Messages from Blackpool - Feb. 3, 2014

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Messages from Blackpool - Feb. 3, 2014

Post by DennisT »

Received February 3, 2014

Brother Mandus
(through Al)
Blackpool, UK

God bless you, I am Brother Mandus. And I welcome you to my home, and I encourage you in your efforts to clean this place, for my day is finished, and your day has begun. My work on this earth was complete many years ago, yet your work begins, and this work is a mighty work of truth and healing, a greater work than mine. For this truth of love, this work you begin, will spread around the world and help many, many thousands. Yes, your approach is different, your prayers are different, your beliefs are different, but they are powerful and truthful and filled with love, and it is time to bring this love into the world in a greater capacity and to teach in clearer ways than using the words of the old book. For I see now there is not much truth in that that is clearly laid before mankind. The truth comes from a different book, and the truth comes from your souls. It is time to walk boldly into this home that I invite you to, and to express your truths with love and strength and clarity.

And yes, there is fear here with those who have sustained my words for all of these years. Yet even they understand that the time is done, it is no more. And you must respond to those who cry out in their words, in their letters, in their prayers to you. Respond in truth, respond humbly, respond with strength. For there is no need for you to be reticent, but to be bold in your steps of action, and do our Heavenly Fatherʼs Will with this place, it is a gift. And with this gift we shelter your efforts, and we will shelter many who come in prayer and desire to learn, to grow within their souls, to understand the power of Godʼs Love, for that is the truth, the truth that I learned when I came to this side of life.

Know that I now truly follow Jesus, as do you. And we work for the Master, to bring his words, the truth of Godʼs Love, into this world. You will be guided. Many angels surround you. And I am joyed, I am joyed, that you have pushed this wheel just one inch in this day, but it shall move forward more readily as each day goes by. And the momentum will build, I promise you that. Step in wisdom and discernment and love and respect, and all will be well as God guides you, and you express your love in the world, in this part of the world that is so indeed in need of your words, your love. Even now youʼre being noticed. People turn to watch. And you will gather many into this sanctuary; you will pray with many. And yes, you will journey to many and have prayers. And God will put His hand upon all the dear souls that come in prayer in earnestness and sincerity, and you will speak your words of comfort and truth, and you will bear witness to the truth, and you will see your way through the obstacles, and the fears will fade, and the joy will reign supreme in this house, in your hearts, in the many hearts who come.

Thank you for coming, for following your guidance, for knowing that God is Love, and Godʼs Love is His gift to you and to all the souls who desire this. Continue on. I am so very happy that my home is now a home of light and truth, and it is populated by loving souls who wish to do the Fatherʼs Will. And His Will will be done in this place at this time.

Thank you, and God bless you for your loving efforts, your lightened souls, and your earnestness and your sincerity. God bless you. May His peace be with you always. And your Brother Mandus will walk with you joyfully. God bless you.

Received February 3, 2014

(through Al)
Blackpool, UK
Well you see I am Faith, and you see that the old man of the house approves of you, as do many. Yes, you begin your work, and it will fall into place. You are not to worry, but
continue in your inquiries and your simple but steadfast efforts to bring this house back to life, to bring this mission back to life in a new way, in a glorious way, in a beautiful way. You are truly my brothers and sisters, and we walk together, and I love you, and I thank you for this day, this day of the beginning of change and light and truth, that shall
abide under this roof in this place. Thank you. God bless you. Faith loves you dearly.

Received February 3, 2014

(through Al)
Blackpool, UK

My students, it is Augustine. As you walk these halls and these rooms you bring a light that cleanses this place. Continue to walk. Continue to abide within this home and bring Godʼs Love and light in every room, in every corner, in every nook and cranny. And know that this is Godʼs gift to you, Godʼs gift to you, and we lay before you this responsibility and this gift, and with every choice, with every good deed, with every loving act, you will bring greater light, and every prayer will bring greater light to this place. And it will begin to feel like home, the home that God has given you. And within this place many will come and feel its comfort, its healing, its welcoming. As you abide here you will be a channel of love here, and miracles will take place within these walls, miracles of healing, manifestations of Godʼs blessings to all who enter. Yes, open these doors and these windows. Remove the old, bring in the new. And everything you touch will come to life. This is your challenge, your responsibility, and your gift and blessing. Continue with these efforts and you will know great joy here, great joy, and boundless opportunities to serve God. God bless you, my dear children, I am very pleased, as are many angels rejoicing, for a new beginning, a glorious opening of the door, that mighty door, so that Godʼs Love may flow abundantly and clearly. God bless you and good evening to you. Augustine loves you.
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