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The next step in our evolutionary process

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 10:39 am
by AlFike
I haven't spent much time here posting in the last few months. This is because I'm engaged in a project to sort, label and edit all the messages that we have on our new website. Whew, it is a chore indeed and taking up much of my time. :shock: . With all this review and subliminal processing, I'm coming to the conclusion that mankind is destined to reach a new level of consciousness, in a conscious way. I believe that God's Plan for the salvation of Mankind is in igniting a revolution of the soul through receiving Divine Love. I believe that we will need to do so or perish in the miasma of our own foul human conditions. It is getting to that point in our evolution.

Tim O'Higgins talks of the theory of the peduncle. Meaning that things come to a crisis or pressure point, where progress happens when there is a breakthrough to a new level or a failure to do so leads to a dead end or regression (death?) of that particular evolutionary line. We are at the peduncling point. The world is under increasing pressure, humanity is struggling on every front, the planet itself is being overwhelmed by the material pressures we are putting upon her. In short, I believe that it is a do or die situation. Although the world is mostly oblivious to this situation, there are those of us being encouraged and guided to open our eyes, take a good look at ourselves and CHANGE.

Our particular formula for change is in receiving Divine Love. It changes you whether you are making a conscious decision to do so or not. It shifts your consciousness and if we are to believe the guidance given, we are to migrate our consciousness from material mindfulness to soul consciousness. The peduncle, or breakthrough, is in this way. It is in adopting and accepting a new paradigm of thought and action that we will save ourselves from that cliff that we lemmings are about to go over. Lemmings normally just follow the leader and abdicate their choice to follow a different path. My assumption is that those who are reading this are far from lemming consciousness. We are the mavericks and possibly the game changers if we are willing to go with the Will of God. In order to go with God's Will, we need to be in soul consciousness. The problem is that soul consciousness is not easy to know or maintain. Without it, however, we will be carried by the lemmings over the cliff. I believe that we are presently in a life or death struggle. I'm not saying that disaster is imminent, there is time, but we have been warned that clouds are gathering on the horizon. The cliff is approaching my friends. Are we going to acquiesce and be carried along, or pray like hell?

Being in soul consciousness requires certain disciplines. Our thoughts need to be on higher, spiritual things. We need to be very prayerful. We need time to be quiet and receptive to God's promptings. We need more Love in our souls and express more love in our lives. It takes effort and motivation. Our desires need to come into alignment with the truths that we know even if we are not headed for extreme crisis. Belief in my hypothesis really is not the primary motive here. It is in a desire to grow our souls through God's Love that is the primary motivator. Yet, if I'm right and the guidance that I'm getting seems to indicate this to be true, this pursuit cannot be a casual thing anymore. It is more serious than that.

I also believe that these changes will happen despite humanities overall somnambulistic resistance and those who refuse to wake up will probably perish or be sidelined in the transition to this new consciousness. Many are preparing themselves for change. They feel it coming. I feel it coming. I'm sure that many of you do so as well. God's plan is mostly unknown because most of us are not entrenched in soul consciousness. In the time that we have, this pursuit must be a priority. It is survival IMHO. It is also well worth our efforts on many levels.

I'm interested in hearing how many of you see change coming in the future.? What are you struggling with? How are you preparing? Do you think that my views are too extreme? I'm merely trying to absorb and make sense of what our angel friends are telling us. Their message of coming changes and the need for soul consciousness is a predominant theme in what is given through me. I know that some don't believe this message of world transformation. It is a stretch to do so. Yet, it is spelled out pretty clearly. There are many signs that we are on the verge of it. I truly believe that we had better get ready by preparing for our migration to soul consciousness. Its a very important subject and one that is on my mind daily. Thanks for listening and I hope to hear from some of you soon. God bless.......Al

Re: The next step in our evolutionary process

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 11:50 pm
by PlenaryGrace
I feel you, Al -- In 2012, I took a twelve week course under Barbara Marx Hubbard, after which I was officially certified as an Agent of Conscious Evolution (ACE). Barbara believes we are at an evolutionary point where we will indeed change or die. She sees a new human being born in the 'here and now' that is centered at the heart/soul rather than in head/mind; and she believes we are evolving consciously. I tend to agree! I recall, back in the '70s, when scientists were frantically searching for "the missing link" between Cro-Magnon and Homo-Sapien man. They finally stopped searching when they discovered that the two co-existed for a period of time, and that Cro-Magnon then gradually died out. I can see this happening now. From my perspective, it is very clear in the political divide we experience in the U.S. The people who want to hoard money at the top, squander precious natural resources for quick-easy fuel, and now shift spending from social welfare to the war machine, seem to be of a different species from those who seek universal healthcare (for example). Perhaps we are witnessing the final, desperate fight of a dying breed.

I am aware that addressing politics in concert with the Messages is somewhat taboo. However, two weeks ago I attended a lecture on the intersection of faith and politics. It was taught by a man who was once a Press Secretary for President Clinton and is now a Wesleyan Minister. He submitted, and I concur, that we *must* discuss politics in the faith arena, because working through our political differences is vital to the well being of everyone, and we need to have a safe place where we can hold such discourse in a respectful manner. Among the faithful may be the only place where this can readily occur.

I apologize now to anyone who feels offended by my post. It is my intention to be loving and respectful in sharing my beliefs. If I am not, I fully expect to be held accountable. I do not expect others to agree with what I express. I only hope those with dissenting opinions express them with as much love and respect as possible. This is my own goal. I long to grow and move through this uncomfortable place, in order to reach a higher understanding. I'm hopeful others will join in.

I believe our minds are meant to come into obedience to God, and so to serve the soul, and all of God's creation. Many people seem to be stuck in the place of doing for themselves. Stuck in sin and error. At the same time, there *is* a shift that has occurred on this planet. When the likes of McDonalds and Triscuits are touting meditation in their ads, you know you're not in the '70s anymore. At the same time, many people feel frightened by the global changes and long for the past to return.

We live in turbulent times, no doubt!



Re: The next step in our evolutionary process

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 12:52 am
by Geoff
Dear Catherine,

Well we have "some" dear friends in the Divine Love movement whose politics are beyond the understanding of "others" of us. And we don't believe we can change that, and we certainly don't wish to erect yet another barrier that leads to further splintering. While I don't have a problem with certain leading religious or spiritual spokespeople saying how they see things, its different at "home". At home you need to keep the peace.


Re: The next step in our evolutionary process

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 5:22 am
by PlenaryGrace
Dear Geoff,

I understand, and, of course you are right. I used to tell my children, while they were growing up, that everyone had to feel safe from strife at home. We are all subject to enough of it once we leave the house. Thanks for the reminder.



Re: The next step in our evolutionary process

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 8:23 am
by AlFike
Thanks for chiming in Catherine. We seem to be on the same page here. I think rather than political commentary, we can discuss moral behavior as this is universal. We are people from all over the globe and our political perspective reflects these differences ( our spiritual perspectives as well). So sorting out where we stand spiritually is a daunting enough task wouldn't you say? The angels say that what we harbor in our minds as truth will always change. They say that absolute truth comes with soul perceptions. The soul is where its at, not our mindful opinions of the state of the world. After all, we have facebook etc. for that ;) :lol: . Here is a place for spiritual conversation and when I talk about evolution/revolution, I mean inner soulful change which will reflect out into our lives.

I know that it is hard to ignore politics, especially in the US right now. I think that it can be more of a distraction than of benefit to our soul growth. If we are to make that transition from mind to soul, we need to focus and possibly abandon other less important interests for the time being. With a new perspective, I'm sure that our political views will change accordingly. We will know how to act in the world in the most effective way because with the awakened soul comes the knowledge of God's Will.

Following God's Will requires a certain turning over of our need to act in the flow of our will and perspective to God's guided ways. This is a very tricky subject because this statement may be misinterpreted that we will lose our personal power and possibly identity in the process. Yet a soul in alignment with God will find its true nature and fulfillment in expressing God's Will and those attributes within which are manifest through the soul awakened in Divine Love. A gradual process to be sure, but one which we all need to accept if we are to break through the glass ceiling of our mind's rigid control of our consciousness. So our fight for the time being is internal. We cannot possibly expect to share much wisdom with those around us if we are still mostly oriented to mindful beliefs illuminated in a limited way by the emerging soul. I don't think that any of us are further than that in our progress. The soul is indeed illuminated, even very bright within us but our material minds are still in firm control and it rules with fear. Fear of what we may be like without this control mechanism. How will others perceive us if we are not in line with everyone else who is under the 'thought' influence/condition of the mind? Relationships could tumble, material security could be vulnerable. We may be accused of 'losing our minds', which, ironically, is the goal.

Our rigid programing is always putting resistance towards our soul's eager desire to burst forth in joyful expression, desiring liberation from the tyranny of our mind dominated reality. We continue to emerge from our somnambulistic state to something far more pure and clear and we will express this clarity in the form of deep wisdom, soul knowing and God guided actions. This is what I am seeking daily. This is my inner revolution/evolution. For now I'm a bundle of contradictions, nervous speculation and naïve optimism. I need your prayers for that breakthrough that the Angels keep saying will happen. The peduncling of my soul. We all need to pray for each other because without these breakthroughs, we are just reflecting a paradigm conceived by the mind which may or may not go somewhere constructive. A work in progress indeed. Much love........Al

Re: The next step in our evolutionary process

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 2:18 pm
by PlenaryGrace
Thanks, Al...I appreciate the distinction; morals over politics. I am grateful to be personally at peace in these turbulent times. My former self was anguished under conditions that pale in comparison. Praise God, I found the longing to share!!

As I stated toward the end of my second video, negativity is negativity, whatever its "cause." God's Love is always perfect, and if/when we are aligned with God's Love, then love will be our expression, whatever our message. I agree that the evolution in progress is an evolution of the soul. It does, certainly, therefore make sense to keep the focus on that. Additionally, Geoff's point is well taken. Home must be a haven. Setting politics aside will also simplify my ministry, as you suggested previously. That makes sense to me now.

Thanks for sharing your wisdom. I will step-up my prayers for us all.


Re: The next step in our evolutionary process

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 3:07 pm
by arie2012
AlFike wrote:Being in soul consciousness requires certain disciplines. Our thoughts need to be on higher, spiritual things. We need to be very prayerful. We need time to be quiet and receptive to God's promptings. We need more Love in our souls and express more love in our lives. It takes effort and motivation. Our desires need to come into alignment with the truths that we know even if we are not headed for extreme crisis.
AlFike wrote:I'm interested in hearing how many of you see change coming in the future? What are you struggling with? How are you preparing?
OK, here I go: I do see changes coming, as a matter of fact I'm looking forward to some big things finally changing, to put it positively. The world is being turned upside down in several respects: environmental threats, world politics, Mother Earth reestablishing herself.. Lots of things are happening and I take it for granted that this is a major process of transformation. Actually I think it would be more than naive to assume that transformation isn't taking place as transformation has always been happening continuously on this planet and will probably continue to do so for a long time. But as we humans are too much messing around with this process, things are getting seriously out of balance and you have to be quite blind not to see that.

Then, looking back into the history of mankind, I think we cannot get round the conclusion that what we humans have been and are trying to establish with our minds, always putting our "Sanctified Brain" in the first place, hasn't brought us very far, if not to say has caused us to be on the very edge of that cliff. So there has to be an alternative way and indeed, from everything we keep getting from the Angels, that can only be the Way of the Soul = the Path of the Divine Love. We share that knowledge and that awareness with many more other groups than we as DL-community tend to think, by the way. I'm really positive about that.

So, what to do? Yes, disciplin, pray like Heaven (I prefer to say, as it's GOOD!), turn our minds to higher things etc. etc. How do we do that? How do I do that?

I think here it can get tricky in that sense that this process of changing from mind-awareness to soul-awareness is, of course, an inner process. And inner processes firstly and most of all happen in the individual, are a very individual thing in the end. How do I do that? Well, Marion and I have decided to learn, take on a meditation technique in addition to our daily prayers for the Love and our prayer-circles. We have recently been initiated in Atma Kriya Yoga as we felt guided to do exactly that. This technique is ALL about establishing, nourishing, enjoying and building up an intense Love Relationship with God. And the good thing about it is that it very simply helps you to side-step your mind, because you have "things to do". This surely isn't everybody's cup of tea and I can imagine some people starting to frown only on reading the words Atma Kriya Yoga. But hey, it works for us and Marion and I are experiencing a wonderful acceleration of our own individual process of getting closer to Father and letting His Love flow in and from us out into the world.

This, we feel, is what we are supposed to do right now. And much more: we feel this to be a very, very necessary process in order to armour ourselves, train our soul-muscles, fuelling up that Love-generator that we will be needing more and more in our lives here and now and in the near future. As I have written before somewhere else on this forum this process is also making us change our life-style. We're both (almost) vegans by now.

And there you have it again: that's an individual thing. Some DL-people will keep voting Republican, others will keep eating meat. Yet again others might decide to give up their intimate relationships or get rid of a lot of material stuff they don't feel they need any longer etc. etc.

We will never "get all our noses in the same direction", as we say in Dutch, if it comes to things in the material world, on the outside.

The process needed has to start within every single individual. And then of course: we should seize any opportunity to be with like-minded people and pray and meditate together. We all know the enormous effects of joint spiritual forces.

What am I worrying about? Or what am I afraid of? That I may not live long enough to see this world change into a much better place than it is now, maybe, sometimes. But no, I try to plant my little seeds wherever I can and have a nice, loving and joyful life doing so. And when my time is over, others will have to take over.

Do we have enough time or are we running out of it? I really don't have a clue. The messages we get in our little family here seem to urge us to get going with things, but as we are only a small part of a worldwide new spirituality, I really cannot fathom how quickly things are changing for the better as a result of our efforts.

I want to surrender all of these thoughts of mine to God. More and more, again and again. Thy Will be done. And I know that Thy Kingdom will come, as It is there for the taking already. Father, let me always turn back to You, everytime I get stuck in my mind and almost forget about You. Keep me in the cradle of Your Loving Care and FILL ME UP with that Good Stuff of Yours. And help me to be calm and still and devoted.. in all humility..

Om namo Narayanaya, om namo Narayanaya, om namo Narayanaya..

Love to all

Re: The next step in our evolutionary process

Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2017 5:47 pm
by jeanne
All I can say now, as I have just read everyone's comments in this thread is WOW! I am blown away by the consciousness, the sharing, our collective commitment to the Divine Path. I feel so gloriously a part of something far greater than myself as I read each post. I am thrilled by the diversity, yet the "One-ness" of what's been written here. It is a joy for me to feel connected to each of you in spite of the vast geographical distances between us! To be able to share lofty ideas and soul wisdom with each other, and to truly feel like family! I love feeling part of evolution....part of the Great Transformation....that we've all been called to play a role in God's Plan for the Salvation of Mankind. I feel excited ...kind of awe-struck....and like we are all on the precipice together. I feel we are all unified in prayer, unified in our relationships --that we all know the Secret -- how to rise above the human condition.... and in our own unique and individual callings we are creating and strengthening a lattice of light ...a global network as God's Channels for Divine Love and Light pouring down upon us all -- God's glorious and magnificent Touch destined to touch all of us and all the creatures on this earth plane. I feel significant and humble at the same time! Thank you, my beloved friends, my spiritual family! Thank you to our Angel friends for helping us along the Divine Path. God Bless,
Love always, always love, Jeanne

Re: The next step in our evolutionary process

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 11:43 am
by Jjonas

First off, my apologies for being two months late to this conversation, lol, the past two years have been.....well, quite the ride. I'm speaking of my awaking, my soul awaking, which has led me incrementally on a wondrous development of soul expounding maturity, and ultimately to our Father's Divine Love, as well as to this marvelous website.

Please, allow me a few words to describe myself so you have a better idea of who the "new guy" is. My name is Jesse Alexander Jonas, I'm a husband and father of three children in St. Louis, MO. I have been blessed beyond words my entire life, from being raised by amazing parents, to being afforded many opportunities for growth and development, and now in my adult years - I have a beautiful and spiritual family, full of members that I most certainly would describe as pure hearted and loving. Though far second, I have a wonderful and rewarding career that allows me to make life better for others and use innovations and wisdoms to help neighbors in need.

I'm a genuinely loving person and look for the best in everyone. I help when I can and always try to leave people feeling a little better than before we engaged. I've felt a very close relationship to God my whole life, but never could find full harmony in the words and approaches offered by various different religious affiliations and sects. I always knew I loved God, and was thankful for my blessings and repentant for mistakes, but so much of the other religious teachings and research studies - they just didn't find a lodgment with me.

Of course, between say 18 years old, and now 39 years young - it felt, and admittedly, still feels wrong in some way that I didn't participate in larger group prayers, and bigger spiritual awareness discussions, but frankly, trying to bring up spirituality at some of these meetings quite often would backfire into orthodox group members thinking I'm the great evil one for talking about spirit ability and education, lol. So I stayed away.........but always remain connected, always held pure the temple within myself and always cherished and fostered my relationship with my Father.

And then, two years ago, it all started to open up within me - like a supernova of sorts? Spiritual knowing was just "there" one day - and then came the soul awakening (and in honesty, I could have these in reverse). And as ridiculously lame as this next statement will sound (being that it's said to a group that communicates with the highest of God's angels) - the extensive and phenomenal trail of bread crumbs that has led me here today, to this very website, is something that I think would be hard for others, maybe even in this group, to imagine and digest.

Anyway - that is a small bit of insight to me and who I am. To your posted question - Al, I've been feeling this strong sense of very real change coming since around November of last year. And to show my ignorance, and honesty, becaue I didn't find the Padgett messages until sometime in December (I think it was around then), I kind of thought it was Jesus planning a return, lol. Of course now I know better, but we both sense something is coming and we both know that means that someone(s) will be needed to lead.

One thing I find interesting is that Messiah means "Defender" and "Christ" tends to mean anointed one (or at least those are modern versions of the definitions). Jesus surely was and is both of those, but does it therefore mean that another like him cannot be sent? In times of great change, where God feels the need to bring his child back, back from their lost position in the woods to the last spot on the path before they wandered astray - to the last spot where those children were on solid ground, and heading in the right direction, wouldn't that take us back to the time when we had God breathed words leading us, in the flesh. Now Jesus said he wasn't coming back, and that is clear, but did he ever say another wouldn't come, if needed, with God inspired words, to lead them to harmony once more.

Al, I feel the change coming just as you do, and I find myself in a bit of a rare feeling of fear, fear of the unknown, fear of how the transition will occur and how it will affect the children of the world. The fear is somewhat marginalized, as I know that God and our Angel brothers/sisters will be with us throughout all walks of the journey. It's also marginalized as I know those who will leave the earth plane really are only taking their next steps in life, and nobody is ever lost in God's Love.

Thanks for posting this Al, and thanks for all you, Jeanne and the other beautiful souls are doing to spread the Glad Tidings.

P.S. - side note - your post started on my birthday, March 16th, a very special birthday, as 39 marked the first time in my life that Iived out my full name once (in numerology Jesse Alexander Jonas adds up to 39), so now I get to start living the version 2.0 of myself, maybe I'll get better looking as the hair greys, lol!

Re: The next step in our evolutionary process

Posted: Thu May 11, 2017 6:53 am
by Jjonas

Jesse here! Sorry I'm 2 months late to the conversation, kind of got hung up on Eric N.'s page for a while, lol!

I do feel it Al, I've felt it since late last year, I felt it even before I found the Padgett Messages. I knew change was coming, and that this change would be very difficult on the majority. It feels like the balances have irreparably tipped, and the potential to overcome the created condition that is mankind cannot be accomplished alone. God gives us free will, and always has, but this "cleansing", which is necessary, does not mean free will has been violated. The Laws that act upon the judgment of man, and his conditions outside of harmony, will act as a collective purging for the earths ability to reestablish harmony, or at least, this is how I feel this change will progress. Call it a failsafe, if you will, but we have reached a place where good men and women, with Truth and Love, cannot find their way to positions that would share this knowledge. Greed, Power, Terror, Ego and Fear have overtaken over majority control of the minds, and similar to the types of system's men put into place..............majority rules.

So yes, I feel the change coming and I feel it will come sooner rather than later (within the next few years). For reasons I cannot explain, I'm feeling the combined effects of an EMP from the sun taking down the entire grid, while a pandemic spreads the globe leaving only those pure of heart to start anew.

Of course, I hope I'm 180 degrees off and I hope the hearts of men can still be won, as is. But that is just not what I'm feeling? If, and when, this happens, the world will need teachers of God's Love and Truth, who are capable of leading.

As so many of you all are doing right now, and have been doing for some time (I'm jealous, lol), I will continue to pray many times a day for our Father's Divine Love. I will pray that His Love and Light will transform me to a child aware of his Father's Will, to a child who speaks Truth and Love, absent of fear and doubt to his brothers and sisters. I will pray that I become at-One with Him, an Earth Angel capable of leading hearts to Love, Divine Love.

May God's Divine Love flow into you all with abundance! And may the work ahead be guided and protected by our Father and His Angels. Amen.