Messages - Gibsons, BC. Oct. 11, 2014

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Messages - Gibsons, BC. Oct. 11, 2014

Post by DennisT »

Medium: Al Fike
Date: October 11, 2014
Location: Gibsons, BC

God bless you, beloved souls, Confucius has come to see you and pray with you this day. Yes, my daughter (B), I did indeed call you to this group, for your soul longed to be a part of this beloved circle and to come to know more fully the Father’s Love within you and to receive evermore this blessing. Welcome all of you travelers who have come some distance to be together in love. Dear and beloved group, welcome. Indeed your souls long to be together in this way in light, in this beloved light, of God’s touch.

My beloveds, you speak of opening the heart. Do you know what this means? It is the soul, beloveds. It is your soul that opens to God’s Love, the Divine essence, this beautiful gift from God, this part of Divinity that is gifted to you for the asking. And I urge you, my beloveds, to pray for the inflowing of God’s Divine essence, to pray for this gift, that you may come to know the wonderment, the beauty, the power that is this opening within you, to the touch of God, that beloved touch that changes you, my beloveds. It will change you for all eternity. Yes, you speak of opening the heart, to feel love for one another. Indeed this is an important aspect of being together but it does indeed go deeper, my beloveds. It goes to your very essence, your very core, your soul. It is opening your soul to God which is the purpose and the focus of these prayers together. And as you journey a little further you will come to know this, and see this for what it is. This gift is the highest gift that can be given to a mortal or a spirit, this gift of love that shall transform you and bring you at-one with your Creator.

And each of you are drawn to this light, this possibility, this gift. Each of you longed for it, deep within you, for without it the souls of mankind feel alone, without this connection with God. And that deep aloneness brings an anguish and a crying out and in this longing to not feel so alone, the soul, if you allow this, will reach out to your Creator and find what it needs to truly know it is not alone, that each beloved soul has their Heavenly Father as their comforter, as their guide, as their Heavenly Father. And in this knowing comes a joy, and a relief, and the fears and the anguish fall away, and melt into joyous reverie that their Heavenly Father does indeed acknowledge them, as He acknowledges all the souls in the world, in the universe with His presence and His conciousness. Indeed, it is up to each individual to make this choice, to be open, to beseech their Heavenly Father to receive the blessing of His Love. And at that moment, at that time when the Father touches you, that very deep and intimate place, you will begin a journey that will last all eternity, my children, all eternity. For the flow of His Love is infinite and your thirst will never be quenched completely, for the soul with the blessing of the Father’s Love will expand and grow forever. And in atonement, atonement with God, greater and more complete that never ends. So I beseech you, beloveds, seek ye God’s Love. Make that choice within you (to?) open to this wondrous gift, for it does not reside in every soul. This is the natural love that each blessed soul receives and is imbued with incarnated to this world. The Divine Love is a gift given to the souls who ask the Father with desire to receive it.

You have all come here because you desire this and you shall all be gifted with this gift because you are open to it. And I merely wish to clarify the difference, the difference between that which is bestowed within you from God and that which you possess innately upon your birth, your creation, the Divine Love and the natural love.

Beloveds, continue in your prayers, your fellowship, your efforts to be together and I shall continue to come and pray with you and speak with you as will so many other Angels who have your care and your tutelage as their blessing and their desire to support and love you all. Precious souls, God bless you. Confucius loves you, beloveds, precious beloveds.

Medium: Al Fike
Date: October 11, 2014
Location: Gibsons, BC

Beloved souls, this is Judas. I have not spoken through this instrument for quite some time. And I am close to him because he reads my messages, the book that is named with my name. And I impress upon him the truths which I intended to convey through this effort. Yes, I am the Judas that betrayed our beloved Master and in this betrayal I suffered greatly. But it was the power of God’s Love which indeed was the message that our beloved Master gave to the world, it was the power of God’s Love that redeemed me and brought me from Hell to Heaven, from darkness to light, from deep remorse and sadness to joy and liberation. The power of God’s Love can do this. It can lift up any soul who is willing to receive this blessing, to walk this path. I ask merely that you beseech your Heavenly Father, the Creator, to be gifted with this Love. Every soul has this choice no matter where they reside and who they are, and what they have done in their lives. Every soul has the opportunity to receive this gift for it is meant for every soul. It is a saving grace, the beloved touch, the peace that passes all understanding, the healing of your very being. It has the power to transform you and make you into that being which has the potential within but cannot be expressed without this gift. Every soul is like a seed waiting for the warmth of Love and with love the opening that comes with this touch from your Heavenly Father. And in this germination, this opening and this transformation you become a new and wondrous being .You cannot underestimate the power of this gift to bring you all that you truly desire, all that you truly need, and to bring within you a wondrous revolution and evolution of your being that will indeed bring you joy beyond measure, understanding beyond anything that can be obtained by the material mind and the greatest gift, to be with your Heavenly Father in atonement. What other path is worth pursuing with this goal of being with God, your Creator in a way that is truly beyond your understanding at this time but indeed each of you has a glimpse, a spark, a desire to be in that place of complete and utter joy, a blissful reunion of opening up your being and your consciousness to all that is in creation and all that you are as a creation of your Heavenly Father. Seek the Love, seek it with all your being. Seek the Love, ask for this gift and you will feel it burning deep within eliciting you to seek in greater depths, in greater yearning. And indeed you will grow within your souls. And this new being, this being that is dormant shall emerge. And you, and you will be transformed.
Beloved souls, you are blessed to know this truth. You will continue to glean the understanding, the appreciation, the joy of knowing this truth. You will walk this road of light and many, many events will take place in your life that will be an expression of your true selves in this world, an expression of God’s love for you and the results of a channel of love opening up within you to touch many souls in this world. Yes, there is great potential, possibilities, wondrous roads ahead from this simple act of going to your Heavenly Father to receive His Divine Love. Walk this road, beloveds. Seek the light of truth and you will receive as you ask. You will be cared for. You will be healed and blessed. All the ways that are open, the desires of these blessings. Breathe it in, breathe it in. Then give your love to God. Thank you for listening to my words and for the opportunity to speak. I will come again. I love you all, beloved souls. Seek ye the Kingdom and all things shall come unto you, my beloveds. God bless you. Judas loves you.

Medium: Al Fike
Date: October 11, 2014
Location: Gibsons, BC

I am the one pictured upon the mantle, a man then. And I wish to acknowledge my dear child, Dorothy. Although we share no blood, you are a part of my family and I watch over you as I do many within your family and the families of those you are related to. And I, too, wish to affirm the truth of God’s Love, the power of it, the beauty of it, the wonderment of this gift, that truly goes beyond explanation. It must be felt and received and acknowledged to truly understand. The stirrings of the soul can be very subtle and yet are powerful. The longings of the soul are often buried under much mental activity. And that deep yearning, that crying out is often ignored because mankind prefers to be engaged so completely with the material world. Yet, the opportunities that are before you in this life have a great potential to propel you ever forward as you take the next step into the world of Spirit. Yes, the ability to receive God’s Love in this life will bring you far not only in this world but the next. It will heal you of so many conditions which you have both inherited and created as you live in this life. And these conditions are encrustations around your souls and this inhibits your ability to connect with your Creator for it brings you out of harmony with His laws and His Being. So indeed it is a struggle to get beyond these conditions, to acknowledge the longing within. But each soul has the opportunity to do so. And you who come together in this circle have this opportunity. And I urge you and I must urge you with all sincerity and seriousness that it is important to take some time each day to pray for this love to enter your soul to make an effort to make this a part of your daily life. And in so doing, the rewards you reap will be manifold and wondrous and joyous. Some effort from you will bring an avalanche of effort from Angels and will bring the blessing of God’s Love. It will bring so much that it will be hard for you at this time to comprehend the depth and the breadth, the complexity of all of these things which are often unrecognized and unseen but have their effect nonetheless upon your being and upon your lives. This is an invitation for those of you new to this circle to try, to try this truth for yourselves, to seek God’s Love not from your mind but to go deeper within you, to recognize this longing and to go to God with it, for His touch of Love within.

I wish to say that you are all beautiful souls. Indeed, as it’s been said you have great potential and you may take this wondrous journey or you may not. It is your choice. But for those who are willing and strong enough, desirous enough, an entire world will open to you that you do not know at this time. You will come to know God as a real and living being who loves you. And that Love is like no other. And this relationship will become deeper than any relationship you will ever have. And the flowering of the love within you will bring many surprises, deep insights, and wondrous, glorious joy. I urge you to seek this Love. And for those who are here who have sought this Love for many years, some of whom I have known while I was on Earth, they indeed can give you testimony of what this has done to their lives, what this experience has meant to them, how it has touched them in many ways and transformed them. And they continue on in this journey, for it never ends. Beloveds, blessed brothers and sisters, may we all journey together to our destiny which is to be at-one with our Creator. God bless you on your journeys and may God’s hand be on you always. Alec loves you. God bless you.
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