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Reckoning with our minds

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 10:56 am
by BethM
So very interesting message that Geoff emailed out yesterday. It was from Martin Luther for the DLSF retreatants in Hawaii, last November 3rd, titled You Must Have a Reckoning with Your Mind. Some highlights:
Your mind is your greatest stumbling block, beloved souls. It is rife with assumptions and half-truths and fears and even anger. Given the right situation in your life, these things come forth through your minds reacting to these conditions. So another important aspect of being a clear and beautiful channel of God’s Love is to quell the mind, those parts of your mind that have a tendency towards these conditions that are all too human. ...

If you are honest with yourself, you covet these conditions within you. You see them as strengths. You see them wisdom. You see them as perception. To some degree they are all three. But their expression within your mind is tainted with the emotional immaturity that is the human condition with those aspects of your mind that are not yet in sync and harmony with your soul. So your mind is busy rationalizing and endearing yourself to these coveted positions of thought and feeling and action. These old patterns that continue to get in the way of the pure and beautiful expression of your channel as a soul linked with God. ...

Truth be told, the children of the Earth are not particularly industrious when it comes to their spiritual awakening. The process is slow and arduous. The resistance is great. ...

I do not say these things because we are angry with you for we are not. We too were challenged by the human condition that we had to overcome. Some of us did not overcome these conditions while we were on Earth. Some of us did so to some degree but none of us other than the beloved Master Jesus completely forged a true understanding and expression of a soul redeemed by God. So do not be disheartened, beloved souls, but you must try. You must make effort. You must see. You must implement your understanding of Truth for strength is required. True strength is required.
Now unless I'm mistaken, the recipients of this message are people who have been praying for Divine Love for years or even decades ... our 'cream of the crop' more or less. Given that, I must admit that part of me thinks well, if *these* people are being taken to task (of a sort) for their struggles with the mind, what hope is there for me to make meaningful progress in what time I likely have left on this plane? My mind feels darn right calcified!

But I guess I'll be in good company wrt those who "did not overcome these conditions" while on Earth. Then again, between Jane's recent message, pastor Dana's dreams, and Matthew's May 19th promise ("before this year is out, you will come to know within yourselves a great gift, an opening of gifts that will assist you in this work that each of you ascribes towards as a channel of love") perhaps the chance for Pentecost 2 is looking a lot more likely. And if so, I guess even those of us with calcified minds may be given the strength we will need.

Re: Reckoning with our minds

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 2:30 pm
by tiffanyo
I for one definitely resonate with that message except now I do see it as my human condition I am trying to let go of and not necessarily a strength. I get scared but mostly for the children. I dont want to see any sort of suffering. We have been conditioned to think protecting ourselves and defending our egos and loved ones makes us strong minded and less vulnerable. We give so much attention to our minds and not nurturing our spirit. Most of us have learned that being vulnerable is a fault or weakness. But it turns out to be a strength and in your favor if you want to receive divine love. We don't know how to let down our guard. We live in fear instead of trusting the process and seeking God and the angels for guidance.

I dont personally think I will in this human life have this soul transformation but as I have said in older posts I am okay with that.

We will be in good company and be mentored and guided by higher spirits wherever we start. Having the love in your soul is a good place to start. Praying for the love and removing the encrustations is going to get us far. I heard it is not a race. We will have plenty of time to fulfill this goal. It is a beautiful thing. Of course while we are here we must still work for it and ask for it. It shouldn't feel like pressure. It should be a pleasure.

I'm trying not to resist this gift. I'm trying to let go of these conditions. Thry reappear everyday. Clearly I have to work harder. Still it is no pressure. It just takes more effort than I am giving.

God is so amazing and thoughtful that he structured it through levels. This Allows us to take our time and truly enjoy the journey.

A journey that has not limits or ending.

That is if Dan Bowman's message was wrong! :shock:


Re: Reckoning with our minds

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 5:06 pm
by Geoff
tiffanyo wrote: Wed Jul 08, 2020 2:30 pm That is if Dan Bowman's message was wrong! :shock:

I totally and absolutely reject the notion that the Celestial Heavens have closed. I think Dan better change his cool-aid.


Re: Reckoning with our minds

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 5:09 pm
by Geoff
BethM wrote: Wed Jul 08, 2020 10:56 am If you are honest with yourself, you covet these conditions within you. You see them as strengths. You see them wisdom. You see them as perception. To some degree they are all three.
Dera Beth,

I absolutely LOVED this message. I had not seen it before. But I had already come to the conclusion that the parts of me that I probably value the most are likely to be the sources that are hardest to shift. And I have identified them, but of course cannot really say how much effect or change I have made. But I am totally determined to make every change that I can.


Re: Reckoning with our minds

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 4:16 pm
by AlFike
Lovely sharing Tiffany, your heart is full of wisdom and strength. Because we don't see the delicate unfolding of our souls as a daily occurrence, we lose patience and judge ourselves as unworthy. Yet you, Beth, Geoff and all us other Divine Love folks continue to forge ahead in prayer and faith. I don't believe that this impetus is forged solely from our minds. Instead, our soul desires bring that much needed fire to our bellies, yearning for God and the healing of our inner selves. No matter the pitfalls ( and I have had many over the years) God brings us back to His embrace and comforts us with Love. What else in life is so consistent and reliable ? Yes, we are blessed with an eternal journey which will first bring our minds in harmony with our souls and with that the fireworks begin. Patience, perseverance and faith are the cornerstone to knowing God's transforming love and blessings. Even those who in their minds see no easy road ahead will receive what is intended and undeniable. The laws of Love dictate no other outcome if one decides to take this path forward in prayer. My prayer for all of us is that we will overcome our barriers and see with the eyes of our souls what is plainly true and active within our souls. I'll add this old Gem from Padgett in response to your post Tiffany. Much love.......Al

St. James says that Mr. Padgett will soon get relief from worry.
October 31st, 1916

Received by James Padgett

Washington D.C.

I am here James the apostle.

When you are weakest, then are you strongest, because then you rely more on the power and help of the Father. Such has been your condition tonight, and I want to tell you that you have received a wonderful amount of the Father’s Love, and the love of the Master. This I tell you because I know from what I actually have seen. So you should not let your worries trouble you so much. Try to think more of the promises of the Master and of the Love of the Father, and you will realize that help is very near you.

We are all here tonight because we are interested in you and want to see you happy, and you should be so; and if you could only know the love that is surrounding you, you would cease to worry so much. The Master has told you that your worries will leave you soon and you must believe him, for it is true.

I know this, and I can only corroborate what he says, so that you must not continue to let these temporary troubles keep you in such a condition of gloom and despondency. I will not write more tonight. Your brother in Christ,

James the Apostle.

This message is a composite of two, being published in Volume II on page 162 and Volume III on page 334. For more details see this page.

Re: Reckoning with our minds

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2020 8:31 am
by Susan
I love that message Beth!

Oh the mind... :? We've been so conditioned in our world to use and value it as our main lifeline. It's a challenge to instead focus toward the soul. Lately, I have been working on allowing God to help me in this department, changing my mind-lead life to the soul-lead life. Part of it for me, is being willing to acknowledge where I am rigid, to admit there are parts of me which might be in error and in need of some pruning. It's hard to do that sometimes, especially when you think you are right. 8-) But I do believe there is so much growth to be had when we humble ourselves before God and say, please Father, your Will be done. You know what's best. Help me to release these things that don't serve me. Help me to release these things that are in error or out of harmony with your Will and show me how to be lead by my soul. And when I feel resistance to something, triggered in some way, instead of digging in my heels and readying myself for a battle, help me to choose compassion and send out love, instead of anger, fear, or blame.

As I stated above, it has been shown to me that I have some areas in my being that I tend to be stubborn and rigid, living in this mind-lead state. It causes me to feel resistance and/or retreat, among other things. In this state, I'm not able to shine my light or be an open channel for God to use. So it has helped me to imagine myself as a mighty river, fed by God's Love. As the river, I am fluid. As the river, I am powerful. As the the river, I move where the Father leads, shifting according to His Will, depositing that which I no longer need. As the river, I feed and nourish the land and life around me.

I believe, focusing on this metaphor has helped me experience growth in my soul. It has allowed God to make me more aware of the places I need His healing and pruning, in order to live out my highest potential for His plan. Of course, I am a work in progress on this path. But I hope God is able to use me in big ways, as I learn how to live more from my soul than my mind. I share this in hopes that others may be inspired to open up to God's Will and focus on living more from the soul than the mindful conditions the current world promotes. Love and hugs to all! :D

Re: Reckoning with our minds

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 8:37 am
by AlFike
Beautifully said Susan. I want to join you in that river. A whole party of us drifting in our inner tubes joined together in raucous laughter and feeling the joy of God's love shining down on us. LETS GO!......much love......Al

Re: Reckoning with our minds

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 11:30 am
by BethM
Susan wrote: Sat Jul 11, 2020 8:31 am So it has helped me to imagine myself as a mighty river, fed by God's Love. As the river, I am fluid. As the river, I am powerful. As the the river, I move where the Father leads, shifting according to His Will, depositing that which I no longer need. As the river, I feed and nourish the land and life around me.
I love this!! :D :D

Re: Reckoning with our minds

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 7:48 am
by karenjeanlyons
I love the metaphor Susan described as well. I have a similar one of floating in the ocean although hers is more like a journey and I love that aspect. While at the retreat in Hawaii, I was floating in the ocean and thinking how it was like letting go and letting God, being in the flow, and then this song came to my mind. One of my favorites. Thought I would share.

Re: Reckoning with our minds

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2020 7:45 pm
by Eva
Thank you Beth for sharing and everyone for your insightful comments.

As has been mentioned, one reason for our mind preoccupation is the influence of the world to which we have been subjected from our birth, through our years of schooling and during our adult years. While we can't totally leave the world, we are not to be of the world -- decrease its influences on our lives. Here is another metaphor that may be helpful.

We are all on a path to a destination -- the Divine Love path leading to God's Celestial Kingdom. That means we are pilgrims, not permanent residents in this world. We are passing through the world, but are not of the world -- not identifying with its values, goals or where it is going.

Like the faithful pilgrims of old referred to in the book of Hebrews, we have God's promises to look forward to and are walking in faith toward them -- each day getting a little closer. This faith journey is a soul journey.
Heb 11:13 All these people ... only saw [the things promised] and welcomed them from a distance. And they admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth.
Heb 11:14 People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own.
Heb 11:15 If they had been thinking of the country they had left [our old ways of life], they would have had opportunity to return.
Heb 11:16 Instead, they were longing for a better country—a heavenly one [God's Celestial Kingdom]. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God [and Father], for he has prepared a city for them [with indescribably beautiful habitations!]

Last night I came across the following video by the spiritual teacher Caroline Myss and found some of the things she said quite meaningful in relation to our spiritual journey, DL community and prayer.

And here is some encouragement from the apostle Paul:
2Corinthians 4:15 All this is for your benefit, so that the grace [understanding of the Divine Love] that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.
2Co 4:16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away [as we age and are subject to the world's influences], yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day [through the Divine Love transforming our souls].
2Co 4:17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.
2Co 4:18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

As long as we are walking on the path, praying for God's Love, and acting in accordance with the Love transforming our souls, we cannot fail.
