by the so-called leaders of the Christian Church. I could be wrong and I’m not trying to start a political debate. I’ve always been a follower of divine love (to the best of my ability). I’m just curious if the angels have ever commented on this? Are the evangelical leaders misleading their followers? Is president Trump misleading the American people? I think there have now been 9 people in Trump’s circles that have been arrested or investigated for crimes.
The recent scandal surrounding Jerry Falwell Jr. comes to mind. I read somewhere that he was given $10 million dollars to step down as president of Liberty University. It seems to me that these people aren’t really “living for the lord” as much as they claim to be and they seem to be embodied in much corruption.
Anyway, just wondering if the angels have ever commented on these things.

Thank you for the great things that you do!

Much love,

Re: My views on Covid 19 and how it relates to earth changes

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2020 6:56 am
by AlFike
Thanks for your comments Michael. In many cases people who are looking for answers, whether it be of a spiritual nature or otherwise, will tenaciously cling to something that they are comfortable with. Seeing Trump as a savior is a classic example. They believe it without any investigation or testing of the theory. Instead they go right to it being a fact because it affirms their own ideas and beliefs. The quick fix, the immediate answer and the gratification that one is on the side of righteousness all feed into the delusion once adopted and reinforced. This seems to be the way of the world right now and its very concerning. It is this sort of mentality that got the Nazis in power and many other despots in history. People want to believe in something especially if the times reflect stress and unease. Rather than slow, reasonable accumulation of facts and theory, there is a sort of conflagration of thought that infects a lot of those who are open to it. There is no testing of the theory to see if it is valid, merely full steam ahead because they see others joining in and are willing to believe because of it. Conspiracy theories are rampant these days as the internet is rife with conjecture. They promote the idea that we are all victims of a big organized group pulling the strings from behind the curtain. Virtually the same pattern repeats itself in various religious organizations. People believe that someone or something will save them. No need to put in the hard yards, as Geoff would say, of climbing the mountain of spiritual understanding and purification, rather something magical happens with the mere belief that it will happen. The world is full of delusions, error, fear and mistrust. And often people are lazy, they want to join because of the emotional gratification of belonging rather than engaging in the difficult struggle that is often the way to truth.

Our Celestial Teachers always urge us to test the truth and once one is satisfied that it is truth then live by it. Our truth revolves around love, natural or Divine. That is the one truth that I know and try to live by. When a group of people start to add judgment, fear and anger into their daily perceptions of life, it is the opposite of what I aspire to be. There is no easy way, pat answers or magical blessing that will direct us away from that arduous climb to self awakening and true spiritual understanding. The greatest benefit to receiving Divine Love is that it inspires and strengthens us to reach for the highest and most honest path towards loving self, understanding truth/God and loving our brothers and sisters. That means loving everyone and everything. Without that true reality both within and without, we too are caught up in the delusions of the human condition.

It takes great strength and persistence to move beyond error into truth Michael. Usually only a few are willing to stray beyond the pack mentality to something that is in alignment with love and truth. We all need to support one another on this journey towards truth though that journey is unique for each of us, we are all still heading in the same direction. As such, you are my brother and we are a part of something that has great promise. I hope that you agree. Much love......Al

Re: My views on Covid 19 and how it relates to earth changes

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2020 2:30 pm
by Geoff
Dear Al,

You have done a very good job of explaining how it is that in the USA it has now moved far beyond "facts" for a certain section of the population. In the political arena, as long as Trump has said it, they believe it.

Conspiracy theories are very similar I think where certain proponents/individuals eventually get their propositions accepted without question. Of course conspiracy theories are a bit different, because they use a spider web of "almost" truth. A bit of something over here, added to that bit over there and : Viola - they have a souffle. In this environment, we will have our work cut out, because these extreme views will intensify with Earth Changes before collapsing. You can just see the conspiracy guys blaming the military for massive Earthquakes and such like. Its happened before.

I suspect the challenge for us is not to attack these things but to stay solidly true to ourselves, come what may.


Re: My views on Covid 19 and how it relates to earth changes

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 6:07 am
by Michael7070

Thank you for sharing, Al and Geoff, I very much value your thoughts. This has been a very challenging year for everyone. I live in America and I honestly feel that Trump is leading us down a dark path. I usually try not to get too engaged in politics as I have always felt our two party political system creates much division and causes much disharmony. I personally have always dreaded election years, but I make it a point to do my civic duty and cast my vote for whomever I feel will bring the most good to the world. This year is different for me. I will gladly stand in line for 12 hours during a pandemic for the chance to vote Trump out. Part of the guidance I have received is that I need to define my personal truths and stand in them (as Geoff touched on). It's challenging for me. I live in a very nice and pleasant neighborhood...but most of my neighbors are Trump supporters. These are decent folks but I feel they buy into the fear that they will lose their way of life if Joe Biden is elected. I personally don't really understand that mentality and I feel that Trump is twisting the truth and playing to people's fears. It seems to me that so many American's have a "me first" mentality. Individualism is promoted from an early age and we are taught to "get ahead of the other guy" so that you can have a better life. When Covid hit and people were asked to make sacrifices such has social distancing and wearing a mask for the good of society, many people felt like their rights and freedoms had been violated and unfortunately this grew into anger. Trump is a master at pushing this fear that the democrats are trying to steal individual's freedoms.

I also feel that many of Trump's supporters seem to hold onto this idea that Jesus is sitting on a cloud in heaven waving an American flag and singing the Star Spangled banner...which is ridiculous. I have no idea where this mentality is coming from since Jesus lived some 2000 years ago and had no ties to America while on earth. We weren't even a county for another 1700 some years???

Sorry, I'm venting my frustrations a little. I don't mean to offend anyone if their political opinions are different than mine. I do have a lot of concerns for America though. It's easy to go onto social media and see growing groups of people who believe that Christianity should be the only religion in America, and they believe that Trump is the man to make that happen. To me that is scary stuff, but I do strongly believe that God has a plan and things will be better, it's just a tough time right now. I have a gut feeling we Americans are going to be eating a slice of humble pie here at some point in the near future....but humility is an important step towards spiritual it's all good :D

Much love,

Re: My views on Covid 19 and how it relates to earth changes

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2020 10:46 am
by karenjeanlyons
Michael, You are not alone in your beliefs and feelings about the state of the USA right now. It always makes me feel better to know I'm not alone. I live in the middle of trump country so I often feel alone. May God be with us all during this time.

with love,
Karen Lyons

Re: My views on Covid 19 and how it relates to earth changes

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2020 5:20 am
by Michael7070
Hi Karen,

Thank you for responding. It’s good to know that I’m not alone. I do get the sinking feeling from my intuition and guidance that Trump will win in November. There is a lot of Trump support were I live and it seems to be growing. It bugged me the other day to see that people had painted “Trump 2020” graffiti on our local High School.

There have been some ominous messages from the celestial angels about these coming earth changes which lead me to believe we’re in for a bumpy ride this fall and winter. I do get the sense from my guides that the election won’t be fair. I can’t say for certain but it will be similar to Russia where Putin claims to win by 80% of the vote but everyone knows it’s a sham. The electoral college system in the U.S. will come into play. Trump will lose the popular vote by 5 million votes but squeak out a win in the electoral college. This will spark challenges in the U.S. and there will be protests and fighting in the streets. But, I could be wrong, maybe my fears are playing on my mind.

Stay safe!

Re: My views on Covid 19 and how it relates to earth changes

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 3:41 am
by Joe
Hello michael,
I am voting for trump this year because I believe he is the lesser of two evils. But I respect that you dont feel that way. To be honest I dont trust trump or biden. And if Al's messages are correct trump and biden will be asking us what to do. Lol.. as far as conspiracy theories go, not sure if people know this but it is a well documented fact. The term conspiracy theory was coined by the CIA in america to put a tin foil hat on the people that were questioning the JFK assasination in 1967. There were obvious holes in there story. So how do you get people to quit questioning the narrative or "truth" you are putting out? Put a tin foil hat on em and call them conspiracy theorist. No one wants to be an outcast.
My disernment has lead me to believe that trump or biden or any of the rest of them could be trojan horses, not have our best intrest in mind, etc. I do remember Al had a message earlier this year or maybe last year that said paraphrasing " no one currently in power will spread the truth of the divine love and none of them have the peoples welfare at heart". Its a game of wealth and power. But we have the father inwhich I believe we can 100% trust. I live in america and know what your going through. We might not even have an election or either party may not except the outcome, civil war could break out, its scary. I pray , us in america and all over the world will have the smoothest transition into this new era

All my love,

Re: My views on Covid 19 and how it relates to earth changes

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 4:29 am
by Joe
And if you recearch what I just said about the JFK thing you will get some articles with links to documentation and some articles claiming it to be debunked. So the truth is in my estimation that truth can only be found in the soul. I have done tons of recearch on tons of different theories and you really cant come up with a definative answer because we dont know whos lying to who. So I take all theories, trumps evil etc. Biden and the dems are evil, etc. With a gain of salt because it may or may not be true. But all the research ive done I wouldnt have done it different because that is when I learned my power of decernment. I realize what I believe could be in error.

And only gods love is truth,

Re: My views on Covid 19 and how it relates to earth changes

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2020 5:02 am
by Joe
I was just thinking... truth is simple, truth is singular, it is not complicated , its love which is beautiful. BUT it is also devastating, to the mind. Then a voice said " now you see" and a jolt of divine went through me. I think I was spoken to. 😀
