Messages received Sat Nov 10

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Messages received Sat Nov 10

Post by jeanne »

Messages Received November 10, 2012

Jesus (through Barb) very feint – difficult to transcribe

God bless you, precious, beloved souls. I am Jesus. You are precious and beloved of the Creator. In your troubled world each of you carries the power of Divine Love within and you must let this love flow out to the lives you touch … to open the lives you touch. Yes (bring?) the power of the love Divine to lives so desperate in your world You must continue upon the divine path , my precious ones and Angels will uphold you and you will walk in peace and (love?) to many who are lost and this will bring peace into your world it is so deeply needed. Know this, my beloveds, Angels will guide you.

Augustine (through Al)

God bless you, dear beloved souls. I am your teacher, Augustine. Yes, indeed Angels do guide you, my children. Yes, indeed you walk in light, you are in light and you shall manifest light as you walk through your lives in this world according to your desire you shall manifest God’s will in the world, beautiful light and love, God’s love, in accordance to your desire, my children, and in accordance to the love within your souls and I beseech you to pray earnestly for this blessing , this love to fill your souls to overflowing, to work its miracle within you this great and powerful love the highest blessing that mankind can receive, that any soul may receive is this Divine Essence from the Father, this part of the Creator that shall be placed within you and work its miracle, transform your souls and expel that which is not in harmony with the Creator and his laws and his love. Yes this blessing, my children is indeed powerful and beautiful. So many gifts the Father has placed within each one of you, my children, so much potential, such beauty. And as this love leavens your soul and brings the spark of life to these gifts and opens your eyes of perception and shows you the truth as only can be seen with the eyes of the soul, with perception, the wisdom of the soul. As the Father guides you along your path and you will come to know, you will begin to realize how blessed you are. To acknowledge this gift, this blessing, to be a channel of the Father’s love in your world, to walk in light, to know to truly know your purpose, to truly know who you were created to be and all the many questions and dilemmas and fears these things shall be answered these fears shall fall away, these dilemmas shall be no more. You will walk with a surety and a strength and a humility and a love that shall be a beacon in this world, my children, a beacon that is so necessary in this dark place, so required, so desire by the Creator that you take up this torch, this light and walk forward in love, to be guided by we in Spirit, by the Father’s will. Do not hesitate, my children, do not fear and do not doubt. Many wonderful experiences await you, many doors to be opened, many souls to meet, much work to do. Pray each day, my children, earnestly, sincerely with great longing to receive this love, to be in this love, to know this love, more fully. And we shall be with you in your prayers and we will walk with you, as you walk through this life. You are never alone, you are all worthy of this blessing. Do not doubt this, my children, you are all worthy of this blessing. For each child in the world is worthy of this blessing. Remember this. The most fallen and the most exalted are worthy if their souls desire to be open to the inflowing of the Father’s love, this blessing shall be given, this love shall flow to them, and to you. For you are all loved by the Father, equally and powerfully. This love is vast, this love is endless, and this love is yours, my children. Yours to drink and drink and drink for your thirst cannot be quenched and will not as you walk upon this path for all Eternity, this love shall flow into your souls in ever greater abundance, a mighty river, a mighty river of love into you, and through you and about you. You may walk, walk in this glorious light and know this joyous, joyous acknowledgement that you are loved by God and you love God and you are in God’s love. Do not fear that which is in the future. Do not fear, my children. But have faith that that which is destined for each one of you is glorious and beautiful and in harmony with God’s love. No need to worry and fret. No need to worry and fret about those whom you love for God’s hand reaches out to all and reaches through you to all. There will be light and there will be peace. And yes, life does have its struggles life does have its hurts to overcome and barriers. But as you overcome each of these barriers are you not stronger? Are you not more loving? Do you not acknowledge that which is within you that is more beautiful and more able to be a channel an instrument of the Father’s will. Are you not more beautiful my children, as you struggle as you overcome as you learn to love more fully, completely within and without. We are with you always and we love you so, so dearly and we see your light, your beautiful countenance, your sincere efforts to be in the love, to be in goodness and humility and light. God bless you, dear, dear beloved children, beautiful, beautiful souls of the Father’s creation. And the Master stands in your midst, my children. He is joyed, joyed at your efforts and your prayers, at your coming together in this way. And yes, many have been drawn into this circle and are blessed as you are blessed. God bless you, I am Augustine, your teacher.

Confucious (through Al)

Do you not feel the Father’s presence, my children? I am Confucius. I am with you, with you to love you and to encourage your efforts in your prayers. And yes, you do long to be led through your lives and to have your questions answered, and at times you are fearful to make a step without this guidance. And I tell you my children, do not fear for even a misstep is a good step as you learn and you grow with those mistakes in those missteps my children. Yes, indeed we could show you each way, each step so that you are not in jeopardy whatsoever, but my children would you be strong? Would you grow if we show you each step to be taken? No my children you would not. You would become weak and dependent upon our guidance and our wisdom.

We wish for you to grow your own wisdom, my children, to be strong within, to see with the eyes of your souls, to understand through your own perception and to pray to the Creator to be guided. And yes we are there to support and to uphold you, and to protect you and we do so, my children. Be reassured that we will protect you, but though you may falter, you will not injure yourselves in any great way. Yes, there may be some small pain and difficulty, but my children, your lives are precious and beautiful and do indeed have challenges but this is the way of the world, my children, and yes you do live in the flesh and it is required of you to live in this world but not of this world my children. Do you understand my meaning? That your souls be ever present in your consciousness that part of you, that deep, beautiful part of you that is connected to the Creator and see that his love, his love flows through you. This should be dominant and a powerful part of your being. And that which is within your intellect and your mind should be subservient my children, this is our desire and God’s will for you. This is God’s will for all the children in the world. You were given the blessings of a material mind. This is true but this should be in harmony, in harmony with your soul and that which your soul knows. And if this harmony, this balance is struck within, you shall not falter, you shall not be in jeopardy for you will know the way. The way will be clear, the way will be sure, it will be lighted, clearly, beautifully, powerfully.

Pray that the Creator will lift the scales from your eyes my children, so that your souls shall awaken and be in its rightful place within your consciousness, filled with the Father’s love, filled with the wisdom, filled with the understanding, filled with the perception that comes with the great blessing that comes with the Father’s love. Pray for this my children, your prayers will be answered and yes, yes, there will be shifts of consciousness, there will be greater rumblings from within as this transformation takes place and this balance rights itself within you. And those of you who are fearing the change this is an awareness within that there is great change within you, my children, great change to come, great wondrous change to come. Not to be feared but to be joyed and acknowledged as an answer to your prayers, a blessing, a gift. And as you expel that which is not in harmony with the Father’s love there is pain but this is also joyous and beautiful and a gift. And you must be strong, my children for the forces of evil, the darkness in this world, conspire to draw you away from this light, to sow doubt within your mind, to insight fear within you.

You must retreat to a quiet place of prayer to beseech the Father’s love and healing and protection. And indeed you must be aware of your thoughts and bring them to a higher level my children, to a place of light, to be constructive, to be loving and nonjudgmental. To allow the light within your soul to flood your mind, your consciousness that you may be loving to your brothers and sisters and to yourselves. Release the judgments, release the fear, release the negative, be in light and joy, be free from your burdens for the Father wishes you to have this joy, this lightness this beautiful countenance, this holiness of being that is the Father’s love emanating, occupying every part of your being, every cell of your body every aspect of you. … it is my children, this gift, this gift of love, this powerful, transformative love, the essence of the Father. Can you not feel this love flowing into your soul, to the very center of your being at this time? For it does flow into you in great abundance, it is your gift from the Father. It is your gift and your birthright. Blessings to you, dear children, blessings to you and peace and healing. God bless you, I am Confucius. I love you. I love you. I am with you dear, dear beautiful souls, precious to the eyes of the Father, beautiful. God bless you.
Stay centered in Divine Love and expect miracles to happen!
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