Earth changes...

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Earth changes...

Post by Susan »

So I was thinking has gone through many changes in the past. So has humanity. Civilizations have risen and fallen throughout the course of time. During these historic earth changes, humanity has degraded in spiritual progress and progressed,according to many channelings. My question is there something different about our time of change now? We are going through an awakening. Did this happen in the past or is this new? Is god working to create heaven on earth as it's never been before on this planet? It seems a bit hmmm egotistical (?) and far-fetched to think I'd live in such a special time, but I guess you just never know. Love to hear your insight friends! :)
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Re: Earth changes...

Post by AlFike »

Thanks for your question Susan. I don't believe that anyone knows what is coming other than great change. My own opinion is that God is saving the planet from the gross injuries that we are doing to it. As with any upheaval, with change comes opportunity. I believe that the angels will use these changing conditions to educate and inspire us to turn to God, or at least to be reasonable in our actions. Humanity needs greater wisdom and a spiritual perspective in order to radically change our behaviors. As is, the world is gleefully plunging into materialism a focus. Without balance and wisdom, we will destroy our home by sucking out its last breath and life for our benefit. Of course this will lead to our own demise which I think is not in God's plan for the salvation of humanity. I do believe that many will find themselves in the spirit world prematurely but many will survive and we will not lose every advancement that we have achieved.Just that we will approach things from a different perspective that includes a more enlightened and sensitive approach. Maybe this has happened in the past. Destruction and regeneration. Cycles like this happen in nature all the time. We are hell bent on holding on to the security and comforts that we have but it seems that no matter what is our normal, the new normal that is coming will be sure to change that. The angels say that after the storm there will be peace. What are we willing to give up for peace and balance in our world? That question I ponder often. In the mean time, I continue to live my life in this dichotomy of imbalance and spiritual seeking. We're all caught up in bizarre and unusual circumstances. Prayer, prayer and prayer needed. God
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Re: Earth changes...

Post by Geoff »

Dear Susan,

I think I have a different view to that expressed here by Al.

I think "Earth Changes" are very different to the climatic cycles the earth has undergone at many times in its history. These cycles are slow to start, and last a very long time. Earth Changes start very fast and end quite quickly once the negative energy has been dissipated. We have been advised that Earth Changes may last no longer than ten years. Noah has weighed in on the subject, explaining that what occurred in his time was Earth Changes. But for Earth Changes to occur, and do serious damage, there needs to be sufficient evil humans. I am surprised that happened in Noah's time (about 6000 B.C.), but right now we have huge numbers of evil humans. The crucial difference is Earth Changes are driven by the accumulated negative energy of humans. And nothing else. But the climate changes of the past, like the Ice Age, happened at a time when there were very few, if any humans. Humans have been here as best I know only 1 million years. The last ice age started 2.4 million years ago but only ended about 11,000 years ago. So what we are living through is Climate Change PLUS Earth Changes. And the Earth Changes are the ones that will change the face of this world. And when Earth Changes are finished, I am not at all sure that we won't still have climate change excepting its very possible all that negative human activity - heavy industry, coal fired power stations, wars, deforestation, using poisons in medicines and foods, filling the oceans with plastics and so on will have gone. Maybe we won't even be using fossil fuel powered vehicles. But the damage will take a long time to rebalance. That has been stated many times by scientists, we have reached the point where even if we stop all co2 emissions the cumulative effect will still carry on until the natural cycle is rebalanced, and that will be over a hundred years, perhaps much more. We do face real risks of serious ice loss and ocean rises.

This is what Noah said:
And I have come to speak again about the changes that are coming, that the world will be engulfed by many changes, for God has brought His blessings to this world so that changes may take place to bring once again harmony to the natural cycles of this world and to all the creatures of this world. To give humanity a second chance that they may come together and understand what is truly important in a life. That Love must reign supreme in God’s kingdom on earth as in Heaven. So it must be that Love is what must be focused upon and expressed by each individual in your world. All the many distractions and conditions of this world that do not bring Love, bring harmony, bring peace are to be wiped from this world and in the tumult of this cleansing of your world will come many opportunities for you to speak and to bring Truth and to explain to the lost souls what is happening, why has the world changed so radically, so powerfully that mankind cannot stand against the changes that are coming.
He also said this:
When these extreme changes come to the world, so few will be open and receptive to these Truths. They will be caught up in great waves of change. The time grows short my friends, very short, to make the warning bell heard, to bring your brothers and sisters to a place of understanding what is to come. This will be done by your voice and our voice; together we will sound the alarm.
Now we are not doing this. In fact the reverse is true. We are hiding these messages. I found one the other day on Google Drive I had never seen before, well I could not recall it at all, which might not mean its not been shared:
As you grow within your soul, you will be able to receive the changes that are coming
December 21, 2016

Received by: Al Fike

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Beautiful friends, it is Alec. May the Light of God’s Love carry you forward, my beloved friends, as you begin to open within your soul perceptions and awarenesses begin to flower and come forth in surprising ways. Each of you feels a difference, an opening, the beginnings of something new within you as God’s Love ignites your gifts, the beautiful talents and abilities that lay within you, each unique, each powerful, full of promise, opening up doors of perception, gifts of healing and communication and ways in which love may be expressed for the benefit of all you meet. Beloveds, you must expect this in your life that these new awarenesses, perceptions will come and bring a different perspective and bring many abilities of sight and wisdom and strength and perception. Ways in which love can come and be manifest in your lives within your beings, as God uses what He has implanted within you for the benefit of mankind.

I also come to confirm for this instrument some guidance which he received about changes coming within the world. These things are correct as he received them and indeed they are serious and they do reflect our warnings of the past. There are great changes coming to this world, a world that is at a breaking point, as the populations of your world put more and more stress upon this beautiful planet and resolutely turn their eyes away from what is in harmony and beneficial to all life upon this world. And so the consequences will unfold and will have their effect upon many peoples in this world.

There are indeed natural cycles in the world and there are safeguards in place in the laws of God’s creation which prevent the unravelling of the natural world as you have come close to this point and the world will respond. There will be difficulties and upheavals and problems for each in this world. For those such as yourselves who are attempting to be close to God and put prayer before all else, you will be guided through these difficulties. You will find your way through this dark forest and come out unscathed at the other end and you must gather as many as you can to follow. And as I have said, you are gifted with many blessings, perceptions, much is emerging from your soul and these are to be used in the coming times. God will utilise many aspects of your beautiful selves to help lead, to guide, to bless many. As these coming storms approach, so God accelerates your growth, opens your gifts, prepares you for what is to come. You should not allow fear to override your true knowing that what will come into the world will be a blessing, will bring balance and harmony, will renew the world in a way that the coming generations will have a life which is in much more harmony than what is at this time. Many of your technologies and accomplishments will remain but how they are used and utilised will change as priorities and understandings and a greater wisdom prevails. Yes, there is much change coming and there will be waves of change, waves of challenges so that you may adjust and prepare with each onslaught.

God has strengthened you, my friends. He has strengthened you and has prepared you and has laid many riches within your souls. This has purpose. This will be called upon. As you have been so richly blessed, there will come a time when you will be called upon to give and this will not often be in a way that is easy or gratifying to you. No, my beloveds, it will be challenging. But as you go to the source, as you seek the strength through God, as you remain steadfast upon this path of Light and Love you will have the strength, you will have what you require to be God’s instruments in the world.

This is a time of strengthening, my friends. This is a time of gathering yourself to God and coming to those realisations and openings and strengthenings so that you may increase your faith and your abilities to cope with a changing world.

You will not be abandoned by us, not ever. We will be ever closer to you as these things come and we will be there to advise and guide and protect. God has placed His hands upon you, beloveds. Do you realize the power of this, the protection that is provided, the Angels surrounding you, His Love flowing into you? This is what you must show to your brothers and sisters – how the power of God’s Love and His hand upon you will bring the harmony that all will seek. When they seek, you must be there to tell them the truth, the simple truth, not to reprimand and judge, but to show the way gently and firmly to God.

There is much to come, many changes, travels, shifts in your thinking and how you are in your lives, readjustments, new priorities, new focus. Each time you shift into a greater Light, a deeper understanding, a greater expression of love, you will know within your souls that you have come to that right place, a place that is meant for you. And all will adjust as you adjust, as God blesses in harmony, so that harmony comes to you.

This is what these changes are my beloveds, an effort to bring back harmony to the world, a healing of this world, an enlightening of the peoples of this world, a pulling of the lost souls into the Light. And yes, many will turn away and there will be consequences for those who are resolutely blind and deaf to the truth of creation. This has always been so for with each choice comes consequence. With the lack of love, comes pain and with the extreme materialism in this world comes a great imbalance and disharmony. Mankind cannot continue to take, endlessly take and not expect that there will be a reaction within the material world, a response to these inappropriate actions and selfish responses to life.

When the world had a small population, such actions were absorbed without any great detriment to the planet but now, my beloveds, the force of humanity is attempting to overwhelm the natural cycles of this world. This is done so blindly and with little care except for what can be gained. This is such folly, my beloveds, this is such folly. You cannot live in this world and be immune to the consequences of your life. This applies to your personal life, this applies to each country, each culture, each set of beliefs. Mankind is gifted with free will and, as such, must bear the consequences of those choices. So a harsh lesson is coming to the world. And I know that you all feel the coming storms and you worry for yourselves and for your loved ones in this world because you love, because you wish to enfold. It is good that you wish to love and enfold your neighbours, your loved ones, your friends and God will give you the opportunity to do so. But you must remain the pillar of strength, the bearer of truth, the loving channel of God. In this way, God will open up those opportunities for you to protect and guide your loved ones and those who will listen, and many will listen. As the earth reacts to these inharmonious conditions, many will have to listen. They will not be able to hide their heads in the sand and will have to ask those difficult questions: What motivates me in my life? What is important? What direction am I going in? What do I love?

For many, what they love is not what they should be loving. Materialism is not a goal of life. Accumulating and feeling powerful is not what God has meant for you in your life. Yes, God grants material benefits, many blessings, but a wise man will live a life in moderation. A foolish man will bring himself to a place of greed and will find his identity in what he possesses. Beloveds, this is not what is meant, but I assure you there will come a time when the perspective of mankind will change and shift and the conditions of the world will ensure that this change must take place and will carry all of you along to that place of harmony. Remember the power of choice, beloveds and the power of love and how these two things come together each day and determine the outcomes of your lives.

May God grant you all, deep wisdom and great love and may your soul perceptions open and flourish and give you an insight into the new world that is coming and the Will of God, which is ever present. That these things take you upon a journey of awakening and understanding and great strength and faith. Love will prevail, my beloveds. It is the most powerful thing in this universe and it will prevail. You need but follow the Will of God, have faith in your own true soul awareness and understanding and allow love to enter every part of who you are and your lives so that it may bring harmony and show to all those who wish to see what love is and what living in the truth of God’s Love is.

You will make a powerful statement in this world, my beloveds. You must. It is dependent upon you and the few others that God will use to bring this Light and Truth and change to the world. God bless you, beloveds. I am Alec. I am with you ,as you well know, and we will continue to guide you through this journey, through these changes, up this great hill towards greater Light. You each have your feet firmly planted upon this Path and will indeed have your eyes open, your souls expanded in Love and will be lead in Light. God bless you, beloveds, Alec loves you. God bless you.
I have collected all those that I know of and placed them here: Earth Changes

There have been many others, but many of those are in collections we have not chosen to release at this time because they mostly concern seven of us only.

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Re: Earth changes...

Post by AlFike »

Now we are not doing this. In fact the reverse is true. We are hiding these messages. I found one the other day on Google Drive I had never seen before, well I could not recall it at all, which might not mean its not been shared:
Thanks Geoff for digging up this gem. DLSF is a Ma and Pop operation. As such, we do the best we can to transcribe, edit, collate and publish these messages from our angel friends. I know that you have been somewhat frustrated by the tardiness in which this process takes place. Because we rely on volunteers only, with no consistent and regular paid help, we are at the whims and availability of our volunteers to perform many of these duties. And I must take my hat off to all who are willing to help. They are the backbone of the organization and are doing as best they can to keep up with what appears to be increasing volumes of communications from Spirit. So, it may appear that we are hiding or hoarding messages ( with the exception of our DV messages), our intentions are to share as much as possible what comes through. Jeanne has long complained that we need some paid help to co-ordinate our efforts and until now I have thought this to be a luxury. As things accelerate however, I see a great need to at least smooth out the bumps of getting these messages out by having a consistent and dedicated individual overseeing the process. Jeanne, who in her career, was the overseer of the overseers, says that if she had someone for 2 or 3 hours a week, it would help tremendously. Unfortunately our bank accounts would not be able to handle a commitment like this for very long so the possibility of having paid help is becoming less clear as monies dwindle. Yet, expecting a volunteer to be there week in and week out is unrealistic. We find ourselves between a rock and a hard place in this regard. Lots going on and less resources to handle the load. Geoff, or anyone who can come up with a solution for us is more than welcome to offer their sage advice. With much love and appreciation......Al

PS: As for messages describing earth changes, they can be seen on our website under communications from the Angels. Publishing these messages there is ongoing and sporadic. Yet, we try as best we can .
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Re: Earth changes...

Post by Geoff »

AlFike wrote: Mon Dec 31, 2018 10:37 amJeanne, who in her career, was the overseer of the overseers, says that if she had someone for 2 or 3 hours a week, it would help tremendously.
Dear Al,

I foresaw all of this, when Jeanne wanted to transition to a WEB SITE, as opposed to only a message forum. You did not want to simply place each message as it turned up, on this message forum. You could have, indeed the 11:11 forum has done this for 18 years, and Sandy Barnard does it herself, handling 5 to 6 a week, as they come in. Its no more than 1 to 2 hours a week, if that. They have a simple format, every message goes out, without exception, to MailChimp, then it goes on the forum, in sequence. The only difference is they have 4 or 5 mediums, and each provides a transcript, not a sound file. When on retreat, you can and often do create 3 to 4 messages a day, but when not on retreat its fewer, a lot fewer. And the transcription process is labour intensive, and currently the "chaotic area." Stuff gets lost.

You may recall my opposition to you having a web site. Because I knew that neither you nor Jeanne would be able or willing to spend 3 to 4 hours each day on that job alone. And I agree, it would not be your "path."

Nevertheless you wanted a web site, and paid for that to be developed, and have paid from time to time for it to be upgraded, and from time to time updated with some messages added. You have managed to use a short cut whereby you upload a pdf containing maybe 30 or 40 messages. But its still not having each message available.

Google Drive is like a basement. Its better than nothing, but its not sharing what you have received, its just storage. My estimate, based on having done what needs to be done at DLSF on my own web site is a full time assistant, and I wont put my money into that. You may indeed find some folks able to put in a lot of time, but you need a special blend of talents, not easily available. If you were paying commercial rates you would be paying a lot of money per hour, 30 or 40 hours a week. The issue is that a message forum is designed for idiots to use. The back end of a web site is not.

Now maybe someone from India or another similar country with IT talented and qualified people where paid work rates are far lower will turn up with the skill, and be willing to take US$10 per hour. Its possible. That's about your only hope.
AlFike wrote: Mon Dec 31, 2018 10:37 amAnd I must take my hat off to all who are willing to help. They are the backbone of the organization and are doing as best they can to keep up with what appears to be increasing volumes of communications from Spirit.
Amen to that!!!

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Re: Earth changes...

Post by AlFike »

Thanks Geoff. You have some good points here. I think comparing the 11:11 site and ours may be a bit misleading. They are a message forum and not really engaged in day to day outreach in prayer and connection as we do, though correct me if I am wrong. They do not host retreats as we do, on line prayer circles, evening prayer circles etc.. So much of our time is spent building community. The rest of my time, in particular, is spent looking after our home and preparing for the next load of Dlers or other guests. I'm also writing another book and responding on this forum. I try to get an hours walk in every day as well. The days go by and I'm sure that there will be those who suggest that I am inefficient. Our lives seem very full every day, no exceptions. We can add more duties to this roster but I believe that quality suffers when volume is too much. I am not a lazy man, but do admit that I'm waning in energy these days compared to my youth. I love our website and I believe that it has a valid purpose. It does not get the volume that your's does Geoff for obvious reasons but it is appreciated and explored by serious DL followers. I have no regrets in this regard. I believe that God will find a way for us to continue with the projects that we are engaged in. One way, or another, God's Will and Plan for us will be realized. So far this has been the case as you have indeed supported us in many ways, as has others. The job will get done and with faith we will see our way through.God bless.........Al
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Re: Earth changes...

Post by Geoff »

AlFike wrote: Mon Dec 31, 2018 7:43 pm They are a message forum and not really engaged in day to day outreach in prayer and connection as we do, though correct me if I am wrong.
Yes I will correct you. They have for 18 years sustained a message a day except Sundays. DLSF is no where near that level of public outreach. That is why they had over 30,000 people on their MailChimp lists, and they maintain English, French and Spanish lists as best I know. The point is they generate maybe 300 messages a year. And it only takes Sandy a few hours to put them on their message board (and Sandy does some of the MailChimp too) where they can be reviewed and accessed by Google. Yes you are undoubtedly over 300, and in a few days I will probably tell you exactly how many a year you are averaging, because I have downloaded Google Drive and will soon make that count. My point is to host these on a web site is probably 5 to ten times the work compared to putting them on a forum like this, PLUS its highly technical, and beyond my being able to teach either you or Jeanne.. Which is why yours are not making it to the web site. In fact I am a bit concerned that DV messages are not all on Google Drive. But I have not yet proved that.

None of this is however relevant to the current crisis - tracking and transcribing. But I was concerned here and now about "lost" messages, and that you are getting good stuff that never sees the light of day, AFTER being transcribed.

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Re: Earth changes...

Post by Geoff »

AlFike wrote: Mon Dec 31, 2018 7:43 pm I love our website and I believe that it has a valid purpose. It does not get the volume that your's does Geoff for obvious reasons but it is appreciated and explored by serious DL followers.
I dont have access to your Google Analytics as Allan took that away from me. But you seem to have done a lot better of recent. According to a 3rd party site, you have 4.8 k unique visitors in November, when I did not have twice that, but 7.8k. If I look on Google Analytics for November, it says I had about 160 visits per day, or 4800, which means the measurements are not on the same basis. But my traffic is dropping, something I can only fix by a new version of my web site I think. Your average time on the site is 50 minutes, so that clearly regular users reading a lot. Thats good. Pity I can't get your Google Analytics data.
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Re: Earth changes...

Post by Terry Adler »

Susan, I appreciate your thoughtful questions and value Al and Geoff’s unique perspectives, much of which resonate as truth for me, too.
Like Geoff, I see a distinction vs. climatic cycles and “Earth Changes”, the difference being that the former is the expression of natural forces and the latter are the consequences of human interference with all of nature (earth, waterways, skies and all the creatures dwelling therein) driven by human greed, ignorance, blindness to the consequences.
When I read the marvellous messages related to “the changes that are coming “ as Noah describes them, I do so in awareness that each is shaped to some extent by the medium through which it comes and by my own interpretation of it. Having had the privilege of reading most of the many messages on this topic, I see one constant theme. Over and over again, we are exhorted to “grow within our soul” for only this will enable us to “receive the changes that are coming”. As Al succinctly puts it, “pray, pray, pray!”
To me, this means that only through my soul-knowing informing my mind, will I understand and be able to take action in harmony with God’s Will. Rather than spending time speculating, guessing, trying to analyze the meaning of the guidance received, I rather devote time and energy sitting silently in God’s Presence, growing my soul with each prayer, deepening my relationship with our Creator, feeling the Love guiding and transforming me, little by little.
This brings me to the question Geoff raises - which is best, posting messages directly onto a message forum or developing an interactive website? I think it is important to be clear on what ones purpose is. If it is solely to make messages public, then posting on a message forum is clearly the simplest and most effective. If ones purpose is to achieve the DLSF mission “to awaken humankind to the wonders of Divine Love and be channels of love, peace and healing for our planet”, then what is required is the website and all the other initiatives described so well by Jeanne in her President’s Report to the DLSF AGM.
Reading messages about the Truth of God’s Love may be enough of a catalyst for some people to seek Divine Love and remain committed to this as their spiritual path. However, in 42 years of observing people on their spiritual journey, I see how vital it is to build community, establish relationships in which people can develop trust, support one another through spiritual and life challenges, learn and grow together. This is the strength of DLSF and all those dear souls intimately involved with it. In relationship, we get to witness people actually living the love, enacting their faith, experiencing soul awakenings through committed prayer.
Maybe it isn’t “message forum” or “website “ - perhaps both are useful and complementary?
With appreciation and love to all! A blessed New Year!
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Re: Earth changes...

Post by jeanne »

Hi Geoff, Susan, Terry and everyone,

Thank you, Geoff, for what you have done on your website with the Earth Changes messages! I think it's awesome. I hear your frustrations coming through loud and clear.....and I share them with you! As you keep pointing out, Al and I do not have the technical expertise required. It's obvious we can't sustain our current efforts....we can't keep up and our God-given gifts lie elsewhere.

Our priority is to share the messages we receive from Celestial Angels about the Truths of God's Divine Love with the world.....they are not meant for only a few of us....they are meant for the world. We trust God will help us find a way.

We are all trying to do our part -- to the best of our skills, experience, knowledge and resources. Our priority, indeed our unique calling, has always been to build community. God Bless. Love Jeanne
Stay centered in Divine Love and expect miracles to happen!
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