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A prayer for self compassion and healing

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 1:02 pm
by AlFike
My dear Heavenly Father,
I have come to know your Love with each day,
You pour it upon me like a warm and gentle rain,
Soothing my heart and lifting me beyond my cares to that place of peace.
In this touch your still voice beseeches me to love myself as You love me,
But I know that I am a long way from such lightness and freedom.
My soul is clouded by hurts long carried and rage blowing like hot and dusty winds .
My humanness rails against your call to allow Your touch to quench the fires and still my cries.
I ignore, I condemn, and I hide as these raging fires smolder within me.
I know that your knowledge of me is greater than my own,
Your unconditional Love ever seeks to pull me from my dilemmas to a place of resolution and joy.
Above all, you desire that this be so and you leave that door open every moment.

I am your child dear God but I remain merely a child waiting for the nourishment which will make me whole and light but not wanting to look at that which holds this back.
As your touch reaches deep within me I feel the Grace and hope which it carries,
I am caught in that flow of healing Love so when I feel lost and consumed with shadows and pain, You are there.
You whisper to my soul telling me to let go of my burdens, to release the weight and float in your living waters .
I resist, filled with fear and anxious to hold on to old wounds and past resentments somehow thinking that to let go is to let go of a vital part of myself.
Freedom is at once just a breath away and beyond my grasp as I long for an easier way.
To look deeply and honestly at the reasons for my pain is hard for one who seeks absolution without true acknowledgement of the source of that which needs healing.
Yet you gently guide me to that abyss, not to invite me to jump into those dark places but to encourage me to offer my heartfelt desire for you to fill them with the light of your redemption.
I hesitate but know that the only way is to walk forward with eyes wide open and a heart willing to take what comes.

Sometimes there are tears, sometimes bitter sweet understanding, always compassion.
In this recognition I learn the value and sweetness of Your Love.
I am reborn into purity as the miracle of Divine Grace grasps my revered pain and turns it to dust.
Your breath blows it away, dust to dust, ashes to ashes.
The death of my pain celebrated in joyful recognition that Love is truth and truth must not stand with error.
You show me once more the perfection and economy of Your Creation.
We stand together your Love without end, a mighty sea inviting me to take an endless journey of recognition and meaning.
Your wondrous compassion embracing me in loving forgiveness as I learn to forgive myself.
I have found my way in the pain of letting go and the joy of true compassion.
I am your son and you my Father and this will always be so.

Re: A prayer for self compassion and healing

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 4:53 pm
by gildaholy
Dear Al,
This was wonderful and so touching it brought tears to my eyes! Thank you for like reading my story!!!

Re: A prayer for self compassion and healing

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 5:00 pm
by gildaholy
All I hope you don't mind that I shared on FB! Gilda

Re: A prayer for self compassion and healing

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 7:13 pm
by AlFike
Thanks for your response Gilda, you are certainly welcome to share this with whoever you like. I hope that you are not getting the impression that I'm going through a sort of emotional catharses at the moment. In fact I'm feeling pretty joyful. After going through some gestalt groups in the 80's, I've always thought that virtually all people carry around with them some pretty heavy and hidden issues. It's the Divine Love that encourages us to truly face that which is so dark within us. I hope that you have also seen that there is great light at the other end of all our souls expiations. Its tough work but oh how light one feels after letting go, although there is usually another round coming up soon enough.

Much love to you Gilda and I hope that you may consider coming to Canada in August for our Divine Love retreat, God bless for now.......Al

Re: A prayer for self compassion and healing

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 6:09 am
by brother dave k.
Al, so well said on your last post. My experience also.

much brotherly love to you,

Re: A prayer for self compassion and healing

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 11:27 pm
by dmreed2
Beautiful prayer Al, simply beautiful. Also a very needed prayer, Divine Love not only transforms but it heals our hearts and brings light and peace to those areas that are suffering and in pain. Thank you for this heavenly gift.

Re: A prayer for self compassion and healing

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 11:33 pm
by Terry Adler
Thank you Al, for your beautiful, wise and powerful poem!
It speaks to my heart and soul.

Re: A prayer for self compassion and healing

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2016 4:59 pm
by SuzyK
Thank you so very much for posting your prayer for self-compassion. I am so in need of it!

Re: A prayer for self compassion and healing

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 1:00 pm
by Geoff
Hi Suzy,

Welcome to our forum. It would be lovely if you could tell us a little about yourself, like where are you from and how did you come across the Padgett Material, if indeed you have.
