Messages Received Sat Dec 22, 2012

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Messages Received Sat Dec 22, 2012

Post by jeanne »

Thanks to my dear sister Judy for transcribing these wonderful messages we received at our Divine Love Prayer Circle before Christmas!

Messages Received December 22, 2012
Augustine (through Al)

God bless you my dear children, dear beloved students. Thank you for your efforts to come together this night, to receive the Father’s love which does pour into your souls at this moment. Yes, it does pour in, in abundance, in waves of joy and emotion within you, this connection is the Creator, you are being blessed. The Father’s hand is upon you, my children. Yes, so many fear the future, fear the days ahead, and yet you know the Father guides you, puts you upon the proper course that leads to the light, that leads to greater enlightenment and soul awareness.

As this love flows within you so it shall flow through you. A gift to all those you meet, my children; a gift unto this world that so desperately requires this healing love, this calming touch of God. For there is much fear and deprivation and disharmony in your world; and we ask you, my children, to make your efforts, to expunge that which is within you that is fearful and disharmonious. To pray for God’s love to fill those places within you that carry this, these conditions, this human and worldly conditions which you were born into, which in some ways you have created.

This love is the healing force that shall be the antidote to these disharmonies,
discomfort and pain within you my children. Pray fervently for God to heal you in this way, that you will know peace, deep peace within and great joy. And your eyes shall open my children, open to the great reality of God’s creation to the wondrous, wondrous aspects of this creation, this wondrous jewel that is life. Your eyes shall open, my children, you shall see clearly, see clearly and know the truth. You will know the truth. It will not come in thoughts or words. It will come in light and grace. There will be no questioning, only acceptance and joy, that this is truly a gift, a gift from God as he pours his love into you he opens the way for you to truly be aware of his Creation. It will not be like a labyrinth but a clear and straight path easily, easily accepted and comprehended, my children. For the truth is simple and all the complexities of Creation’ the perception there and all encompassing. Continue on your path towards the truth, my children towards your atonement with the Creator, towards your atonement with this great awareness of Creation. And as you walk in the coming days so we will walk with you. And where you are open and desireous to be taught and shown, we will be there to give, to love, to bring what awareness that you are at this time capable of receiving. These gifts shall be given as to your desire and your prayers and your efforts. Gifts will be given, my children and God’s love will be a mighty flow into you and about you and this light will emanate in your lives, a flow of blessings to your loved ones and knowledge of the Father’s hand within your lives and an ability to hear his promptings, his whisperings of love and enlightenment and awareness of the truth. Go in peace, my children. Pray for this love with every breath, every ounce of your being. Put forward in a great desire to receive this blessing of the divine essence and all will be open to you my children and harmoniously given to walk the Divine Path. God bless you, dear sweet souls. I am Augustine. And I am with you often and I bring my love, I bring my love to you. God bless you.

Jesus (through Barb) very feint difficult to transcribe

You have each received a (gift for?….. bodies and your soul. I am Jesus and I uphold you as you continue upon your path. Each of you is needed deeply and you bring into this world …opportunities as you go through your life you carry (a purpose?), you bring the Divine to all the lives you touch, my precious. And I shall always, always uphold you

Confucious (through Al)

My sweet souls, children of the Father. Your desires and your efforts to nurture and to feed the hungry and the deprivation in the World, those who cry out, those who are in fear, who have no home. This is good, my children that you make these efforts and it is good to remember that the Father places before you an opportunity to bless another soul to bring to fruition these desires and prayers for there is much deprivation all around you, my children, much work to do, many suffering souls in this world and fears and rejected, pushed out of the warmth and suffering, loneliness, pangs of rejection and are cold and hunger. Such deprivation my children, so unnecessary in an abundant world, yet it is so because so many in this world do not wish to walk the road of enlightenment and love but fear for their own well being and pull within themselves from this fear. Yes such fear and ignorance and lack of faith in the Father’s love and caring for the world, my children.

You are aware of this caring, this love, this light, this manna that graces you from the Creator. Spread this light, my children. Look to the opportunities that are placed before you, to be a channel of light and giving. Think of the needs of others and do not fear for yourself for you are embraced by the Father and his Love burns brightly within you my children. There is not … here, your needs are provided for. You will be protected and guided and given that which you need to be a channel of love in the world. Many opportunities await you, my children and there is indeed, great, great need in the world. And the Father wishes for all of you to give of yourselves in whatever capacity is possible for you to give and pray that the Father will push aside the barriers that you feel within yourself that may inhibit this flow of love and giving. And pray that the Father will provide you a vehicle, many opportunities and channels to be a powerful agent of change and light and nurturance in the world.

For each of you has great potential, possibilities, gifts that are just now beginning to be given, and come forward as you receive the love so these wondrous gifts will bloom within and God will guide you along the road for each one, for each road is unique and beautiful and wondrous and each of you has a purpose, my children, a purpose to fulfill, a road to walk, a love to give, a blessing, a gift to the world. For God created each one of you, that you possess wondrous, wondrous abilities, gifts. Do not doubt yourselves, my children. You are beautiful absolutely beautiful, beautiful, each soul unique and beautiful in its own way and loved by God. Do not doubt this, my children. For this creates a barrier within that does not need to be. You are beautiful and loved and surrounded by Angels and guided through your days and your days will become filled with opportunities to express this love in the world, filled my children for you are so needed, so needed.

Blessings to you, my children, blessings to all those who are a part of this group and are not here this evening, but yes they are here in spirit. Many are blessed, much light is given. And may you know joy as you acknowledge the birth of the Master. May you know joy in this celebration of love, of life, this gratitude that you express. Bless you my children. I love you. I am Confucious. Such goodness, I am so joyed at your goodness.

Mary (through Al)

I am Mary. I wish to bring my love to you, my children. Blessings to you and yes you are good, good and beautiful souls who live in the light. And do not fret over those times when you do not feel good for you do express good. It is burdensome to live in these human conditions, my children. And often you are not aware of these darkened conditions pressing upon you and this is why it is so necessary for you to pray often, my children, to dissipate these negative conditions which surround you, for there are constant efforts to put out this light, to lead you into places of despair.

Be vigilant, be vigilant and know as you reach out to the Father and seek his love and ask for his blessings and for light to surround you, know that your prayers will be answered, always. Every sincere prayer is answered in this way and you may feel that you have fallen into darkness my children, but this is not true, for the Father’s love burns within you and that light is a shining flame that cannot be extinguished.

Again you have this powerful choice of free will to choose this light, to choose to walk in light, to be light. And often you do my children, and we are pleased, pleased with your efforts to walk in light, and we do understand the struggle and the habits within you that often lead you to a place of despair, or anger, or worry. Ask the Father to help you to release these conditions, to correct the response and these patterns. And we who are with you and love you, desire to help you, and we shall if you are open and receptive to it. Bless you my dear children, beautiful, gracious children who are truly good, who are truly claimed by the Father and shall walk this path of light and love for all eternity, my children. You but step forward a few steps along a path of love and awareness and grace, and we love you so. And we acknowledge your strength, your commitment for light, to be a channel of light and purpose in this world; and in this commitment your strength and your soul desire will draw us to you. You draw God’s blessings through you. And these are the laws enacted. God in his wonderful, loving mercy has created for your benefit for many to benefit, and they shall and you will walk in the light.

My dear son stands in your midst and he is well pleased with your efforts and your desire to move forward in love. God bless you my dear children, God bless you and good night. I am Mary.
Stay centered in Divine Love and expect miracles to happen!
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