About spiritual gifts.

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Re: About spiritual gifts.

Post by DennisT »

Wonderful thread, and some wonderful answers - Al & Geoff !!

I have nothing to add, but I do enjoy reading and soaking it all in. :-)

Love and hugs,

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Marga M.
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Re: About spiritual gifts.

Post by Marga M. »

Dear Al,

I was so impressed with your response. You got it!! And you also had me laughing because I too like the same escape plans as you. However, I've had a very unusually long day. So, I've got to keep this short and truly hope others will post their spiritual gifting and share with others how they cope with it. Love this site for doing things like that...it helps us to open up to more knowledge, etc. as well as being able to accept others that have gifts that may or may not be similar to ours. Demonstrates our heavenly Father's diversity, love for ALL of His kids and helps us to see each other in a more accepting light.

But now do you see why I was trying to warn some newbies about the 30-Day Experiment that Joseph had started in early August? Why? Because I knew what praying for the Divine Love more intently or often would and could do to our souls and any spiritual gifts that we have.

Also, I believe you had mentioned in your an article for the person over the facility in Blackpool about praying 3 times a day (If I'm not mistaken) as to getting started like "an experiment." Please forgive me IF it was in another message you posted. However, what had caught my attention was that is how I started praying for the Divine Love, three times a day, and it immediately had a quick response on my spiritual gifts; as well as, other situations escalating in almost every area of my life. IMHO The Divine Love should not be taken or thought of lightly. This is serious stuff. Anytime you ask to become at ONE with your creator. Oh Please! Yes, it is beautiful and wonderful, yet it is no light matter. And YES, you come to Him just as you are, and He will definitely start the work of CLEANING YOU UP!!! Little by little, inch by inch for His service. :lol: That's another reason why I love Him sooooooooooooooo much -- He LOVES YOU UNCONDITIONALLY!

Thank you too for stating that some don't experience the sensitivity as much. So, I guess most of what I was talking about just seemed kind of crazy to those who can't relate. And maybe that is why when I mention the "POWER", they don't get it. Maybe they just get a warm peaceful feeling and not the intensity of that POWER that just blows me away. That is why I can FEAR (RESPECT) my elder brother Jesus and His desire to want us to come up higher. He is the greatest Spirit out there next to OUR FATHER. Can't we give him that respect and honor due him?

OK, too tired to go on. Just wanted to let you know that I truly loved and appreciated your giving me that wonderful, insightful and indepth response. Plus, I agree with your higher self saying to pray more (and hopefully) in the same place in order to have the peace, love and balance (or healing myself) [paraphrased] that is needed when you are a sensitive.

Love You too,

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Re: About spiritual gifts.

Post by Marga M. »

Dear Geoff,

Gotta love ya because you are trying so hard to understand the drama that I experienced with the two girls I prayed for. But when you put the ideas out there from your readings, etc. You actually hit some of the points right on the head.
I thought you were talking about emotional pain here, and I have never heard of dark spirits causing emotional pain. I am not saying it can't happen, just I have never heard of it. But they can cause you to feel depressed. Is that emotional pain? I thought we caused our own emotional pain and being an empath is sensing the emotional pain of another human being?
Both ladies were dealing with emotional pain. And one was actually Bi-polar (sp?) And some times when I prayed with her she would have a lot of anger come up. And as much as I wanted to help her. She would be so negative and angry with me that I could feel that whatever was inside of her wanted to "hurt" me. So, I had to distance myself from her or do things that caused her to distance herself from me. That goes back to something that Al had said too about NOT being around negative people (paraphrased).

BTW: I'm a pretty bad speller -- so when I post things with misspellings in it -- pls try to see what word it should be and forgive me. Sorry!. I do have a dictionary near by but IF you can't spell the word correctly how can you find it in the dictionary -- quickly that is. :oops:
If you read that book (Remote Depossession) I sent you a few days back, I suggest reading it carefully to see if there are any instances of emotional pain being transferred to humans. I would also suggest reading 30 Years among the Dead by Dr Carl Wickland and again look for that. I am familiar with both, but don't recall transferred emotional pain.
Funny, you should mention both books. I haven't read the Remote Depossession one yet. But the lady that had the bipolar situation actually sent me the link to "30 Years Among the Dead" by Dr. Carl Wickland. She actually landed on your website while trying to find FCNB's site one year. We loved a lot of the articles and contemporary writing so much. She bought the Urantia book for both of us. And I printed out the "In-Dwelling Spirit /Thought Adjuster" series from your site in 2009.

Furthermore, I tired to send the link of "30 Years Among the Dead" to a family I was babysitting their two kids that really had issues in the hopes that they could see the chapter talked about what some spirits do to influence kids. Hoping that would shed some light on what was happening at there house. But the father has more of a Church of Religious Science mindset and could not think of any other spirit out there except God. No dark spirits and no evil just those that are further away from God. So, I had to let that alone. But those kids really needed spiritual healings.

Hope this makes some kind of sense because I'm operating on fumes now and just need some sleep. But can I say "Thank You so much!" For the information you sent me last week and for your posting of late. Appreciate your kindness and unique insights as well.

Geoff we might not all see eye to eye on this website, and that's okay because Our heavenly Father needs all people to understand that He will meet you, love you, and teach you just where you are because He knows how you are "bent" (made), He sees your heart, mind and soul. Why? Because He knows those that can and will relate to YOU and your way of seeing things, wisdom and knowledge. And its all good because He is not leaving ANYONE OUT!! Hope that makes sense and does not sound condescending. :roll:

Love and appreciate you too Geoff,

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Re: About spiritual gifts.

Post by AlFike »

Thanks Marga for your detailed response. You couldn't help yourself eh ! Even though you were tired and wanted to go to bed. Be careful, this sort of thing can be addictive :lol: :shock: . Having these conversations together is such a treat because who else are you going to talk to who understands the concepts? So many are isolated and thank God for this network that brings us together. And yes it is great that we all add our perspectives and insights to the experience. If we all had the same perspective, this would be a boring site ;) .
I'm not sure why you would fear Jesus who is a very humble soul. Love I get, respect certainly, honor and appreciation but I think you are holding on to old Christian beliefs with that word. Just my opinion. When he is very near, all I feel is bliss and loving comfort and complete loving acceptance. I do love my dear brother Jesus as I know you do as well.
Again, thank you for adding to the conversation. Much love to you......Al
Endless journey,endless Love.
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Marga M.
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Re: About spiritual gifts.

Post by Marga M. »

Dear Al,
I'm not sure why you would fear Jesus who is a very humble soul. Love I get, respect certainly, honor and appreciation but I think you are holding on to old Christian beliefs with that word. Just my opinion. When he is very near, all I feel is bliss and loving comfort and complete loving acceptance. I do love my dear brother Jesus as I know you do as well.
Sorry, I really do need to clarify the term "fear" because I do not fear Jesus or our heavenly Father in the context of being afraid. One minister had taught on this one day in church and wanted his listeners to understand that when you saw the word "fear" in the Bible, it actually meant "RESPECT" like giving honor to. So, that is why I put "respect" in parentheses in my post. Like you, whenever I feel his presence, it is truly with love an peace, etc.

However, when I said something to the effect that when others don't feel the "power" of the Lord, but get a warm peaceful feeling and thus, they might not put so much credence in respecting Jesus' authority or his position as it comes to being a Divine Love Follower. Thus, they minimize his say so when it comes to what is written in TGRA; as wall as, discount those of use that can "hear" him or any spirit tryiing to communicate to us or through us. That's when I draw the line. And that is what really grieves my spirit. Why? Because Jesus let us know in TGRA that when the Divine Love comes into use, the Father has a built in connection that He WILL COMMUNICATE with you Himself (Vol. II). Even Ann Rollins went into more details about God communicating to us for Mr. Padgett (in Vol. III).

Moreover, Jesus also said that he desires to help those that have mediumistic gifts and are of good character (Divine Love seeker???) to be used to further his true gospel mission to others. Yet, some people fight this by saying any of their ministers that have started receiving messages from Jesus or any other Celestial Angels should step down. NO MEDIUMISTIC activities will be tolerated in their organization or at their retreats, etc. That's what baffels me. Jesus is the Master of the Celestial Heavens, a distination that we as Divine Love Followers are intending to go, yet you will NOT LISTEN OR FOLLOW HIS WISHES FOR HIS FOLLOWERS DOWN HERE??? Woooow! That is NOT RESPECTING JESUS OR HIS POSITION AND/OR AUTHORITY! Now that is scary in the true of sense of the word.

Hope that answer helps you to understand where I'm coming from. And YES, this place is addictive. BTW: Have to attend an event in a few hours, so I will not be back (hopefully) until tomorrow!

Love ya,

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Re: About spiritual gifts.

Post by AlFike »

Thanks Marga. I guess we are discussing semantics around the word fear. I get it and see that you and I agree about our perceptions and respect towards our dear elder brother Jesus. As for channeling his words, well what can I say. It happens all the time and I am very happy that it does. Is it heresy? That is up to each individual to decide. If the words ring true and are imbued with the spirit of truth then I hope others will accept them. If they reject these words then it is not up to me to tell them that they are wrong. We all have our own take on the path we follow and in the grace of Love and acceptance, then I respect their beliefs as I hope they respect mine. I'm not worried about this schism in attitudes and beliefs. We will all come to the truth some day. I'm following my path and truth and as long as I am true to myself and my purpose, then I have no regrets or fears about rejection. I must admit that it hurts a little to have others not believe that these messages are real but that is the human side that wants universal acceptance. This is unrealistic as it takes quite a leap of faith to believe what is happening. The fact that anyone ( including myself) believes this to be true is miraculous on some levels. And no one said this would be an easy road. We all have to be strong in our faith, our love and our moral character. That will get us through that forest of suspicion and fear directed from others. God's hand is on me, of this I have no doubts. With this truth, I am connected to Him and He will take me through any and all barriers that I may encounter. That is the true power of His Love. I hope you feel the same Marga. Much love to you.....Al
Endless journey,endless Love.
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Marga M.
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Re: About spiritual gifts.

Post by Marga M. »

Dear Al,

Al said:
"I'm not worred about this schism in attitudes and beliefs, We will all come to the truth some day. I'm following my path and truth, and as long as I am true to myself and my purpose, then I have no regrets or fears about rejection. I must admit that it hurts a little to have others not believe that these messages are real, but this is the human side that wants universal acceptance."
Thank you so much for your words of wisdom. I wish I was as strong as you are when you say that it only hurts a little when people don't believe that your messages are real. Al, I don't only get a deep rapport with humans. Sometimes get a deep rapport with our heavenly Father as well. So, if a message is given to me to deliver to someone, I might not feel any of the person's feelings, but our Father's in regards to what happens when they reject what He is trying to say. His love and compassion are deep, but He will send you messages as warnings sometimes in order for you to understand He is trying to help you avoid danger.

For example, years ago, the Lord had placed upon my heart that He was tired of people going to hell through the churches. I didn't really get the magnitude of this until some months and years later as he was preparing me for what was to come. When I finally found the Padgett Letters (TGRA), that was the major piece that was needed in order to send out a message to the Christian churches about Jesus' true reason for coming and how they had been buying into false religion too long and too many were not making it to heaven. Thus, I prepared over 40 packages (not books), more like presentations with excerpts from the Padgett messages from Jesus, et al. also with exhibits including Bible scriptures, publications and information from the religious encyclopia regarding the Council of Nicaea (325 A.D.) and the coucil in 381 A.D. (Doctrine of the Trinity was created).

Rev. Jocelyn Harleston asked me to be very prayful during the time of preparation because the spirits in this plane were very protective of the false religious belief system (Paraprased). After all the packages had been sent out only got responses from about 3 or 4 ministeries. But she was insightful enough to let me know that they may have responded, but none of them had believed the messages. Nevertheless, she said that the Celestials had said that I had done a good job of painting the true picture accurately. (Paraphrased)

Yet, it was the pain the prophet Jeremiah had felt that the Lord allowed me to feel in Ch. 9. 1 prior to creating this presentation when I read a verse in the book of Jeremiah that let me know that when masses of people are being destroyed because they don't listen TO HIS MESSENGERS AND THEY DON'T WANT TO GET TO KNOW HIM, IT DOES GRIEVE HIS SPIRIT. Yeah, I know people will tell you that God does not have feelings! Really! Then what is the Divine Love all about? You definitely feel it and it comes from HIM!!!

Jesus came to Mr. Padgett to deliver the truths that had been lost for almost 2000 years. And now we have these truths, but like the people in the Bible, most people are still hard headed and stiff necked and don't accept what Jesus said or how he wants to have the messages continue going forward in the format that he desires to use. :o

That's when I have to ask the Lord like David in Psalms, "What is man that thou are mindful of him?" Because it is not easy to try to give someone (be it a person or an organization) a message from the Lord, and they reject the message over and over again. But my sister told me that once you deliver the message, if the person doesn't want to receive it that is on them. At least you have done what the Lord has asked you to do. Then let it go. Easier said than done.

Therefore, while I too try to respect another's path and viewpoint, I also recognize that IF the Lord gives me a message for anyone, I AM THE LAST ONE HE SENDS IN because I am the slowest, most stubborness; as well as, most hesitant to do it. (So, I get the hard cases - Law of Attraction :lol: ). Thus, He has already sent in HIS BEST way before I was sent in. Thankfully, now that I know that there are so many MORE workers in the field now, who has done even more with all the books, prayer circles, videos and websites now. I don't have to feel like the lone ranger -- the deep pain will go away quicker too.

Like you, I want to be grateful and confident that:
"God's hand in on me; of this I have no doubts. With this truth, I am connected to Him and He will take me through any and all barriers that I may encounter."

Much love, respect and support for what you all are going on this forum,

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Re: About spiritual gifts.

Post by AlFike »

Thank you Marga. Beautifully said and I feel your angst. It's hard to see so much suffering when you know the solution but so few are interested. All I know is that there is a plan and that we need patience and that none of us are alone. May you walk in peace dear Marga, and know that your passion and your efforts do not go unnoticed. We are all being watched and assessed by our brothers and sisters. In our example and loving acceptance as a channel of God's Love, we leave our mark and call to the truth. I believe that as we do this with a quiet dignity, we affect more souls than a loud and forceful demeanor. I've tried both ways and can attest to the fact that a humble approach makes for a more open channel of Love and change. It's who you are more than what you say. Of course if you tend to have a stronger presence then I suppose being the wall flower is not an option :lol: ;) . We're all needed in this flow of change and Love don't you think ? Each has a role and part to play and where one may not have much influence upon another soul, the other may make a deep rapport. We all bring unique qualities and gifts to the table and God will use these treasures to help others and further His plan of salvation. So we are all being gathered together to do this work and as long as we can love and accept each other, the work will flourish and God will use us all in diverse and effective ways. I think I'll get off my soap box now. God bless you Marga for being so earnest and dedicated to these truths. You are a powerhouse 8-) . Much love to you....Al
Endless journey,endless Love.
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Marga M.
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Re: About spiritual gifts.

Post by Marga M. »

Dear Al,
Thank you so much for your words of wisdom and insight. I'll take your advice and try a more gentle approach. But in the meantime, I'm going to the movies, sweets and numb my brain. :lol:

Much love and respect to you and DLSF,

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