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Re: My take on contemporary mediumship in the DL Movement

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 1:34 am
by James
Hi again,
Thanks Al for your comments which I value. I also subscribe to a personal God who is an entity with a specific dwelling who does communicate with us. When Richard speaks of Universal Living he refers to the eventual unity and oneness with God to which we aspire as this is the ultimate of the harmony of which he speaks.
Much of what Richard says is directed at keeping an awareness of Natural Love while all the while praying for and doing whatever we need to do to acquire Divine Love. He says often that we must always be aware that the fact is that we are living in a Natural Love environment as we progress on our path. I am aware of many who tend to see Natural Love as an inferior element while the truth is that we need this on our way along as it is the essential framework of life on earth. He never vaunts it above Divine Love.
Hi Dean nice to hear from you. In essence I feel you are correct in your distillation.
I am so aware that none of us have all the answers or a really full understanding of most of what we are taught so we are all learning. I find it wonderful and intriguing the way in which all of us who are mediums are necessarily influenced greatly by our own personalities and beliefs. I am fascinated at the ways in which our Celestial Friends work with this variability to convey messages which have apparent differences but also contain deep threads of coherence which lead us further towards the truth.
I am not in a deep trance when I write with the Celestials. I am very connected with them and feel their presence and love strongly and am also aware of my surroundings but to a reduced degree. If interrupted in a message I can return to it later to continue from the time of interruption. I was invited some years ago by Frnacis (of Assisi) to undergo an apprenticeship in mediumship and I very willingly agreed to this. The training continues and probably will never end.
Richard said at one time that it is vital to read any channelled message with discernment and care. I am deeply aware that i have much to learn and that it is more likely than not that the messages that I write contain elements of truth but also display the present status of my progress.
It is indeed a wonderful life we are living and wonderful help that we all have.
Terry, we are all here looking forward to our gathering with anticipation and excitement. I am excited at the constantly expanding world that we are creating for ourselves with the attendant opportunity to share and learn and grow.
The book I published is titled The Richard Messages and is available on
I think we have a lot of fun ahead of us!
With much love
James :) :)

Re: My take on contemporary mediumship in the DL Movement

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 6:06 am
by Dean
My meditation/prayer this morning was: Harmonize Me! (Kind of like 'Beam me up, Scotty," from Star Trek.

; - Dean

Re: My take on contemporary mediumship in the DL Movement

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 7:21 am
by Joseph
Hi Dean ... I like your prayer/meditation this morning "Harmonize me". Yes, I desire to be in harmony also - with myself, with God and other people, and the world I live in.

My meditation/prayer was quite different today. A question begged for attention. "Is it possible to experience (receive) the Divine Love and have no prior knowledge or awareness of the existence of such a thing called the Divine Love?" I wrote about this question, and may offer it later in "General Topics" for discussion.

Thank you Al and Terry and Dave and James and Dean for discussing a very important subject, and showing that though we can be diverse in experience and understanding, harmony can and does exist among us.

With love and a hug,


Re: My take on contemporary mediumship in the DL Movement

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 9:20 am
by AlFike
Thank you James for your succinct and loving response to my queries. I felt the rightness of what you are saying and what your band of Celestials is trying to accomplish. I am certainly one who has put Divine Love above all else but I am pragmatic enough to recognize that we do indeed live in a natural love world. My soul longs for the Celestial realms but my mind is immersed in the natural earthly conditions. Hence my challenge and often dilemma . Part of being loving is to accept all for the beautiful creations that they are and to give space to all those who are struggling in their own personal way towards light and truth. If God loves us all equally then who are we to not try to do the same? After all, He has put that wonderful part of Him within us and in acknowledging and expressing this highest gift, we are compelled to accept in the light of tolerance and support all those who come into our lives. I appreciate your gifts James and because I too have felt the touch of spirit in this way and I believe we are kindred souls. May we both be ever on this wonderful Divine Path and may God use us in Loving ways that encourage, teach and support all our brothers and sisters who are eager for more truth and Love. With great appreciation and love.....Al

Re: My take on contemporary mediumship in the DL Movement

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 1:40 pm
by Doles
Part of being loving is to accept all for the beautiful creations that they are and to give space to all those who are struggling in their own personal way towards light and truth.
What a powerful statement! Oh, how I pray and long to get there! I think there lies the understanding to others we don't understand. There...I think... lies tolerance. There...I think... perhaps lies true humility. So while I should be looking at others, the struggle is really with me due to a lack of love perhaps. This can get beautiful if I take time to appreciate it!

Re: My take on contemporary mediumship in the DL Movement

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 5:51 pm
by brother dave k.
James, well said. The celestials have encouraged me to give expression to these things for quite a number of years now, and much in the same vein, but it is obvious that we each have our own personalities, both soul and mind. I encourage you to stay the course with it, because the celestials seem to know that the clearing of the mind and the developed mental personality is an important step to the manifestation in every act possible the Divine Love of the Creator. There are more than a few who will not understand, some who will disagree, and some who will outright, or behind your back, vilify you. Stay the course.

I am one that appreciates the content of the advice given in the message you shared, and the sharing of your personal experience of it, and your intents and purposes. Thank you for your work.

Your brother in the Christ Spirit, dave k.

Re: My take on contemporary mediumship in the DL Movement

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 8:06 pm
by James
Thanks Dave for your comments which I do appreciate.
I do feel at times that I am sticking my neck out but I am very happy with the connection I have with our wonderful friends. I feel very strongly that we achieve most in our lives when we are finding balance with all aspects of living. I have heard a lot speaking of Natural Love as if it is a secondary thing and inferior to Divine Love whereas I believe that they are different in nature we can't have one without the other. Like it or not we are living in a Natural Love environment and will be so for whatever time it takes to as we move along our pathway. Initially our path must be a combined Natural and Divine Love Pathway even when we are focusing heavily on Divine Love. There is no advantage in denying the reality in which we are.
I do agree with Al in finding this to be a recurrent dilemma. I feel that dilemma and paradox are part and parcel of our spiritual progress as we seek understanding and knowledge.
Natural Love is no less a gift of God and to be so valued.

Re: My take on contemporary mediumship in the DL Movement

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 8:33 pm
by brother dave k.
I wholly agree

Re: My take on contemporary mediumship in the DL Movement

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 5:12 am
by arie2012
Very good point. Thanks a lot for your contributions, James. I take much value from them.

Although I will keep aspiring for the highest, honouring the values of natural love will also help me to stay in the middle of this life, stay on solid ground, humble and loving towards all living beings.

It's such a joy to be reading all these great contributions! Thanks everybody for being here and sharing!

Much love to you all,

Re: My take on contemporary mediumship in the DL Movement

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 6:49 pm
by John D
Thank you James and all,

The wonderful nature of our soul is that it is the substance being natural love, we can go on and develop our soul by the drawing in and fusing it with Divine Love. You could say that this is taking a standard fuel and blending it with a high octane ultra fuel.

Without natural love, our soul does not exist.

I am all for the high octane ultra blend and the joy and beuaty of life that it brings about.

Share the gift of this being available.
Blessings John