Messages - Gibsons, B.C. June 15, 2015

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Messages - Gibsons, B.C. June 15, 2015

Post by DennisT »

Spirit: Joseph Smith
Medium: Al Fike
Location: Gibsons, BC
Date: June 15, 2015

I am Smith, Joseph Smith, and I was talked about not too long ago amongst you and the great Mormon faith which I founded and I wish to make some commentary upon your conversation. I am now in the Celestial Heavens. I have adopted the truth of Divine Love and though I had glimpses of this Truth while on Earth, I did not fully understand the workings of this Love, the importance of this Love. And yes the angels did indeed come to support me and influence me in my work in creating this great church. But now I see that this church and its workings have become too infected by the human condition. It is indeed a great machine desirous of consuming all of humanity in what it perceives to be the truth. And its workings are complex and its understandings unfortunately contain more error than truth.

And so it is with many religions that are organized in the world. The will of man usurps the Will of God. The imaginings and ideas of men create falsehoods and misinterpretations of the laws and Love of God and His workings and creation. And I wish to say to you, my son, continue to challenge that which you see is error, for if you do so in Love and integrity you will make some change which is necessary. And although you rail against a great structure that has great power and momentum, your voice will be heard amongst those who are in contact with you within that church. And I would urge you to pray earnestly for the Father’s Love. There is no greater blessing in all of creation, no more wondrous journey than this. And if you, who says you are a part of this church, become an example of Love and Truth within it you will have an opportunity to change the conditions within it.

Each soul has its challenges in the world. Some move independently and are not concerned about community, some seek community and long for that fellowship and are willing to abdicate their desire to seek truth in a clear way and adopt that which they are told to be true. Yet I see amongst you a great Light and a desire for Truth. You not only seek this within yourselves but you seek it together and this is a true church, a church of Love, a community in fellowship that seeks Light and true understanding. And many of you realize the true understanding comes from the enlightenment of the soul and the enlightenment of the soul comes from the inflowing of the Father’s Divine Essence igniting the faculties within you which will give you the insight that you require to truly understand truth, to walk in truth, and to be truth within your lives and your consciousness.

And to be a channel of God’s Love in the world is the highest of callings. And this does not require labels or positions within any church, it requires each individual to make this choice, to Love another, to walk in Love, to love yourselves, and to love God. And to do these simple tasks, to fulfill this soul desire, to be in this harmony with God’s Laws of Love is all that you are required to do, my beloved brothers and sisters. And I sought to develop a church based on Love and truth and in many ways I am saddened with the outcomes of this effort. But I see many lights within it and true soul desires for truth and Love. And so it is in any church and organization. There are those who truly understand and those who stumble blindly within their ignorant, willful, mindful desire. And this desire often is for power and recognition.

The source of the great fall of mankind is to be powerful, to not acknowledge the power of God, and to realize that we are all God’s children moving in a world of His creation, seeking the harmony to be within this creation in a way that is of Light and beauty and Grace. Walk that Path, my beloved brothers and sisters, and you will show many in this world what it is to be a true child of God. It is in your being and your loving service to God that your great message will be felt and many will be drawn to you because of your trueness, your Light, and your Love.

I thank you for allowing me to speak and I thank you for the efforts you make in this world to bring truth and love, to bring God’s Truth and Love forward into the world. If you could see the great support you have in this effort you would be astounded and humbled. For much effort is being made and many, many, many spirits and angels are with you in this, to create a true fellowship amongst mankind that is based on the simple principles of Love, of Divine Love, and all that this entails. It is coming to mankind and you are the harbingers. There is much work to do, my beloveds, much work to do. And I dare say that this work and the reverberations of your efforts will spread through time on this world. Many generations to come will feel the effects of a handful of true souls who sought to be channels of Love. And I thank you for what you have done and how you have conducted yourselves with integrity and Light, humility and Love. Continue in this vein and you will reach your goal, you will reach your goal to bring God’s Love to humanity in a way that they can acknowledge its blessing in a conscious and full way. It will come and I will be there to support you, my friends, my brothers, my sisters, I will be with you and many who have passed over who have been part of my church and now see the greater truth are with you as well. Great armies of angels and spirits are with you. Walk the Path Divine, the Path of Truth, the Path of Love and you will be carried and loved and surrounded in Light. God bless you. God bless you. I salute your efforts and I will bring my Love into your circle. God bless you. I am Joseph Smith of the Mormon Church. God bless you.

Spirit: Faith
Medium: Al Fike
Location: Gibsons, BC
Date: June 15, 2015

Reach for Love in all things that you do, my beloveds. Seek to know God’s guidance and Will in all things that you do as you live your lives each day. God has a plan for you as you make decisions that affect the outcomes of your lives, go to God for His guidance and reassurance that you are upon the path intended. Do not let your worries and your cares influence your decisions and how you are in your day. Allow the flow of God’s Love to permeate you and flow within you and all about you. Know peace. Having peace within you is so important, my beloveds. Have faith, faith that God will guide and protect you and provide what you require in your life and your day. For God has much to give to you, my beloveds, so much to give, can help you in so many ways, can be there in every situation you encounter in your life. And if you get caught up in judgment and react to the behaviors of others which you do not approve of, you counteract the influence of God’s Love, you take away from this Light, you divert the flow of God’s Love.

The choice is with every breath, every thought, every moment of your day, to be in this flow and this Light, to be in harmony with God’s Laws of Love, with God’s Will, or to assert the human condition which is a part of you and all in this world. It is a challenge to not indulge oneself in this human condition. Yet you have committed yourselves to the Divine Path and all that this entails. You say you walk upon this Path and in many ways you do, but in those ways you prefer to indulge yourselves within the human condition, to grasp to you your fears and your worries and your cares, to blow up within your minds such great concern, and when you feel helpless and alone you do not see how God’s Hand is upon you and His loving care will usher you through any and all conditions which you encounter in your lives. As you walk in faith and as your faith increases the flowing of God’s Love this will become more apparent and it will be the prime motivating factor within your lives.

It is a testing time for each one of you, for you dance between your human condition and your soulful awareness, between God’s Will and your will, between your minds and your souls. Each day is a challenge and a test. Each day you move a little further along in your understanding and your faith and in time you will overcome the temptations of the human condition. Have compassion for yourselves. Know that in many ways the effects and influence of God’s presence and Love within you have determined many outcomes in your lives and brought great Light into your lives. Each day presents the opportunity to walk a little further in Light, to let go of those human qualities within you that are not in harmony with His Love.

Walk in Light, my dear and precious friends. Be the beacon, be the example even when you feel that all of the conditions of Life, the terrible darkness and the error crowd around you and try to thwart you from Light. This is the time to be strong in the Light, to be strong in your faith, to stand tall and say I am with God. God will guide me through. God’s Love resides within me and this is my guiding Light, this is who I am, this is my destiny. And you will be surprised at what falls away when you do not give it power, when you allow the influence of the angels and God’s Will to create conditions of harmony and Love.

True strength lies within these choices, true love is a form of acceptance and peace within you. Walk in Light, my beloveds, and we who love you and take great care to help you within your lives will be with you and close to you and there is no need for concern and worry of allowing those fears to impinge upon your decisions and your being. You will know great light, my beloveds. You are in such great Light and have such wondrous support and Love around you. Have faith in this. Your strength lies in this faith. Your love will flow and heal all that is within you, all that is around you, all that can possibly assail you will be thwarted, diverted, dissolved and of no consequence with the flow of God’s Love in your life. Trust in this. Be in this. Walk in this light. Your friend Faith is with you and loves you dearly. Guidance is coming, my beloveds, for your next steps. In the meantime your tests lie in these small situations within your life that aggravate and compel you off this Path of Light. Remember this. You have choice and you must be strong. God bless you, God bless you. May God’s Hand always be upon you and His Love flow within your souls ever brighter. You are loved. God bless you.
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