The changing world

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The changing world

Post by Susan »

Hi friends! Questions and thoughts arise in me from time to time and I have a moment to ask your opinion on this one. We've been told by the angels that the world is changing, that humanity is also changing as we go through our awakening. My question is have the angels specified what this will look like? I know they've mentioned earthquakes, storms, etc. Part of me wonders about how Atlantis went down many thousands of years ago, and if parts of earth will suffer the same type of fate (info from a Padgett message I believe or maybe geoffs website).

In my nerdy scientific research, :geek: i understand we are moving into a significant location energetically in the galaxy. I also come to understand our sun is coming upon the end of a cycle. I'm assuming these are aiding in the process of awakening. I've heard people speak about a solar flash event and how the grid may go down for a while during this time. I could go further however I'm curious if the angels have further comments on this topic. Will the awakening cause a change in our biology, like our DNA gets fully activated? Possibly the "veil be torn" and suddenly we understand truth? Or will it be a gradual, arduous process? Anyone read messages that answer specifically some of my questions? Or maybe you've heard something from someone you hold in high regard? When you think about it, we are living in an amazing time! My guess is history will look back upon this time as one of great significance! I feel extremely excited and blessed to be a part of it! :D

What I KNOW is that the best thing to do is grow in the fathers love and be a light to a struggling world at this time. Seek to love EVERYONE and be as loving as possible in all circumstances. But my curiosities continue. I'd love to hear your opinions! :D
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Re: The changing world

Post by jeanne »

Dearest Susan,
Thank you SO much for your questions which seem to be on everyone's mind these days.....we can all feel the momentum of the escalating changes.
With a house full of guests here for a Divine Love Mediumship Retreat, Geoff in the U.K. for a month and many others heading to the After Life Research and Education Symposium in Phoenix next week....I hope there's still some other nerdy spiritualists around to respond! Hopefully Al will get back to the forum next week....

We've had 12 houseguests daily for the Mediumship Retreat....with 3 other mediums sitting with us in our circle for The most amazing Divine Love retreat ever! I can't wait to get the messages transcribed and posted! Developing mediums around the world, according to our guidance, is part of God's Plan for the Salvation of Mankind. To bring the truth of Divine Love to the world after the great cleansing of our planet....and in our life times!

Stay tuned and thanks again for your great questions.... for now, Love Jeanne :P
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Re: The changing world

Post by PlenaryGrace »

Hi Susan!

I can answer one of your questions: All humans on Atlantis drowned when the continent was overtaken by a tsunami. They had no warning and no possibility of escape.

From the Padgett Messages:

22 July 1915
I am here, Anabalixis. I lived on the lost continent of Atlantis. We were a race of a great intelligence, and of what you would now describe as a wonderful civilization. Many of our arts and sciences disappeared from earth and have never been rediscovered, and may never be, for that race no longer has communication with the present race.I was a ruler of the people who lived on this submerged continent and I come to tell you of its history, but your wife says that you are too tired to write more tonight. I will come again sometime and tell you the wonders of that unfortunate land. So good night ~Anabalixis

24 September 1915
I am an ancient spirit and have been in spirit life many thousands of years - long before the great flood which submerged a great continent which men know as Atlantis. ~Sebastobel

October 7, 1915
I am here, Jayemas. I am the spirit of a man who when on earth was an inhabitant of the great continent of Atlantis which was submerged in a cataclysm and by which great calamity all the inhabitants of that country were drowned. ~Jayemas

It's a start!

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Re: The changing world

Post by Brooke »

On today's special WDLR radio program, I told one of the retreats 'newbie' guests, Ellen, not to be afraid to ask questions. It gives the longer in the tooth DL followers the opportunity to share their pearls of wisdom of knowledge. The wonderful program features Jeanne, Ellen, Darlene, Dorothy, Jane and Terri and Al too. The sharing was electrifying. They just came out of a wonderful prayer session. Listen to what Jane shares in her mediumship experiences this past week. All were wonder spokespersons for Divine Love.
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Re: The changing world

Post by AlFike »

One thing is certain Susan....change is a constant in the Universe. So change comes in fits and starts. We now see our climate changing in dramatic ways. The intensity of our presence on this planet will bring dramatic consequences and changes. we have received numerous messages that severe change is coming and will make life here different and better . At least for the survivors. Like Atlantis, God seems to orchestrate a reboot of humanity on occasions. Since transitioning into spirit is not as tragic as many of us believe, those who do not survive the reboot will find themselves living their lives in spirit. Too much to talk about in one go, but I recommend that people go to the celestial messages section of our website to read more about this important subject. With love........Al
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Re: The changing world

Post by Eva »

Hi Susan,
This is not from the Padgett messages, but to me it is interesting because it rings true and is substantiated. In Gregg Braden's well-researched book, Fractal Time, pages 35-37, he writes this, based on the writings of the Hopi Indians (and other indigenous peoples):

"There is little doubt in the minds of the world's indigenous elders that present-day events are the fulfillment of their ancestors' prophecies for the end of time. Although many of the details for such prophecies have been shrouded in secrecy to preserve their integrity, those who have held them sacred are now openly sharing them with the world. Sensing that now is "the time," they believe that people of all nations and beliefs can benefit from the wisdom of the past. While the specifics of how we may recognize the significance of the early 21st century vary from tradition to tradition and from telling to telling, common themes weave the different prophecies into a consistent story. Those of the Hopi of America's Desert Southwest offer a beautiful example.

The Four Worlds of the Past

In words that are simple and direct, the Hopi recount a story that many people today prefer to think of as a metaphor for the past rather than a factual history. Maybe it is easier to think of the following prophecy in that way. If the story is true, it tells of a past that is just too frightening and too painful for many to accept.

It's the story of Earth, and human history on it, punctuated with times when the unthinkable has happened: the planet changed so quickly and drastically that life as it was known before the change forever disappeared. In his landmark book, Meditations with the Hopi (1986), scholar Robert Boissiere illustrates the clarity and simplicity of the Hopi worldview. Following are brief excerpts from a longer narrative he gathered while living among the Hopi for years, having been accepted as family.

On the destruction of the first world:

The remnants of the first people moved in with the ant people to be safe when Sotuknang [the sky God] destroyed Tokpela, the first world, with fire.'

On the destruction of the second world:

[Then] some became greedy! - though life was plentiful. Greed made them fight one another.... So Taiowa [the Creator] said to Sotuknang, "Destroy this second world!" ... The [second] world froze solid from pole to pole, and in its imbalance, the world stopped spinning for a while.

On the destruction of the third world:

In this [third] world, humankind grew and grew, spreading everywhere.... Some became so powerful, they waged war on the others, annihilating them with their machines.... Then Sotuknang destroyed the third world. A great flood covered the Earth; it rained for a full moon.

These excerpts describe three vast cycles of time, three previous worlds that existed before the fourth one of today. Each of the preceding worlds concluded with a great cataclysm: the first with earthquakes and the sinking of continents, the second with the earth covered in ice, and the third with a great flood. The prophecy says that the fourth world will end in our lifetime and that we will soon be living in the fifth.

Although the words are nonscientific, the Hopi description of the events that ended each era is eerily similar to the history of the earth that is preserved in the geological record. Recent data from ocean sediment and polar ice cores confirm that the planet has, in fact, undergone a cyclic history of cataclysm from fire, ice, and water, as well as recovery periods. There was a period of earthquakes and volcanic activity around 20,000 years ago. The ice age peaked about 11,000 years ago, and there was a deluge that is believed to have been the biblical Flood, which occurred approximately 4,000 to 5,000 years ago.

According to the Hopi, the same cycles of time and nature that have heralded such changes in the past are now bringing the present world to an end as the next begins. What makes the Hopi worldview so important going forward is its accuracy regarding the past. The key here is that the Hopi knew of these cycles long before modern researchers could confirm them scientifically. If such indigenous knowledge of cycles is so accurate for the past, then what does that mean for their predictions of what's to come in the future?"

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Re: The changing world

Post by Susan »

Eva, I love Gregg Braden, though I've only read the Divine Matrix book and part of another! One day you and I will speak in person and I'll get to pick your brain and see how many similar interests we have. :D

Won't it be so nice when all of mankind knows the real truth of our human history and the real truth of what's currently going on?! I feel we are only allowed a shadow of knowledge and the really important and powerful truths are kept hidden, keeping humanity enslaved and (happily) ignorant to a great degree. I must admit, this frustrates me! I want so much for all of mankind to wake up to all truths! Discover how incredibly amazing and powerful we are! To see how beautiful and relevant each and every one of us is in this tapestry of life! I love my world and I love my brothers and sisters universally. My prayer is that this awakening of humanity, these earth changes, come soon so we can heal from our past and create a better present and future! Rant done! ;)
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Re: The changing world

Post by AlFike »

The truth is certainly an elusive thing eh Susan. It even eludes us in all its clarity IMHO. We all see through a glass darkly and until we are clearly in the light, our message to others is somewhat stilted. I do believe that a time is coming where people will want to hear about spiritual truth. As the world continues to plunge into greater turmoil, a tipping point will start to awaken many into questioning everything. When that time comes, then our voices need to be loud and clear. And each voice will offer a drop of truth to the world and as these drops accumulate, a torrent of truth will flow. I believe that this is God's Plan for the salvation of mankind. Our role has been designated and our goal is to grow in the Love so that our purpose may be revealed. This is not a plan that involves only a chosen few but instead many will join the chorus of truth. Their words may be different from ours, but the core truth of love will be the bell toll for change.

Rather than be anxious or frustrated that humanity is lost and confused for the moment, have faith that all will unfold in good time and be joyful that you already know the message that is coming and that you will undoubtedly play your part in changing times.God is preparing many for the big push that is coming. Our job is to pray hard, be aware of anything that stands in the way of our relationship with God and to listen. Every day brings its gifts, challenges and blessings. If we are attuned spiritually, our lessons are clearly apparent and our blessings gratefully acknowledged. We need to change before the change so that God can use us as channels of Love and truth. We have been given a great opportunity to serve in deep ways our brothers and sisters and our Heavenly Father. Timing is everything here in God's Plan. At the moment we are entrusted to prepare. What comes next is anyone's guess. God only gives us what we need when we need it. The rest will wait as events unfold. Tough to be patient though. I think that all of us sense that something big is coming but, like you, we feel in the dark as well. Faith is our strength and our door into greater knowing. Prayer is our fundamental tool for preparation and expressing truth in our lives as the test that we must encounter every day. With this we become stronger with each day. Each day is our focus and opportunity to grow in Truth and Love. Instant gratification is not a truth in God's World. Incremental growth is the only way to soul awakening. When we are there in enough ways, then the greater work will unfold. Hope you agree. Much love.......Al
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Re: The changing world

Post by Susan »

Al, I just love hearing your wisdom! I agree with everything you stated! I think my rant came from the fact that I know we could be living in a "heaven on earth" state. I know peace, harmony, truth, freedom, abundance, joy, and LOVE is possible for all people of earth to enjoy. It just stinks I can't snap my fingers and make it so. Darn compulsiveness! :? I want so much to create this world of love and peace and harmony! But as you said, our time is coming and we need to be ready. So yes, prayerfully prepare! Prayer helps us develop our gifts and grow our souls in divine love so god can use us in the present times and times to come. Thank you my friend! I appreciate your wisdom!
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Re: The changing world

Post by AlFike »

Thanks Susan. I too want change and harmony in the world but I learned long ago that it is 'Thy Will be done' rather than mine. The problems are too great for any action other than self improvement and some service to humanity. The big picture I leave to God with prayers of encouragement for change. When our eyes are open to the power of love, the world seems pretty messed up but there is a plan. I continue to pray for guidance so that I might hear and follow that plan. I know that we all long for and desire the same thing and that brings us closer together. Some day I hope that we will all be actively working together within the flow of this plan as it unfolds. That's my dream. Much love........Al
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