Alec Gaunt: God Works Through All Souls ...

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Alec Gaunt: God Works Through All Souls ...

Post by Maureen »

Spirit: Alec
Medium: Al Fike
Location: Gibsons, BC
Date: December 27, 2015
Title: God Works Through All Souls Who Desire To Be An Instrument

I’m so pleased to see you come together in this way for prayer and I want to assure you that an angel is with those precious souls you are praying for and indeed, your support of the soul who has suffered much, but has overcome much as well and has dedicated his life to help others in their suffering, in their struggles is in need of your prayers and your support, your love.

There are many in the world who are putting themselves forward to bring Light, to be a channel of healing and Love, and though they may not subscribe to your beliefs, understandings, they are nonetheless God’s instruments of Light and it is for you, my beloveds, to be loving, embracing, supportive, prayerful, encouraging to those around you who are indeed upon that path of service in this world, and you will meet many such as this beautiful soul. Though their life experiences may be different, their understandings not similar and the expression of their beings in the world may be unfamiliar with you, with what you are aware of, my beloveds, yet does not God work through many instruments? Are there not many opportunities from places and situations where God may act through an individual, a soul who desires this and has something to give, a gift, to others? And I am pleased to see within your minds you are not placing barriers or judgements, you are not fearful or withdraw or withhold to those who are in these unique and different situations and capacities in the world.

And I would encourage you to continue upon your path of loving and embracing, accepting and supporting. This is God’s Will, for God will require many instruments, in many different ways, upon many different paths to accomplish salvation of mankind. Though the words may be different, the concepts of the mind foreign to you, the flow that comes through the soul is very familiar and is what is important and is what you should focus on, my beloveds, because the understandings of the mind do not truly bring forth God’s Will as you well know, my beloveds. It is the expression of the soul, it is following that which is within you, deeply embedded within you, my beloveds, which will be in harmony with God’s Will and it is not for you to say that another is not also attuned within their souls to do God’s Will, to allow that Love to flow, that healing to flow, that peace and wisdom to flow to others.

Yes, humility is important and is required to truly be God’s loving channel,to open thus to your brothers and sisters a true desire to embrace all you meet in loving acceptance. This is so important. This brings Light. It opens the flood gates for much to come through you to others and it is your mind that restricts this, my beloveds, it is your mind and much of that is based in fear and ignorance and a willful desire that all things should comply with your thinking. But you are becoming more mature. You are growing from this place, this fearful place, this willful place. And soon, you will all be stepping forward one by one in a great, powerful flow of Love, of God’s Will, and you will find your place within that flow and when you are there it will feel like you have always belonged there, that this is right and in harmony with who you truly are and your gifts shall flourish. Your understanding, your awakening will open greatly, your souls will sing in great joyous exaltation. Great joy, my beloved, beautiful friends, will be yours and the conditions, barriers and the difficulties that you perceive today as being large and you do not wish to confront will melt away and be as nothing. Then you will know the true strength of your souls, the strength of God’s Love that resides within them, the power of this Love to inform every part of your being, every part of who you are and how you are and where you will be in this world and how love will manifest through you in surprising ways, guided each step, guided each day, informed, walking in faith, being secured in the flow of God’s Love. This is coming, my friends. It is almost upon you and when you are there you will wonder why it took so long, why you resisted so greatly, and you will rejoice in your decision, your choice to be in that beautiful flow of God’s Love.

Carry on, my brothers and sisters, carry that torch of Truth and walk boldly into the future which has many doors awaiting, opening and inviting you through to wondrous new experiences, wonderful loving connections with many, many souls who eagerly await your love and friendship, your acknowledging of one another, the blessings of God’s Love to cement that bond and carry you forward into Light everlasting.

Beloved souls, pray for this, pray for your friend, pray for yourselves, pray for your families, your loved ones and all those connected to you upon this journey in this world so in need of so much, pray for it all, but most of all pray for your souls to receive ever greater inflowings of God’s Love, for in this lies the key to all that I speak of and the destiny which you are all walking towards in your faith and Love and trust in God’s care and guidance. Beloved souls, your friend Alec is with you very often and I am happy to serve our Heavenly Father in this way, for I love each one of you dearly and all those who are a part of your groups. I love them and I will continue to support you in whatever way that I can as God’s channel of Love. God bless you and I love you, God bless you.
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