Messages - Gibsons, BC August 30, 2014

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Messages - Gibsons, BC August 30, 2014

Post by DennisT »

Spirit: Augustine
Medium: Al Fike
Location: Gibsons, BC
Date: August 30, 2014

Your teacher Augustine here. Nothing will stop you, my children, from doing Godʼs will and fulfilling that which you are meant to do in this world. Yes, you may suffer some setbacks and change of plans, but in the end Godʼs will will prevail, and your destiny will unfold as it is meant to do. Do not harbour doubt, but have faith that Godʼs hand is upon you, and you are walking upon this divine path, surrounded by Godʼs heavenly angels, the light of Godʼs Love. You cannot fail, you cannot fail. You will move forward,and all that which attempts to obstruct you and undo you will not succeed. The road is clear and you will carry Godʼs will upon this road. And many works lie ahead for each one of you, my children. Continue to pray for the Love, for this is what fuels your destiny, your purpose, and the joy that will increase exponentially in your life as you discover what is meant for you. Much work ahead: travels to make, souls to meet. Be grateful for your time of respite, for soon many will be clamouring for what you have to give. Love is the most powerful thing in all the universe, my children, and it manifests in your lives, bringing what is meant to be. God bless you, sojourners upon the path Divine, instruments of Godʼs will, channels of His Love. God bless you, and I love you, each one, precious soul, beautiful, beautiful. God bless you. Augustine loves you.

(through Al)
Gibsons, BC

Wherever you are, my children, you are channels of light. Whatever you do, make this an expression of Godʼs will. Do not waste your life, my children, in idle pursuits. Make your efforts strong and with earnestness, to be with God and in the flow of Godʼs Love, and your lives will unfold in wondrous ways beyond your imaginings. Gracious God, our Heavenly Father, our Creator, bless these children who struggle in this world for greater light and understanding. Bring them to the fountainhead of your Love. Bring them to the unfolding expression which is Your Great Soul, that they may truly come to know you in deeper ways, that all that is within them that does not have deep faith and carries doubt and fear, may this be washed away with the inflowing of your great Essence, your Love, carrying them, carrying them through life as your redeemed children. Bring them into your bosom, dear Father, and nurture them. May they grow into that wondrous being that is now but an infant, but shall indeed grow into angelic form, celestial beings. And may they receive all that they require to make this transformation and find their at-one-ment with You. Gracious God, thank you Father for all that You give, for the blessing of life, the goodness that is all of Your blessings. Bring these, thy children, into harmony with your creation, and lift them into greater light. Blessings to you, my children. God hears your prayers, hears all of our prayers, and will show you the way. There is nothing to fear. Every day brings more opportunities in the fulfillment of Godʼs plan for you, and the unfolding destiny which is within you. You will carry forth in the light. Confucius loves you...children.

(through Al)
Gibsons, BC

...who gather so faithfully in the desire to receive our Fatherʼs Divine Love, to walk in this light, to be a channel of this Love in your lives, to seek for truth, and to express that part of you which is your soulʼs longings and soulʼs expression of the Love. To seek for the highest, my children, this is so important, to seek for the highest, to go to God, to receive His highest blessing of Love, to go within yourselves and seek for that highest expression of who you are in this world, and to choose this always, rather than fall back into old patterns and negative emotions and judgments, but to seek the highest within you, to seek the highest expression of you, to be with God and to be a channel of His Love in this world. And in this desire, this choice, this expression, all aspects of your lives will reflect this and be changed by this, and you will walk this path of life in harmony, in light, in ways that are a mystery to you now, my children, but shall unfold beautifully and oyously. And all that which is not in harmony with Godʼs Love, Godʼs truth, Godʼs presence will fall away from you and you will become a redeemed child of the Father. You shall know truly that you are loved. We transport you to that place far off. You bring your light and your love, your prayers to the sleeping souls who, even in their state of sleep, gather at this moment in prayer. And so you are present, my children, in this place of light. And though you cannot be present in the flesh, so it is in your soulʼs desire, you are present in spirit. And we help to facilitate this blessing.
Continue to pray for those who gather. Continue to pray for your own souls, to seek the truth, the highest, the Love. Well what lies ahead of you, my children, is a great journey of service, of fulfilling your Heavenly Fatherʼs desire for each one of you, to find your purpose, to fulfill this purpose in the world, this highest purpose, to bring the light, the healing, the blessings to humanity. How blessed you are, how blessed you are to know this truth, to walk in this light, to express this part of you that lies hidden in so many, but is yearning and pushing and expressing itself into your world and into your consciousness, into your very beings. Youʼre infused with this Love, this expression,and soon you will come to know your soul perceptions, and the wisdom of your soul, will find its conscious awareness in your being. And when that comes about, when that evolves and grows and strengthens within you, you will truly be a powerful channel for Godʼs will, for you will get a glimpse of Godʼs will. You will know what you must do. You will understand the gifts that God has given you. And you will express these gifts willingly in joyous harmony and loving gift to your fellow man. Take your time, my
children. Take those times, those many times throughout your day to long for the Love, to seek for the highest, to walk in light. And as you do so, so will your soul grow in beautiful ways. Many are drawn to you, my children. Many seek something; they feel from you something that they desire, but do not know what that is. Be clear in your thinking and your doing. Be humble, and may you express yourselves in the simple way that is Godʼs expression of truth and love. Humility is a great attribute and a reflection of love and soul progression. Be humble and walk the simple path, and God will always be with you, my children, always, as will we and those in spirit be with you always to support you, to inspire you, to work through you and with you in this world. Everywhere you go, everything you do, all that you think, all that you are, is meant to be an expression of love. Reach for this, walk your life in this way, and your powerful example and channel of love will affect many souls, bring healing and blessings to many. Your life is a great flow of opportunity, a great opening of possibilities, a wondrous flow of God manifesting His will and blessings into your life. Be in the light,
my children, be in the light. Walk gently upon this earth, but firmly. In your footsteps a clear path, a straight path to light. Such beautiful souls. You are truly loved, and you carry light. So few in this world carry this light. You are so needed. Carry on with the flame of truth. I am James, the apostle of Jesus, and I love you. God bless you.
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