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On Joy and Happiness

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2018 2:52 pm
by Eva
Recently my attention was brought to the obviously inspired writings of Eileen Caddy who no doubt had God's Love in her soul. Below is what she wrote on joy and happiness. For some of her writings on Divine Love, visit my web page ... ects-love/ (scroll down a little).

Let joy and happiness fill your heart.
Realize how mightily blessed you are and give constant thanks
for those many blessings that are yours.

How can you be downhearted and discontented
when your thoughts are joyous and uplifted,
when your heart is singing songs of praise and gratitude
for these wonderful times that you are living in
and for this wonderful life which is yours?

All that you have to do is to claim it and enjoy it to the full.
Think of the simplicity of that:
you do not have to strive for it, fight for it, hanker after it.
It is yours, wholly yours when you claim it and make it your own.

you do not have to waste time thinking about it
or wondering if you are worthy of it;
it is yours, yours, yours,
when you are ready to accept it.

You can find true happiness and contentment
wherever you are, whoever you are with,
no matter what you are doing;
for true happiness stems from deep within,
therefore your outer conditions should never rob you
of inner happiness
which no one and nothing can disturb.

When you have found that inner happiness and contentment
you will find that you no longer want to live unto yourself
but will want to share it
with all those with whom you are in contact;
and the more you share it, the more wonderful it will become.

Happiness cannot be suppressed;
it cannot be hidden away.
It is something that bursts into bloom
like a glorious flower in the rays of the sun,
so that all can see it and share in its beauty.

It does not matter how dark the night may be;
always remember that joy comes in the morning
as the light breaks through and the sun rises once again
revealing itself in its full glory and majesty.

Give constant thanks for the new day –
a perfect unblemished day –
and go forth expecting the very best to happen during the day.
Know that I go before you to prepare the way;
so just keep consciously aware of Me
and of My divine presence throughout the day
and watch it unfold in true perfection.

Cease trying to work everything out with your mind,
it will get you nowhere.
Live by intuition and inspiration
and let your whole life be a revelation.
When you live this way
more and more of the new will be revealed to you,
for the new does not come through the mind
but by inspiration and through intuition.

That is why it is not necessary to be intellectually clever
to live an inspired spiritual life.

(Eileen Caddy, Footprints on the Path, p. 47-49)

Re: On Joy and Happiness

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2018 4:19 am
by jeanne
Thank you so much for posting Eileen Caddy's beautiful prayer.....greatly appreciated! Thanks for keeping the forum alive while Al and I have a house full of guests here on retreat for the month of October! :lol: God Bless you, dear friend! Love Jeanne

Re: On Joy and Happiness

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2018 10:31 am
by jimmyaloha77
Aloha Eva

Thank you for posting the beautiful and soul inspiring words of Eileen Caddy on the DLS Forum. I am grateful to Darlene Gaunt who has given me two books by Eileen Caddy whose words never fail to uplift my soul in God's love. Jimbeau

Re: On Joy and Happiness

Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2018 2:43 pm
by Eva
I agree with you, Jimbeau. For me Eileen is a recent discovery and I too deeply resonate with her inspired writings. Here is what happened to me after you shared with those of us in the service the other week the inspiring divine Love quote. I mentioned it to Alex, as well as mentioning a bit about Eileen (which I had to look up). He surprised me by bringing out of his room a book by Eileen that sometime ago he bought from the library -- which he probably showed me at the time, but I forgot. (The two nearby libraries periodically get rid of books to buy new ones and members can buy them for a dollar or less.) It is a different book than the one you quoted from but a lovely one as well, called Footprints on the Path. The other night I typed up and posted on my website a passage on faith ( ... nd-belief/)
