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Forty Years Ago today

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 11:07 pm
by AlFike
Forty Years Ago Today. ... e=5818F031. Click link for a picture of Jeanne and I forty years ago.

It was forty years ago today ( July 24th, 1976) that my wife Jeanne and I stood on a grassy promontory overlooking the ocean in Vancouver’s Stanley Park. Our hearts full of love, eager to begin a life together, we made our vows of commitment and love. It was a perfect day, skies blue, sun warm and bright. Our family and friends along with a few onlookers gathered in a big circle around us, honoring our moment.
We did indeed build our lives on a foundation of love though what we envisioned then in our idealistic youth bore little resemblance to what unfolded. Not to say that it was a life bereft of the joy that we anticipated but many challenges crowded into that projected dreamy landscape. We built a life together as others do replete with careers, family and daily commitments. Both of us are headstrong and full of opinion. This lead to a life full of push and pull. Both of us are stubborn. This lead to a life where conflict was no stranger. Yet despite our differences, the mix which is Jeanne and I worked to our mutual advantage. We also shared very resonant values and goals. We believed in love as a powerful and healing force in this world. We are both hard workers and very loyal. We were both focussed on family. All these factors contributed to a vital and dynamic life centered on personal growth, strong families and the pursuit of spiritual fulfillment.
Today is a day for looking back and taking stock. That stew which is our life is both sweet and savory. It’s ingredients varied, its meaty consistency not bland or boring. It is a unique and beautiful creation. Only we could have made it and we do indeed enjoy its richness and flavor. All the components which make up a good life exist within it. Rich in family and friends, we are never far from the connection and joy that comes from community and fellowship. Rich in our souls, we feel blessed by God’s Loving Hand. Rich in having a beautiful home and resources to travel, we have known the world from first hand experience. Our life has been a treasure trove of many diverse and significant experiences and our memories are chock full of the gifts and surprises life has given us thus far. Its not over yet as we continue to move forward in various ways, taking initiatives and furthering our connections to many people from near and far.
My dear Jeanne has been the greatest gift in my life. In my maturity, I now see how she has guided me in many ways. Despite my resistance, she has tutored me, often catching me before I fall on my face. She never gave up on our shared goal of serving God in the flow of Divine Love. She is a connector of people, sparking outcomes both creative and positive as a result of her intuitive understanding of other’s gifts. She has always supported my dreams and I have always believed in hers. We are a team which, in its synergistic way, has spun out many wonderful experiences both in our lives together and in the lives of others.
God brought us together because there was and is a chemistry there. Two determined and creative souls wishing to do good in the world. Now we work together supporting those who want to build orphanages in Africa, change the world through simple technologies and those who want to bring spiritual meaning into people’s lives. We are focussed on reaching out in love wherever God guides us. At our age, rather than life slowing down, it is speeding up. That is the magic that comes with this chemistry combined with God’s blessings. It seems to not know any bounds as we are lead through many doors by God’s guiding hands. Together we continue to push forward, not really knowing where we are headed but certainly enjoying the ride. All the wonderful souls we have met on this journey of life have contributed so much of what our lives are today. It is full of people whose souls are bright and intentions are clearly for good. They are people who carry a desire to bring a depth of love and meaning into their lives. We are proud and honored to count them as our friends. Knowing that life is indeed a shared experience, it also requires impetus from our own hearts and desires. We have tried to reach for something higher than what is normally expected in our world and I know that we have supported one another on that quest. Together, we create a strength that has carried us through the good and the bad. Together we have forged a strength that has endured and given comfort to others. Together our love has transformed us and molded us into who we are as individuals. Together we have relied on God’s steady hand to guide us and grow our souls.
God knew what he was doing when he brought us together all those years back. He saw the potential long before our eyes could barely take notice of what that could be. We originally were drawn together because, hey, we looked good to one another. We stayed together because we knew in our hearts that it was meant to be. We created a life together out of the abilities and gifts we shared together. Now, forty years later, I can see the perfection in God’s Wisdom. Sometimes I doubted it but we were always meant to be together. Like any good symphony, the crescendo is still coming as we close out the latter part of our lives. May the music be as sweet as it always has been and may we continue on our journey with the open hearts and keen passion from which it began. My love for you dear Jeanne continues to grow. Our destinies still unfolding and taking us down surprising roads. May God continue to bless us in our work and travels and may we always see the wisdom of God’s loving hand which brought us together. With deep gratitude and a full heart, I pay tribute to our lives and see that a life built on God’s Love, is a life built on solid ground. Much love and kisses to my Jeannie Bean.

Re: Forty Years Ago today

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2016 12:35 am
by Vee
Dear Al and Jeanne,

With heartfelt congratulations on this special day.....
May you still have many more years to come.....
What a lovely story.

Love and blessings,


Re: Forty Years Ago today

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 12:02 am
by Terry Adler
Jeanne and Al,
Heartfelt congratulations on your journey of 40 years together!
Your tribute is beautiful Al, and so true!
Having been present 40 years ago to witness and celebrate your wedding and many of the ups and downs of your lives since, I, too, marvel at the perfection of God's Plan in bringing you together and preparing you for the service on which you have embarked as equal partners! You are blessed in your union, and through you both will flow many blessings to others!
With love,


Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 7:12 am
by jeanne
Happy Birthday to my True Love!

Thank you for the lovely tribute of our 40 years together! Yes! It's been an adventure, hasn't it! Never could we have predicted how our journey together would unfold! Countless blessings! Abundant Love and so many rich life experiences!

Today I am happy to celebrate YOU! Wishing you a beautiful day, filled with God's Greatest Blessing and serenity in your beautiful garden! I know the coming year will be filled with spiritual adventures, continued growth in God's Love and many more surprises!

Thank you for sharing your life with me, for all your love and steadfast support, for being my ROCK and anchor and for pushing me to test my personal limits! I can't imagine life without you!

Oh, Happy Day! Love always, always love, your "Jeannie Bean"! :lol:

Re: Forty Years Ago today

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 1:15 pm
by DennisT
Happy Anniversary, you two love birds. I don't know how you do it.

I mean, sure, I've been married almost forty years, but Al, how did you do it all with the same woman!!!! :lol:

Congrats again and happy birthday Al. :D

Love and hugs,


Re: Forty Years Ago today

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 6:19 pm
by AlFike
Thanks for your acknowledgement. In answer to your question Dennis.......we did it with a lot of prayer, A LOT OF PRAYER ! Much love.......Al

Re: Forty Years Ago today

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 12:01 am
by dmreed2
Happy Anniversary Jeanne and Al. Congratulations on 40 years of being together. What a wonderful story Al and thank you for sharing it with us. You both make and excellent team and support each other in beautiful ways and God's guiding hand has been consistent in your lives and so many souls blessed by your combined commitment to this path of Divine Love.

Love and Hugs,

Re: Forty Years Ago today

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 1:07 am
by arie2012
How wonderful to read this, dear Al and Jeanne!!

The story of your love is inspiring and exemplary and I'm grateful for you sharing it with us. And I'm grateful for having both of you as friends; far away and yet very near and tangible.

Wow, indeed..40 years of marriage.. I'll have to live another 27 happy years with Marion to be able to say that and even Dennis suggested: not with 1 woman..

Well, different lives, different wives..What the heck :lol:

I'm happy for both of you and so much looking forward to seeing you!

Many hugs,

Re: Forty Years Ago today

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 1:36 pm
by AlFike
Thanks Dave and Arie. One woman, four women, no women, it all depends on the individual, the choices that we make and the expectations we have in a marriage. Jeanne and I have certainly had our low points but we always knew that we would stick it through. We met and married within 6 months. Now that is a recipe for disaster but in essence it was a reflection of our soul's knowing that we were meant to be together. Few have such surety and dare I say tenacity but here we are 40 years later still haggling over how to do dishes and what color to paint the living room. Those things never change. :shock: . We did change within our hearts however as we grew to recognize the beauty and gifts inherent in one another. Without that sort of insight, I think that we , like so many, would be doomed to fail. God opened our eyes and as we began to look more deeply, the love grew. Its all about the unfolding of our souls in Love. Much love......Al