Messages Received Easter Weekend 2013

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Messages Received Easter Weekend 2013

Post by jeanne »

Thanks to Judy and Jane for recording, and to Connie for transcribing -- we received 12 pages of messages over the past few days! I hope you will find encouragement, inspiration and soul stirrings when you read them! Love Jeanne

Messages received during the Divine Love Retreat March 29 – April 1, 2013

Friday, March 29 (message number 25)
Confucius through Al
Welcome, my children, welcome, to our little circle of prayer and love. Welcome to this place of sanctuary. I greet you, I am Confucius, and I love you, each one, beautiful, beautiful souls. The fathers love, I greet you and I love you and I want you all to know that you are each one here worthy of the fathers love. There is nothing that can hold your souls from this wondrous blessing. You are given this gift freely, as you ask so shall you receive, my children. And yes, you feel within you deep emotions of gratitude, and some grief and some joy as these emotions emerges from your souls, my children as you reveal yourself to the creator, so these aspects and emanations from your soul come to your consciousness, and God responds with his love to soothe you and to bring peace and joy and comfort. This wonderful blessings for each one, as you need so you shall be given. The father desires to heal every soul in this world. The father desires in his merciful love, to give peace to every soul in this world. And you, my children, you come close to this wonderful manna from heaven, and you ask freely and consciously for this, and his many gifts and they are given, they are given freely.

Do not hold back in your emotions, in your joy, in your grief, in your love. Express yourself to God, with all the intensity of your soul. Bring forth your desires. Bring forth your fears. Bring forth your joy and express this to your creator and in this expression you break down the barriers between you and your loving God. And you come to know your true selves, my children, the beauty that is within. For each one here is a beautiful light. Each one here has great potential to be a wondrous and powerful channel of the fathers love and blessings into this world. Do not doubt this, my children. For with each soul, the father has created something unique and wonderfully, awesomely, beautiful and you are that creation, each one. And as you step into the light, acknowledge this beauty, that God has created in you. Acknowledge these wondrous gifts. Acknowledge the channel of love that has been forged through you, and can be used in so many ways, to bring light and healing and peace and love into this world. So much to be accomplished through you, my children, who consciously step forward in this light of love and desire to be a channel, and we in spirit wait your commitment in a fuller way to be more fully in the light, to have greater awareness and knowledge and understanding of what it is to be a child of the fathers love. And as you progress upon this path and as your awakening unfolds and your commitment deepens and your love grows, then much will be accomplished, much awaits you, each one, upon this glorious path. And we are so happy, that you have come together, to be together in this light, in this fellowship, in this beautiful love.

God bless you. May the peace that passes all understanding infuse every part of your being. May God’s glorious healing infuse you and bring harmony and resonance with his love in a deep and abiding way within each one of you, my children. Know that you are loved, know that in this place of sanctuary, you are safe and protected and nurtured. Be at peace, my children, be joyed at this wondrous gift the father has given each one of you. This gift of his love, the power of this love, to change you, and to change the world. There is no turning back, my children, but ever forward in light, as your soul grows in this love, you opens these great awarenessess and knowledge and truth. Feel joyed, for we in spirit are greatly joyed and happy to see this within you, to see you coming together in love. Continue in your efforts, and as you come together in these few days, we will come and speak and teach and heal and love and nurture you. Welcome. Welcome. Beautiful souls. The answers to your prayers are coming, my children. God bless you. I am Confucius.

Friday, March 29 (message number 25)
Goldie through Al
Are these tears of joy, my children, my friends? You come together, is this not joyful? I am Goldie, and I am glad to be with you (giggles). And I love you so. The sun shines. The daffodils are laughing. It is time to be joyful, to play and to have fun together. And have tears of joy. You are truly brothers and sisters and a beautiful family of love and we on our side of life, we are very, very happy to see you come together, to be joyful, to have your tears, they are precious. Beautiful, beautiful souls (giggles). I love you. You are all little daffodils (giggles), laughing to the sun. beautiful. Beautiful. Goldie loves you. God bless you. (giggles).

Friday, March 29 (message number 25)
Jesus through Al
My dear Children, I have called you together. I have called you together, my beautiful brothers and sisters who follow the way, the divine path, and I shall call many more together as the years go by. We shall gather the souls who come to do my work and walk this path, and nurture the many lost souls in our world. To bring truth and healing and comfort to many. Welcome. Welcome, my children, I love you dearly. I love you so much. Thank you for truly and honestly walking this path and praying for the love and expressing the love in your world. Continue. Continue in your efforts to be close to your heavenly father and to seek the guidance to walk the path. To be a channel of love with every breath. And we will always be with you as you make these efforts. As you pray to the father. As you struggle to grow in light. As you progress within. We will walk with you and I will always be with you. I am Jesus and I love you. Be at peace. Know that you are loved. Yes, much awaits you, my children, and we beckon you ever forward as you walk upon the divine path. The doors will be opened, the opportunities for this work are limitless. Thank you. Thank you. God bless you.

Saturday, March 30, 2013 (message 26)
James Padgett through Al
Yes, it is me James Padgett. I have been with you for your gathering and I have been with you as you converse and speak about the work that I was involved in many years ago and about the Divine Love, this wonderful truth and about the blessings that each one has in their lives, within themselves and the great gifts that God has bestowed on each one of you and the care and nurturing that God has given to each one of you and your intentions to be a pervayor of truth and love, and your desire to expand your fellowship in the world. And this makes me very happy that I allowed myself to step forward in this way, to receive these truths of love from our angels friends who indeed worked diligently? To bring me to that place where I was able to receive these messages and understand the power of God’s love.

And yes, my children, my friends, if you could see the efforts that are made on your behalf to bring you in alignment , in a place where Gods will may flow through you and his love may bring blessings to others, you would be astounded at these efforts. At this wonderful grace that is bestowed upon each one of you, my children. You are indeed blessed. You do indeed hold within you together a wonderful gift. And your understanding will grow, my children. Your awarenesses as it did for me as I walked this divine path and yes, the few steps in the beginning is tentative and you speculate and you doubt and you have fears and misconceptions. But this is falling away from you as it did for me. And you will grow on this love and within your lifetimes, my children, my friends, you will do a mighty work in this world that will change the course of humanity, will bring greater light and peace and harmony in this world. Yes, this will not happen overnight.
And there is much work to do, but this work begins in earnest, my friends as we gather all of you together. Those who sincerely desire to bring change into the world, to bring love into the world, to bring peace and truth into the world. If you desire this deep within your souls, and if you allow your inner purpose, that which God has given you to manifest in your lives, there will be many, many wonderful expressions of love, surprising, and thrilling, beautiful, if you allow yourselves to be guided. If you walk the divine path and make your efforts that God may imbue within you his Love in ever greater quantities. You will walk in light. You will be guided and protected and shown the way each step, and these steps will grow in number and pace as you progress along the path. Be joyed that you have been given this opportunity.

Acknowledge the strength that each one of you has, that you have accepted this truth within you and within your lives. For the conditions of this world does not make this easy and you are willing and you have been willing to honestly accept this truth of love. And I am very grateful to each one of you and I acknowledge each one of you as my brother and sister as we work together to further this work that Jesus started so many years ago. And we are continuing together at this time. And many doors will open, many opportunities will be laid before you as you are ready, as you are willing, as you lay down your pain and your fears, your doubts, and release yourself to the will of God more completely. This surrender to the love is a difficult step, but necessary for this work. The surrendering is also a liberation, a letting go of all those burdens that you carry. All those barriers that hold you from God. Let them go. Be at peace. Be willing. Be joyful. And your lives will open up in ways that you absolutely could not anticipate. It will be wondrous and glorious and filled with love. Great and wondrous love.

My son, I have been with you on many, many occasions as you delve into my life and the lives of those around me and you are on the right track. There is more to discover and I will help you as will many angels. Help you to make these discoveries. Make your prayer everyday to be guided and you will be. Allow yourself to absorb our influence and though you feel you are not open or gifted, you are my son and we do influence you, and in many ways you are not willing to accept this influence and acknowledge it but nonetheless it is there and will continue and will get stronger and you will recognize it and accept it. And there is a purpose here in your efforts, although this is not clear at this time, it will become clearer. And you will see that your work was important and is important. Continue, my son. And your dear maid who assists you, supports you, God bless you, my dear daughter. Bless you both in your efforts. And for each one of you here, as you live your lives, as you struggle to be a channel of love, as you try to be conscious of every choice you make, every step you take, every thought you have, and yes your souls compelled you forward, and in time that which is within your minds will come into harmony with the desires of your soul and the perceptions and wisdoms of your souls. This will happen as you progress in the love and are willing to lay down that which is inhibiting the progress and as you release these burdens and walk in tandem with the willingness of God, the will of God, great harmony will come, great understanding will come, assurity, that will be (on as available?)

God bless you, my dear, dear brothers and sisters. I love you so and I am so very grateful for your efforts each one here. Each one willing to accept the truth, to live the truth, to be in the flow of Gods love. What a wonderful miracle this is. It does fill me with gratitude that my efforts and my work have touched you, have brought truths to you. This brings me such joy. God bless you, may you continue, may you continue. And may this work open to a mighty, mighty flow of river of love, cascading into this world and bringing great change. And you will direct this flow. Will be the (harventers?) of truth in this in this world. And we are working very hard to bring others into your midst, to gather the souls together to do this work. This work that has begun. The work that began with Jesus continues with you. It continues. The chain unbroken. The love (unbritghtled?), flowing freely, beautifully in the world.

Bless you, bless you for your efforts. You’re beautiful souls. Your willingness, your grace and your beauty. Thank you for allowing me to speak, thank you for bringing love into yourselves. Thank you for accepting the truth. God bless you. So many love you. Bless you.

Saturday, March 30, 2013 (message 26)
Jesus through Barb
I am Jesus. You are deeply needed. You will each have deep personal duty which will change any condition in your troubled world. Know this. You are precious. You are so deeply needed. The angels will uphold you, beloveds. I am Jesus, and I will always, always be with you. My precious.

Saturday, March 30, 2013 (message 26)
Mary through Al
Children, this is Mary. Bless you for your efforts and love. The harmonious ways that you come together and love one another and support one another and give and give. You are truly an example of the Fathers love working within each one. Continue to love and to give, to pray together, to support one another. This is very important, for to have this support on your side of life, accelerates each ones progression for each soul. It is a powerful catalyst and allows the questions to be answered and the needs to be met and the understanding and awarenesses to come forth. Support one another. Be a fellowship. Continue. Continue. And we will support you all and bring you together. And even though you may not be together in the flesh you shall be here in your spirit with those who live far away, you shall be drawn to these circles of love, and the prayer and the support, the love, and the progression shall continue and accelerate, and the transformation within will be powerful and beautiful. Continue in your efforts. Make a conscious effort to join in to these circles at the appointed times and you will feel as if you are here. You will know the blessings in a conscious way. Bless you my children. I am Mary and I am with all of you often as we continue in our support and our guidance. Our love and our (nurtunts?) and your efforts to bring truth to yourselves and others, love and healing to the world. It shall continue. It will be powerful and you will have wondrous awarenesses and manifestations of love everywhere in beautiful and powerful ways. Although there will be times when you encounter resistance from others, their souls are moved, though their minds may reject this love. And this is what is important, that their souls are touched with love, the seeds are planted and shall sprout in time. Bless you my children, bless you my little family of love as we gather you together and your family grows and the love abounds. Bless you, beautiful souls of the fathers love. God bless you.

Saturday, March 29, 2013 (message 26)
Augustine trough Al
God bless you my children, I am your teacher Augustine. Yes, there is diversity here, different thoughts, different desires, different understandings, yet each beautiful child in this circle blesses our soul and God reaches that soul and that soul reaches for God and there is a wondrous connection in this desire to be with God, with this love, that emanates from God, with this light that is God’s presence. To receive this blessing within you souls, dear children, this blessing of the essence of God within your souls, this transformative substance, this powerful key to soul awareness and soul enlivenment, you must ask, you must be open, you must desire this. For God gave you the gift of free will. God gave you this powerful gift to make your choices, to seek for light or to fall into that which is not in harmony with God’s creation. So much pain results not acknowledging this choice and this blessing. So much results in acknowledging --- the blessings of this love. To allowing this wonderful, wondrous gift, to flow within you. Many here shine with the love. They know of that which I speak. And many of you made tentative steps on this path --- and seek eagerly to understand. To walk in this light. To realize the full potential that lies within. That can only be brought forward with the blessing of this love. And some hold back for their minds cannot accept this simple truth but their souls compel them to come forward in this light and in this way the opportunity is given and the choice will be made.

The choice for this love that is given when asked for, but is not given if there is no desire for it, yet every soul is compelled to receive the love, yet the power of the mind and the power of free will, will hold this back, will not allow the opening, and yet for some, even though they are in this conflict do receive the love, receive in the soul, the desire is strong and the love is powerful. Remember this, my children, for you have choice with every breath. You may come to know this wondrous transformation, the blessing of God’s love within or you may know the purification of your natural love that is within you and you are born with this within you. And this too is a wonderful path, the natural path of love, but I tell you, there are greater things that come as the essence of God pour within you, as this wonderful gift is bestowed upon you, as you allow yourselves to be open and in some ways vulnerable and with this gift comes a deep honesty and acknowledgment within. For without this vision within, the choice cannot be made. Without the acknowledgement of your souls desire the flow is stopped and interrupted. By that your lack of faith and understanding and awareness. But with this choice comes the light, comes the healing, comes the peace, comes the awareness, comes the joy. So I urge you, my children, pray for this love, this divine love and a great and mighty transformation shall take place within you. Wondrous gift shall manifest through you, you will be claimed by the father, the creator, and in this river of love, and you shall be carried and guided, protected and nurtured. Yes, there is great power in your choice in all of your decisions and your thoughts and your desire. And we await as you make these choices for each day and for each breath. We come to support you, to be with you in your struggle with the conditions of this world and the choices that are to be made and the responses that you have to that which assails you each day and that which blesses you each day. We are with you and we love you and we see the beauty within and the potential that lies in each one here. Each beautiful soul. and yes we do call you children for each soul is young and tender, innocent and emerging from its dormancy, its sleep, to be born into this light and this love, awaiting your decision, awaiting that you may be strong and courageous and true in these efforts to find your path and your purpose and your beauty.

And my children, I do not wish to criticize you, only to encourage you to make these choices and to make you understand the power of these choices and to be aware of the path you take and where this path may take you. Be strong my children. Be aware. Be mindful of your choices and your thoughts. Be prayerful and beseech the father to carry you into light and enlightenment and truth and to guide you upon your path, your unique journey to at-onement with God. There is nothing to fear. There is only wondrous love and acceptance and peace. Bless you, beautiful children, beautiful souls, so tender and --? from their slumber, to be awakened so gently by the breath of God, to be given new vision and wisdom and awareness and love. All of these blessings come from God, my children. They are just to be asked for; they will be received and given freely by your loving God, the heavenly father, the glorious creator. Be at peace and know that God beckons you at this very moment to open to this wonderful blessing. Are you willing to allow this. To be in this grace. To walk in this light. To be sure in your faith that you are loved. That God loves you, so powerfully and beautifully and wholly that you cannot comprehend the vastness of this love, the power of this love, the beauty of this love. You glimpse upon us and for some it is hard to accept, it is hard to gaze upon with the eyes of the soul, but you must, you must. And the flow? shall come in great abundance and bring you to a place so wondrous that you cannot at this time conceive of this great and mighty transformation. So you take your steps one at a time, step by step, and we encourage and we supports you and we love you as you make these steps and these choices and you accept the love within and you begin to love yourselves more fully and you begin to love all those around you more fully. And you begin to accept without judgment, without fear, the barriers fall and the love will flow and the transformation shall continue for all eternity my children. Make your choice. Make your choice. It is important that this choice be made with every breath, every prayer, every thought, every deed. Continue with your efforts and we will continue with ours. This wonderful collaboration will continue for many years to come as this work unfolds, as you walk upon this path, as you come to know yourselves more fully and express your gifts, your purpose, your beauty. God bless you, I am Augustine, and I love you. I love you dearly. I will be with you often. Bless you, my dear beloved children.

Sunday, March 30, 2013
Jesus through al (message 30)

I come, my children, I come to be with you. To add to your beautiful prayers, your dedication to the flower. Gods beautiful creation. The wonderment of God’s creation, my children, is it not beautiful, all that you see, all that you are, this magnificent soul that is you.

Yes, there is a great work ahead for all of us, my children. A great work and we in spirit have indeed made many preparations to clear the way for your efforts and our efforts combined, to bring this truth to mankind, to bring this love forth into the world. A mighty wave of healing and love and peace and truth.

And the flood gates are opening and you all feel this within you, my children. You all feel the anticipation and the excitement and the joy of this mighty work unfolding in your very lifetime and existence as a channel of love in this world. You are all required to be a part of this effort, to bring these truths to the world. And it is required of you to release your preconceptions of what that may be, for none of you here have a clear vision of this wondrous task, and to be open to your guidance, to be in the flow of God’s love, to be purposefully connected to the creator, receiving his love in great abundance. This is what is required and we will show you the next step upon the path. The next turn on the road. The next travel and destination to be with the other souls in this world who are in need of the love, who desire the love, who shall join with you in this wondrous effort. And yes, we guide you and show you the way and bring to you what is required for this effort to be successful and effective in the world.

For many of you we have nurtured you for many years and now there is a way opening for you to nurture others, to bring your simple perspective, your beautiful understanding to others. These opportunities lay before you like a beautiful meadow as you step forward in this light, bringing joy and truth and love. And your simple steps and your loving words and your joyous dance will draw in those who craves this for themselves. This release from their pain, this joy in their being, this love in their souls. All of this is deeply desired within so many, yet they do not understand or comprehend the simple path of love. And for you, my children, you will be the examples, the shining light to the beacons to show them the way as you reach out in your loving open arms to all the lost children. There will be a great healing as you walk and travel and love in this world. It will bring great light and peace and understanding.

And yes you are ready. You are ready to walk this path. To be mighty channels of the fathers love in the world. Your souls feel it and know this. And eagerly, eagerly step forward in loving, joyous acknowledgement of the gifts that the creator has bestowed upon each one of you, and the opportunities that are laid before you and the wonderful journey ahead. And I am so pleased to see all these beautiful souls gathered and they gather eagerly and they gather because they desire light, they desire relief, they desire comfort and my children, it is not up to you to judge how they are in the world, but to give and accept and enfold in love. Your responsibility is for yourself and your own way of being in the world, to nurture yourself in love, to grow on love, to grow on compassion and understanding, to give, to give without thought of receiving, to be in love without thought of being loved. For God loves you and you are aware of this, and we love you and you are aware of this. Your need shall be met. Your need shall be met. And that which you hold onto, the pain shield can easily fall away if you allow this. Your doubts and your fears, your confusions, your dilemmas. All can be healed by the love and all can be revealed by the love. Do not doubt this. Walk in faith. Be a channel of love. Be pure in your thoughts and your efforts and walk with me as we make this wondrous journey of healing of the world, together, together in love, in light, in peace, in harmony. God bless you, my dear brothers and sisters, my disciples of truth, my beautiful souls. I love you, I will always be with you, my children, always be with you and always walk with you as you do the fathers will. God bless you, I am Jesus.

Sunday, March 30, 2013
Augustine trough Al
The path is clear, my children, the path is clear, ready for you to walk, to stride boldly forward in this wondrous love, in this glorious way of truth, and integrity and strength and love. Can you not feel this, my children? Do you not know this, my children? A great door opens for you and a path well lit and easily traveled as the father lights the way and the angels accompany you, and guards you and guides you. Yes, my children, you are ready to walk upon this path, boldly and to put aside your doubts and your fears and your anxieties. You are loved, you know you are loved. You are beautiful, and you know there is beauty within you. There is nothing that can assail you or detract from you or push you off this path. One step at the time will surety and joy and understanding, that God has given each of you a wondrous gift and a wondrous task and though you are not completely aware of all of this within you, you know, you know and it cannot be denied, but acknowledged with a prayer of gratitude and thanks that God has given you such a wonderful gift in his love of his creation of you in his—a beautiful soul and given to each of you your purpose, mighty and powerful that shall change the world. And it is changing the world at this moment.—answer your calling as you walk upon this divine path.

As you enter to the threshold upon this road of wonderful service to the creator, loving channels, beautiful, beautiful. Agents of change in the world. Be true to yourselves, my children, be true to God, be true to your true selves and allow yourself to be guided forward, without hesitation and with joy. For it is wondrous and the angels rejoice as you step forward in this way. And Gods’ hand is upon each one of you and this hand shall protect and guide you and God shall speak to you in his words of love and encouragement and wisdom. Nothing to fear, but joyous anticipation, my children. The truth lives within you and shall manifest through you. God bless you. I am Augustine, Bishop of Hippo I was on this world.
Personal message for ---: My dear daughter, ----, the answers to your questions will come, with patience and pursuance in your prayers and to be close to God. For this is all your questions, the love flows into your soul, so the answers shall come in this mighty flow of this love and there will be great peace within you and great knowing for
This is only the beginning. Much more to come.

Personal message for ----: And you, my son, as you sing, your soul shines so beautifully and the love pours through you as your words, your melodious words flow through the air, the word reaches the soul. God bless you for your gifts and your willingness to share and be open.

Personal message for ---: My dear daughter. You have a wonderful gift. And there are many more to come. Do not be afraid. Do not doubt yourself. Feel compassion for those who do not understand. For even though they do not understand they are drawn to your beautiful soul and they are nurtured by the channel that you are and the wisdom that is imbued within you by God, though the words they cannot accept, they do, and are receptive to the love that comes through you, my child. And the children that you nurture and the love that flows, and even the very food that you prepare is blessed as your channel of healing and love affects all aspects of your life.

Continue with your efforts, continue with your prayers, continue to listen to the words that God gives you, for these help many and will be important for many in the future. It is good that you answered our call and you have joined this fellowship, this family of love. For this family will continue to nurture you and enfold you. Blessings to you, dear daughter, beautiful soul, beautiful soul. God’s hand rest upon you, my dear, dear daughter.

And for my charges I have spoken to you many times and you do know that I love you dearly and am with you often and try to teach you the ways of love. God bless you for your efforts. We do love you so. God bless you. I am Augustine. (Laughter in the group). The laughing daffodils. (More laughter!). yes, the work is not all serious, my children. There is joy. There is joy and release that you are embraced by the father and his love. A joyous, joyous embrace. A loving flow. God bless you, my wonderful, wonderful children. God bless you.

Sunday, March 30, 2013
Jesus through Barb (difficult to hear,words missing)
My precious, precious, beloved souls. I am Jesus and I shall always uphold you in your troubled world. Each of you is deeply needed and each of you has a deep purpose. You know this, my beloveds. Let it flow from you. Let the peace, the love and the happiness flow from you to all the lives, you touch. You, beloved souls. So beautiful and so needed. The angels will uphold you. You have a deep purpose, a deep purpose. Continue on the divine path. Angels will guide you, beloveds, beloveds. You are so deeply needed. You shall bring peace and love to all the lives, you touch.

Sunday, March 30, 2013
Augustine through Al (message 32)

My dear children, this is Augustine. I have come again to speak, now that the laughter has subsided, and I wish to address, to address you all about the changes coming within you and about you. The power of this love, you do not realize the capacity for change and that which is about you and that which close you in your flesh, your spirit. This love will change everything, my children, as you receive this great blessing. Every cell, within your body, every aspects of your spirit, and every chamber of your soul is influenced and transformed by the love and this transformation, this progression, this journey is never ending, as you come closer to the father, the fountainhead of love, all parts of your being changes, so that they may become more in harmony with God, that these parts of you are cleansed and altered and infused with the divine.

And of course, my children, you have free will and you can hold this progress, it cannot stop, but it can be retarded by your free will until the dam bursts and there cannot be any resistance. And this is why we ask you, my children, to release your fears and to walk in faith, and to pray and pray for the love, so this transformation and progression may become easier for you, that you may allow this harmonious, wondrous change to manifest in a beautiful and loving way. That you may accept this, you may feel joy and gratitude for this. That you may not suffer greatly for it is in your resistance, it is within your firm grasp of the air, that you cause yourselves pain and anguish and the peace does not come within, but there is turmoil and great and deep emotion, and this is understandable, my children, for you are all part of this world and these aspects, this darkness, this inharmony, is part of your world and it is difficult to overcome. Yet the love is more powerful, the love can overcome all, if you allow this, if you desire this, if you pray for this. And as you change, as this transformation takes hold, as the manifestations of this shift within come forth, those around you will see this, will acknowledge this, and for some there will be fear, for some judgment, for some even anger. But for many there will be an attraction, a desire, to know what you have, the love that flows from you, they will be drawn. The changes within will strike an attraction, a curiosity, a soul is moved by the love within, the love that flows through you, and this is why we ask you, my children, not to judge, not to inhibit the flow, to be open, to embrace the lost souls, to accept, to be kind and generous, giving and loving. For as you manifest this love in this way, you do Gods work, you bring the truth, you bring the healing and the peace.

Yes, it is challenging, and it does not come all at once, but the increments as the love affects you within and accumulates within, but the power and the momentum of this wondrous love from God, will bring this about within and will manifest through you and make those changes, the many changes in the world, and you will be imbued with wisdom and strength, and the power of love will touch many and they will want to listen to your words. They will want to feel your touch. They will want your embrace, for their souls long for this. And the master, Jesus, has asked you to follow him in this regard and yes, this is what manifested through him, when he walked the earth and will manifest through you as the love grows within, as the change takes place, as the barriers fall and the healing envelops and makes all in harmony. And we in spirit are joyed to see your progress, this fellowship that grows, in harmony and strength, understanding and beauty. Yes, your fellowship grows and will continue to grow and you will embrace many around this world and teach many and touch many, as you do God’s will, my children.

The desire of the soul is a great and powerful force within. Do not ignore this compelling force within but acknowledge and allow and be a part of, in a conscious way, this powerful desire to be with God, to be in the love, to express the love, to make the change, to walk the path, to be in peace. So much awaits, so much, as you listen, as you grow, as you love, as you love yourselves. There will be nothing to hold you back and the power of God’s love manifesting through you, his beautiful souls will be great and immense and beautiful.

Blessed are the change makers, those who are strong enough to take up the call, to do this work, to acknowledge the power of God’s love. Without those in the world, who desire light, who work for light, who struggle to be in the light, the suffering in this place would be unbearable. This is a great, great work my children. And you will embrace many, who shall be enfolded within this family and the strength of this will push away the darkness and the suffering for many, many souls on this world and shall influence those on my side of life in a great and mighty way. Thank you for coming together, my children, in this way. Thank you for your eagerness, your humility, your joyness, your love. You will walk the path divine for all eternity. This is assured. How quickly you walk, this journey, the pace is up to you. For as is your desire, as is the pace, as are the fervency of your prayers and your faith and your commitment, so goes the pace of this progression and this work, as you step forward, as you step forward. Bless you, my dear beloved souls, bless you. Be at peace. Be joyed that you are coming together. Celebrate your family. Celebrate your life. Celebrate the life that is within you, that is God’s love.

God bless you, I am Augustine. I am so very joyed to be with you and I am with you often as are so many.

Goldie through Al
The little birds must fly away (giggles), but they shall return, my children. And they are not away, but they are part of you, and you are part of them, you have made this possible. And you will feel closeness within, as you pray together. And there will be a wonderful bond of love and joy and acknowledgement of your brothers and sisters upon the divine path. And there will be other times when you will come together in the flesh, and you will join together in joyous communion with the father and those who leave will bring light to their world. And their time to contemplate, the time that you have had together will be fruitful and there will be growth and understanding. And much healing has been accomplished, together, and the work for this world has been accomplished. Bless you for your efforts, bless you. We have such great joy. Our little flowers (giggles). Yet, they are not yellow, they are golden (giggles). And Jesus loves you. I will be with you, all of you. Thank you.

Sunday, March 30, 2013
Goldie through Al
You will never look at daffodils the same way again, will you? My friends, you are so beautiful. To see you together in your chit-chat, and your prayers, and your sharing. This is beautiful to behold. And we have been with you, listening and influencing you. Yes, there will be many more conversations, I can assure you. And are you not blessed to be talking over those wires, to be in communication as you are. Continue, my dear friends, and we will continue to be with you and share our thoughts with you and our love. Remember to be open, to share willingly. None is unworthy; all are beautiful and loved by God. Bless you, my children. I am Goldie and I love you, I love you so, golden daffodils, beautiful, beautiful (giggles).

Sunday, March 30, 2013
Isaiah through Al
----that opens far up to the heavens and this beautiful conduit brings great love and healing to you, my dear children, and to many in this world, as you contributed your prayers and your efforts, your love and your light and your desires has made this possible. An indication of the power, my dear children, that is possible with love and this beautiful light has drawn many in spirit to you, and they are learning, and they are benefitting from this blessing. Continue with your work. Continue to love one another. Continue to pray together and many, many wondrous miracles will be accomplished and manifested through this effort. Know that you are loved, and very important in this. And have humility, for these are blessings from God. I am Isaiah and I love you and I work with you. God bless you.

Monday, April 1, 2013
Jesus through Al
----of the Fathers gifts that he has bestowed within each soul here and ---- of creation, the beauty of life and each of you sings your song of life and each song is unique, each soul is beautiful and unique. And as you lay your burdens down and come to the creator and sing your song and bring your prayers forward a deep healing is given to you and wondrous changes manifests with this love and you walk in light and you become attuned to the fathers love as it flows through you and within you and above you. Continue to walk upon this path, my dear children, continue in these efforts to gather together, to bring the souls together, who longs for this love and create this mighty channel ---- . Yes, you bring change, my children, you bring peace, you bring comfort and so many cry out, so many ----, cry out for comfort and healing and love. It is as it is in your world, such desperate need, so –pain, such blindness; continue to open your eyes, to seek for the truth, to be true to yourselves, to walk with integrity and love. To be an instrument of peace and change, to weigh your choices, that you may choose light and truth. And may you beseech the father with every breath you take, to receive this love, that it may infuse you, that it may change you and heal you and be a powerful and integrate part of your being. That you may walk in the flow of God’s love, this powerful grace, this beautiful gift, this wondrous change. Walk with me, my children, walk with me. I am Jesus, and I love you. I love you dearly. Such beautiful souls. Such wonderful, wonderful souls, manifesting the fathers love in such a multitude of expressions, beautiful expressions. God bless you. I love you.
Stay centered in Divine Love and expect miracles to happen!
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