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asthma/shallow breathing

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2019 9:08 am
by weiyuchen

I was wondering if there's sometimes a spiritual or soul basis for health conditions? I have asthma, for me it's a heaviness in my chest and a somewhat labored or very labored breathing depending on what I'm doing, the feeling never goes away. Even when I'm sitting there doing nothing. Have had it my whole life.

I don't talk much. I walk very slowly, and there's still labored breathing even so. When I run for a prolonged time, my whole face turns beet red, drawing a lot of weird looks, attention and concern.

And I'm very inactive, and everybody commented on how slowly I moved when I was doing a physical task. I've been chided and laughed at for moving too slow a thousand times and more when I was a kid so I've learned to force myself to do things quickly but that tires me out even faster.

I think it's inherited, because my father and his mother both have this problem.

I have seen in the messages somewhere that most people don't breath as deeply as they are supposed to and this is somehow related to their soul condition. I have been praying for divine love and it has made me happier, feel more at peace, and more able to understand things. I feel the heat in my chest pretty much everyday, and it shoots down to my arms and hands too. I feel like it's not making much of a dent in this asthma though, although maybe it is, maybe I just don't realize.

I sometimes hope for this life to end sooner than later just because of this. Although I'm not talking about suicide because I know it's a sin. Although I really am not making much out of this life of mine because I do very little. It's hard for me to do a lot. And I feel very little hope. Sometimes when i pray for divine love I feel a tinge of pain in my chest, sometimes a lot of pain. So I'm now wondering if it's some kind of spiritual pain that's causing this physical problem. Maybe i've been hurt emotionally at somepoint and haven't gotten over it, maybe that's what's causing this?

Re: asthma/shallow breathing

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2019 4:05 pm
by Susan
Hi Wei! I'm so sorry you've been dealing with this difficult issue for a long time. :(

I'm no expert, but I'll share my insight and thoughts on your question. I think our physical limitations can be extremely complex! I believe they can be influenced partly by the spiritual, physical, mental, ancestral, and emotional. And there's probably more that we don't know about or understand as well. That being said, the healing process could be complex as well. We are such holistic beings, one thing being off in us can trigger another. Then we compensate for that and it triggers another inharmonious thing to happen.

If I were in your shoes, I might start to dive deep into each category of health. Start thinking about questions like how's your spiritual health? How's your physical health (like nutrition, exercise, environmental toxins)? How's your mental health? Did you come from healthy ancestors (healthy in all the above areas of health that is)? How's your emotional health? Are there things you can do to begin improving some of these areas of health?

It can be quite overwhelming when we're trying to heal and expiate darkness! Probably the best thing you can do is pray! Pray for the Father to lead you to the help you need to heal. Pray to be used by God according to the gifts in your soul! You have them and they're AMAZING! There is NO ONE like you and you bring something very special to this world just being you. It's easy to forget this. The great thing is if you desire from your soul for God to use you for His plan, He will! In fact, He wants to! Starting with those soul prayers for God's Will to be done in your life can really get the ball rolling. You will gain hope! You will start healing parts of you that you may have never known needed healing! You are such an adored child of the Father, so loved, so gifted! Remember this! Tap into those special pieces of you, and if you have no idea where to start or how to do it, PRAY. Just pray from the depths of you. That's what triggers God's help! You are loved friend! I can't wait to see your progress as time goes on! Hugs and hope! :D

Re: asthma/shallow breathing

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 9:39 pm
by weiyuchen
Hi Susan,

Thank you so much for your insights and kind words Susan. I feel better after having read what you said. It has given me much more hope and encouragement. I feel more like I should give it more fight and not give in too easily. Thank you for reminding me to pray more often. I don't really do that as often as I should. And thank you for reminding me that I am loved. It is easy to forget that sometimes. I really needed someone to tell me these things. Thank you so much for these loving and supportive words. You are very nice and kind. I think you are right that I need to look into all aspects of my being in order to find the answer, and that we are complex beings.

And I wanted to tell you something interesting that happened after I posted here. The next day, I felt an urge to go out even though it was cold and windy. I debated with myself whether I should. In the end I decided to go out. I didn't even know where I was going when I left. I decided to walk to a Chinese supermarket. I didn't even know what I wanted to buy there. I just wanted to go there. Just as I was nearing the supermarket, a sudden thought came into my head that I have heard people tell me before that water chestnuts are good for clearing the lungs. I thought maybe this is an angelic prompt. So I went in, bought a lot of water chestnuts, and walked home. And just as I was nearing home, a thought came into my head that I should eat them raw, which I've never done before. I ate a bunch of them raw, and it did make me breathe easier! I was very happy! Last night I felt more comfortable while sleeping too! This morning after I woke up I felt the heaviness in my chest. I ate some of it, and it had an effect again! I'm going to keep it up and hope that will have a permanent effect.

I am amazed by what happened. The only other time something similar has happened to me was when I was searching for spiritual stuff and found the Padgett messages. I feel like me posting on this forum prompted something because it happened right after I posted here. This, and your words have made me feel less lost and without help. Thank you for being so kind and giving me the words that I need to hear. I feel much better about this.

Re: asthma/shallow breathing

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 6:09 pm
by Eva
Hello Wei,

I am glad that you are feeling better and that you have found something natural to relieve your symptoms -- at least temporarily for now, and hopefully permanently as time goes on.

I agree with Susan that our physical issues can be complex and involve a whole lot of causes, including spiritual. As Geoff mentioned in one of his responses to you in the Welcome forum, prescription drugs can have very negative side effects and may only treat the symptom/s, not the cause/s (my husband and I have just experienced it with my 96-year-old father -- thankfully the medication amount was lowered before potentially permanent serious harm to his body.)

I have no doubt that you were guided to go and buy the water chestnuts and buy them raw. Here is an article on my website that talks about how we are helped and guided by angels, spirits and even God: ... rs-guides/. As you continue praying, I am confident that you will be further guided to helpful knowledge, things and/or people. Also look at your life style terms of diet, exercise, sleep, time in fresh air, exposure to harmful toxins in the air or elsewhere -- those things can all affect our health.

Best wishes to you, Wei, and I will add my prayers for healing to yours.

Re: asthma/shallow breathing

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 3:29 am
by billf
Hi Wei!

Susan K. messaged me on WhatsApp about inviting you to join the LightBringers WhatsApp prayer group. So, as one of the administrators of LightBringers, I would like to officially invite you to join us in that prayer chat message group if you would like. To join, just email me your mobile number ( Of course you would need to download WhatsApp for free to connect that way if you want. LightBringers helps us to coordinate our prayer efforts around the world in order to strengthen the growing lattice of light as part of God's Plan the salvation of humanity and the healing of the Earth. If you would like more information on the lattice of light, there is more information here on my web site: ... nvitation/

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Regarding your questions about asthma and shallow breathing, (even though I do my best to take everything to God prayer as I am in the flow of God's Divine Love) I am reminded of something I was told many years ago when I was in Mexico. One of the indigenous Maya people I was with had mentioned a recipe that involved a large amount of oregano. I believe he talked about putting a large quantity of oregano into a blender with some water and drinking it (I may be missing some information here. This was quite a few years ago). He claimed that whatever the oregano concoction was (I may have missed some important information so please do not assume that I know what I'm talking about) was a cure for asthma. I believe he said one or a few treatments would lead to a cure/healing, and not just symptom mitigation or management.

I am not a medical professional and completely unqualified to provide any medical advice, but my understanding is that oregano and the oil that can be obtained from oregano has powerful healing properties. It is also was is known as a "hot" oil, so one needs to be careful in its administration. I would encourage you to research oregano and/or oregano oil as possible healing modalities for asthma if your soul perceptions lead you in that direction.

Also, when Susan mentioned you on WhatsApp, I had to search you up in the forum and noticed a conversation about addiction. Of course prayer for Divine Love is the ultimate power for healing everything and anything, including additions. Many of my additions have been healed through prayer for God's Love, and the ones that remain are in the process of being healed. The Divine Love community published resource I am aware of that addresses someone's struggle with addiction is Marva Egenberger's book, Journey Into Faith: Testimony of the Power of God's Love in the Human Soul and How to Find It. That isn't all she writes about, but I do remember that being part of the book.

She gifted me with a copy of her book many years ago. She writes about how she overcame a smoking addiction through prayer for Divine Love. I don't know if this would be of interest to you or your partner but thought of it when I read a little bit from the conversation last year regarding your partner's challenge in that regard.

Please let me know if you have any questions at any time or if there is anything I can do to support you in your journey.

May God continue to bless your soul and your life abundantly with the splendid Essence of Divine Love.

Kindly yours,


Re: asthma/shallow breathing

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2019 2:12 pm
by Susan
Yay Wei!!!! I'm so excited for you! I believe you are absolutely correct in your assumption that asking for prayer here opened you up to begin your healing process! It's like God is always there loving us like crazy, wanting so much for us to find joy, healing, comfort, peace, love, etc and all we have to do is open up to His offerings for help and guidance.

I am so touched and encouraged by your words and I am honored that you found what I wrote helpful! It makes me feel like I am also hearing God and following His promptings. :-)

I say keep up the good work Wei! Follow those inner promptings my friend! It seems like you have begun your healing journey. You've taken the step to ask God for assistance and opened up to His healing. I can't wait to see where it takes you! How you will grow!

I am also on the WhatsApp with several other divine love followers. Like Bill said, it's a prayer thread. The idea is we support each other in prayer. If someone has a prayer request, they post it. If they have a request for a friend or loved one, they share. Many in the community pray for these souls and things are happening! We also like to support each other in prayer so when one person is praying, others try to be praying with them in their spot on the planet. We connect spiritually even though we're in other areas of the world and that helps build the light around the world. If it's something you think might be helpful and encouraging, I'd recommend joining the group. :-)

And don't are powerful! You are special! You are adorned by our Father in Heaven! You have a great purpose in this world and God wants to use you to fulfill such wonderful workings that you are uniquely designed to do! Above all, you are loved my friend! May God's will be done in you Wei! :)

Re: asthma/shallow breathing

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2019 10:33 pm
by weiyuchen
Hi Susan, Eva, and Bill,

Thank you for reminding me once more that I am powerful and loved. It makes me feel happy to hear that. And I now feel more hope to know that I can be open to promptings in regards to material issues too. Thank you so much for inviting me to join the LightBringers group, I would love to join. I think it will help me a lot, and it seems to be such a wonderful group, I feel very honored to be able to join.

Thank you Eva for giving me the link to the article about guidance by angels. After reading your article I feel even more confident that I received guidance. I agree with you very much that more often than not prescription drugs treats the symptoms instead of the causes. I believe in herbal and natural remedies very much too.

I feel so grateful to you Bill for sharing with me about oregano and its oil for healing asthma. I did some search after reading your message and found a lot of material about oregano being good for asthma and for cleansing the lungs! I feel very hopeful about it, and will definitely give it a try!

And thank you also for sharing with me about divine love's effect in healing addictions, and for pointing me to Marva's book about divine love. It makes a lot of sense that divine love would be good for this. And I feel that it would be the best or most effective way too. My boyfriend has tried praying for Divine love but he didn't feel anything so he isn't very persistent in praying more for it. I will tell him about what you shared with me and about the book, maybe this will encourage him to try harder.

Thank you for all of your overwhelming love, support, encouragement and words of kindness. You have made me feel very loved and supported and more hopeful.

Re: asthma/shallow breathing

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 3:00 pm
by Eva
Hello Wei,

I am glad that you are feeling more hopeful and encouraged. And indeed, you are a beloved daughter of our heavenly Father who wants the best for you and your boyfriend. He is offering us His Divine Love at this time in history (it wasn't and will not always be available), so we are especially blessed and privileged. While many experience physical feelings with the in-flowing of God's Love, many also don't. We are all unique and our experiences are unique. The key is to trust and continue asking. Another result of Divine Love in our souls is peace and joy not dependent on external circumstances. Here is a message from Geoff's website that talks about this and shows that even if we feel doubts, it doesn't mean that that Divine Love is not in our souls and working with us: ... l-4-pg146/

Wei, the community also has a bi-monthly newsletter (see ... wsletters/ for past issues). Let me know if you'd like to be added to the mailing list. The next one, due out early in May, will also include an article on "Making Decisions Based on Divine Guidance". The issues also contain news and group events of the Divine Love community, including opportunities to pray/study together by connecting through technology such as Zoom.

All the best to you, Wei. Keep praying and trusting and doing what you yourself can do physically, and with consistency and time, you will feel the healing effects both physically and spiritually.

Re: asthma/shallow breathing

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2019 3:32 pm
by jrmelmer
All physical reactions are spiritual in basis. Pray to God for the reason for this malady. Perhaps it is something to with constricted feelings, fear etc Peace your brother in christ john