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Re: My take on contemporary mediumship in the DL Movement

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 9:26 am
by AlFike
Actually Arie I think that the majority of Divine Love followers do approve of contemporary messages. The FCNB does not but they are a very small part of the movement and even though they officially cannot condone this practice I have a hunch that many of them accept and value it. It is ironic that a church founded on channeled information does not trust further channeled information even though virtually all of it confirms the original message. Its a crazy world Arie and I think that anything that is positive and in harmony with the Love is acceptable and should be encouraged. I even think that the FCNB will come around in time. We will continue to do what we do in service to God's Loving Will and if others do not approve then so be it. Everyone has their own path to follow towards at-one-ment to God.

God bless you and Marion for all the work that you do to this end. My love and respect for you both grows with each day and please continue in these efforts to bring light and Love to others. From the thin flame, the bonfire starts. God bless........Al

Re: My take on contemporary mediumship in the DL Movement

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 3:47 pm
by Marga M.
Dear Al, Jemma, Dennis, and Arie,

Thank you Al for reposting that message from John the Beloved from TGRA. It is so very important because confirming that spiritual communications between both worlds is not new; as well as give us why it played such an important part of the first Chrisitans and how not only the spirit to mortal communication, but the power that was also being transmitted via the higher spirits in order to enable the disciples to be able to have the miracles and healings, etc. being done during their private and public meetings. IMHO: This is something that our heavenly Father wants us to open up to that it is NOT tabu to operate on this spiritual level and its about time to put all the evil and negative beliefs about this to rest NOW. We need to be able to get back to that level of cooperating and incorporating those powers and abilities in today's prayer circles. IF we don't we will be missing what I've seen beginning to spring up again in the Evangelical movements (and you know they already have too much error involved in their doctorines!!). Nevertheless, I've seen programs on the air where ministers are asking God for the power and miracles of the Bible to be in operation at their services, and the power of the Spirit of God is answering them in a very high volume today!

Please wake up, and let's get back to what our heavenly Father is desiring to do through the Divine Love Followers. Blackpool is not the only place that miracles, healings and having people getting delivered taking place!! We need that here in the United States and all over the world.

Therefore, please let us awaken, embrace what John the Beloved, Ann Rollins, and Jesus has spoken about in TGRA being more open to having the mediumistic gifts operate fully in and through our members as well so that we are the conduits, vessels and instruments that the Father can have HIS POWER FLOW THROUGH in order to get his hurting, broken and hungry children delivered from oppressions, having their blinded spiritual and physical eyes opened and casting out the demons of addictions, hatred, murders and/or immoral acts against other fellow human beings STOPPED.


Yes, I am the Judas that betrayed our beloved Master and in this betrayal I suffered greatly. But it was the power of God’s Love which indeed was the message that our beloved Master gave to the world, it was the power of God’s Love that redeemed me and brought me from Hell to Heaven, from darkness to light, from deep remorse and sadness to joy and liberation.

The power of God’s Love can do this. It can lift up any soul who is willing to receive this blessing, to walk this path. I ask merely that you beseech your Heavenly Father, the Creator, to be gifted with this Love.

What Are the Gifts that Judas Spoke of?

Every soul has the opportunity to receive this gift for it is meant for every soul.

1. It is a SAVING GRACE, the beloved touch,
2. PEACE that passes all understanding,
3. HEALING of your very being.
4. POWER to transform you and make you into that being which has the potential within but cannot be expressed without this gift.
Please understand that once you get this great gift it's power not only can transform you, put that power also can overflow to touch, heal and transform others as the Spirit uses you. We are no longer a clump of clay but we are being transformed into something beautiful and useful in the Creator's (the Greatest Potter) hands! ;)

Al, again, thank you so much for reminding us of what John the Beloved had said, and please forgive my soap box but I'm a firm believer in not only the mediumistic gifts but have seen up close and personal the power that the Divine Love and do.

Much love and respect,



Re: My take on contemporary mediumship in the DL Movement

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 9:24 am
by AlFike
Dearest Marga, I love your energy and enthusiasm. As a reserved Canadian, I find it so refreshing and heartfelt. You rock sister 8-) . I especially like your potter analogy as I am a potter and at times marvel at how I can transform a simple lump of clay into something beautiful and useful. I think that you must be fresh out of the kiln because you are on fire beloved sister :lol: :lol: .!

I too want to encourage us all to recognize the potential and transformative power of the Divine Love. In our connection with God, we become a conduit for His blessings to pour through us and the more Love that we have in our souls, the greater the blessings that can come . I see in you Marga a trust in this truth and your faith allows it to manifest. I believe that many of us want to go there but have little trust in the possibilities which are inherent in the flow of God's Love. Stepping out in faith, praying for others, laying on of hands, receiving guidance and acting as God's channel of Love are all possible and available to those who believe in it's veracity. Yes, we often get in the way and mess up the pure flow intended but as we grow and evolve in wisdom and discernment, we are less likely to get it wrong. Like the child learning to walk, we stumble and wobble but eventually learn what is inherently meant for us to do. Does the child play it safe and stay on all fours crawling ? No, a child is compelled to take the next step and in accordance to it's personality, it learns it its own way to walk. We are all those toddlers, haltingly learning our first steps and compelled to do God's Will, rather unsteadily at first but as we gain confidence, we will find the means to enact what we are guided to do. Marga, I wonder if you ever crawled, as a soul on fire, I'm sure you hit the ground running :lol: .

Some of us are cautious as we are sensitive to the judgments and feelings of those around us. I personally found it much easier in Blackpool to speak my truth because I was that stranger in a strange land and accepted that situation as a new beginning. At home in Canada, I'm reluctant and hesitant to be bold in the Love with those who are not familiar with these truths. I still care what they think and my trepidation holds me back. That does not mean that I cut off the flow of the Love as that energy flows often but it does get inhibited by my own inhibitions. It is in those physically overt expressions that I have trouble with. In many respects, I believe this is wise because the door to speaking and healing and all such things carry a religious undertone and associated baggage which often act as a barrier. As a medium, I do myself no favors by declaring this to my neighbors and to strangers. The dilemma is how to proceed and to act. Being a kind and loving person will affect the immediate world around us but does little to instigate fundamental change in the wider world. Yet shouting the truth from the rooftops on the surface will be perceived as an ego trip or worse. This is where guidance comes in and faith. I believe that if we can act with faith and believe with discernment our guidance , we will know what to do and when to do it. It is when our will takes the forefront that we trip over ourselves and create the very opposite of what it is that God desires us to do. Humility is our friend in this regard. Our human selves have such a tendency to want to meet our own needs first, feel safe and to garner recognition and approval from others. We want to be loved by those around us and this is understandable. If we are acting in accordance with God's Will, most often our dignity is intact and the desired outcome is harmonious. Unfortunately God is dealing with the human variable so dependent on free will and the Divine order may not be achieved. Nothing is perfect in this world so to expect perfect outcomes is unreasonable. Often it is an approximation of God's plan or Will rather than the perfect manifestation that we all long for. We must try and trust that in trying we will approximate God's Will for a harmonious outcome. That means sticking our neck out on occasions and expressing ourselves as God's channels of Truth and Love. Some of us are bold like Marga and others are shy and concerned for their reputation. God loves us all no matter what we do. The question is do we love ourselves for holding back if this is a manifestation of fear and insecurity? These tensions must be going on in many of us these days as the current trend as communicated by spirit is to step forward.

I hope that this conversation continues as we explore honestly what holds us back and what inhibits our ability to be a true and pure instrument for God's Will and His Love. It's a very important conversation and we all need to unburden our fears and concerns in order to be a clear channel of love in whatever way that may manifest. With great respect and appreciation of all my brothers and sisters who desire to do God's work. Much love.......Al.

Re: My take on contemporary mediumship in the DL Movement

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 5:43 am
by Marga M.
Dear Al,

Thank you so much for your insights and also for the reasons that you were comfortable in Blackpool, but more reserved once you got back home. Blackpool was where instaneous healings and miracles were expected and more or less common place thanks to the efforts of Bro. Mandus establishing such of place that ALL people regardless of their religious beliefs, etc. could come and expect to receive Divine healings and special prayers.

Nevertheless, I understand your reluctance to be so bold as to just start doing it on your own back in Canada. But may I remind you of a situation where I was asked to prayer for my Bible Study teacher one night after she had finished her class. Not only did I not even think of doing such a thing on my own, but felt so unworthy to even suggest such a thing. However, it was the Spirit of the Lord or his prompting that literally asked me to pray for her. Not wanting to believe I was being asked to do it, I turned to see if the lady that had invited me to the meeting would prayer for her instead of me. But, she had left without saying goodbye. That was when I heard, "I asked you to do it!" So, I humbly (yes, really), asked her if it was okay to pray for her. She was such a sweet and gracious soul, she agreed as she also asked the lady that owned the house, to also join in the prayer. But it was what happened after I started getting directions to where to touch her as I prayed and the amount of supernatural power that I'd never experienced before that blew me away.

That was how I could literally feel as an instrument or conduit only because the power that flowed did not come from this earthly realm or sphere. Kind of reminded me of something that Jesus had stated in TGRA. It was the power of the Spirit of the Lord (not the Holy Spirit) that enabled him to heal the people. (Paraphrased).

Remember, I mentioned that we were engulfed inside of what felt like a circle that enclosed all three of us. The power was so high that afterwards, I had to try to walk it off and shake my hands in order to come down from that higher frequency of being. Please forgive me for talking in these terms, but it is the only way I can try to explain something so supernatural in a natural way in order for you to understand what I'm talking about.

What's My Point?

Al, IF the Creator or one of his Angels asks you to pray for someone OR decide to change the order of one of your prayer circles -- when you least expect it -- May I suggest that you obey the request and take the ride of your life. :o :D PLEASE DO NOT think of this as a religious experience IF that is the mental block for you (and you should really talk to Him about removing that stumbling block or get delivered from that stigma). Even though this sounds religious in nature, it's not. It is a loving act on the part of our heavenly Father who is so willing and happy to come to our aid of His children when He sees that they are in need of healing, a special word of encouragement, etc. Hope that makes sense. IMHO: Most religious folks don't experience this level of power on a regular basis and some don't see it in their own circles.

Now as far as your comment here:
Marga, I wonder if you ever crawled, as a soul on fire, I'm sure you hit the ground running :lol:

According to my mom, I was trying to claim trees before I could walk! I have so many cuts and old scares from my childhood adventures, I don't see how I survived them all. So, you got me there. :lol: :roll: :lol:

Furthermore, I empathize with you about your reservations. I certainly don't go around anymore trying to pray for people on a regular bases. In fact, I've been told to stop trying to pray for everybody because everyone doesn't want or can receive having anyone lay hands on them especially IF they are either angry with or don't believe in God. Therefore, the Prophetess suggested that I ask the Lord to give me a sign when He wants me to pray for someone. Well, while we were up at the Windsor Divine Love Retreat, my hands started getting very warm -- as I realized that the Father wanted me to pray for one of the ladies there. So, I asked her about praying for her, but tried talking to her first to see IF she would even allow me to lay hands on her. I was so nervous since she held in my opinion an elevated position with the Master, that I asked others to join in and actually pray for her. It didn't go very well because I should have not let fear dictate what I didn't initiate on my own. Can't make my own hands get hot -- knew it was His doing not mine. A year or so later, I see her and found out that she had been taking several medications, now she is down to just a couple, she looked great and I said, "Praise God!" She said I don't know if it was God! Wow! Now she tells me that she heard me say, "I was taking the credit for this healing!" No way!! Was just amazed to see her transformation, but it was our loving Father that wanted that for NOT me.

Here's Something to Contemplate:

Al, do you think that you would be open to allow the Father to use you in a smaller comfortable setting as He started grooming you to see how it goes in your own private prayer circles? Like baby steps. ;) Your Angel friends or the Master, himself, would let you know when.

Also, wanted to point out that what I've seen or experienced in the larger church or conferences is that once the speaker or minister has asked the Father to work His miracles like the disciples and Jesus had -- IT IS THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD AND HIS HEALING ANGELES THAT ARE DOING THE ACTUAL HEALINGS. How? It's like a wave of the power of the Lord decends in the atmosphere or even rolls in as they were singing songs, etc. Thus, the speaker or minister did not have to actually lay hands individually on them unless one of the Angels started calling out the people's name or condition, etc. So, you don't have to worry about being embarrassed. Does that makes sense?

Much love and respect to you,


Re: My take on contemporary mediumship in the DL Movement

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 8:04 am
by brother dave k.
Dearest Brothers and sisters in the Christ Spirit,

Rather than attempt to dissect, analyze, and argue (although i often enjoy a reasonable good natured discussion or listening to another's argument, in attempting to come to a greater understanding of Truth) in this medium where we cannot be in each others presence to see and hear the fullness of expression of the other, i will simply state, again, my experience in the contemplation and meditation with the Celestials of certain Truths.

In my experience it is vital not to dismiss the Truths of the Natural Love, which are God's Truths, or stated in another manner, the practice and forthcoming knowledge and understandings that comes from the practice of the Moral Principles (Natural Love), and other principles of spiritual progression in our attempts to become the clearest channels of the Divine Love that we desire to be. i know that there is at least one message that clearly states that these things should be practiced in conjunction with the Soul Development in receiving the Divine Love of Our Father. There are many, if not most of us that desire to share with others the great Power of Divine Love and the effects produced by It in our souls experience of God and the perceptions of the Great Love that God has for all the Children of His Creation. i guess what i am attempting to say here is, that in my experience, rather than "muddling the waters", the understandings, clarity, and spiritual progress that comes from making every effort to clear away from the mind/spirit, the inherited and well practiced thoughts, beliefs and attitudes that inhibit the expression of the Divine Love in our souls, in our daily lives to ourselves and to others, in the most effective manner, are not only worthy of study, contemplation and meditation (after prayer for the inflowing of the Divine Love, but the actual soul knowledge that comes from such practices.

It may be worthwhile to consider that much of our beloved masters teachings on Earth were of the nature of what we, as the result of the expressions in the messages, call the "Natural Love". He, to my understanding, exemplified the integration of the Divine Love through his spirit/mind in every thought and deed.

There are practices, like the 12 Steps, which are a process of coming to this clarity and understanding through a rigorously honest self examination of these, as expressed often in the messages, inherited thoughts and beliefs, human shortcomings (which we so often like to point out in others, which includes criticisms of "ego"), which practices open us up more and more to being clear examples or instruments of the Divine Love of the Father.

To dismiss these practices as unnecessary has been, and still is, in my experiences of the Divine Love community at large for almost 40 years, an error in thinking, an assumption, that maybe be grievous in our effectiveness in the community of humankind. It has not been my experience that it is solely sufficient to "just pray for the inflowing of the Divine Love". Let me be very clear here; i do believe that the Divine Love and Its Power to Transform the human soul completely and free us from all sin, error and untruth, eventually. i for one have not been willing to continue to make the sins and errors of the past, and have become willing to participate with God, or the Divine Love in my soul, in the here and now, in the removal of these said same causes to sin, error and lack of understandings of all the Truths of God, Natural and Divine. Actually, in good humor, in recovery fellowships we come to the understanding of such folly as "insanity", as described by the expression of Uncle Albert (Einstein) as "Insanity is doing the same things over and over again expecting different results!" LOL! The expectation is of the mind, manifest in action. The result is suffering, preceded by frustration, anger, and depression, and if hung onto long enough, despair.

There is a question that comes to mind in this moment that is often asked in recovery communities, and that is: "Do you want to be right, or do you want to be happy?

With my love, which includes my limited understanding and compassion of and for these very human traits that all of us have practiced, lived in and with, for all of our lives, i submit myself, your humble servant, brother and friend,

Re: My take on contemporary mediumship in the DL Movement

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 11:24 am
by AlFike
Thanks Dave for your considered response. I agree that we need to be well rounded individuals whose emotional, mental and spiritual life is nurtured and becomes wholesome on every level. After all, if we want to be emissaries of God's Love, we need to be credible and loving channels . Standards of behavior and thought are required and desired. I don't know if we need to go to the extremes of the Mormons whose missionaries wear suits and follow a strict creed of behavior :roll: . Ours is a path littered with pitfalls and obstructions which we all must navigate as best we can.

Armchair spirituality does little in our desire to help the world and we must practice what we preach so I believe that God wants us to get out there as His channels of Love. This does not require the 'shouting from the rooftops' technique but as I have been saying, if we are guided often many opportunities to be a channel of love come upon our path. It's a matter of being open and loving expressed in both natural and Divine Love and you are right Dave to suggest that over analysis is more of an energy drain than a productive exercise.

We grow in the Love which, by it's nature, compels us to take a good look at ourselves and we are presented with the option to change our thinking and behavior when it is out of harmony with God's Laws of Love. How we go about this task is dependent upon our willingness to exercise change within .What tools we use to do this is our choice and that may require techniques that are judged by some as natural pathway techniques. Using such techniques does not indicate that we have willfully diverted ourselves off the Divine Path but rather have incorporated certain proven instruments, ideas etc. to assist us in our journey. God's Love permeates everything that we do and what we do is not dependent on a strict prescription laid out by God and the Divine Path. How we travel this path is always our choice and if that choice brings greater light into ourselves and our lives then we have made the right one. A choice to incorporate a 'natural love' healing technique or some other idea can become a distraction if it becomes a focus and efforts to receive the Love are not taken. I have in my life gone down that road on occasion but have found that I am drawn back to my prayer practice in time. As humans, we tend to stagger down the path rather than walk a straight line. Did I do myself a disservice by shifting my focus because I desired to dive into some emotional healing techniques for my own well being? I believe that it was the right thing to do and it brought many benefits my way.

I do remember one incident however which was an eye opener. I was very taken with a couple of healers who utilized very intense practices to expunge deep emotional traumas lodged within . It proved very effective for me and I was enamored with it. I returned to these workshops many times, almost becoming addicted to the high I would receive after undergoing this intense therapy. After some time of participating, I experienced a vision while praying with our Divine Love group. It was quite simple but very clear. I found myself on a forest path. I came to a fork in that path. I took one fork and the landscape changed from lush forest to sticks and dead plants. Then I took the other path and it became more lush and beautiful. A choice was presented and I could see clearly that my healing adventure could also lead to other consequences if taken too far. Balance is always the optimum road. This particular part of my life was getting a little over the top and needed adjustments and God gave me this warning.

I don't regret the time I spent with these healers. It changed my life and brought a greater capacity to feel and perceive things in my spiritual life. If I were to mention Divine Love to them, I'm sure they would be polite but not overly receptive. That is often the way of the world. Because they were not on the Divine Path does not mean that I could not utilize their gifts for my benefit. It's the approach and the choices made along the journey which determine so much of the outcome. I trust that when I enter into this form of deep healing which requires a certain amount of trust and vulnerability, I always pray that the angels will accompany me and protection is given. One does not need to be closed minded and afraid when God puts before us an opportunity for growth and healing. Discernment and wisdom are important in determining what course to take. Denying the need for self healing and adjustment can only delay the inevitable which must come as the Divine Love pushes out the bad stuff in order to purify and heal. How the healing takes place is as individual as are each of us and in this regard, one cannot judge the road taken to get there.

I know that you Dave are well versed with the twelve steps and I commend your dedication to this way of healing. Others whom I know do rebirthing, go to counselors and therapists, read non Divine Love books etc.. It's all over the map folks and this does not necessarily indicate a shift away from Divine Love. It does more readily indicate a soul desirous of inner healing and peace .

May we all find our ways to clear and joyful expressions of love both natural and Divine. If we follow our hearts and listen within, we will find our way to this goal. Divine Love is the foundation to this road and all that is incorporated into this powerful truth is bound to bear fruit. May God bless everyone who tries to be a light in this world. Much love to you.....Al

Re: My take on contemporary mediumship in the DL Movement

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 7:34 am
by brother dave k.
Al, i resonate with much of the sharing of your experience, strength and hope, and thank you for sharing it.

i also have found it necessary to not be too attached to method, as to principle. The principle is the search for the truth that will set us free. For those of us involved in the longings and soul desires for our Divine At-Onement with Our Creator, there usually comes the spiritual understanding that it is the Power of the Divine Love which actually does the Transformation and frees us from the thoughts, beliefs, attitudes that are in error and un-truth and which cause our suffering. i only share my own experience in the necessity, as i see it, to participate with that Divine Love that comes into the soul and awakens and develops the conscience, to utilize all our gifts and capacities (mind/spirit) to free ourselves from the things of mind that encumber our expressions of love, especially in our relationships with others.

i have entertained, and studied, to a greater or lessor degree, many espoused "paths" and "teachers", in prayer, contemplation and meditation, for these principles of practice in the effort to become free from the errors in thinking that obstruct progression. In almost all spiritual paths there is stated the necessity for becoming free from the "self", or selflessness. Thank God and the Angels for the highest and clearest expressions of the Truths contained in the Messages from Jesus and the Celestials through James Padgett, and others. It is my considered opinion or belief, based upon the application of these concepts so simply delivered, that there is no possibility of being "entirely rid of self", as we are a self, an entity or being that became individualized at incarnation in our relationship with each other and God. That "self" or individuality of soul will always exist. What the real meaning of this idea or concept is, is to become unselfish, or to have a free flow of the expressions of the soul and its innate and created qualities of goodness, caring, affection, and the souls appetites and passions for so doing. In that effort, these other observations, perceptions, experience of the people or should we say mediums is worthy of consideration, contemplation and meditation, and, experimentation, as to our own knowledge through active practice of their efficacy in helping us become free from the selfishness that Samuel refers to in his message on the troubles of humankind. This self obsession is a thing of the mentality, not soul. The relief is based in the practice of mental techniques, such as honest self evaluation, examination, or inventory. Whether an individual sees the necessity or importance of such practices, in conjunction with Prayer for the Divine Love or not, is none of my business. It is upon them. It is my business to put into practice those things that are effective in bringing harmony into my being, and being able to manifest that loving harmony. i frequently still "miss the mark", just not as frequently as i once did when those mental perversions of love ruled my actions.

i also do not become attached to any one particular practice, even though in my responsibility to share those things that i have used and found to be effective and helpful, and in an effort to be helpful in a simple way, seem to espouse one practice over another.

What ever works for the time, in the NOW, will eventually pass as its usefulness, when it is no longer needed, or that which is true becomes integrated in to our way of living and giving expression to our souls love in all the fullness of those attributes and qualities which are innate and become more developed with God's Great Grace.

i am thankful for the opportunity that this forum provides to have discussions as to spiritual progression in all its subtleties and nuances. The forum provides the entertainment of others sharing of what they have found to be True, and effective in bringing love and peace to ourselves and each other.

May God continue to Bless all the work of all who seek Love, Truth and Harmony, in this world and the next. With my love, brother dave k.

Re: My take on contemporary mediumship in the DL Movement

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 7:39 am
by brother dave k.
a link to some messages on the subject; The Cause of all un-rest in humankind:

Re: My take on contemporary mediumship in the DL Movement

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 2:29 pm
by Eva
Hello Al,
This subject is quite new to me -- it is only about a year since I was introduced to the mediated book Life in the World Unseen and from there, not much later, to Padgett. So I am still learning. Hence I have appreciated you initial article at the start of this thread, which I believe explains mediumship to a newbie in a balanced way. So thank you and may your gift continue to grow and influence others in a positive way to walk and grow in the Divine Love.

Re: My take on contemporary mediumship in the DL Movement

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 6:16 pm
by AlFike
Thank you Eva and I'm glad that you got something out of the article. I hesitated posting it so it stayed in my computer until I felt the timing was right. Unfortunately there are some long time followers of the Padgett messages who do not share the same views as I and I was a little nervous about offending them. They believe that contemporary messages are unnecessary and reject anything after Padgett's efforts. I disagree and think that many benefit from these messages and of course those shared by other mediums on the subject of Divine Love as well. It is the one fundamental issue that seems to divide the Divine Love family. I believe that we can leave this issue up to the reader to decide whether a message is relevant so it does seem to be a red herring. There is no sense in censoring what may come through others regarding the Divine Love truths and I think that it is a pity that some disagree. More Divine Love for all of us is my remedy for this problem.

I'm lovin your comments on the threads that you read here. It revitalizes some old posts which others would enjoy reading if they missed them in the first go around. May you have a Happy New year Eva. Much love to you........Al