Alec Gaunt:As Your Intentions Are With God ..

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Alec Gaunt:As Your Intentions Are With God ..

Post by Maureen »

Spirit: Alec Gaunt
Medium: Al Fike
Location: Gibsons, BC
Date: May 11, 2015
Title: As Your Intentions Are With God All Else Will Be Provided

I am so happy to see you all here my friends, my family and each precious soul who comes to pray for the Divine Love. And so many of you have been loyal and consistent and I have been with you so very, very often as you have faced life’s challenges, as you have gone upon your individual roads seeking Truth and seeking your Heavenly Father receiving God’s Love within your souls. And you have grown, all of you, in whatever space of time you have taken upon this road, the Love has changed you, has influenced your thinking, and your choices, and the road that you have taken. And we in spirit come to assist you and we are with you often as you face whatever lies upon your path, and we pray for you and help to bring Light to surround you and protection to guard you against the negative forces in this world.

And I would urge you my dear friends to continue to pray earnestly for the Father’s Love and protection, help and assistance. As you face each day be with your Heavenly Father, walk that road with him. And as your intentions are with God then all else that you require to face your day will be provided. For the simple desire to be with your Heavenly Father, to walk in His Love and Light, brings so much into your lives, into your beings, and into this world. For you bring this Light into this world. With this desire you activate the laws of Love, through your prayers, and your thoughts, your desires.

You walk in the world differently from most because you bring this condition with you and many benefit from this, many who you are not aware are benefiting at the time, but nonetheless these benefits - the Light, the healing, the comfort, the peace, goes with you and about you. And in your prayers as you pray for those who are on distant shores and are not with you in this room, but you have a Love bond with and who seek to pray with you for Love, great benefits go to them, prayers are answered, angels are present God’s hand laid upon each precious soul.

Yes this network of Light, these wonderful connections all around the world, which will intensify and multiply are a part of God’s plan, and you eagerly and willingly comply with this wonderful intention that God may heal this world and save the souls of so many.

The flow of this plan, the unfolding of God’s will, the enlivening of all this through God’s Love. You are all a part of this. You are all a part. Even those of you who are at most times confined are a part, a vital part and those of you who travel you bring with you the intentions of your fellow cohorts upon the Divine Path as one steps forward, you all step forward. And each makes their effort and has a role to play and gifts to share.

So much happens that you are not aware of, so many levels of reality which you are operating upon but not in a conscious way, as God’s channels and instruments of Light. And as you grow in the Love and your souls open and gifts and faculties unfold, you will begin to see how beautiful and complex are the instruments of your souls in the flow of God’s Loving work.

So much to understand, yet this is not to be your focus, my beloveds. Your focus is to be with God, to be in harmony with God, to build such a powerful relationship with your Creator that His Love has a constant in-flowing within you. And when the time is right, these wonderments will be recognized and unfold in your consciouses. First you must walk before you can run. And you all struggle to make those first steps, you want to run but if you run too quickly, too soon, you will fall. It is incremental. Growth is incremental, and you feel it is slow at times, but it is not. In the course of eternity it is very quick. And you will fulfill your purpose in this world, it is your true soul desire. It is coming. It is unfolding as God’s timing brings about the events, pulls together the souls, brings the higher level awareness, nurtures the soul with Love as all of these things are activated and active. The unfolding of God’s plan for the salvation of mankind will push ever forward, will go to where it is meant to be.

My blessed friends, continue to come together as you have so loyally done. Continue to pray, to seek, to uncover the truths of God’s Love, to be active instruments of God’s Love in the world and we will be by your side and the great Love of God will expand your world exponentially. I love you, my beautiful friends who Love God. God bless you, your friend Alec, who is ever with you. God bless you.
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