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Re: I've started my book

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 2:54 pm
by dmreed2
This is wonderful news Al! I'm so glad you're book is moving along steadily towards completion. The starts and stops are good, I'm sure it gives you time to contemplate and receive guidance as to how to continue with your writing. I can imagine how difficult it is to choose contemporary messages to include. There are so many and they are all so good and uplifting. Everyone has their own taste and favorites and trying to decide can be daunting, but you have great guidance and intuition and I'm sure your work and efforts will be done with perfection. The timing of your writing this book and its final completion, I'm sure is also being guided by God. I feel that soon their will be many clamoring at your door, knocking and wanting to know more about Divine Love and the messages you have received and how to have a closer relationship with our Father that you and this Divine Love community enjoys. I'm so looking forward to reading your book, the messages, your commentary and what ever else you feel inspired to include. Keep those fingers a moving, we wait with eager anticipation.

with love and hugs,

Re: I've started my book

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 11:21 pm
by AlFike
Thanks David, I appreciate your comments. Things are going well. I'm more that half way and maybe 2/3 rds there. I've divided the book into two parts. The first part is a descriptive of DL and spiritual matters and the second part is quotes of messages. I have a title ( The Quiet Revolution of the Soul), an opening remark and a quote from Mother Theresa in the beginning. I'll share that quote and opener here because it encapsulates the purpose of writing the book :

The greatest disease in the West today is not TB or leprosy; it is being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for. We can cure physical diseases with medicine, but the only cure for loneliness, despair, and hopelessness is love. There are many in the world who are dying for a piece of bread but there are many more dying for a little love. The poverty in the West is a different kind of poverty -- it is not only a poverty of loneliness but also of spirituality. There's a hunger for love, as there is a hunger for God.”

― Mother Teresa, A Simple Path: Mother Teresa

If you have had a yearning and a desire for something greater than yourself to wipe away all the disappointments and heartaches of life. If you recognize that ultimately you are not alone in this world but a higher power is present and sometimes close. If you believe that love will cure all that pains you, then you will appreciate the wisdom contained in this book.
Too many of us are carried along by all those demands and expectations outside of our control while our souls yearn for something else. Our world is a place of harsh demands, often bringing less than satisfactory returns. Materialism is our religion while love and spirituality are left neglected in the corner. As the entire planet suffers from our own imbalanced perspective, we blithely continue on in our assumptions that everything will remain in place keeping us safe and comfortable. All the while the warning signs of change and upheaval are telling us otherwise. The physical world is fighting back with ever greater force and as social chaos may soon be upon us, the only thing that will save us is that we all be engaged in our own quiet revolution of the soul. ....Al Fike

Re: I've started my book

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 2:54 pm
by dmreed2
Excellent quote from Mother Teresa! And a perfect way to introduce your book. I really like your commentary as well. Keep going Al, it's going to be a must read for all the new arrivals to the Divine Love movement and for those who have been on this path for a while.

with love,

Re: I've started my book

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 9:04 am
by AlFike
Thanks David. Nothing is written in stone yet and I'm now working with an editor and graphic designer who is a new friend and neighbor. He is going to help me spiff up the book a bit and I believe that he will be a great editor as well. He has published before and was a newspaper editor for many years. Maybe my book will be shrunk to 35 pagers rather than the 200 I presently have :? . We'll see how it goes but I have enjoyed writing this book immensely and think that I have something worthy of publishing. I doubt that I have a best seller on my hands but to have something to hand out as Jeanne and I continue to invite people from many places into circles of light is the goal for now. My hope is that the book will be ready before we head over to Europe. I can use your support in the form of prayer so that this will be accomplished. God bless for now.......Al

Re: I've started my book

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2016 12:03 am
by Terry Adler
Dear Al,

Just before the clock struck midnight, I took a couple of minutes to visit the forum and was happy to read page 3 of "Al's Corner".

Delighted to hear how well the book is progressing and to read your starting quote and commentary! Great that our Father has brought an editor and graphic designer into your life, just when you need him!

I agree with David that what you have shared here is a great intro and that this book will be a resource in the awakening of many. You are blessed to be writing it!


Re: I've started my book

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 1:43 pm
by AlFike
Thanks Terry and others. I have now finished my first draft and will be sending off to Brian Holms for editing. Hopefully no substantial rewrites. It is a joyful day, knowing that I have substantially completed this project. Here but for the Grace of God go I 8-) .Much love.....Al

Re: I've started my book

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 3:07 pm
by AlFike
TODAY IS A MOMENTUS DAY. We have, with the invaluable help of Brian Holmes published our book :D :D :D :D . The Quiet Revolution of the Soul is now available in paperback and e format. Please order now to get the first edition. Give it a day or two for it to show up on Amazon Etc. I'll post more details in a few days.

WOW, I can't believe that this process is finally finished 8-) . The thought of writing a book can be a great idea but it is every bit as much work as creating a garden except this is a garden of words. We have to thank our friend Luke Volsterman for cover design, Helge, Dennis, Kevin O'Neil, Geoff and more for their loving support. I feel like I'm a new Dad :D . Here is what the cover looks like. Please make this one a best seller. All proceeds will go to DLSF.


Re: I've started my book

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 5:06 pm
by Geoff
Dear Al,

Well done.

Its easier to put the cover on FB, it cant be done here, only linked from somewhere else.


Re: I've started my book

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 6:05 am
by JAB

I like your two comparisons (creating a garden and being a new dad). In a very real sense, both are true!
I feel like I'm a new Dad :D .
Your child will soon be available to all the world. May it be blessed to sell millions. This is possible, but not without the active participation of all your friends worldwide. Individuals must not only purchase a copy, but also become ambassadors and tell other people about the book. This is active participation. I pray that it will happen.

Well done, my friend,

Re: I've started my book

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 9:11 am
by AlFike
Thanks Joseph for your wise words. You've been where hopefully I'm going. I already have plans for a second volume of this book. I will indeed be promoting book one widely. I learned the lesson of promotion while trying to sell my pottery. The easy and enjoyable part was making the pieces . It was hard work to begin with but as I got more proficient, I began to enjoy this hobby immensely. And as I got more proficient, I made more things. One can only have so much pottery for your own use and so I gave things away. Now your friends and family can only use so much pottery so I had to find a way to sell it. Fellow potters encouraged me with this and I went to various crafts fairs in order to sell. I then progressed to farmers markets. Some days I sold lots of pottery and made several hundred dollars in a day and some days I sold very little. One day I sold nothing at all in the 6 hour period I was at the farmers market. Selling takes time, patience and persistence. Pottery is similar to books in as much as no one knows that they want it until they see it and feel drawn to it. Getting others to see your creation is the key here as you have pointed out Joseph. I've had my fun in creating the book. Now I have the work of getting others to read it. I'm not wanting to make money on it because it was a labor of dedication to God but it would be a shame if no one reads it.

This book is a book on the basics of Divine Love. It has both descriptions, commentary and sixty pages of contemporary messages from a variety of mediums. I wrote it because I was guided to do so and the angels were with me at every step. Yesterday morning ,after a few hours of dealing with final details and sending things off for publication, Jeanne and I sat in prayer. We prayed in thanks and enthusiasm for what we accomplished. Jeanne was helping me in every way she could and our partnership certainly enhanced the process. Brian Holmes also offered a lot of assistance. As I posted previously, many lent a hand in the creation of this book. It took a village to create this baby :D . In prayer I sensed the jubilation of the angels who were with us. They also said that more books will follow. So our celebration was a family affair of sorts since it was a collaboration with our angel friends. The book was not written by spirit, it was written by my hand but every time that I was stuck at a place in my writing, I would go for a walk in the woods, knowing that the Angels were close and sure enough the next step would come to me.

I didn't realize what a long process writing could be as I am only used to writing short ( and sometimes long) missives here. It was an education and sometimes a challenge to stick to it but I believe that I now have caught the 'writing' bug. Like my pottery, the more I write, the better writer I will surely become. I hope that some of you reading this will find time to read my book. It is for beginners and I hope that it will clear up some questions and misconceptions about the Divine Love. I'm already considering book two of the Quiet Revolution of the Soul. That one will go into more detail. Stay tuned for more. Much love........Al