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Reawakening to Jesus's Message of Change in the World

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 8:16 pm
by AlFike
I was rereading a message delivered by Jesus at our preretreat in August of this year. Its a very long but very powerful message which I believe has great import to all of us. For decades now we have been receiving warnings of earth changes and big changes for humanity. This is not end of the world stuff but certainly end of our consumerist, me first, materially focused society hell bent on getting everything without any thought of the consequences. When I was seventeen I read a book by Paul Ehrlich called the Population Bomb. It scared me when I read it and I wrote a 25 paged essay on it for my Social studies class in high school. That was the beginning of my awakening around the impact humanity has on our planet. Much of what Ehrlich wrote regarding prognostications for our future which is now already the past did not come true. With advances in agriculture, medicine etc. we managed to avert these projected disasters. But how long can we delay the reckoning which must invariably come with our unrestrained lust to dominate the planet? Weather changes alone seem to indicate that real change is upon us. Change that cannot be altered and reversed with new scientific inventions and sophisticated technologies. We are doing OK in relative terms. We still have plenty to eat, fuel to burn and a fairly functioning society. But like the frog sitting in a bath which is being heated to boiling, I wonder if we will detect catastrophic change too late? Are we destined to ride out whatever may come because the momentum is far too strong to do much about it? Our angel friends seem to say that our only hope for a smooth ride is to pray like hell, otherwise join the many who they seem to think will perish in all kinds of ways. Certainly the population of the earth is greater than what our present technologies and life style can sustain. Nature is always seeking balance and does so in powerful and often not very pleasant ways. The poor and the powerless always seem to bear the brunt of these shifts and corrections while the rich can insulate themselves from most anything if they are prepared. Where the most of us fit in who are neither rich or poor is anyone's guess. Yes, it is best that we remain vigilant, prayerful and cautious. Our advantage is our connection to all the resources that lay in Heaven and God's Touch upon us. I know that God intends for us to survive and be the vanguards for change and recovery. How He plans to place us in this position of influence is beyond me. At the first sign of a disaster, I'll be hiding under my bed :shock: :mrgreen: . But that is the old me, maybe something much braver and insightful will emerge in the coming years. I hope so, for my own sake and for my loved ones which include many of you. We will all need to be at the top of our game in order to have the ability and spiritual facility to navigate these events. Fear will certainly not get us through. Faith, trust and vision will have to be our foundation in order to survive and to thrive. I think that we have all been prepared for such things for many years and that what may seemingly lay hidden within us will emerge as God requires our gifts to assist in the transition.

I've been getting insights into the events which may be coming very soon. The world economy is going to falter badly in the coming year and may not recover in our lifetime. More old diseases are going to flare up in odd parts of the world and our antibiotics will have quite a time controlling these outbreaks. Disasters a plenty will continue to bedevil us in many parts of the world. Life as it presently is will be challenged but not eradicated . Our insular cities and western way of life will continue to function for some time to come but there will be challenges, economic and structural. Governments will continue to be challenged to keep the lid on things as the populace start to question the stability of the world. The news services will have a heyday on what is to come, fueling fear and at times panic. These things will be a precursor to more serious changes and reactions from the planet to our insensitive treatment of our beloved Gia. 2016 will be a taste of what is to come but I don't think that any of us can know the details of what ultimately will transpire. This year will be a wake up call for all of us and I mean everyone on the planet. We can choose to ignore these things but we will do so at our own peril. It is clear that we all need to refocus our lives and priorities concerning how we conduct ourselves. I'm not suggesting that it is head for the hills time but it is a call to restructure our lives in such a way that we are closer to Divine influence and Grace. We can no longer take this for granted or see it as a fringe benefit by having the odd prayer for God's Love. IT NEEDS TO BE the FOCUS AND ANCHOR FOR OUR LIVES because these aspects of our lives will be our lifeboat and shelter from the coming storms. We need to support one another in this shift of attitude and action. No longer can we afford the luxury of clinging to our attitudes of superiority and separateness to others on this path. We need to open our hearts to everyone placed on our path in life and to truly live the precepts given by the angels. We need to live and breathe the truth to the level that we are capable . Being loving and inclusive is our present test as these attitudes will be required as we reach out to those lost and suffering. There will be no time to delineate or be exclusive because we will all need the support of one another.

So, I will not belabor my points any further. I'm sure that you get the gist of my thinking if you have decided to read this through. I'll excerpt portions of the message I'm referring to from August 17th this year through me from Jesus in order to reinforce my points Here it is:

[[i]Now my beloveds, I wish to say some things to you that are very important. The world is fast approaching a time of chaos. There is a great change coming, the storm is just upon the horizon. It requires for you my beloveds to have great faith and strength and to rely upon your Heavenly Father to guide you through the coming times in the world. For it will be dramatic and it will be destructive and this will not be caused by men but by God and by God’s Creation which responds to the actions of men. The earth rises in pain, it has been abused so greatly by the will of men, by the greed of men and the earth is fighting back. And I do not think that any of you truly understand the power of the earth, the forces of the earth. Indeed when these winds of change come you must secure yourself in Light and all of these questions that you ask will become irrelevant and the burning question will be: “Father, guide me through these darkening times, help me to be a beacon of Light for those around me who are frightened” as the earth shifts and the winds blow and the oceans rise, as the fires and the rain and all the elements of the earth conspire to wash away all the traces of man. This is indeed a very serious time and you my beloveds are given a warning as to what is to coming and in this I want you to redouble your efforts in prayer to dedicate your lives to spiritual progression, to walk as clearly and powerfully upon this Divine Path and in this many gifts will open to you, many faculties and abilities which will serve you greatly in the times to come and will help you to assist others to survive these times. And when the clouds clear and the sun shines again, there will be a thousand years of peace upon this world. This transition, this time of cleansing has happened before in your world and it will happen again. For God loves this world. He loves His Creation and He loves all of humanity but those who turn away from His Love, who turn away from all that is good and all that is in harmony with His Creation and exert their will to such a great degree that there is no semblance of understanding and love and light, merely the accumulation of things, the accumulation that has taken from this earth and nothing returned but rot and garbage fouling the seas and the air and the land. Is this how you are meant to live my beloveds? Is this what God intended for you? No, you are meant to live in harmony with this world and with each other and God does not punish those who do wrong but the laws of creation are inexorable and for every action, there is a reaction. And all of you chose to some degree to ignore this crisis, this deep and profound wrongness and wrongdoing for you are indeed human. This does not mean that God loves you any less or we love you any less but it does mean that you must, you truly must adopt ways of Light, to increase your souls with Love and to open your eyes truly, with great honesty and integrity and to walk this path of Love boldly. The time of fear cannot continue in your lives or in this world. The time of enlightenment and freedom of fear, freedom from all that is so dark, must be, must be !!!

My brethren, my beloveds, I will walk with you and when the changes come, ask for my presence to comfort you, ask for God’s Love to strengthen you, ask that God open your eyes and show you what you must do and where you must go.

Yes, your efforts to open centers of Light indeed are part of the guidance given. For these centers will be centers of refuge for many. You must prepare these places, these lifeboats of Light for those who are caught in the storms, these storms of change. And you must focus your efforts as one prepares a home for the coming storm, you must focus your efforts to prepare yourselves, to prepare places, to prepare those who will listen. And I do not say these things to engender fear in you, for truly what is to come is the cleansing of the world, a starting anew and time of regeneration, where all the creatures of this world and all the wonderment of God’s Creation will then have the ability to regenerate. And this will happen quickly my beloveds, it will happen quickly. The power of God’s creation, the power of nature, as you call it, is immense. The power to heal, for the world to heal itself is great but the power of mankind to heal itself is weak. The power that mankind must rely upon for healing comes from God. You have free will and with your free will you have weakened yourself so greatly and yet you my beloveds, have found the key to be powerful, to heal yourselves. Use this key my beloveds, use this key. You know all that you need to know and yet you continue to question to wonder and to seek the answer in words. The answer lies wordless within your souls. Seek your souls my beloveds, each of you is quite capable in seeking your souls and finding your souls and when you feel you have not come to that place, my dear beloved beautiful souls, you have made only an excuse and have only formulated an idea within your minds that it is not possible to know your own soul. You have made a choice to turn away from your soul rather than turn towards it and in many respects these thoughts and these decisions are the result of the human condition which implores you so often to turn away. Indeed I reiterate, you must be in the world but not of the world, you must embrace this Truth and live this Truth. And by living this Truth your life will change in many ways and you will change in many ways and what is important to you today will not be so important tomorrow and what you cling to so resolutely, will fall away and you feel the rightness and the freedom of this.

You cannot continue to walk forward and not be fully in the Light. You have been called as my disciples to bring the word of Love and Truth to mankind. Surely you are capable in doing so but if you indulge yourselves in what you need, what is so very important to your minds, then you will fail. You will fail your calling. You must take a good and honest look within yourselves to see what holds you from this. And when you are able to release those barriers and prejudices and fears, you will truly know what you must do. For the soul informs all. The soul is what you need. The soul is everything. And then the mind will be subjugated by the soul and then the clarity, the clarity and Truth will set you free from those burdens that you carry so resolutely and insistently.

These questions, surely you can answer these questions yourselves. And if they remain a mystery to you my beloveds, you have not acknowledged your souls as you must. For within your souls lies every answer, every answer. Follow your guidance my beloveds. Walk in this Light every day and ask God to guide you with each day and those who feel they cannot hear and know this guidance, ask God to remove the barriers and to increase your soul with His Love and the vista shall open to you. The curtain shall be drawn away. For each of you are capable and gifted but many of you approach this from your mind, which you cannot do any longer.

My beloveds, the time grows short. There is urgency and there is necessity to put away your indulgences and to be focused on what you must do to bring greater Light to this world, to bring the message of Love and Truth to this world and to be channels of healing and Love in this world. To bring peace and harmony to your homes and to draw your friends in this way, to draw all who are seeking in this way. Accept every soul who comes to your door and though you may not approve of what they say, it does not fit into your belief, within their soul is a longing which you must recognize for in your soul is the longing as well to seek Truth, to seek God. Though they may not recognize this in their minds, you my beloveds must recognize this within their souls and in this you will give love, in this comes the flow of God’s Love.

Some of you may not resonate with this message but I think that coming events will bare witness to its veracity. If this message does resonate, please consider changes in your lives reflecting your desire to be in greater harmony with the Creator. We all need to do this regardless and may we all find great peace and spiritual strength. Much love to you my friends..........Al

Re: Reawakening to Jesus's Message of Change in the World

Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 8:42 pm
by Pamela
The whole world is deceived. It isn't what it seems. There is a lot of secrets and hidden truths behind government walls. There are secret communities hidden under the earth and secret things, dark things hidden from the public under ground.

On the surface of the earth seems that there are many nations but in all reality there is a one world order under the ground ruling the world above. Leaders come together to decide how to rule the world. The people are like pawns on a chest board and the leaders decide who will war against each other. They care not for man kind but to rule together. It isn't a lost for them to see our sons kill each other. This is their way of having control and decreasing man kind. Just go to war and put poison in our foods to make us all die from war or poisoning. This how they make the numbers go down. What we think are war enemies are just best friends playing chest and using real people for their chest pieces. They care nothing about their people or their friend's people. To them people are just chest pieces in the game of chest.

And yes they have technology, technology that we know nothing about. UFOS were created in the USA and many other countries. They pay people to keep quite when they happen to see them report them.

Yes there will be changes in the earth because of man's dark secrets and sins. Science has become the new magic, dark magic. The scientist are the witches and wizards of our times and they will cause great changes to the earth, horrible changes. Just read Matthew 24 and you will see that all this lines up with Matthew 24. Man will almost destroy the earth before God steps in to save it.

All hell is going to break lose in these end times all because man has decide to play God in the lab. They say they don't need God because they feel they are God. They can do some amazing things in the lab that no one could do long ago not even the wizards and witches of long ago how this much power.

Re: Reawakening to Jesus's Message of Change in the World

Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 8:44 pm
by Pamela
This just came to me I don't normally predict things. So after prophesying I had to look up one world order and this is what I find.

The leaders are secretly coming together to make a one world order. They are planing to rule together doing away with countries and making one nation.

Re: Reawakening to Jesus's Message of Change in the World

Posted: Sun May 22, 2016 6:30 am
by BAT
There is no New World Order. Such conspiracies and thoughts of turning against the World and trying to create a Spritual Utopia overnight are just excuses to not love our enemies.

There are good and bad people in government. Yes, people do get prideful, but all are equals since all are Divine Potentials.

You complain about the New World Order, have you done anything to stop it? Have you even worked for the government? Do you know what it takes to govern thousands of people and not screwing up the tax forms? Have you done your best to serve society? Yes, the system is imperfect, and the masses can be ignorant, there is no excuse to complain. Yet Jesus did not do any government overthrowing, nor did he complain about the injustices of this world like most Social Justice Workers do.

The ones who perpetuated their evil agendas will get their exact pay through the Law of Sowing and Reaping. We have no right to judge this system nor the secrecy of UFOs and Agenda 21.

Instead of complaining, do something to reform rather than overthrow or complain.

I used to have a mindset just like yours a few years ago. Now as I look back, such a mindset was inharmonious, to say you know the secret workings of the World as if you had some elitist knowledge that the ignorant masses don't have and you are bound to save the world, and play the victim, rather than doing something is erroneous.

Do something to help your equals. All are prodigal sons and a few have been making their way back. Complaining will not do. Stop reading on these conspiracies because they do nothing. Better yet forget the texts and number references. Life was meant to be flexible and not abiding by texts and number references. What life is that?

When God created Adam and Eve, did He leave a huge handbook for them to read? No! Did Jesus leave any writings? No!

For the Law is already written in the hearts. Wordless. Silent.

Re: Reawakening to Jesus's Message of Change in the World

Posted: Sun May 22, 2016 8:07 pm
by Pamela
You complain about the New World Order, have you done anything to stop it?
I wasn't complaining I was prophesying something that the Holy Spirit gave me to write. God's Spirit can reveal things to us just like He did the prophets of old. God doesn't want us to be blind to the things that the enemy or evil spirits are doing. God shows us things so we can pray against what the evil one or evil ones are doing in our world and when I say evil ones I mean evil spirits.

There is a world full of demons who do evil to human kind and if we are blind to it then we can't protect ourselves against these dark forces. What I spoke of is not something I knew on my own but was given to me though the Holy Spirit. You can take it as truth or seek God yourself and ask Him if what I prophecies is truth.

What am I doing to change the World be the best person I can be and let my light shine for the world to see. The world is in darkness and needs salvation and only those who are truly born again can and share the truth of the gospel to them. Then it is up to them to receive what they heard and repent of their sins and come to Christ and invite God into their hearts. God and His love are one so when you invite God to live in your heart then you invite His love in your heart.