Australian Divine Love Retreat - Caloundra May 18th 2014

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Australian Divine Love Retreat - Caloundra May 18th 2014

Post by Geoff »

Walk the Path Divine

May 18th, 2014

Caloundra, Australia.

Received by Al Fike.

Bless you my dear sweet children, it is your teacher Augustine. I was bishop of Hippo when I walked this earth and I come today to greet you and to teach you about God's Love, the wonders of this blessing, this gift from your Creator.

This simple gift brings such blessings to each soul who desires to receive this Love, this Essence from God, and yes I am sure you all understand that this Love is a blessing and a gift that is not present within the soul before conception, (incarnation) or after conception, unless the soul is open and longing for this blessing.

It is an exercise of your will and you all have free will my children, so therefore you must exercise your will to receive this gift of Love. It is indeed your birthright, but it is not ensured, and it cannot be taken for granted that you will receive it in within your lives, unless you long for it and ask for it in your prayers. This is very important my children, to exercise your choice to receive this love, this redeeming love that shall set you on a course to atonement with God.

And this atonement is not of the mind, but of the soul, this enlivening of the soul that comes with this blessing of Love brings great changes from within and blessings and perception, and Truth, and heightened awareness, expansive understanding of creation, of your Creator, of yourselves and your place within the firmament of creation.

Yes it is your choice, and your efforts to pray for this Love, consistently and earnestly will bring rewards, my dear dear students. Great rewards. And this journey will bring untold surprises and discoveries and glimpses of the Truth and the vastness of creation which the mind cannot possibly comprehend. But with the mind of the soul, the faculties of the soul enlivened by the Love, you will be capable of great perception. You will be channels of Love and healing and peace and you will bring change wherever you go. With this Love, an aspect of this Love, is to touch the souls of those around you. To touch your environment in a way that brings change and a shift to light, and goodness and harmony and peace. This will come with your souls filled with Love, and your souls will fill with Love through your prayers, through your desire to receive this blessing.

This is the Divine Path my children, to walk this path in prayer and faith and desire and effort and to allow the transformation to take place within you so you will become a different person than you are today. You will find that part of you, that self that is within your soul and is your true nature and your true self - this blessing from God, unique and gloriously beautiful.

I beseech you to walk the Path Divine. To pray for the Love, to know this Love, to know this deep and wondrous connection with your Creator. To put aside your judgements, your preconceived notions, your thoughts that blind you from this true understanding that the mind cannot comprehend in this way but the soul knows. And that knowing will grow my children and flourish and bloom in the Light of God's Love. And in this transformation all that is within you that is not in harmony with this Love will fall away. Your burdens, your hurts, the wounds within will be healed and fall away, and you will know great joy and freedom from these conditions that beset all of mankind, and in this way you will be an example, a channel of love in the world, a beacon of light.

God reaches his hand to you my children. God reaches out to you and says “Come, come to me, and receive my Love. Enter my embrace, feel the peace that passes all understanding”, and all this will be given through your choice to accept and to beseech the Heavenly Father for this gift, this gift that envelops many gifts and blessings and wondrous light and glorious glorious joy. Be with God now my children, receive the Love, open your souls, open your souls to the Creator. And come to know God in a deeper way.

God Bless you, your teacher Augustine loves you deeply, beautiful souls who yearn for truth, beautiful souls who will find truth, and who will find truth through Love. God Bless you.
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