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How Do We Pray ?

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 10:28 am
by AlFike

Prayer is not asking.

It is a longing of the soul . . .

It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without a heart.

Mahatma Gandhi

This simple but powerful quote from Gandhi says much about what it is that we are after in our prayer life. The challenge however is how to get to a place of clear and fervent prayer. There are so many factors that stand in the way of expressing and experiencing a full and fervent state of prayer that many give up the pursuit because they feel unsatisfied with the results. This simple act is a hard thing to do. Often our most soul felt prayers are done in the midst of crisis or out of a deep longing to know that God exists. It is in essence an act of faith, a knowing that there is someone or something out there who listens. Its not quite a dialogue but it certainly is a conversation because there often is a response. God does indeed hear our prayers and does respond. This is not so evident to the novice who has a hard time discerning the response but often the answer becomes evident ,if not immediately then in time. As a gardener, I liken prayer to the hope and patience all gardeners must have in order to grow a landscape. You place the potential in the ground in the form of a seed or a small plant. Not much shows up right away but given time, patience and a little know how the garden begins to take shape. So it is with our souls. The seed of a desire emerges in our prayers. Often it is small and subtle yet it can have great potential if nurtured in the right way. In our impatient society time is a compressed and eager thing where instant results are all that matters. In the garden of our souls, such things as instantaneous revelation and growth is rare. Our souls take time to mature and we need to take time to access what it is we need to grow our souls.

Divine Love is often referred to as the Living Waters. If we see our souls as the growing garden then this analogy makes perfect sense. God placed many seeds or potentials into our souls, the growing soil if you will. As we water our souls with prayer and the response God gives in the form of His Divine Love then those seeds sprout and become something beautiful and unique. This miracle of growth and beauty is what delights the gardener and keeps them toiling away to achieve these results.

A garden is a tangible and visually sensual thing. It bears fruit and delights us all but the soul is far more subtle and certainly not a physical thing. The mind has dominance and often smothers the soul making it difficult to discern amongst all those weedy thoughts. As complex as the mind is, the soul is essentially simple in its existence. It needs no complex education in order to grow. I do not mean to infer that your soul is not a sophisticated part of you but its mechanisms, at least as a raw, undeveloped thing is simple in its needs and functioning compared to the complexities of the mind. Therefore it needs little to be sustained. Those living waters of God's Love will do the trick and trigger the growth.

Prayer then is the key element to the soul gardener. Prayer, prayer and more prayer. Yet prayer, real and sincere prayer is often stunted by our mental machinations. Our minds essentially get in the way of our prayers yet both play a part in the process.As Gandhi says, better a wordless heartfelt prayer than one with no heart. Many find it easy to mouth a prayer, spin a wheel or allow someone else to say a prayer on their behalf. This does not turn on the tap. It may invoke some response depending on how invested you are in the process but half hearted attempts often bring half hearted results. One must pray from that place deep inside, with heart and soul and the more access you have to that place, the more fervent and focussed one is while in that state of consciousness and the more the Manna from Heaven will rain upon you. So prayer requires effort and discipline. Its not a thing you can put in a box and open it when you have time. If prayer essentially opens up a relationship with God then that connection ideally must remain open at all times if the greatest results are to be achieved. A prayerful state is not necessarily reciting words or sitting quietly communing with God. These times are indeed valuable and important but not the only way to pray. God is always reaching out to us and desiring connection. A tuned in soul can sense this and remain connected with a little discipline and openness. In this state of grace we become attuned and feel God's presence in our lives. The angels often call this being in the flow of God's Love. That great river of Love which can carry us is waiting for us to enter into its flow and take us on a great journey. In order to get there however, we must tame the beast which is our minds.

The mind does not readily want to function in concert with the soul. It wants dominance, proof of that which is not comprehended by the five senses and is suspicious of faith based actions. The mind's version of prayer is certainly word oriented recitation. It may even not want to engage the soul in this endeavor. The mind does not like to share in its seat of power controlling our consciousness. So it is a tricky thing in some ways to sidestep our minds and go to our souls. The weedy garden first must be dealt with. In our pursuit of truth we must first read the map whether that be Padgett or some other source. The road signs are important, guidelines obeyed and clear action discerned in order to start. Most of all we need to be inspired. To leap out of our minds at this point and into that often foreign place called the soul. At first that can be daunting and even a bit scary. The soul holds the very essence of who you are and if you have been repressing many things over your lifetime then you may be in for a bit of a shock. Your soul may be in a great deal of pain or just plain numb because your emotions which are seated in the soul have been ignored and supressed. . The mind often wants to take over and cover up the pain. That is the old pattern continuing. One must persist and often the soul compels us to do so. We feel the rightness in the act of prayer even though it feels so different or even painful. On the soul level it is as natural as any physical act but how we deal with mindful resistance determines how successful we are in prayer. Listening to the urgings of the soul gives us the strength to push through taking us beyond the barrier of self into the knowing of connection to the Divine and all that is. Now once that is achieved, then there is no turning back. Once you truly feel God's Love for you, how can you ignore such a powerful life affirming experience? You must return to the well for those living waters which are ever available to those who truly desire to quench their thirst , watering the garden of their souls.

Prayer then is a deep need or longing from the soul for something outside of itself. It needs connection to the Divine, a sense of coming home, being with Father, feeling love and connection. . Prayer can be full of asks without fear of asking too much. God's blessings are infinite so there is no limit. We limit what we receive by our own mindful concepts and limited perceptions. This changes in time as our garden/soul grows with the Living Waters. Those seeds begin to sprout and take form and a part of us often ignored or obscured by the mind comes into focus. New perceptions emerge with this blooming consciousness and the possibility of living one's life on the premise of faith and being guided by God becomes clearly possible. Our consciousness shifts from mind based reasoning to soul based knowing. Of course most of us are somewhere between these two levels of existence. We juggle between the mind and the soul engaging and disengaging as we see fit.. We dance from one to the other and when something difficult or painful happens in our lives, the mind is quick to discredit the validity of the soul or even the existence of a loving God. Yes, we are tested and buffeted by a world skeptical of those things that we experience and often we buy into the prevailing views. But God hauls us back into the flow of His Love and reinforces the soul consciousness. The Angels are ever willing to help us find our way if we let them. We always have that choice. Help does not come reflexively unless we are open to it. Many of us have had dry periods where we have felt out of that flow. Some of us have never felt a flow, just glimpses of it from the river's bank. Yet I truly believe that we all sense it in one way or another. Our souls long to be in that water, carried by God and we long to release ourselves to the current. Unfortunately our minds kick in all too often and shout the WHAT IFS. Letting go is a brave and dangerous act if the mind is to be believed. Just being in communion with God is often broken by the pestering of the mind. We let our minds rule us like a spoiled child who constantly seeks our attentions. Often we fear the consequences of being so very close to God despite our soul longings to be there. That battle rages every day in my life. I sit in prayer for an hour a day and then often get distracted by material things so that the precious Divine connection is ignored or broken off. As much as my soul longs for this, my mind still insists on dominance. It is the most frustrating thing and I wonder if that will be my lot until I pass into spirit. Only time will tell. More prayer please :!: .

So I have taken the long route which is my habit to suggest that the struggle to be in true prayer is a common one. I'm sure that you all agree that although prayer in your life is desirable and has a firm place in your daily habits, it has its challenges. I'm curious about what others have to say regarding this issue. How do you pray? Do you feel connected with God on a daily basis? What part does prayer take in your daily experience? Is it a serious focus or an off and on again thing? What are your barriers to prayer? This is an important subject and one not often discussed head on. I look forward to continuing this thread in a way that gives everyone a sense of what prayer means to those who are willing to share. I think that it will help us all to do so. With much love and respect......Al

Re: How Do We Pray ?

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 6:23 pm
by Geoff
Dear Al,

You kinda begged me to respond. I am sorry I just skimmed that. Its too many words for my brain. LOL. I did warn you. :lol:

The challenges. Well personally I live alone, so I have very little problem setting aside a fixed time every night, and for me its 9pm Sun to Thursday. (The other two weeknights I have given up on.) I don't worry too much about missing any TV, because mostly the few shows I enjoy finish by then. So the time slot suits me. I also meditate on my lounge sofa, lying down, with my feet crossed. (That should upset someone! But heck I am not part of anyone else's circle.)

I would like to start my day with prayer, and used to, but now I have several early mornings where I need to get up by 6:30am, and so that does not suit. Not for a 30 minute session. In the evening I aim for an hour. For most of the last few years an hour it was. Of recent times, I have no idea why, I can disappear and not get out of a meditation sometimes for several hours, even once three hours. But there are times that I can't connect, or am dissatisfied, and I do then give up. No point in making it a chore. But when its right, I don't want to stop, no matter how many hours its been. I always play the same track. Its a bit pavlovian, which is ok.

Prior to discovering the Gibson's Method I used to pray twice a day, typically 15 to 30 minutes, always lying in bed, morning and night. This was when I once stood on my head in bed to prove the Divine Love does not care how you are physically, and so it proved.

I should add I also typically spend several hours each day working on my site, editing and reading messages. And yes I often feel "in the zone".


Re: How Do We Pray ?

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 8:44 pm
by BAT
Prayer is simple, but to those who spent much of their lives in the churches spouting formulas, it seems complicated. The churchgoers have been so conditioned that prayer has to be this extravagant thing to be repeated, word by word.

The thing to keep in the back of the mind is that the Divine Love is always present and waiting. It is this thing that "haunts" me throughout the day. I cannot discard nor forget that it is waiting for me, and cannot ignore for long.

I successfully held this line of thought for some years now, I basically programmed my mind to not forget, and never goes by a day without answering the knockings.

I pray throughout the day, just silently and no one notices. I just set my intention and stare blankly, and when the teacher is talking/going over redundant lessons or I am bored, I zone out into prayer.

It is also a perk being a student since the time waiting in line to get your lunch is not wasted. Time well spent.

Lucky for all of us, if we were to be sent to prison, we have something productive to do.

Re: How Do We Pray ?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 12:17 am
by Vee
Dear Al,

This is again one of your intensely inspired pieces, and although I have gone lazy on the contribution front, I have to say something about this, as this subject has been on my mind very much too.
My experience at prayer was zilch( apart from very rare panic situations), when I began to believe in Divine Love about a year ago. I never felt that words would work for me, so tried digging deep in feelings, desires, longings. Often I got inspired by the messages and that helps enormously. But how you people can be at it for an hour or hours in a row, is beyond me. I try to stretch it, but cannot manage more than a few minutes at the time at most.I wander off, and cannot stop that. But I have frequent little bits though, it is totally irregular but certainly every day. It never comes at an unsuitable time and can happen quite frequently. I feel my life is winding around it. It is always there somewhere in the background. Very much has changed, the ways one experiences all kinds of things in life, my music, contacts with people, feelings about people, nature, everything really. One mellows is perhaps a way to describe it, and you tend to want to look at everything in a positive way.
Anyway, I don’t think it matters that I only have frequent minutes or even seconds spread right through every day. But I cannot join your prayer sessions from afar. Don’t last long enough for that….lol.
I don’t contribute often here, but follow things always , incl the prayers for various people, so feel very much part of it.
At the moment, the Richard messages are absolutely marvellous. Sometimes I feel that the later messages have such wonderful content, like what I read about giving , receiving, gratitude etc. the other day. All of this is so very inspiring. I do think I would have far more trouble keeping with it, if I didn’t have that inspiration. Well, would have to work much harder at it. I suppose it will come with time.

Love, Vee.

Re: How Do We Pray ?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 9:57 am
by jeanne
Just want to chime in that I'm LOVING these posts!! Can't write much now because Al and I are just going to have our morning prayer, with Maureen joining us in spirit from where she lives (a ferry ride plus 1.5 hours drive away!). I'm still laughing at the thought of Geoff standing on his head in bed!!! Geoff you've made my day!! :lol: :lol: :lol: I think i will be keeping this vision in mind for years to come!! :lol:

For me what works best to dip into that state of bliss and let go of all the earthly distractions, is to listen to the voice recordings of the messages. Of course I have the advantage of being the one who uses my iphone to record them all, so I can listen to them.... any time / any where! While others have told me they prefer SILENT prayer, I am like Pavlov's dogs.... as soon as I listen to the taped music "Healing Touch by Nadama" or to a voice recorded message, I am much more able to transcend the earthly conditions and the distractions of my mind!

If any reader is interested in having greater access to voice recordings, please let me know!

All for now.... with all our love and prayers going out to each of you for the next hour or so!! Love, love, love and God Bless us all!! Always, Jeanne :P

Re: How Do We Pray ?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 6:43 pm
by Geoff
This seemed "unpostable", so i was asked to post it on behalf of another.
some one else wrote:Hi all I tried to submit this yesterday but the gremlins stopped me v | haven recently found out that I have a dark spirit attached to me and through advice and support from Jeanne and Al I am working closely with the Angels to keep this unpleasant man away from me and my family so first off could I please ask to be added to prayers to help get this spirit removed, secondly yesterday I woke up feeling quite down as after a week of him not being able to reach me, he got into my dreams and I new that he’d somehow found a way back to me.
I prayed to Father and to the Angels for guidance, strength and to remove the doubts I was now feeling, after prayer I got up to walk away and I suddenly had a vision of the light and love reaching down and filling my person through my crown chakra, I had a strong urge to sit and pray again only this time visualising Fathers light and love reading down and creating a 'bubble' around me I ask to be filled with the divine love, plus protection and removal of this spirit, it felt WONDERFUL, for me this was one of the strongest, clearest ways of feeling the love in a physical/spiritual way.
I'm sure many of you are already praying in a similar way if you are I would really appreciate some insight on this and if your not praying this way please try it if only once it really was beautiful.

Re: How Do We Pray ?

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 9:36 am
by AlFike
Yes, this person is having their challenges. When we are sensitive and gifted as this individual is,it can bring many types of experiences in our spiritual and material lives. Many of us long for dazzling, mystical experiences in our communion with God but everything comes with a price. Once you open up to these realities, other, less appealing experiences potentially come with it. For those who see spirit, there are far more dark spirits on this plane than light ones. That is why we all need to trust in God's timing regarding the opening up of our soul faculties. You have to be strong enough to deal with the down side although those beautiful visuals and heart swelling touches from God are certainly appealing and inspiring. This description of their prayer time is beautiful and it serves to inspire and comfort . I'm praying that they will have nothing but light and God's Love as they seek our Heavenly Father's touch in prayer and that no dark spirit can touch them at any time. Please join me in this prayer. God bless.......Al

Re: How Do We Pray ?

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 5:48 pm
by KevinO
Dear Al,
Thank you for bringing this subject to the forum. Your words are, as always, inspiring to me, and bring much clarity to things of the spiritual nature which are usually very difficult for the mortal mind to grasp. As you and others have stated, it's not easy getting beyond the weeds of the mind so that the soul can feel a clear connection to the Divine. There are a few things that tend to help me reach out and know God's touch; one is just being thankful for the many blessings He has bestowed upon me throughout my life, and being grateful always opens my heart to a palpable inflowing of His Love. Just walking the dog out in this beautiful world He has provided us, appreciating the beauty and exuberance of nature, causes an instant connection and inflowing. Alot of the time I'll have songs of praise repeating in my head constantly, and it seems that God does indeed inhabit praise! One of the most profound moments of my life was caused by singing a little song of praise aloud, in my room all by myself, when suddenly in my minds eye (and I'm not psychic) I saw a huge, brightly glowing white pearl descend upon and enter my being so forcefully that it felt as though my heart were being ripped open, and at that instant I was aware of all the universe above, in back, all around me, endless and all encompassing! The feeling was beyond description, but there was a complete knowledge of all that exists in a flash, and an overwhelming feeling of joy, of being at one with all of God's creation, and of being Loved so completely, began a flowing of His essence that had me crumpled, sobbing for hours. Never again has it happened that way, just little touches throughout the day, as silently I feel thanks and pray to be in the flow, come what may.

Re: How Do We Pray ?

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 6:14 pm
by Geoff
Dear Al,

Yes the psychically open person gets a lot of what is going on that the rest of us (thankfully) miss. I too will add my prayers, but I have two articles on my web site written specifically to help people through these issues:

Dark Spirit Attack


Revoving spirit attachments

Unpleasant subjects perhaps, but a reality for the unfortunate few.


Re: How Do We Pray ?

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 1:54 am
by arie2012
Thanks Kevin for sharing your beautiful words and your wonderful experience. That certainly is a very special gift you got from Father, something to cherish for ever.

I very much resonate with your prayer-"attitude" which is so strongly rooted in gratitude and praise. For me those are the most profound and most effective "tools" to connect with the Divine, to have an almost, sometimes indeed immediate and tangible sensation of being infused with the Love and communing with our Creator. The gift of music in my life naturally plays a major part in that and I am ever so grateful for it..
