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Why does it take so much longer to be fully "reborn" on earth?

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2019 8:50 pm
by Eri Worthy
Why does it take so much longer to our soul to be fully "reborn" on earth as compared with those in the spirit world? Thanks.

Re: Why does it take so much longer to be fully "reborn" on earth?

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2019 4:09 pm
by Geoff
Hi Eric,

Its because you cant separate yourself from bad examples here. If you are in spirit, say in the third sphere, thats already way way more loving than anything you can find on Earth. And the less loving people are not in that sphere. Ditto as you go up. So its easier to take from the good examples all around you and you don't have to face people being nasty and unloving all around you, as we do on Earth. In effect you always get good examples all around you - positive reinforcement.


Re: Why does it take so much longer to be fully "reborn" on earth?

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2019 4:36 pm
by Eri Worthy
Thanks for input,geoff. Because we can only progress and not fall behind in the after life is what I suspected. along with perhaps transformation being slower due to our souls being partly asleep.
Anybody else?

Re: Why does it take so much longer to be fully "reborn" on earth?

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2019 8:16 pm
by Geoff
Hi Eric,

No you can always revert by being unloving in the Spirit Spheres. Or stagnate.


Re: Why does it take so much longer to be fully "reborn" on earth?

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2019 8:26 pm
by Eri Worthy
I mean those progressing in divine love...once progressed can't go backward n seem to not stop soul longings for more divine love once realized fully. Yes stagnate may occur. Helen Padgett was determined to progress quickly.

Re: Why does it take so much longer to be fully "reborn" on earth?

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2019 3:33 pm
by Eri Worthy
Thanks Geoff, I understand more fully now

Re: Why does it take so much longer to be fully "reborn" on earth?

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2019 6:18 pm
by Eva
Hello Eric,
Here are a few more thoughts on your question:

I came across this message which shows in some specifics how the DL works: ... l-2-pg205/.

"The soul in the condition in which man possesses it before the entrance of the Divine Love is not in accord with the Love of God. [Once possessed of the DL], … the soul in this condition is altogether a different entity from the soul in the condition in which it was created, and no longer is subject to the dominion of either the mind or of the animal appetites and desires. … When the Divine Love enters into it, and it becomes permeated, as it were, with the Divine Essence, then it takes on the Divine nature of the Father. It is now a thing of love and purity, and consciousness of its true condition is always with the spirit that has such soul. This transformation is gradual, and men must not think that by the mere act of conversion from their state of death they at once become possessed of the nature of the Divine, for such is not the fact. The transformation is gradual and comes according to the susceptibility of the soul to receive this Love of which I speak. But when once the inflowing of the Love commences, it continues eternally. Although there may be times of stagnation and apparent loss of this Divine Essence, yet always is the transformation taking place, and at certain stages in its progress, the possession of this Divine Love will be so great that the original soul, or its original qualities will entirely disappear and leave only the new qualities which the Divine Love has implanted in it. The leaven when once deposited never ceases to work until the whole shall become leavened."

Based on that message, here are some insights why it seems like we and others are not making much progress on the Divine Love path and may even at times act unloving. People progress at their own unique rates and also may hit periods of stagnation. Also some may start “further back” and have issues to deal with from earlier in life, whereas others, without such issues may have an apparent head start. The important thing is that we each personally do our part in being loving and service oriented to others.

On an encouraging note, this message says that we can achieve the New Birth while still on earth: "the Kingdom of Heaven on earth is not the Divine Kingdom, and has not in it that which is necessarily divine, except the love of God to His creatures to bless and make them happy. His essence and substance are not conferred upon them, for if they were, men would not remain in the kingdom of earth, but would, to a degree, be in the Celestial Heaven, even while on earth, and as I know some men, while still mortals, are in this Divine Heaven." ( ... ol-1-pg12/)

The same message also says this: “Now, the way to each of these kingdoms is not the same, although in pursuing the way to one, and that the Celestial Kingdom, the way to the others, must necessarily be followed, or in other words, he who follows the way to the Celestial Kingdom pursues that course which in its pursuit, will cause him to do those things and obey those laws of God that are necessary to establish the Kingdoms on earth and in the spirit world; but he who pursues only the way that leads to the establishment of the kingdom on earth and in the spirit world, cannot possibly become an inhabitant of the Celestial Kingdom.”

This shows that thoughts, words and actions of those on the DL path should largely parallel those on the natural love path and be kind and loving. The difference between the two paths is not in how we live, but how the soul is affected – transformed into divine substance by the Divine Love or simply purified.

I hope that this helps.

Re: Why does it take so much longer to be fully "reborn" on earth?

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 12:49 am
by Eri Worthy
Hi Eva,
I found this very inspirational. In particular the part of susceptibility. The dictionary definition of susceptibility fits perfect. In physics it relates to Saving this message.
I tried my part in medium ship in past and my soul condition was not great yet found it interesting that I kept getting its due largely to the eleventh commandment. That the more we "use" the divine love in our souls to give love to others the quicker we accelerate rebirth. Don't know if it's true. Perhaps even allows the natural love to be absorbed quicker is a neat thought... Something along the lines of rebirthing processes. In "using"the divinelove it takes possession of our soul and rebirths us sooner is a big perhaps. Don't know.
Thanks again for putting that together.

Re: Why does it take so much longer to be fully "reborn" on earth?

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 1:20 am
by Eri Worthy
Most inspiring was John saying "But when once the inflowing of the Love commences, it continues eternally. Although there may be times of stagnation".
Great find Eva.

Re: Why does it take so much longer to be fully "reborn" on earth?

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 1:26 am
by Eva
Hi Eric,
It makes sense that the more we actively pursue a life of love and kindness or as you say, "use" the Love in our souls, the more and faster our soul would progress toward transformation into divine substance and full New Birth. If on the other hand, we don't pray and apply the Love in our life, our soul will stagnate. I wonder if it is a little like using our muscles -- if we don't, they get weak and flabby, but if we exercise, they will get stronger.