Messages received Jan 15 at Geoff's

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Messages received Jan 15 at Geoff's

Post by jeanne »

Andrew, Jan. 15 2013
Through Al
God bless you my children. May God’s Love pour into your souls as a mighty river flowing constantly within you and about you my children. May you walk in light always for you are blessed by the Love and surrounded by the angels and given great opportunity.
My children, each of you struggle with your own inner conditions and those conditions in the world that would bring you pain and confusion and distortion .There is still a great need for healing within each one of you as you confront your own fears and your anger. Much that is not in harmony with God’s Love resides within you my children though you need not be discouraged by this, this is the human condition. These are the impediments that must be overcome and you need but pray for the Father’s Love more earnestly, more consistently for yes, your souls desire to do this work and you have great gifts my children. Gifts that you know not at this time but will manifest as the Love grows within. And these gifts will bridge the chasm between you and the children that are in the darkness. For you do not live in darkness my children, you live in light. You know great truths, you seek the highest blessing from the Father and yes you reach and you reach for this blessing eagerly like little birds in the nest mouths wide, you beseech the Father to feed you and this cry is heard and answered and the love flows into you and this love cleanses your souls and pushes out that which is not compatible with the Love. And God’s laws are obeyed and there are times when you feel distraught and in discomfort and you are frustrated with yourselves for you wish to be in harmony at all times, in all circumstances, in all ways. And when you feel you fall short, you condemn yourselves and this my children is unnecessary. Have compassion. For each soul upon this planet carries a great burden. There is so much darkness and disharmony and you my children have found the path to be released from this, to be unburdened by this and you are progressing upon this path and you are walking in light. And yes you do desire to lead others into this light, to show them the way and it is our desire as well. To teach the truths, to unburden the children, to bring light.
Be at peace my dear sweet children, know that God guides you with every step and though there be imperfections within you and though you may stumble, we will not let you fall. We will love you and cherish you and uphold you. And yes as we walked the earth we too struggled, our humanity, our humanity made this difficult to be with our Heavenly Father at all times, to be in the light at all times, to be a great and mighty channel of Love at all times. And in as much as you experience these conditions within, you are able to relate to your brothers and sisters who do not have what you have, who do not understand the truth and feels these pains and are lost and suffer greatly. They live in darkness. You live in light. Have compassion for those around you and have compassion for yourselves my children and love for you are beautiful, you are beautiful. And yes you will find atonement with the Heavenly Father.
Much awaits you. Great joy, wondrous perceptions as the universe of God’s creation unfolds before you and you are able to see clearly as the scales fall from your eyes, as the Love sinks deep into every crevice of your soul and every aspect of your being. Walk in faith my children. Be assured that your feet are firmly planted upon the Divine Path. That the Father leads you with every moment and every breath and ask for insights and healing and for this love to cleanse you thoroughly and completely of all that which is not in harmony with the Father’s creation and influence and it shall be and you must be willing to accept this healing, this expulsion , this release. For it does not make your life easy but you will come along in this path and you will know great depth of awareness and understanding and love. As you shed the skin, as you shed so much that has been placed upon you and within you. It is a great and wondrous healing yet you cannot bear too much at one time. It must be gradual and in harmony with your willingness to participate, to allow these skins to be shed , the pain to be expelled, these memories to dissipate. And indeed you must place effort in changing the mental patterns. That which would turn you again and again to pain and darkness and disharmony. For without your efforts, without your desire to change these ways there would be much that would impede your progress and the flow of God’s Love. Yes indeed my children, you must make the effort and we shall make the effort and you shall walk the path you are meant to walk and express the purpose that God has placed within you and the gifts and the beauty and the glorious, glorious creation that you are and shall be and will be. Indeed it is your choice, your effort, your willingness to be open and receptive and honest and sincere and strong and loving of yourself and others. Continue and great love and great healing will be poured within you and shall propel you forward into greater light and awareness and understanding and love. And yes we are joyed with your progress, we are joyed with your love of one another and your acknowledgement of one another.
God bless you. I am Andrew. I love you. Yes we will continue to guide you in this way and remind you of your responsibilities on this wondrous journey to atonement with the Creator. God bless you my dear children. Andrew loves you.

Kea Atta Kem
Yes the road at times is difficult but you confront yourselves. And the conditions of the world press upon you and bring discomfort and disrupt your peace and your joy. But my children I say to you that there is more joy than discomfort, there is more peace than disharmony, there is more light than darkness. And this is a gift to you from the Father and this is the result of your efforts and this is a blessing that we in spirit bring to you. And yes, we could make your life easier, we could draw you into the light that you may not feel discomfort but you need to be stronger, that you have more compassion, that you learn to love yourselves that is deep and abiding and complete.
Every soul struggles between darkness and light, love and negativity. You must learn to choose to be in the light. To turn away from that which compels you to be in darkness or anger or judgment. Release this my dear children, release this, lay this at the Father’s feet and say:
Father I no longer want to carry these burdens. Take these burdens from me and fill my soul with Love, healing Love, these healing waters may fill every part of my being. That you’re healing may cause me to think in ways of love , to be in ways of Love, to walk in light.
This is your challenge my children, my dear sweet sweet souls. You are meeting this challenge…………. Can you see this? Can you see how your souls compel you to the light. Acknowledge the beauty within my children. Dance the beautiful dance of life and joy and Love.
Yes, there is much work to do. Follow along and we will guide you. Follow along and the Father will speak to you. Release your fear. Do not have anxiety. Do not shake with self doubt. Do not judge yourselves harshly. Follow along and we will be with you. Just a few more steps and there will be great clarity and strength and love within.
Beautiful souls, I am with you so often. I love you dearly. I am Kea, Kea atta Kem. I guide you and love you. God bless you my children. Thank you for listening to my words. Thank you for making these efforts. To reach for the Love, to reach for the light and to love your brothers and sisters. This is so very important. This work is crucial. There is so much to do. So much awaits…….
Stay centered in Divine Love and expect miracles to happen!
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