Confessions of a Divine Love Materialist

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Confessions of a Divine Love Materialist

Post by AlFike »

Here's another long one folks. Will I ever run out of hot air? Probably not. I hope that this stimulates more discussion....always my goal.

Living in a material world has it’s rewards and it’s struggles. So much of our time, thoughts and energies are directed towards maintaining a secure and functional life on this planet. We are all participants in the manmade systems and structures which ensure our comfort and survival. The creations of man are so pervasive and ubiquitous that we are completely dependent on them to ensure survival. Ironically the opposite is also true. With our continued domination of our planet, we will most likely perish. We face dilemmas too big to really contemplate yet I believe that the world is on the brink of either major change or major calamity and probably both.

The world is out of balance. The changing climate, the continued loss of species and our indiscriminate uprooting of the worlds ecosystems all indicate stress and a building crisis for this beautiful world. Those who would deny that we are to blame are either deluded or very invested in whatever it is they have to gain by participating in the corruption of the planet. Most of us blindly go along with this destructive behavior because of the immensity of the problem. Think of the lemmings folks. It is not a good idea to just go along for the ride.

Our angel friends have asked us to participate in God’s plan for the salvation of mankind .I think the call has been loud and clear in this regard and if there has ever been a need to work towards solutions that are Divinely inspired, I think that day has come. I know that many of you are feeling the pull to do something yet that soul felt desire is often obscured by our mindful need to keep acting in our old patterns in order to maintain perceived security, credibility and even sanity. Yet a paradigm shift is required if major change is to happen.

Our personal dilemmas very often reflect the dilemmas of the world. Are we to be like Saint Francis; disrobe and head for the forest? He acted on pure faith that God would look after him and he was indeed looked after. It was Francis’s faith that was his strength and his ally in helping him to survive the rigors of living virtually like the animals. Of course it is not practical for all of us to pull a St. Francis. We would probably get arrested before we got two blocks out of town. Yet it was his willingness to do something completely radical that facilitated a great leap in his spiritual growth and understanding. He started a new order of thinking that was pretty radical for his day. No doubt he had many trials and tribulations in order to get there but again, I want to stress that he was willing to take his particular leap of faith in order to grow closer to God and truly know his calling. And that is our invitation as well. To take a leap of faith and believe that there is a part of us that knows all the solutions to our personal and to our collective dilemmas. That part is the soul . With a direct and steadfast communication with our loving Creator, all is possible and can be revealed in accordance to the amount of Divine Love in our souls. God will guide us and reveal to us our path to harmony, healing and renewal. In this way will we find our place in this wonderful mystery that is God’s plan. As we find our way home, we will surely be given what is required to set things right along the way because with our souls afire with the Love, we begin to know from that place what is required and how to get there.

For too long the majority of mankind has turned its back on God. Thus creating all the problems which continue to work against our striving for a prosperous and healthy life on all levels. Many doggedly follow the prescribed path laid out and further complicated by generations of expectations, innovations and desire for greater material security. We are buried in this accumulation of erroneous actions by ourselves and those who have gone before us. This miasma of error has almost completely blinded humanity. For many, their deepest desire is to be rich and powerful. They worship the rich and beautiful and aspire to be like them. This hollow pursuit does not bring happiness or even security as the soul withers in response to the chimeras of false gods.

For those of us who desire something more than material gain, we are faced with an uphill battle as the vast majority of our brothers and sisters are blinded and asleep to such pursuits. They are just too busy to notice that they are starving for something more than what a strictly material life can bring. The demands of this world are so persistent and often overwhelming that they might as well be starving and suffering on the street because their minds are certainly not on God or their souls . Many of us are on the same continuum and are not immune to these conditions. To have the strength to overcome the allurements of our material world is a constant battle. Yet in order to survive, we must continue along this erroneous path and comply to societal expectations. Our dilemmas grow as our fear of rejection on many levels overshadow a soulful desire to live in a more harmonious, God centered life. Day by day we are challenged to venture further along the path of harmony and some days bring more success than others. All the while, humanity continues along the course which most likely will bring disaster to our species and our beautiful planet. The question is ; are we strong enough not to run with the herd ?

As I write this, I’m sitting in a spacious home equipped with all the modern conveniences and we want for nothing. I am just as much a lemming as everyone else because of my addictions to comfort and excess. My physical form indicates a tendency to over eat. My life style indicates a habit to overspend. Excess is everywhere in my life. I am fond of saying that the more you have….the more you have to look after. I am semi retired now and most of my days are taken up with chores. Chores that require me to maintain this lifestyle. Some of them are pleasant but most are just a pain. I am ensnared in the pursuit of materialism just as much as the next guy. On the surface our life appear s prosperous and well managed and by most accounts it is . The real question is, however, how much does all this attachment to the material cost spiritually? This question is not just relevant to me but is certainly relevant to most peoples in this world who are striving for the sort of material security and comfort that I posses. For most in the world, it is not my soulful desire and modest accomplishments spiritually that others admire, it is how much I have and how good I look surrounded by my material possessions. I am judged for what I have…not who I am and I , along with so many of us have believed the myth that wealth brings happiness. I don’t like to admit that but my actions seem to indicate this is so because I have certainly put a lot of time and energy into it. My biggest fear is poverty. I grew up in a home that barely kept away from a state of poverty. My mother also had a great fear of poverty and I’m sure I picked up on this from a very early age. As it stands, I am a long way from poverty, yet with any hint of a low cash flow or a large expense coming up, I feel anxious and fearful that it will all collapse. Those machinations of my mind are unreasonable but have been a motivator to keep building my wealth. Yup, I’m a materialist. Most of my actions are based in material pursuits. I run with the herd.

I feel concerned about this somewhat hypocritical life that I am leading. God desires us to be in harmony with His laws of Creation. I’ve often speculated on what that would look like. Surely He does not expect us to live like St. Francis eking out a very rudimentary life, especially in this usually cold part of the world. We live here so we must deal with the challenges of our world. My material well being allows me to travel and be with my friends on the Divine Path. I can communicate with you daily through expensive devices and systems that require financial resources. My material needs are provided for through what I believe has been a collaboration between Jeanne and I and God. We worked and earned our keep and God insured that our life was rich and full on many levels. God didn’t just give us everything but I believe he opened the doors so that the flow of material necessities and even comfort was always there. My fear of an impoverished life, at least so far, has never materialized but it required effort on our part and I probably over did it since I do love to live in beauty and comfort. Is this a sin? At this point in my progression, I can’t say that it feels uncomfortable or wrong. We are generous with what we have as some of you can attest to. We have opened our home up as a sort of casual retreat center for fellow Divine Love followers to enjoy and be rejuvenated. We do the work to maintain it however and that is our contribution and dedication to honour what has been given to us. The collaboration is on many levels.

Reconciling a sense that humanity is headed down a very dangerous path and staying the course in my own life has been the source of many mental machinations as this post may indicate. Another dilemma for God to figure out and guide me through. My gut tells me that it is all ok for the time being but be prepared for adjustments as things progress and evolve on this planet. Life is change and that is a constant and change can be difficult. All we can do is go with the flow of God’s Will and the mighty forces of the earth. If we are anchored by God and are able to discern what we are required to do, then surely things will work out. Dwelling on expectations of disaster and upheaval will not carry me along in my spiritual progression. Living a life as close to God surely will bring the best outcome. I comfort myself with these thoughts but it still does not erase this inner dis ease that I feel regarding my lifestyle. This is not the guilt of the rich because I’m not that rich. I believe it is something deep inside that is warning me that I should not get too attached to what I have because it could all change in an instant. Maybe the change will bring something better . Only God knows what that would be. In the mean time, I will try to exert moderation in all things although even this concept is not without context. My moderation is someone else’s excess.

I am truly grateful for such a rich and interesting life. I thank God every day for it because I truly believe that He has had a lot to do with where I am today. His Love has enhanced everything and I will take some small credit for my own efforts to do the same. May further harmony be infused in every part of this life of mine and God, please don’t bring the changes on too swiftly. These old bones need time to adjust. May you show your Love and Mercy to us all and may all find it’s place within the body of your Creation harmoniously and joyously. Thank you for all the good in my life. May that survive anything that may happen to our world. God bless for now……..Al
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Re: Confessions of a Divine Love Materialist

Post by Joseph »

Dear Al,

Thank you for taking the time to write this piece; yes, it is quite long but a very good read. I admire the 'courage' exhibited to reveal 'private' things about your life. I like that you placed your reflection in the context of the great changes that are upon us dwellers on planet earth, as well as the more important context of a pilgrim on the path Divine.

My only comment is that I am nearly on the other end of the spectrum regarding lifestyle and creature comfort -- though I am far from the poverty some our brothers and sisters live with each day. Amazing grace is that we all are loved by the same Heavenly Father, and regardless of our life's comforts (or lack thereof), we all live in the same comfort of Love Divine.

I appreciate your analogy of Francis (of Assisi) -- a great role model. Today, who and where are the role models? People such as you and I and hosts of others from all sorts of backgrounds and conditions.

Peace and love,

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Re: Confessions of a Divine Love Materialist

Post by AlFike »

Thank you Joseph for your kind response. I think that we are not that far apart in our lifestyles compared to many from around the world. We in the western world consume almost as much as those in the east with much less populations. So I believe that we are in the same boat but maybe your paddle is a little lighter than mine. You are certainly a lot thinner :lol: . I think that these issues are pertinent to all of us and deserve a good discussion. Much love to you brother and may God always fill your needs and those of your family. Your friend......Al
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Re: Confessions of a Divine Love Materialist

Post by jeanne »

I'm reminded of what Gandhi said...."it takes a lot of people a lot of money to keep me living in poverty"! or something like that. Yes, we do lead an abundant life -- for which we are truly grateful. We have also been fighting for social justice all our lives....hardly scratching the surface. I often feel we have won "The birth lottery"! Like how did WE get born into these circumstances and not in a place where there is great deprivation? There but for the Grace of God go I.
Love & Gratitude, Jeanne
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Re: Confessions of a Divine Love Materialist

Post by Dean »

I have a similar consciousness about winning the birth lottery Jeanne. I've heard folks like Wayne Dyer say that even if he renounced everything that he has in his life and opted to live in a state of abject poverty he would have absolutely no effect on the overall poverty level in the world. This might sound like a rationalization, however, he and others like yourself and Al can have a much greater impact by being grateful for your abundance and sharing it with others.

What I experienced and was told is that there is no lack of abundance in our Father's domain. (I am someone who in the past due to childhood conditioning always felt compelled to eat everything until it was gone whether it was really good for me or not. I would also utilize other things in fear of wasting them whether it was good for me or not.) The message I got was that we are here to be Caretakers and stewards of the gifts we have received. We are to use those with love for ourselves and others.

There were many seeming "mysteries" as to why things are the way they are - I didn't find "fairness" to be part of our Father's domain. Acceptance of reality (of what is) and trust in God's grace as God's children was paramount. The "child" analogy can't be stretched to far - in every situation that I can think of that parent/child relationship, that of a healthy human parent and child - aptly demonstrates the nature of how God acts. Perhaps that is something I have missed out on in choosing not to have children - I'm fairly certain that is an opportunity for people that do to be able to get a good sense of how God might feel about and relate to them.

- Dean
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Re: Confessions of a Divine Love Materialist

Post by AlFike »

Thanks for this Dean. Yes, parenthood is a great teacher and not without it's troubles and cares. One never stops being a parent and total detachment is really not possible in my view. We never want to see our children suffer but they invariably do through all kinds of choices and circumstances. I want to be loving and nonjudgmental but do not succeed as much as I would like. Perhaps our Heavenly Father with his greater vision sees these troubles as mere waves on an ocean that is eternal. I, on the other hand, am paddling in a kayak, praying that the swell doesn't get too big :shock: .

Parenthood shows us who we really are as one can only be authentic with those you love so dearly. I think the trick is to not be too controlling but to have your hands on the reigns enough in order to prevent real trouble. With one son, we were successful and with the other we were not. Life is like a box of never know what you are going to get. Parenthood was a gift from God, like most things in my life . It was also the most challenging job in my life. It practically takes all you've got in order to fulfill the role and in the end, those kids just say thanks and take off. This is a good thing but also a sad thing.

Does God see all of us as children? I believe so. I know that I've been reigned in a number of times by His army of teachers and care givers know as Celestials. Thank God we are cared for and without this personal and oh so loving care, I wonder if we could stick to this divine path. I'm glad to be God's child and I dare say I'm better behaved ( at least these days) than those children of my own ;) . Here but for His Grace go I. With love to you dear brother........Al
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Re: Confessions of a Divine Love Materialist

Post by Jan »

Hi Al, Joseph, Jeanne and Dean,
I think you have touched on a subject that most everyone on the Divine Path deals with and I also thank you for sharing your journey with us.

In soul searching this past year I have come to realize that most of my anxiety that I have experienced comes from detaching myself from the things of this world. I spend a lot of time each day in study and prayer and as a result some of the things of the world such as trying to keep up with the "Jones" lifestyle have been less significant as I consider my time with God of utmost importance.

Then I have my mornings I wake up with worry and that's when I start recollecting all the things God has brought me through - Then I realize I am on a journey - a journey few people dare to take. I am coming to understand that my journey is different from what others of this world choose not to take. I quite frequently recall the text "What does it profit a man if he gains the world and loses his Soul"?

I also have mornings that I wake up with what I use to think was anxiety but I am coming to believe that it's God's Divine Love stirring my Soul as it's usually my habit to fall asleep praising him and thanking him for his love.

Lately I have been reading the book "New Testament Revelations" which has help me to understand how Jesus came to the realization of his mission. I am coming to find out that he was just like you and me except born without the tendency to sin. He had an adolescence and teenage years just as normal as ours except the times of politics and government reign was much harder than we are blessed to live in. But yet day by day he discovered more and more the possibility that he might be the messiah that he had heard and read about. I liken that to our journey as we read more and more of the messages and we ask ourselves "could this be true?". Then comes the day that we realize that this is truth just as Jesus did. Wow!

Recently I was at our local courthouse helping my mother-in-law deal with filing papers for her recently passed husband and while I was sitting there I could just imagine Jesus in a temple or judicial building handling issues of his times. This is huge for me because of being brought up believing God was Jesus and so I could only imagine him as a holier than thou person, after all wasn't he suppose to be God on earth? I came to a realization years ago that my prayers in Jesus's name were fruitless so I quit ending my prayer in his name. Now that I know that Jesus is alive and that he can't be in all places especially where two or more or gathered so each day I end my prayer to God requesting that he tell Jesus hi for me.

Now see Al, your not the only one that rambles on! BTW I think of you often when I am out in my garden or doing yard work!
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Re: Confessions of a Divine Love Materialist

Post by AlFike »

Thank you Jan. You are an inspiration and a light. I have been in my garden often as I putter about tending my little piece of paradise. I wish I could post a picture but I will have to make do with the banner shot. Also a few pictures on the front web page. Every season brings on new blooms and a different color scheme. I love my garden and it is true that one is closer to God in the garden. Soon I will have to leave my sanctuary for Britain. Not as nice a garden there but nice enough and I want to get busy and add some magic. If all goes well, we will be there at the end of this month.

Please keep thinking of me Jan and I will of you. Soon we will meet in person in Washington. I'm looking forward to meeting all my new and old friends there. May God keep you well dear heart. And you are not nearly as full of hot air as myself. Your posts are light as air and sing God's praises with dulcet melodies. How's that for wordiness eh ? 8-) . Love you dear sister and may you continue to find your joy in God's eternal Love. ............Al
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Re: Confessions of a Divine Love Materialist

Post by Artistdeb »

Dear Al, you ask if it is a sin to live in material comfort. I say it is not. God wishes us each to enjoy the pleasures of this world. But most importantly we are to take pleasure in Him, in the knowing of His great love. For as you know this is the pleasure of all pleasures, the peace that will not leave.

A few years ago my outer world security shattered before me. I was lost but by the Grace of God, through finding the Divine Love prayer, I was found. I used to think that the return of material riches would be the answer to my prayers and some day that might yet be. But God gave me a gift of great understanding when He filled me so with His Everlasting Peace. I realized that the peace I now have can never be taken from me. If I had received the money first I would have again believed that money was necessary for my feeling of security. As God told me... "There are a lot of people walking around with a lot of money but no happy. You have the happy, the money will come."

Enjoy the view, wherever life takes you. ~ Debra Clemente
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Re: Confessions of a Divine Love Materialist

Post by AlFike »

Thanks Deb and welcome to the forum. Such a pleasure to hear a new voice on here. Jeanne speaks very highly of you and all the inspirational writings that you share. I hope you share some here. We are always looking for inspiration and beautiful spiritual stories. Speaking of that, it would be great if you could share your story on the welcome forum or even a short intro.

I am enjoying the view Deb and it is great In both the earthly view and the spiritual one. How much I feel guilty or unworthy is a bit irrelevant because what is, is. The advantage of having resources is that we are able to share with others and we do. We also live our lives to the fullest and have great opportunities which require financial backing. It's all good. I just worry about the cumulative effect on our dear earth. All I can do is go by my guidance and be happy for what we have. God blesses us deeply and in profound ways. Our needs are met and then some. Nothing to complain about here. Much love to you Deb and thank you for your comments. Certainly hope to hear more in the future. God bless.......Al
Endless journey,endless Love.
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