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What are the Barriers to Listening to our Souls?

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 1:03 pm
by AlFike
So very often we are asked by our angel friends to listen to our souls. They entreat us to focus on what our souls have to say over the almost constant chatter of our minds. Their advice is that the realities and concepts derived from our mental faculties and perceptions are false to a great degree and it is the understanding and perception rising up from our souls which bring truth and clarity. So our challenge is to go to that place of soul awareness before we jump ever so quickly to the judgments, programing and assumptions of our minds.This would seem contradictory since the vast majority of the thinking on our earth is mind derived and anything else is discredited as delusional and unscientific. The subjective nature of our inner perceptions and thoughts lends to it an automatic label of being bogus and unverifiable. Of course the angels refute this with the encouragement and promise that truth , real and absolute truth can only be derived with soul perceptions which come from a soul activated by the Divine Essence of God. Mindful understanding is the bogus entity in their estimation and cannot compete with the soul mind for verifiable truth. But the soul mind needs to be activated and become a living part of our beings to such a degree that we can operate from that level of awareness over our ubiquitous material constructs and preconceptions.

There is a bit of a catch 22 operating here, at least for the present, and that is that I as the writer must convey these ideas from my intellect rather than directly from my soul mind. Unfortunately my soul mind is not sufficiently developed to forge a symbiotic relationship between both minds in order to convey deeper understandings into what I'm attempting to write. Whether this will happen in the future is pure speculation as one has to undergo a great deal of soul progression in order to get to that place. It is a goal which appears illusive and intangible but it is promised by our teachers and I believe can be realized if only in a partial way. In my mind, having reached that place at least temporarily or superficially, remains a marker and proof of true soul growth. Unfortunately the mind is always standing in the way of the soul. We meditate and pray in order to temporarily push aside our material minds at least to the degree that we can sense something else pervading our consciousness. With this experience, we know that the mind tends to take us away from these openings and sensing's which are God given and sourced. The mind in many ways acts as a filter and resists too much alteration to our prevailing conscious experience. With practice we allow a portion of God inspired awareness to enter in but for many the need for control and holding on to the earthly consciousness brings us slightly elevated but not altogether into a mind blowing sense of Divine presence and Love.. In fact I think for many of us it is our fear of blowing our minds which keeps us so well tethered to our earthly thoughts and consciousness.

So for those adventurers who want to go further and deeper, what can we do to accomplish this inner journey? I wont attempt to write here all the meditation techniques and routines which have filled volumes of books. Meditation is as varied as there are religions but they all have one thing in common; they reduce the noise of the mind. In order to find that place of stillness and peace this must be accomplished and this is no mean task. It requires practice and discipline. While meditation has its own rewards, this is not the final goal .Our goal is to reach the source, God, the Creator or whatever you are comfortable in calling this reality. In that connection we pray for the opening of our souls so that we can receive the Divine essence, the Love of the Father into it. This sets us on our way to at- one- ment which is an incremental process that can take much more than just our lifetime here on earth. It continues for all eternity so we are told. But somewhere on that journey we encounter our soul consciousness and this indicates the presence of the soul mind. With enough of this blessing of Love within us, our souls become the predominant active agent or true self within our beings. Our perceptions change as do our motivations and focus. The world takes on a different light and the presence of God seems to infuse our inner world. The old thoughts and feelings derived from the material mind become absorbed and transformed by the activated mind of the soul. This great shift of thinking and consciousness is within our reach with enough Love within our souls. Yet we are often scared of such a disruption and mental challenge. I think that our oh so human side wants to retain our old comfortable habits and mindsets rather than flush it out with those living waters. While a simple form of prayer and meditation sets on this path it often runs counter to the prevailing goals and values of the modern world. So much of our world conspires for us to ride on the surface of our consciousness and the consciousness of the soul is indeed very far away from this mental surfing of stimulus and response. Again consistent efforts, persistence and faith in the process of soul awakening through Divine Love is crucial for success. The casual approach will bring lackluster results for most while an enthusiastic and trusting effort will get you there if that is your desire. So much depends on ones willingness to accept the process of prayer and meditation and we are all challenged to fight against the pull which wants us to remain on the surface of our thinking.

The barriers to nurturing and sustaining our soul consciousness are many. They are derived mainly from our own inner resistance to allowing the soul to dominate the material mind and the soul must be empowered by the Divine Love in order to become the dominant inner force. God consciousness threatens the ego which has been shaped by many outside forces and reinforced by much of our own human condition. You certainly will not find a lot of reinforcement from out there for this pursuit. Go for wealth and power and you will be congratulated and rewarded for success in these arenas but spiritual wealth and power is grossly misunderstood and devalued almost universally amongst the mainstream. Its an uphill battle both within and without and there is no easy way to surmount the barriers. It takes hard slogging and determination and many give up because of the lack of immediate rewards or gratification. It is only those who feel compelled from a deep place that seem to persist and find some measure of soul awareness which reflexively leads to awareness of God. Success is hard won as the battles of mind domination and our own inherent human condition take their toll on our desire to be there if only momentarily.

The benefits of breaking through these barriers are immeasurable . Since we are only passing through this earth plane and are destined to inhabit many other planes in spirit, the soul/mind development derived from receiving the Divine Love will propel you to higher planes of existence. The inner light that you build here will explode on the other side and give you a great leg up in your experience in spirit, especially in the beginning. Soul awareness derived from the soul mind will bring rewards undreamed of and rather unreachable here on earth but await us in the spirit planes. You will instinctively understand how it all works over there because your soul will be able to discern intuitively what its all about. There will be no traumatic transition . Instead you will feel more at home than ever. Life will take on greater depth and meaning than ever before not to mention the freedom experienced by being released from the earth plane and all the conditions inherent in this place we call home. And in the meantime, you will open up a whole new world while here on earth that is both intriguing and rewarding. Who doesn't want freedom from our own burdensome emotions and thoughts which tether us to an almost two dimensional thought reality? The depth and meaning derived from soul growth through Divine Love is far more valuable than any material pursuit and will turn your attention away from these superficial obsessions to something that is far more practical and valuable. It brings happiness in the end and detachment from your pain. It allows you to look into realities otherwise unavailable to you. It shows you the deep love that God has for you. The world does indeed take on a different hue and purpose when the soul is ignited to life with God's Love. It is a real thing, a powerful change agent and facilitator for your evolution from a mere human to something much more. Its free for the asking and requires very little sacrifice. It is the saving grace and with enough of it, you will know how to activate your soul faculties which are inherent in the mind of your soul.

My hope is this article will inspire those who are already pursuing the Divine Love to go further in their journey to discover what the soul mind really is and to encourage those new to this to venture into this intriguing arena. Either way, you are in for the ride of your life and God will indeed show you how to accomplish true soul awakening. May we all venture forth together trusting in His perfect laws of Love to get there. Much love........Al

Re: What are the Barriers to Listening to our Souls?

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 7:40 am
by brother dave k.
go for it Al!

Re: What are the Barriers to Listening to our Souls?

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 4:51 pm
by ellenb
Wow! So much all in one article that I need to read it more than once. Very helpful, so articulate.
Thank you Al.
love, Ellen

Re: What are the Barriers to Listening to our Souls?

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 7:23 am
by Maureen
Morning Al,

I'm reading this post for the first time just this morning ... you wrote it a while back, but I was certainly guided to it today. I, my mind, wondered why ..... then it hit me :) and thank you.

I'm saving it as a piece for the project Jeanne and I are working on .... gathering some golden nuggets as time passes .... and this is how this project is seeming to unfold ... organically.

Thank you for articulating this topic in a way that a reader can easily relate to ...

Jeanne ..... I've saved this one :)

Re: What are the Barriers to Listening to our Souls?

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 9:20 am
by jeanne
For anyone who's reading this, Maureen and I are collaborating on a "Beginner's Book".....whatever that is! As Maureen says, it is being created organically and will be as much a surprise to us as anyone else! Likely it will evolve with the selection of messages from Celestials on a variety of topics, a selection of writings such as this post by Al along with some of our experiences. We'll see! I hope I'm speaking for Maureen too when I say that we are open to any contributions or feedback from other Divine Love followers.... If anyone has a message, a quote, or idea that was particularly helpful to you on your path when you first heard about Divine Love and began to pray for it, we would like to hear about it!

Maureen, so glad to hear you selected Al's post....I, too, was going to suggest it! See you tonite! Love Jeanne :P

Re: What are the Barriers to Listening to our Souls?

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 10:00 am
by Maureen
Thanks for filling my big ______ blank spot Jeanne!

Certainly, any contributions, golden nuggets or experiences you feel drawn to share are welcome, we are open to receiving.

Fitting with this topic - hopefully there aren't too many barriers in listening to our souls on the compilation and having our minds accept!!! Hahaha a true exercise in our ability to "hear". Let's see what happens. No greater joy than allowing the process to show us the way.

Love to all,

Re: What are the Barriers to Listening to our Souls?

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 3:51 pm
by Eva
Wow, Al, you covered a lot of wonderful ground in this article -- and it certainly warrants more than one reading.

One of your thoughts particularly struck a chord and that is: "The world does indeed take on a different hue and purpose when the soul is ignited to life with God's Love. It is a real thing, a powerful change agent and facilitator for your evolution from a mere human to something much more."

I think this is so true -- our values and priorities change and interests shift from the physical and material to the spiritual. Interestingly, the Bible calls this transformation a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17), being made new in the attitude of our minds (Ephesians 4:23), and putting on the new self created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness (Ephesians 4:24).

In response to Jeanne and Maureen's request for contributions for your "Beginner's Book", feel free to check out my website where I have summarized in simple terms the key subjects of the Padgett messages.

My love to all,

Re: What are the Barriers to Listening to our Souls?

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:58 pm
by jeanne
Thank you so much, Eva! I'm sure this is a great resource! Love and hugs, Jeanne :D

Re: What are the Barriers to Listening to our Souls?

Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 9:02 pm
by Pamela
The Holy Spirit is our comforter and guide and I rather hear from Him then another. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth He will never lead anyone astray but I know that familiar spirits can lead people astray. It is easier just to learn to hear from one spirit the Holy Spirit then many spirits. Why do we need guardian angels when we have the Holy Spirit? Angels are there to protect us but do we really need their guidance when we have the Holy Spirit? Jesus mentioned in scriptures that he didn't leave us as orphans that he was sending the Holy Spirit to guide and comfort us and to convict the world of sin.

The Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost this story is in the book of Acts. The believers were all together when God poured out his Spirit on the 120 disciple that day. They preached the gospel in different languages that they never learned before and 3,000 were added to their numbers. The Holy Spirit brought gifts to the early church and those gifts are in operation today. We just have to yield to him to be used by him.

Have you ever heard of being baptism in the Holy Spirit? You can find the baptism of the Holy Spirit though out the book of Acts and in I Corinthians 12,13 and 14.

The Holy Spirit gives the believer supernatural power to do God's work. This promise is to all born again believers. All you have to do is ask Jesus to baptize you with the Holy Spirit and power and you will be able to do greater works then Jesus did.

Re: What are the Barriers to Listening to our Souls?

Posted: Sun May 22, 2016 6:12 am
by BAT
The Holy Spirit merely brings the Divine Love into the Soul. It cannot speak, it only acts as a transporter.

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is the Reception of the Divine Love. We use different terminology but think about the same thing.

To Live means Truth. Truth is alive and has actions, not dry facts and beliefs. Truth is Manifestation, it is the Way. It lies in the State of Being and does not come from the dictation of Spirits but comes through the Application of Love and Humbleness.