Messages - Gibsons, BC, July 26, 2014

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Messages - Gibsons, BC, July 26, 2014

Post by DennisT »

Received July 26, 2014

(through Al)
Gibsons, BC

God bless you my children and God bless the dear young soul (Jane’s baby). God’s Love flows into her beautiful and pure soul as it does for all of you, my children. As you pray for this blessing, so shall come the blessing of the Father’s Love. Pray earnestly, pray with intensity and longing and sincerity and this blessing will come to you, my children. This is the law of love, the law of the blessing of God’s Love. Yes, I see that your plans have changed and are altered and I wish to inform you that we in the Celestial Heavens cannot control all events in this world. God does not interfere with the free will of mankind. And although you are experiencing a delay in your plans, it is not permanent and you should not think that your efforts are for naught. You will succeed my dear children, and you must have faith that in the end love will indeed overcome all barriers and efforts to thwart the light. It is stronger and it is meant to be in your lives and every aspect of your lives and to flow into your beings, to soothe, to heal, to transform, to bring knowledge and wisdom and insight and greater sight to your beings and it shall indeed bring what you require and bring many things that you cannot imagine at this time but it will come in the flow of God’s will and love, it will come. And as the inner self transforms so shall your world around you transform with this great blessing as you be this light in this world you affect all that you meet and bring change wherever you go.

This is indeed the power of God’s Love to transform, to change, to bring into harmony, to give the spiritual food to the hungry, to bring the comfort to those in pain and are lost, to soothe and to heal, it is the balm and all souls desire this yet so few seek it. For they do not know what it is they need. Their souls are so distant from their consciousness, that aching desire from within is more like a void of deep need that is to be avoided and ignored and to shove it down deep, those terrible feelings of deprivation, that need to be loved, and you my children acknowledge the desires of your souls, you see the power of the blessings of the Father’s Love and you are drawn to this light, you are drawn to this need, this desire within and you accept this and you place your prayers to the Heavenly Father to fill this void, to fill your soul, to bring this part of you alive with God’s presence, God’s blessing within. This cannot be achieved through the mental faculties. Knowledge of the mind will never bring insight of the soul, my children. It is the inflowing of God’s Love that will bring this type of insight and understanding of truth. And it comes wordlessly. It comes as a great opening to the great truth, to the great wisdom, to the great understanding that is inherent to God and His wondrous being. And so with this love you, too, shall have insights into God’s being, God’s truth and the truth of Creation. It will come in this way. It will not come by you building in your mind human knowledge and understanding. This is limited. This is so limited in its scope and the soul filled with love has great possibilities and is able to understand the infinite. You will all know this in time, my children, in time. And God will bring you to His bosom and nurture you in this way and bring you great insight and understanding. It will indeed bring a great and awesome awareness to you, my children, joyous, wondrous, glorious blessings from God. Seek ye the Kingdom of Heaven and all things shall come unto you. Seek ye the love of God and all things shall emerge from within you. Blessings to you my beloved children, beautiful souls. Do not doubt the path that God has placed you on but know that in good time, in the right ways, progress will be made and steps will be taken and love will flow everywhere. Blessed souls, I love you. Confucius loves you dearly and blesses you with peace and the healing. You are my beloved children whom I care for and whom God has put within my charge and I love you. And I am with you often beloved souls. God bless you. God bless you.

(through Al)
Gibsons, BC

My friend (Jeanne) does not like my sense of humour (giggles). But now you see your blessings coming and you have given up that which you needed to know and to have some control over. But God has you firmly in His hands and will place you where you need to be. Do not worry, do not fret. Indeed He supplies all. All your needs are met. You do not need to feel this fear, this anger. This is unnecessary. Has not God given you all that you require and filled you with love and carried you thus far on your road of light. And at times rather than cry, laugh, for with laughter the clouds disperse and the sun shines with love. Yes, you all encounter situations that do not go in the way you anticipate. In the end, God will bring the light, the harmony that is meant for each one. Sometimes that takes a route that is circuitous but in the end you arrive. Yes, the conditions in the world make it at times difficult to accomplish things in an easy manner. This does not mean that God cannot accomplish what He intends. It only means it requires a greater effort, a different way, more love, more prayers on your behalf from you. Always know that you are (within ?) Your Heavenly Father cares for you every day and will continue to light the path and clear away all that which may inhibit your progression, that wonderful path you are meant to walk. He has cleared away so much. He has indeed worked diligently for your benefit and does guide you with every breathe; His presence is within you; His Love shines upon you; His hand rests on everything, everything that you do and everything that is within your realm of your life. Know this and be joyful for there is indeed grounds to be joyful, to accept that life is indeed full of surprises and unanticipated events and wondrous journeys and loving gifts from our Heavenly Father. Indeed how loved you are, how beautiful you are and I am joyed, I am joyed to see your countenance of light, to see these beautiful souls who gather together so diligently, who come together in love, in friendship, in fellowship, who seek together a road to light, one higher taken, a road to joyous wonders in its path, all the wonderful things you see and do, all the wonderful souls who come into your world, your life. You are truly blessed and Goldie loves you, Goldie loves you. And I will be with your little charge (Mary); I will watch over her and be with her and protect her. And there is an Angel with your mother ( to Jeanne); there is always an Angel with her. And although her mind cannot accept what her soul already knows, what is in harmony with, she will know the Celestial Kingdom and she is watched over as are all of you here watched over by Angels, cared for and your prayers are answered, they are answered. You are blessed. Yes, you are in this world, you are blessed. You shall continue to be. God bless you. God bless you.

(through Al)
Gibsons, BC

Your teacher Augustine here. So as you see the events of the world do not unfold to the Will of God but to the will of man. And indeed, it is easy to blame God for the wrong doings of mankind but it is not correct. God gives all gifts of free will. God gives all with this power to choose and indeed in this way, great good and great negativity can be in the world at the same time because of this choice, because of the efforts of man. Indeed you wish to align yourself with the will of God and you do in your prayers and you do often in your actions and for this you are mightily blessed. But yes, we cannot control the events of the world in the way that you would like us to that you desire us to, to make all easy and orderly and without strife. But alas, we are limited in our efforts as well because of the power of free will and the grave conditions that mankind has upon this world. It is not to say that we are powerless to influence man, for we can and put forth our efforts on your behalf and for the benefit of many who pray and seek the light, who desire the Will of God to become the will of man. And in time, as you grow in the love and your soul grows in wisdom, in insight and perception with the love, you will see your way through more clearly. You will understand to some extent the events to come and will adjust accordingly. But indeed the flow of the events in this world are not altogether predictable, are not altogether under the control of God. You do have an element of chaos and changeability and this does make it difficult at times for you and for us to accomplish our goals, to bring God’s Will to manifest in our world. So, my children, your prayers are required, your influence is required, your acceptance that not all may unfold with complete harmony or predictability and difficulties do arise that are unanticipated, but we will always be with you no matter the difficulties. God is always with you, no matter the difficulties and in this alliance that you have with Heaven, with your Creator, the love flowing within your lives much of that darkness, much of that chaos, much of those conditions set about by humans, is turned to light and harmony within your lives and all that is around you. And you must have faith in the power of this and you must at times have patience for the conditions in the world are difficult, the conditions in the world bring strife, the conditions in the world are far from the conditions in the Celestial Heavens, very far. And you do have that time when you pass into Spirit these situations, this impinging darkness will not beset you and cause you strife. But until that day, you are mortal. You will deal, you must deal with these conditions each and every day, and it is the power of your free will, your choice, your efforts that will determine how you deal with these conditions, what is manifest, what unfolds. We cannot interfere with your free will. We will not for this is your precious life and it is for you to grow, to learn, to strengthen, to love, to understand the nature of life, the nature of Creation, the being that is your Creator and the being that is you, the created.

Indeed is it not a wondrous path, a glorious journey, yes at times beset with difficulty but think of all those joyous moments, those wondrous times when your life is a manifestation of love and your prayers bring these blessings to you. Yes, life does have this mixture of light and dark, harmony and disharmony. It has been like this since the beginning. But God is making a great effort. We are making a greater effort to bring harmony and light to this world. And for you, my children, you are required to set yourself within the flow of this, to know God’s Will and to not choose the dark but to choose light. And your complaints to God are not what is required. What is required is your love. This will open the door. The judgment of yourselves and of others are not required for this will bring darkness to you and disharmony within. I know that it is difficult to accept all that is within your lives. I know that there are struggles. I know that at times you feel inadequate and uncared for but this is not true. You have all that you require to set forth upon your path and you are truly loved and cared for. If you only knew, my children, if you only knew the power of this truth, the grace that is given, the protection, the light, how we diligently work to inspire, to lead you forth as God’s great hand touches all. If you only knew, you would indeed fall upon your knees in joy, in wonderment for you are truly loved and God has claimed your souls as His children, as His beautiful creations and you are coming to understand this. Your eyes are slowly opening, the scales peel away, and with each day comes a little more vision and understanding. Make your choices, my children. Desire love in all things, walk in this path of light and love and God will take care of the rest. Truly God will take care of you all. God bless you. Your teacher Augustine is always by your side and desires for you that you learn each day a little more truth, bring yourselves each day a little closer to God, to open a little wider, to His presence within. And so shall you do, all of these, so you are set upon the path, feet firmly placed and you will be given all that you require. Do not doubt this but rejoice in this. Rejoice in every day given, every opportunity blessed, every bit of life held close within you, the greatest gift of all. God bless you. God bless you. I love you.
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