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Considering The Choices That We Make

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 10:04 am
by AlFike
We don’t like ultimatums or to be told what to do. To the sensitive soul these things are offensive and pushy. Yet on the Path Divine we are all taught about the differences between the way of Divine Love and the way of the natural love. Two distinct paths leading to spiritual purity and with one comes something more; a merging or at-one-ment with God. We’ve been told in so many words that it is not possible to follow both together for any length of time without creating some inner conflict. The choice must be made to adhere to one way or another.

Our angelic teachers never push us to delineate between these two paths. They are too wise, loving and tolerant to do so but ‘riding two rails’ as I call it does have consequences. Much of the fallout from holding two distinctly different ideas in our minds comes as the law of attraction works directly upon us. Many of us here are well aware of spirit influence. Even if we are not, we are daily attracting a variety of influences and thoughts to us as we go about our business. Spirits are involved in every part of our lives and to some degree our thoughts. Some bring a welcome benefit to us in the form of protection, inspiration and positive energies of all sorts. They may divert us from harm, give us great ideas and encourage us in prayer. I like to think that these are our angelic friends but I’m not clear on whether they are all angelic, maybe some or most are angels in training. I’m sure that all are upon the Divine Path and their intentions are to assist us in staying on that path. They are the result of God’s blessings responding to our soul’s intentions to receive the Love. A great blessing indeed.

We also attract negative or not very evolved spirits to us if we indulge in emotionally reactive and/or negative thinking. Our angelic helpers can protect us from negative influences to a degree but if we are intent and intense with our expressions both mental and emotional then they cannot hold back the tide of the energetic response. The law of attraction plays its part and often we are swept away by these experiences. They bring us out of sync with God and we suffer a kind of spiritual hang over as these dark energies reverberate within. Yet, God pulls us back as we struggle out of our condition. His Love never ceasing or withheld. We are ever His children and under His care.

If we continually go to that dark place, there cannot be a clear way through the dark energies which are continually reinforced. I’m sure that everyone reading this can think of a time in their lives where all was black and full of fear, futility, depression, resentment and a sense of failure in life. Very few escape this lesson nor would they want to return to that pit of hopelessness. I think that this is why many of us cling to our faith and prayers, because of what can potentially come from an unguided and spiritually undisciplined life. The world can suck us into that whirlwind all too easily and many of those who are unconscious are there now. Very dark spirits feed on such soul deprivation and mental confusion as those who have no love or feel no love are caught in the loop of self recrimination and spiritual poverty.

Our fears also play a part in attracting negativity. The fear response draws those spirits who feed upon fear and find an opening into our spirit and our thoughts that fear/vulnerability brings. Negativity is all too eager to find ways of reinforcing itself and fear is a powerful catalyst which draws greater negativity. The magic which comes from nurturing love within is the dissolution of many of our fears. With love, both natural and Divine, fear is dissolved in time replaced by a sense of security and confidence.

Getting back to my original comments regarding carrying the beliefs of two paths, this too brings to us divergent influences. Most often the beliefs of our minds contradict the yearnings and understandings of our souls. Our minds are compelled to make sense of what is often an inherently mystical experience while praying for Divine Love. Something happens which in part is outside of the material reality in which we all live. For those who are deeply curious and intent on finding the answers regarding our spiritual lives, much research and reading accompanies us in our search. There are vastly more publications and teachings about the ways in which we can purify ourselves and develop our natural love than there are publications about receiving the Divine Love. Hence there are billions of people who have a multitude of natural love beliefs and a miniscule number who strive upon the Divine Path.

Most of us begin our journey with some knowledge about natural love beliefs, be they religious, spiritual or a combination of the two. Its rare that the seeker starts with the Divine Love teachings.Those initial beliefs get stuck in our minds and are not easy to release. Our minds are reluctant to let go of what appears to be a logical explanation of things thus causing ambivalence at best and in time, inner conflict. It is this struggle between the beliefs of the mind and the experiences and awakenings of the soul, a door opens allowing for natural love influences to make a strong rapport. Our minds also are susceptible to these influences because as the soul awakens and the mind of the soul begins to have some influence on our consciousness, the mind fights back with long held erroneous beliefs. This can make us think that we are going a little crazy as our insights and glimpses into the Divine shake us up. I’ve heard many say things like ‘I don’t know if I’m just imagining things but…’ or ‘if I told anyone about this, they would think that I’m crazy’. Yes, many who are firmly in their minds and follow the natural path would have judgements about your sanity or lack of it . When your own mind does the same, you can bet that there are a number of spirits reinforcing this attitude as they assert their influence to get you back on track towards the natural path.

You can see how being vigilant and disciplined in your thinking is a very important part of the process of switching over to this path. I’ve heard some speak of being open minded and encourage others to integrate the beliefs of other teachings into the divine Love teachings. I’ve been accused of closed mindedness for not going along with this. I think that I have clearly stated why I am not into mixing and matching at this time. My journey upon the Divine Path is still pretty tender and new even though I’ve pursued it for several decades. My mind is too susceptible to outside influences to make such an integration possible. As a medium who insists on channeling Celestial spirits, I have a discipline and practice that I believe I need to follow in order to have a sort of quality assurance. Some believe that this is too rigid, others appreciate the consistency that it brings in the messages delivered. It’s a choice that I have made and I’m not suggesting that I only have Celestial spirits around me at all times. No my friends, I don’t think that this is so easily achieved. I believe that in times of prayer, whether alone or in circles of light, that they are certainly around. Sometimes, however, other influences are brought into the circle by those who are indeed riding two rails. This makes it hard for me but I can’t control the intentions of anyone but me so I acquiesce to what is happening and pray like hell for the cloak of protection from all spirits and influences that are not celestial :? . My problem is a little unique to most as being a medium has its own sets of responsibilities and consequences. Some mediums think its ok to channel whatever spirit wants to come through. Others believe that only Jesus speaks through them. Its definitely a mixed bag out there and I’m just another who is on the menu.

Being realistic about the dynamics involved in spirit influence is a necessary component to my job as a medium as it is to anyone opening up to a spiritual life. My point is that those of you who see through the glass darkly and are not too aware of the influences around you should take heed of your thoughts and intentions. They are powerful determinants as to what spirit influences you are subject to. This has been demonstrated to me over and over again. I’ve entertained some pretty contrary thoughts until I realized that they are not my own but that of another influencing me . The Orthodox Christians call this the devil’s influence but we all know that that guy does not exist but evil exists in many forms. We all have to be vigilant regarding evil thoughts but more importantly, we all have to be vigilant regarding our spiritual thoughts as the more we entertain those distinctly natural path concepts which can indeed have its truth, the more we attract that influence. Call it closed minded if you like but everything has its consequence. Riding both rails will often comfort the material mind as we nurture our soul awareness’s and invariably we all do this as we begin the process. In time, however, there comes a parting of the ways.

A choice must be made and a dedication given. When this truly happens, the real adventure begins. God pours His blessings upon those who are true. This happened at Pentecost as the disciples of Jesus opened wide to the Love. I think at that moment they became true Christians and for all of us I think that that is our goal. Rather than entertaining many beliefs derived from all kinds of sources, we need to find the truth within our souls. God promises us full revelations of the truth as our souls grow in the Love. It takes a strong faith in the process in order to accept this offer. Our minds rebel as our soul’s revel in this baptism of Love. I’m for putting my eggs in this basket. I want to encourage all of you reading this to do the same. Be true to this simple path and truth and allow other things to fall away. This clears the way, as it did for those at Pentecost, to be fully in the Love. If you must read, then read the teachings of the angels. Prayer is our teacher and the source of our awakening. I would encourage you all to direct your energies there. It will pay off in time.

The world needs less words and more prayer. Of course what a hypocrite I am in this statement :oops:  . I’m speaking to myself here too ! May God bless all of our efforts. With much love to all my Divine Love friends. I know that we are all making our own efforts upon our unique paths towards at-one-ment to God. May they be swift and sure. God bless……

Re: Considering The Choices That We Make

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 1:04 pm
by Jane
I agree with a lot that you say here, Al, especially
Prayer is our teacher and the source of our awakening.
The world needs less words and more prayer.
And yes you are a hypocrite :lol:
But this is a forum, so if everyone just goes and prays and no one writes, then we won't be sharing many ideas!
But seriously...there are SO many teachings out there in the world, and some do contain some great truths...but very often they are tainted with error, and the only way we are really going to wade through that mass of confusion is to pray for the Love (which will help us discern truth from error and bring to our consciousness the truth that our souls are aware of), and pray to be guided to truth. Yes, it is a good idea to read the Padgett messages and other contemporary channeled teachings from Celestials, in order to reinforce our understandings of Divine Love and to attract to us the Celestial angels...but there needs to be a balance. If all we do is read about it but don't actually spend time communing with God and seeking the Love, we are not that much farther ahead! Prayer is the key.

If we who know that the Divine Path exists still "ride the rails," as Al says, then who is going to purely choose the DL path and be the clear and powerful channels that God needs to help with the plan for the salvation of mankind? The angels tell us this help is needed. And I think as the conditions in this world worsen, that help is desperately needed. This is a "last ditch" effort. The damage has been done--to the earth itself (our material home), and to the souls of man. The angels need people to seriously commit to this path. And they can work miracles in our lives to help us move forward on it if we are truly committed.

I pray daily (more than once) to be "cloaked from all non-Celestial thoughts and influences." I have chosen this path and I don't want anything--even benevolent spirits who may have good intentions but erroneous beliefs--tripping me up on the path. If the angels want me to interact with a spirit who is not on the path then I am happy to help, but the angels are the gate-keepers. It is their call.

Thanks for starting this thread, Al.

Love to all,

Re: Considering The Choices That We Make

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 1:33 pm
by Geoff
AlFike wrote: Most of us begin our journey with some knowledge about natural love beliefs, be they religious, spiritual or a combination of the two. Its rare that the seeker starts with the Divine Love teachings.Those initial beliefs get stuck in our minds and are not easy to release. Our minds are reluctant to let go of what appears to be a logical explanation of things thus causing ambivalence at best and in time, inner conflict. It is this struggle between the beliefs of the mind and the experiences and awakenings of the soul, a door opens allowing for natural love influences to make a strong rapport.

This is too much for me to comment on. But I do feel you have overlooked something here. You seem to be emphasising the two paths as if they are radically different. They are only radically different when someone refuses the Divine path. Also you are I think calling "paths" the same as "sets of beliefs". They are not really so. However the "sets of beliefs" do cause some folks to practise/live in certain ways, and THAT is the issue.

For those of us who accept the Divine Truths, you cannot avoid travelling the natural love path at the same time as you walk the Divine. In essence the Divine Path is a narrow segment on top, as it were, of all natural paths. It is only as we reach the Seventh that we are beyond where the natural love reaches.

And of course its also good to remember Father is happy with the choices his free will children make, and that is why your guides don't admonish you.


Re: Considering The Choices That We Make

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 9:40 am
by AlFike
Thanks Jane, well said, I'm in full agreement and thanks Geoff for your usual forthright response. My guides do sometimes admonish me, albeit in a loving way. They are continually encouraging me and us to keep our feet firmly on the Divine Path. I think that it is important to acknowledge that our natural love capacities are also being developed as we continue in our soul growth and as we respond to our daily existence but this is not the same as adopting natural love beliefs as our guide and focus. Yes, we live in the world but the angels ask us to not be of the world. Meaning, do not take the road (path) of the natural love which is well trod but take that road less travelled. Most often you and I disagree on wording and approach. That said, I think that we are in agreement fundamentally but use different definitions. My basic concern and motive for writing what I did was to encourage others not to be distracted with natural path ideas and thinking. I believe that you agree. As for living in and practicing the ways of the natural world....that is a given. We're not angels yet but as we focus our efforts towards this goal, natural love goals become less important until they become irrelevant. Its a matter of where we put our focus and actions. What you put into something is what you get out of it 8-) . Much love my friend......Al

Re: Considering The Choices That We Make

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 5:25 am
by Eva
I would have to agree with Geoff regarding:
For those of us who accept the Divine Truths, you cannot avoid travelling the natural love path at the same time as you walk the Divine. In essence the Divine Path is a narrow segment on top, as it were, of all natural paths. It is only as we reach the Seventh that we are beyond where the natural love reaches.
By virtue of our physical existence, we are required to live in the world, but exhorted to be not of the world. However, I don't believe that being of the world is the same as being on the natural love path. If the world was generally on the natural love path, "the brotherhood of man" would be approaching reality. Most people would be in harmony with God's laws of love -- and with each other. They would be kind to each other, honest, helpful, discreet, faithful to their partners, etc. This way of life where people are generally following the way of love (even just natural love) leads to overall peace and happiness.

I believe that the way of the world is what the Bible (NIV translation) refers to as "following the sinful nature" -- that part of our nature that if we allow it, will go contrary to God's way. Both the natural love path and the Divine Love path are in harmony with God's way. The path of the sinful nature is characterized by such things as "sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like" (Galatians 5:19-21). It also includes hunger for power and prestige, greed, love of money and unhealthy pursuit of material things, disrespect, deception, and violence. We don't have to look far to see these qualities all around us -- they are to a considerable extent the values of the world.

While the two kinds of love have different sources -- the natural love being cultivated by our own efforts, the Divine Love coming to us from God and transforming us from within -- they are both being expressed in similar ways in the here and now. Following either of these two paths will produce good results in this life and the next. Following the Divine path, which includes praying for our soul transformation by the Divine Love will bring us to the Celestial Kingdom of immortal divine angels, which will far transcend the highest position in the spirit world that can be achieved by following only the natural love path.

Much love,

Re: Considering The Choices That We Make

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 10:19 am
by AlFike
Great comments Eva. I certainly agree with you here although my point was around commitment towards the Divine Path since the overwhelming current is towards natural path thought. As you say,both efforts bring us into greater harmony with God and both help to eradicate sin. They are two distinct paths, however, and I believe that our natural love becomes refined as the DL does its work although this must be acknowledged and worked on as well. As Geoff says, the Divine Love above all else. Priorities of thought and prayer are necessary. Not sure if this clarifies matters but I'm certainly enjoying the conversation. Much love......Al

PS: in prayer this morning I received some insight into the matter. While our souls are travelling the Divine Path during our time on earth, it is more difficult for our minds to follow. Our minds are geared towards thought filled perceptions of truth and are more attuned to natural path thinking because of its inherent logic. But if we are going to teach and demonstrate the Divine Path in the world ( which God and the angels are intent on us doing) then we must make greater efforts to bring our minds in alignment with the Love that resides in our souls and the truth that reflexively comes with it. . All the reasons that I know why this is important are listed in my first long missive.

Re: Considering The Choices That We Make

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 3:35 pm
by Eva
Thanks Al. This is indeed an interesting and helpful discussion and it is good to respectfully share different perspectives as this can enrich our understanding and help us grow.

I reread your original post this morning (I read it fairly late last night and may have missed some points). I agree that
There are vastly more publications and teachings about the ways in which we can purify ourselves and develop our natural love than there are publications about receiving the Divine Love. Hence there are billions of people who have a multitude of natural love beliefs and a miniscule number who strive upon the Divine Path.
The "New Age" movement is to a large degree based on the natural love path, as is Buddhism, especially the early version (later on, around the time of Jesus, interestingly, Buddhism became much more "spiritual", but many rejected this and insisted on the original "natural love" teachings). The Old Testament, as well as the Koran promote the natural love path. It is often based on laws and obeying them, whereas the Divine Love path transcends literal law obedience, or as the Bible says, "love is the fulfillment of the law." (Romans 13:10). Jesus was criticized by the Pharisees for breaking the letter of the various Old Testament laws, but in breaking them, he actually practiced the higher principle of Divine Love.

However, it is hard to judge who is on the natural love path and who is on the Divine Love path, as it doesn't depend on beliefs alone. Rather it is a soul / heart matter -- indeed a new heart, as the Old Testament prophets predicted would come. It makes us a new creature / creation. The Padgett messages mention individuals whose beliefs were in error, but the Divine Love was in their souls. They had not actively prayed for it or even really understood it, but their soul longings attracted it. It is true that false beliefs can hinder progress on the Divine Love path, but slow progress is better than none --till such a time that the individual grows in truth -- which will come with the growth in the Divine Love. So really we have no idea how many people are -- even unconsciously -- on the Divine Love path.

Those of us who understand the need to pray for the Divine Love should certainly be diligent in doing so and earnestly seek to grow in God's Love. Each of us are responsible for acting on the knowledge and understanding that has been given to us -- and none of us has the whole truth, in fact far from it. As Al mentioned, praying for the Love and staying in the Love will help us grow in truth, and also be an antidote to negative thoughts and fear, which no one is immune to.

This has become longer than I had intended, so I'll stop being wordy and encourage us all to more prayer! :)

Much love,

Re: Considering The Choices That We Make

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 4:16 pm
by Geoff
Eva wrote: However, it is hard to judge who is on the natural love path and who is on the Divine Love path, as it doesn't depend on beliefs alone. Rather it is a soul / heart matter
Indeed. And we should keep this top of mind.


Re: Considering The Choices That We Make

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 9:28 am
by AlFike
Great comments Eva. I share your perspective, especially about some spiritual progress is better than none. I believe that there are many in the world who have some Divine Love in their souls and as you say, it is often without any conscious awareness of it. If we are to gain 'traction' in helping others to understand what this is, then being fully on this path is required. A teacher who is not focussed and well educated/experienced with the material will not bring a powerful presence of knowledge and confidence and of course we must radiate the Love from within . A true teacher on this path who is just in his head will not go far.

The original purpose for my post was to encourage all of us interested in teaching and demonstrating these truths to be focussed and committed. This does not mean that we reject or disrespect what others are doing on their unique path towards God but rather to own our process of soul awakening through Divine Love. Those just beginning this journey will meander around looking to affirm the truth . This is a given but for those who are actively walking this path it is IMHO necessary to stay focussed and not to be distracted by what are thousands of alternate paths leading to natural love purification. These are mostly all good and workable teachings leading to purity and happiness. No need to deny this or denigrate it but precious few are engaged in true Divine Love teachings and without a greater number creating a tipping point, there will be little progress in teaching this to the world.

I may sound impatient and a little judgemental :? but in truth I'm just trying to cheer others on in this pursuit. There are many people out there with Divine Love in their souls. Our job is to define and clarify what that is so others can make a conscious choice to pursue it or not. So we must exemplify the truth and show in unambiguous terms by our words and actions what that is. Simple but hard to do. With all of our particular backgrounds and experiences undoubtedly we will approach it from different angles and this is a good thing. We must consciously be that channel of love and truth and live it in an honest and credible way. This means study and prayer discipline until it is truly second nature. Prayer is the most important part of the journey but what we think, say and do reflects who we are.

Truly, living the truth is not easy but hey, someone's got to do it. It might as well be those of us whom God and the Angels have invested so much into . Our dedication to this path is a love offering to God. With Love, all is possible and harmonious. It is not a stretch or a burden to do this . It becomes a joy and full of rewards. I'm not perfect nor do I just ride one rail all the time but I try my best and I want all of you serious Divine Love followers to try your best to be focussed and aligned in both your minds and souls. Without true followers, there will be no truths clearly taught and demonstrated. Lets all be true to God's plan for the salvation of mankind. It starts with each individual and spreads out from there. May everything we do upon this journey of awakening reflect truth and light. God bless all who try. Much love.......Al

Re: Considering The Choices That We Make

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2016 9:22 pm
by Jane
Hi Everyone,

I am enjoying the continuation of this thread and see its value. It has been inspiring lots of thoughts that I would like to write about, but not sure if they will all come to me now as I finally sit down to do it....

I like what you said, Eva, (which Geoff quoted) about it being hard to judge who is on which path. We truly cannot see into another's soul. There may be "natural love" spiritual practices or healing methods out there that are well-populated with followers or practitioners who have DL, because they are sincerely seeking to do God's will. There may also be some erroneous beliefs attached to these practices and, while it doesn't necessarily inhibit the flow of the Love into the person's soul (because the longings are there) it may slow the person down on the DL path. I think what Al is suggesting, though in different words, is that we here have the DL path clearly laid out before us. And if this is the path we have chosen, we should commit to it and follow it in a pure way, which will enable us to progress faster and be able to overtly teach it, or simply "be" the Love--teaching by example.

Al makes another good point:
While our souls are travelling the Divine Path during our time on earth, it is more difficult for our minds to follow. Our minds are geared towards thought filled perceptions of truth and are more attuned to natural path thinking because of its inherent logic.
I find that a lot of what is required on this path is repetitive. Pray and meditate, pray and meditate. For our minds, which like to be busy, this can be boring. Our minds (well, for some of us), like to make lists, set goals, take classes, read books, join spiritual Facebook pages, etc. This makes natural path methods very appealing to the mind. We can do complicated rituals, dress in a special way... But on the DL path (as we understand it), there isn't anything fancy or complicated or intellectually-stimulating to entertain the mind. You can practice it anytime, anywhere, wearing your pyjamas if you like, (didn't Geoff once mention standing on his head?!). You just have to be sincere, and really desire to commune with God and receive this gift. The mind is not needed. And the mind doesn't like that!!

It's funny, though, as simple and boring as this could be (and I am one who has a history of being very mind-oriented), I am DRAWN to pray for the Love and meditate. I love it. It's now one of my favourite things to do, not only in my "spare" time, but something I will put other things aside in order to do. It's my new hobby. And I'm sure it will be for eternity. And how could this happen?? It is the Love, working its magic on my soul. I'm past the tipping point :lol:

Today I received the DLSF mail chimp message that was sent out (by Maureen?). I was surprised to see that it was from 1969! Although it seemed that Samuel was speaking specifically about preparing people to be used as mediums, I think it can be generalized to any use by God of a person who will act as some sort of channel on God's behalf:

"There is much work from our side which must be done for each person who desires to be used by God, and so we must be sure before we begin that our labors are not in vain. We must test you to find if you are strong enough to bear that which you will be called upon to bear. You will be tested each of you, will be tested. We do not open channels lightly or indiscriminately." -Samuel, received by Anonymous, August 1, 1969

I bring this up because as a result of one's commitment to the DL path and self-discipline in its practice, not only can one accelerate one's spiritual growth (and this degree of acceleration does not, I think, happen on the natural path), but one can be used for a particular purpose to help here on Earth, and can be given powerful gifts that support this purpose. But there is a lot of work done on the other side to enable the opening of this channel. We don't see it; it is behind the scenes. I think if we really knew how much effort the angels put into helping us on this path we would be FAR more committed and deeply humbled.
Truly, living the truth is not easy but hey, someone's got to do it. It might as well be those of us whom God and the Angels have invested so much into .
When I started channeling the novel I didn't have a lot of self-discipline. It was easy to make excuses, to "not be in condition" to write, to choose leisure activities over writing in my spare time. But gradually I began to take it more seriously. I drew boundaries around myself and learned to say "no" to things that distracted me from it, even if it meant saying no to spending time with family members and friends. I also made the choice, many times, to get out of bed in the middle of the night and write, because that was when my home was the most quiet, the least distracting. So I lost some sleep over this. However, if I hadn't been willing to make those choices (I would have said "sacrifices," but it's not quite the right word), then the novel would not have been completed. I have no regrets about that (well, I do regret not taking it seriously earlier on!). And had Geoff not put in the huge effort to reformat what I had done, it would not have been published by now (yeay Geoff!!)

I feel like I'm starting to ramble...but one last thing: there is SO much work that needs to be done, by people who have the Love. There is much we can do to bring love and light and healing and truth into this world. But we need to be committed and dedicated-- then the angels will do all they can to see that we succeed in our unique mission, whatever it may be. And the effort is so worth it. As Al beautifully puts it,
Our dedication to this path is a love offering to God. With Love, all is possible and harmonious. It is not a stretch or a burden to do this . It becomes a joy and full of rewards.