Messages - Gibsons, B.C. May 03, 2015

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Messages - Gibsons, B.C. May 03, 2015

Post by DennisT »

Received May 3, 2015

(through Al Fike)
Gibsons, BC

God Bless you. I am Confucius. Each of you has been called to do this work, to further God’s Will in this world, to work together, to pray together, to be as God intended you to be, my beloveds, in harmony, in strength, in Love and in purpose. Each of you has a gift and many gifts to contribute to the greater whole of your work. Each of you has a role to play, my beloveds. And indeed, as this instrument has indicated, each of you are able to receive your guidance. Have faith and trust in this, my beloveds. For God speaks to each one of you, and it is for you to listen and to be in harmony with your souls, to allow the consciousness of your souls to truly be a part of you.

And you are challenged by this with each day and within you you feel the power of this challenge and this invitation by God to be in more harmony with His Will and His Love, to be at peace within yourselves, to walk this Divine Path more surely and completely and to be that mighty channel of Love that you so desire to be. And God has set you upon this Path to be His instruments of Love and change and peace.

Yes, as the Love accumulates within your souls, my beloveds, you feel the desire for that change to be complete and that change to be within every aspect of your beings. And this does elicit emotions and thoughts within you, some joyous and some uncomfortable. This is the power of the Love, my beloveds, the power of God’s Love. And God has you firmly within His grasp, and will carry you upon this journey of self-discovery, discovery of your souls, discovery of God’s great soul, discovery of the true meaning of your lives and your purpose within this life and the power of your beings within your life as God’s instruments and channels of Love.

Indeed your journeys are incremental and you walk for a ways and grow a little more, and reach a different level of understanding, and walk a ways within this understanding, and grow a little more. And this is how it will be for you, my beloved children. Your understanding will come in leaps and bounds, and trickles, and paces of slowness, and paces of running. It is ever thus, my children. For the conditions of this world often impede you, and the conditions that you carry within yourselves impede your progress. Yet you struggle and God lifts you up and you walk a little further in Light. And this pattern will repeat itself again and again.

But each time you make this effort, the struggle for something higher, you feel a little more joy within your souls, you come to understand a little more of God’s Truth and Love. You liberate yourselves from the yoke of the human condition and you become a little more immune from it, and stronger.

So you are gifted to one another as loving support, and at times you feel the frictions of your differences, and at times you are frustrated, and at times you are hurt. But God brings you into harmony, my beloveds. All of these emotions and thoughts and judgements, can be turned into opportunities to grow, to learn, to accept and to be tolerant of one another is this not manifestations of Love? To seek, to be loving channels for one another? And for many in the world whom you encounter every day and for those who are connected to you in many different ways around this world. As you grow, so does the Light grow within you, and so do you impede this in lesser ways as you grow and accept the Love within you, the power of Love, the purpose of Love, the manifestation of Love.

Continue to grow, my beloveds, to walk this Path, in earnestness, in a deep desire to be in harmony with God’s Will and for His Love to be a constant inflowing into your souls. And in these prayers and desires, and efforts amongst you, you will create a great Light, a Light that will change the world, my beloveds. How we in spirit long for you to reach that place of harmony, of true and wondrous manifestations of Love through you and about you as God brings the power of His Love into your life, into your world.

This is your invitation, my beloveds. This invitation brings great possibilities and numerous challenges, but indeed as you encounter the blessings upon the way you will truly know that this has been and will be a wondrous journey. And every step you take brings great rewards.

Beloved children, speak your truths, express the deep longings within you and honor one another in loving acceptance and you will be lifted into the Light as God puts His hand upon you and raises you up, my beloveds, to that place of harmony. You are loved and you are beautiful and you are blessed. Walk the Path Divine, walk with your head held high and the sure knowledge that God loves you, my beloveds. Be at peace, and I love you. I love you dearly, beloveds. God bless you.
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